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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1903)
A CARD. If you have been one of the many who have been disappointed in not getting waited upon during the rush of the past week we offer you an apology We are arranging our stock so that you may be entertained while with us, and assure you that each visit will give you new surprises. Since your previous visit we have opened many new lines mentioned elsewhere, and the goods will be used as leaders duridg this closing out sale. Thanking you for punt patronage we remain, Very Truly, R. E. BRYAN & SON. poll County Observer Who will be Queen? Village School Shoes are the best. Bost goods at lowest prices at Dod sou's. Who has the Village School Shoe? 8. C. Dodson. Postmaster Frank Lucas and W. E. Bridwell, a grocery merchant of Mon mouth, were in Dallas on a business errand, Tuesday. Mr. Henry VanMoss and Miss Bortha Howe, of this city, were married iu Salem last Friday, Rev. W. C. Kantner officiating. Rov. J. It. G. Russell will preach at Bridgeport next Saturday night and Sunday. There will also bo sorvices at the Dallas Baptist Church, Sunday. Lewis Campbell and family, of Abilene, Kansas, are visiting at the home of his cousin, J. M. Campbell, in this city. They may decide to locate hero. "Strength and vigor come of good food, duly digested. 'Force', a ready-to-sorvo wheat and barley food, adds no burden, but sustains, nourishes, invigorates." John Hughes, a pioneer business man of Salem, died Saturday, agod 72 years. He was an Indian War veteran, having fought in the Yakima Indian war under Captain Bennett. Governor Chamberlain has an nounced his appointment of J. W. Baker, a Democrat, of Cottage Grove, as State Game Wardon, to succeed Hon. L. W. P. Quimby, the present Republican incumbent, to take effect on July 1st. Dr. E. J. Howard, formerly of Cory don, Iowa, has located in Dallas for the practice of his profession, and is fitting up neat office rooms upstairs in the Uglow building. The Doctor's family is in Salom, whore his daughters are attending school, and will not come to Dallas until about the middlo of June. W. G. Wright, a former Dallas boy, and now a prominent mining expert and assayor of Grant's Pass, visitod friends in the city over Sunday, lie sides attending to his regular office duties, Mr. Wright does special work for a large Eastern mining company, and when in Dallas was on his way home from a trip to New York City. He reports his father and mother, who are also residents of Grant's Pass, to bo enjoying good health. He notices many changes and improvements in Dallas, and is surprised at the rapid growth made by the city in the last few years. Cass Riggs, of McCoy, was a Dallas visitor, Tuesday. Rov. J. C. Cook will nrnn.fh nr. reall next Sunday afternoon at 3 O UIOCK. W. V. Fuller, the real estate and timber dealer, was a Portland visitor, Tuesday. Does S. C. Dodson keen the Villace School Shoes. No. He can't keep tnem, tney sell too fast. Good swale pasture for horses and cattle. Enquire of A. G. Rempel, Polk Station. Address, Dallas. On April 27, there were advertised letters in the Dallas postoffioe for Mrs. Mary McDonald. Mrs. Mav Moor. John Donner, Tom Simmons, and J. A. Downer (3).' C. G. Coad, Post- mastor. C. H. Hoberg, for many years a resident of Albany, visited his niece, Mrs. D. M. Metzger, this week. He was on his way to Wisconsin, where ho will make his home. The Ladies' Professorship Associa tion of Dallas College will meet at the home of Mrs. Riddle tomorrow after noon at 2 :30 o'clock. Business of im portance is to be transacted, and a full attendance of members is desired. W. P. Elmore, the Prohibition can didate for Congressman, spoke to a small but appreciative audience at the courthouse Wednesday evening. Mr. Elmore is president of the Bank of Brownsville, and a most worthy citizen. Harry Hyde and wife who have been residing at Hoquiam, Wash., the past three months, have moved to Portland, Mrs. Hyde coming up to visit with her parents over Sunday before starting into housekeeping in Portland. Sheridan Sun. A. L. Stow returned Monday after noon from Dallas where he has been visiting the pastfew days. He reports business lively at Dallas. The new railroad being built at that place is causing a demand for teamsters. Mc Minnville News. The Rickreall public school closed a successful year's work with appro priate commencement exercises last Thursday and Friday evenings. The graduates, six in number, all acquitted themselves creditably, and the alumni banquet was highly enjoyable. A large number of Dallas people attend ed the exercises each evening. H. C. Seymour, who has so successfully conducted the school, will teach a Summer term at Hebo, Tillamook county. His assistant, Miss Dora Roy, will have employment in the office of County School Superintendent C. L. Starr during vacation, MISS PERCiVAL LEADS Friends of Independence Young Lady Come to the Front With 800 Votes This Week. A gain of 800 votes in one wfifik in the handsome showing of Miss Pearl rercivai, Independence's candidate for Carnival Queen. Misa Perciv&l ia now In the lead, her nearest competitor Deing nearly 100 behind in the race. All the leading candidates made sub stantial gains this week, and from now on the contest will be a. swift nnrl exciting one. The vote this week Is as M 1 ioiiows : Miss Pearl Percival 811 Miss Laura Brown 719 Mrs. Annv Dunn rro. Mrs. G. N. Cherrincton 221 Miss Nannie Starr 168 The vote on Pace ts : Harry Madison 60 Laird Woods 68 Maurice Dalton 57 Harold Hart 22 EarlShultz 15 Bids on Etands shown in the official plat will be received up to May 16, at a p. m. Candidates for the weddinsr are still wanting. Come, boys, brace up, and taKe tne opportunity you have been waiting for, and get $50 worth of 1 nanusome presents as wen. Parties havinef beds to rent will piease can and list same with J. B. Thompson or Charles Baker. Excursion rates will be chareed bv the railroad company at the usual one ana one-third rate. Woodman teams of not less than 13 can cret a round trip of one fare. On Thursday, June 4, special trains will be run from Portland. Hon. W. H. Holmes, of Salem, will deliver the occasional address on Pioneer Day. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nichols visited relatives in McMinnville, Sunday. Oscar Bryan, of Kansas City, Missouri, is a guest of his cousin, E. J. Bryan. The Modern Woodmen, of Suver, will hold their annual picnic at Bid der's grove, May 28. Independence is making prepara tions for celebrating the Fourth of July on an elaborate scale. The Woodman Circle and the Balls- ton public school will hold a picnic at Ballston grove, Friday, May 29. Read the Observer's "Wanted" and 'For Sale" column. There may be something in it that will interest you, The ruins of the Little Palace Hotel are being cleared away, and a large new hotel will take its place. Land lord Stark is a rustler, and is not in the least discouraged by his recent loss. The Falls City column will hereafter be a regular feature of the Observer, Our correspondent there has a good "nose for news," and the happenings of that enterprising town will be faith fully chronicled. Edson's Uncle Tom's Cabin Com pany played to capacity business at the City Hall on Monday evening. This ancient play has lost none of its drawing power, and people still fall over each other at the box-office to pay for the privilege of seeing the dogs chase Eliza across the ice. The Willamette Valley Ghoral Union will hold their annual Festival at Eugene May 12th to 14th. Tickets at reduced rates from all points on the Oregon Lines of the Southern Pacific Company will be sold May 11th to the 14th inclusive, return limit May 15th, 1903. Sh Greatest Display of irt Waists In The History Of The Town. The extensiveness of the Variety of Styles, and the ex clusiveness of the Ideas, will at once impress upon every one the fact that for Choice, this collec tion is Second To None in the Valley "Not what you hit, but what you aim at is import ant," said an old philosopher. We aim to hit the Shirt Waist tastes of all the ladies in this vicinity, and we are doing it. We aim to give you Better Quality and Style than your money will buy anywhere else. We're doing that too. Make it a point to ask for our "Crown" Waists when at the store, and you will see the most pro gressive ideas in ready-to-wear garments shown this season. & J- Butterick Patterns for May are now here, taken for The Delineator. Orders f "B .VI THE ee Hive" Store I. O. 0. F. Block, Dallas, Oregon. OLD MEN SANQ WELL Veterans' Double Quartet, of Port land. Delighted Large Dallas Audience. The Veterans' Double Quartet, of Portland, was greeted by a house crowded to overflowing at College Chapel last Friday evening. The peo ple expected to be entertained, and they were not disappointed. The singers more than "made erood." and all were delighted with the excellent program rendered. These old eontle men are all well-known residents of Portland, and sing for the love of music, and that alone. Thcv came to Dallas to sing for the benefit of the Lady Professorship of Dallas Collesre. ana cnargea only their actual travel mg expenses. They were not willinff to accept even this small sum until they had first made sure that the ladies had taken in enough money at the door to more than pay all expenses The program rendered was one of unusual merit, and every number was thoroughly enjoyed. The singing was of a high order of excellence, and the selections ranged from grave to gay And such harmony ! Such a delight ful blending of tones, every voice ringing true and clear as a bell I The performance was little short of marvelous. There are no cracked or quavering voices in the Veterans' Quartet, even though the youngest man in it Is over 60 years of age Every member is an accomplished vocalist. Judge Bullock, the leader or the quartet, sang "The Bos n s Song," and for an encore gave a pleasing little musical oddity, in which he correctly imitated every fowl In the barnyard. The accompaniments were played by Miss E. C. Felt with rare taste and skill. Recitations by Miss Marguerite Shelly, of Portland. gave added pleasure to the entertain ment. The Veterans are the jolliest crowd of old men that have visited Dallas in many a day, and we hope they will come again. The members of the quartet are: Judge S. Bullock, aged 7G. W. S. Powell, aged 71 ; C. W. Tracy, aged 71 ; K. V. Pratt, aged 62 ; C. C. Pratt, aged 69; A. M. Cumming, aged 73; Dr. H. E. Littlefield, aged 61. C. L. Hubbard was ill with lagrippe the first of the week. District Attorney J. N. Hart went to Portland, Wednesday. Rev. I. N. Mulkey, of McCoy, was a county seat visitor, Friday. The newly-elected city officers will take their seats next Monday night. Mrs. Alice Dempsey arrived home Tuesday from a visit with relatives in Portland. Mrs. 0. E. Leet, of Falls City, has gone to Eastern Oregon for the benefit of her health. Mrs. Leet accompanied her as far as Portland. The new tannery building is near- ing completion. The new plant will have twice the capacity of the one de stroyed by fire a few weeks ago. Walter Williams will handle Swet- land's ice cream this season. This cream is the very best made in Port land, and it will doubtless have a large sale here. The immense boot that hangs in front of Gaynor's boot and shoe store has been newly painted and lettered by H. P. Shriver, the house and sign painter. The job is a neat one. Meiser & Melser, next door to the Observeb office, invite the ladies of Dallas to call and inspect their elegant line of new table ware. All the new things in dishes. Van B. Embree left for Eastern Ore gon this week where he will probably engage in photography. Van is a bright boy, and made rapid advance ment in his work under the able tute lage of T. J. Cherrington, the well known Dallas artist L. Gerlinger, president of the Dallas and Falls City railroad, was a Dallas visitor this week. Good progress is being made in the construction of the road. The track-laying gang have passed the summit of the Lee hill, and trains will be running into Falls City within a few weeks. Miss Helen Calbreatlf, of Salem. will visit Dallas in a few days to organize a Lewis and Clark Fair Club among the women of this city. Clubs have been organized in nearly every town of importance in the state, and the women are taking an active interest in making the big Fair a success. PROPOSALS FOR WATER BONDS City of Dallas, Oregon. Proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, until May 80, 1903, at 7:30 o'clock p. m., for the whole or any part of Fif teen Thousand Dollar! of the Water Bonds of the City of Dallas, Oregon, being fifteen bonds in denominations of One Tboupnnd Dollars each, each to be dated June 10, 15)03, payable twenty years from date ana bearing interest at rate to be nxea by tne bidding on nam Donas, not to exceed five per cent, per annum ; interest payable semi-annnally on the 10th day of De cember and the 10th day of June of each year; principal ana lntereat payaoie in i nuea btates Gold Coin at the Banking House of Konntze Brothers, In the City and State of New York. Said bonds will be sold by the City of Dallas, to the highest bidder on May 30, 1903, at S o'clock p. in., and the bidder biddiugthe lowest rale of interest will be deemed the highest bid der, but said bonds will not be sold for leas than their face value, with accumulated interest thereon from the day of their date to the date of delivery. Delivery of said bonds will be made at the office of the City Treasurer of the City of Dallas a follows: Three Thousand Dollars on June IU. 1903; Hix Thousand Uoliars on August 1, 1903; and Six Thousand collars on November 1, 1903. The Council of said City reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Proposals should be marked "Proposals for Water Bonds," and be addressed to Dan P. S too tier, Auditor and Police Judge, Dallas, Polk County, Oregon. DAS P. STOUFFER, Auditor and Police Judge. May 1, 1903. J BUSINESS LOCALS. When a fellow takes his best girl out buggy riding, he wants a nice buggy. Get a Bee Line Buggy, and be suited with appearance, quality and price. Guy Brothers. When you paint a house white you want it white. Caf tor's lead gives the pure-white appearance that you so much admire. We also have a fine line of brushes, and a superior grade of Linseed oil. Guy Brothers. Dr. Hayter, Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. Yankee Hill's Vermont Maple Syrup $1.00 per gallon at Dunn's grocery store. For Sale Cheap : A child's go-cart, nearly as good as new. Mrs. A. B. Muir, Dallas, Oregon. Ladies : For fine millinery and low prices go to Mrs. Smith's. Over Brown & Ellis' store. A prize given with every hat. Santos Coffee, 25 cents per pound, at the White Front Grocery. Once you try it, you will always use it. . SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY and permanently cured by using Uoki Tea, A pleasant herb drink. Cure constipation and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep, work and h tippy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 25 eta. and 60 cts. Belt & Cherrington. Dallas. Oregon. County court next week. Ed. E. Coad, of Buell, was in town Saturday. "The Heights and the Valley," a beautiful story for girls is on sale at Belt & Cherrington's. The author is Miss Zula V. Myer, the talented daughter of Hon. George Myer, of this county. The book is well worth reading, and the price is only 25 cents, C. H. Morris has purchased of Dr. Mark Hayter the dwelling house now occupied by D. A. Madison, and will move the same to the vacant lot north of the Christian church. Mr. and Mrs. Madison will board while Dr. Hayter is building a new house for them on the site of the old one. Girl Wanted. Girl wanted for general housework, E. J. BEYAN, Dallas, Oregon. Belt Lost. A lady's black silk belt, two tabs with buttons on them down the back. Finder please return to this office. Lost. A note bearing date of February 10, 1903, and made in favor of Wm. Kim ble and signed by H. B. Herrin and endorsed by L. Herrin, Finder please return the note to this office. Team Wanted. A heavy work team wanted. to Bryan-Lucas Lumber Co. Apply Registered Durham Bull. Registered Durham bull for service, at Black's livery barn. $1.00. Sheep For Sale. Thirty good sheep for sale at a bur- gain. Mrs. Isal Macomber, near Oak- dale. Plymouth Rock Eggs. Barred Plymouth Hock Eggs; $1 per setting of 13. J. F. Groves, Dallas, Oregon. Residence For Sale. My residence property on the race on Oak Street is for sale at $2400. Lease on same expires June 1. Apply at this office, or to Mrs. A. M. Stump, Salem, Oregon. Shingles For Sale. First-class red cedar shingles for sale. A. Shultz, Dallas, Oregon. Call for Warrants. All Polk county warrants endorsed "presented and not paid for want of funds" prior to August 1, 1901, will be paid upon presentation at my office. Interest on same will cease on and after date of this notice. Dated, Dallas, Oregon, April 17, 1903. E. V. DALTON, ' County Treasurer. For Sale or Trade. 50 acres of unimproved land near Oakdale ; 2 miles from new Falls City railroad. Will sell or trade for im proved tract in Marion county. In quire of A. L. Shreve, Stayton, Ore gon, or H. G. Campbell, Dallas. JPhysician and surgeon E. J. Howard, M. D. Room 8, Uglow Building DALLAS OREGON The Wastes of the Body. Every seven days the blood, muscles and bones of a man of average size loses two pounds of wornout tissue. This waste cannot be replenished and the health and strength kept up with out perfect digestion. When the stomach and digestive organs fail to perform their functions, the strength lets down, health gives way, and disease sets up, Kodol Dyspepsia Cure enables the stomach and digestive organs to digest and assimilate all of the wholesome food that may be eaten into the kind of blood that rebuilds the tissues and protects the health and strength of the mind and body. Eodol cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. It is an ideal spring tonic. Sold by Belt & Cherrington. You Know What You Ars Taking When you take Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic because the formula Is plainly printed on every bottle, showing that It Is simply Iron and Quinine In a taste lass form. Ko Cure. No Par- (Ool 1 1 nfffL Jim Dumps was a most unfriendly man Who lived hia life on a hermit plan. He'd never stop for a friendly smile, But trudged along in his moody styla Till "Force "one day was served to him Since then they call him "Sunny Jim." The Betty-to-flerrt Certs! ft better builder than a vacatioau Neve Tires ef It. "I am considerably advanced towards eighty years of age. I have of late been almost rejuvenated by the use of yonr very excellent preparation, which you have rightly designated as ' Force.' Never tire of it. "E. Cattsbmoli." W-l BEST FOOTWEAR Our big stock of Shoes for Spring and . Summer wear is now here and ready for your inspection fiKEEN WHEELER and UTZ & DUNN'S Ladies' Fine Shoes, in turns, welts and McKay sewed. KEPNER, SCOTT & CO. Misses' and Children's Shoes. GEO. E. KEITH'S Men's, Boys' aud little gents' Walkovers and Orthopedics. The Famous CUTTER LOGGING SHOES. BUCKINGHAM & HECHT'S Men's and Boys' Heavy Shoes. cAll goods direct from the factory, and all up-to-date in style and finish. Our prices are right. Repairing Neatly cDone. J.C. GAYNOR, Dallas, Or. Oil Cloths and LINOLEUMS We have just received another large shipment of Floor Oil Cloths and Linoleums from the largest factory of its kind in the world. A complete assortment of grades and patterns now in stock. PRICES. 30c, 35c, 40c, in Oil Cloths. COc, G5o., 75c. In Figured Linoleums. $1.30 in a fine Inlaid Linoleum. Everything in stock to furnish throughout. Frank J. Chapman, Telephone 133. MILL STREET. FULLER & LAOEY Bayers and Sellers of TIMBER LANDS in large or small tracts. &onden!! Dallas, Oregon 0- r Small Tracts For Sale. 200 ACRES OF LAND to subdivide to suit the purchaser. 1 will sell you 5-10-15-20 or 40 acre tracts out of what is known as the Newton Harris farm, just outside the city limits of Dallas, yet within the Dallas public school district. This is known by all to be a fine body of land, and will make many fine small homes. The prices and terms will suit you. Very truly, H. G. CAMPBELL, Dallas, Oregon. Finn 1 TEE CHEAT DISCOVERY. That takes the place of vit riol. Better in every respect than vitriol, and costs much ess. Wheat or oats dipped in Formaldehvde will never produce smut. Is more con venient to use than vitriol, and eoes farther. BUY IT! TRY IT! Formula used and recommended by Oregon Agricultural College fur nished with every bottle. BELT & CHERRLNGTON CITY DRUa STORE Dallas, - Oregon. SADDLES. I have just received a Fine New Stock of Harness 'and Saddles and invite you to call and examine them as to style, workmanship and price. I have the finest line of saddles ever ehown in Polk county. They are strictly "down-to-date" in every respect. HORSE BLANKETS A bijr assortment prices according to qualiiy all fitted with "Double Sur cingles," a new feature which every horseman will readily appreciate. Come and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. Franfi A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS, ORE. No-To-Bac for Fifty Crnts. Ouai-anteed tobacco babit cure, mikes weell men M rong, h.ood put 6o Si. A 1 druggists)