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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1903)
111 WWW ' 'iff I V'-i-; i i DALLAS, POLK COUNTY, OREGON, MAY 8, 1903 IPtofffl ... .. ( y n ff ifii I fifr lyju jyly lly li , J NO 8. 1 - iii . ; s . i ... I : , . , ,. K ,., t t , . ; H GLOSIN OUT SALE On account of various reasons, but mainly continued ill health, I have de cided to sacrifice my goods here and get into something in which I - will not be so closely confined. Everything Goes Without Reserve HATS, CAPS, LADIES', MEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES 1 LADIES' WAISTS AND MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Many of these lines are just in, and some are still on the road All included in the sale. Many things at less than cost and you don't have to buy $? or $10 worth to get the discount Men's $2.25 Tnts, te close, at $1.75 Men's $1,75 Pants, to close, at $1.15 Men's $3.75 Pants, to close, at $2.50 Ladies Shirt Waists,$1.50 values $1.15 Ladies' Shirt Waists, $1.00 values '. .75 Ladies' and Men's Shoes, $3.00 val.$2.25 SALE COMMENCES FRIDAY, MAY 8 This Is Your Chance To Get New Merchandise AT Your Price SALE PRICES CASH D0D50N; Racket Store Dallas, Or. X&7 AGNER BROS, ABRY a cqte VW PP Single Shove flows, Dpuble Shovel. Plows, Wirig Shovel PJovs, yiYe-Tpoj,'h Cultivators, pijjo Cultivators, Peg Tooth Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Pise Harrows, reversible with Extension Head. ; ::::::::: : AH kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to cultivate a hopyard or orchard. COR. OAK nd MAIN STREETS. DALLAS, OREGON. N - wanOr sdel, Hayes & Co. Ifteal Estate ! B .1, (upstairs) Wilson Building, FARMS, STOCK RANCHES, TIMBER LANDS and CITY PROPERTY. YOU WILL FIND IT TO YOUR ADVANTAQS TO LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH 08. Dallas Ore. aquarte WALL PAPER in Wall Paner and All inG late and siyusu ucoino r- C Borders, direct from the East, can now be found at our V store, and the Drices are lower than ever before. You are invited to call and inspect our beautiful line of PICTURE FRAME MOULDING. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES AND GLASS Constantly on Hand. L. D. DANIEL, I LULL STREET. DALLAS, CUE TTOBNEY AT LAW. ' A' " Ospar liyter. Upstairs. xi) CflippfteH lwttMng. MM St BALSAS, OREGON. TTOBNBYS AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin. The only reliable set of Abstracts in Polk county. Office on Court St DALLAS, OREGON. A' TTORNEY AT LAW Julius N. Hart Office upstairs in Osfleld Building. Koona 1. DALLAS, OREGON. TTORNKT AT LAW. Butler & Coad. Office over Dallas City Bank. DALLAS, OREGON. ENTIST. 1 M. Hayter, Office over Wilson's Drug Store DALLAS, OREGON. HYSICAN AND SURGEON. L, N. Woods, M. D., Does general practice In any part of of the county. Office on Mill street, DALLAS, OREGON. HYSICIAN AND BURGEON. T. V. B. Embree, Office Upstairs in Osfield Building. DALLAS, OREGON. R. C. Craven, Pres. R. E. Williams, Cashier. D ills.: C i t j hiL Exchanges bought and sold on all points. Special attention paid to collections. Wm. muscott, TrncIiBian, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. , DALLAS OREGON. MAYOR'S MESSAGE Gentlemen of the Council: " The charter of the city of Dallas makes it theduty of the Mayor to annually, at the first regular meeting in the month of May of each year, com municate by message to the Council a general statement of the condition of the affairs of the municipal cor poration, and to recommend the adoption of such measures as he may deem expedient and proper. Owing to the excellent charter and code of city laws under which we are working: to the prosperous con dition in which the city finds itself financially, and to the DroffreHsive course pursued by the Council just retiring, the affairs of the city are today in a tar more satisfactory condition than at any former time in. the. history oft Dallas, and it would seem as if little remains to be suggested in the way of changes or improvement. Dallas occupies a proud place in ine ranks of progressive Oregon towns.-, iier business men are prospering: herl manufacturing in stitutions are all running on full time, and finding a ready sale for tneir products; substantial new business blocks adorn her main thoroughfares, and prospects for great activity in the building line in the immediate future are bright; handsome churches and school buildings testify ' more eloquent- tnan words to the moral and in tellectual tone of the city; neat, and in man v. instances costlv and palatial homes, grace her residence streets; labor finds steady employ ment at remunerative wages; rail road and mail facilities are constantly being improved; new industries are projected, and im portant public improvements hav ing for their object the health and convenience of the people are under way A The railroad to Falls Citv. secured through the tireless energy ot our neoole. and now nearins completion,- will open to the markets of the world the largest and best body of timber on the Pacific Coast, and will: eventually make Dallas a lumber manufacturing town of the first rank. In the light of all these conditions, it is not surprising that our population is increasing at a rate little dreamed of by the' earlier residents of the It lies within the power of the Council to perform an important part in promoting the general prosperity and upbuilding of Dallas. The duty is yours, gentle men, to take the lead in the work of; making the city attractive to men who have capital to invest to men who will come here and establish mills and factories and stores and all the business enter prises that go to make up a pro gressive, modern town. To you is entrusted the work of securing the peace and good order of the city, and of guarding well the health of its inhabitants; of keeping the streets and sidewalks in repair; of providing an abundant supply of water for domestic use ;and for the protection1 of public and private property from the ravages of fire; of managing the financial affairs of the city in such a manner as to keep the rate of taxation at the lowest possible figure consistent with progress and the needs of an enterprising people, it this course is pursued, beneficial results will be sure to follow. CITY WATER WORKS. Early in September of last year the Council took up a matter of vital of importance tothecity that of water-works. ; H. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, appeared before the Council and submitted a proposition to build a system of water-works and to operate the same under a lease from the city. The plan was thoroughly discussed and consider ed by the Council, with the result that the ordinance committee was instructed to meet with Mr. Gates and prepare an ordinance looking to the acceptance of his proposition. The ordinance was prepared upon terms agreeable both to the city and Mr. Gates, and was passed on the I7th day of September, 1902. The ordinance then went into the hands cf the Mayor, and was ap proved by that officer on the 24th day of September, 1902. This ordinance has been published several times, -and has-been -so thoroughly discussed by the people of Dallas that every member of the present Council is doubtless familiar with its provisions, and no detailed explanation of its terms or contents is necessary at this time. A special election was called to be held early in October asking ths people to grant authority to the Council to sell bonds to the amount of $12,000 for the purpose of carrying out the terms of the ordinance. This$12,000 was all to be used towards paying for the water plant, and no. pro- TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY ; Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W, Grove's signature Is ob each box. 25c vision was made for issuing bonds in excess of this amount, as it was then believed by the Council that little or no difficulty would be ex perienced in obtaining the necessary rights-of-way and water rights from persons owning land along the proposed conduit line from the city to Canyon Creek.' Ihe Council proceeded on the theory that the expense of securing these rights would be nominal, and that they had the right to pay the same out of the general fund of the city This position proved to be erroneous, as it was afterwards found that all moneys used in any way in the construction of a water plant must be raised by issuing bonds of the city. Upon consulting legal ad visers, it was also found that the law of Oregon provides that where it is necessary to condemn land, or water, or water rights for municipal purposes, no action for such con demnation can be brought therefor by the city until authority therefor is obtained from the taxpayers by a special election called for that purpose. As the Council had already encountered opposition in the work of securing rights-of-way from certain land owners, and no agreement could be reached as to the value of the land sought to be appropriated, but one course re mained open to the city, and that was to bring actions against these parties for ihe ' desired rights. The city was unable to bring these actions in the December term of Circuit Court, for the reason that the time was too short to allow the required notice of election to be given. Then came the Winter season, and all work on the project was abandoned until early in March of the present year. The Council then took the matter in hand again, and ordered another bond election this time asking for $12,000 to be paid to Mr. Gates for the water plant, and an additional $3,000, or bo much thereof as might be necessary, for the purpose of purchasing and acquiring the need ed rights-of-way and water rights. At the same time a special tax payers' election was called, asking authority to begin condemnation proceedings where a peaceful settle ment could not be reached. These elections were held on the day of regular annual city election, and resulted in the bonds being voted and the Council being authorized to begin condemnatory proceedings. The work of securing the right-of way for the pipe line was then taken up again and carried on earnestly and vigorously. Rights-of-way have been secured from the following-named property owners at a nominal cost to the city: WY H. Kraber, Robert Howe, David Hubbard, Oliver Dennis, Castle & Shaw. The only persons with whom the Council has been unable to reach a satisfactory settlement are Reuben P. Boise and Mrs. M. JE. Hallock, and against these persons actions have been filed in the Circuit Court and will be tried at the com ing May term. If a favorable ver dict is reached in these cases, the city will have fulfilled its part of the contract in so far as the right- of-way is concerned, and the con tractor will be enabled to begin at once the construction of ihe plant. The city hasexercised thegreatest precaution in every step taken in the matter of securing water-works, in order that the same may be in strict accordance with the provisions of the charter and the laws of the state regulating such improvements, and skilled counsel has been em- Aert Chest Pains From 'Tobacco Heart." Valvular Heart Dis ease Threatened. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Cured Me. The effect of excessive smoking shown by such symptoms as heart pains heartburn, smothering spells, shortness of breath, flut tering and palpitation, is most serious. If vour heart is in arv way affected you should at once begin tU. use of Lr. Miles' Heart Cure which enriches the blood, regulates the heart's action azi improves the circulation. "I em a local newspaper man and have been an inveterate smoker sines my boyhood. A lit;le over a year ago I first noticed svmptora of hiart trouble, o il pita tion an I acu e pai is and a p:culiar, I might siy, indescribable feelinf across ray chest Local physicians said 1 had 'tobacco heart. I quit smokin? for a while and took regular dose- of digitalis and belladjna with some relief but t!i same old symptoms were still th?r. A iriend of mine herj recently died of what the doc'or said was valvular disease of the hear, Knowing that his symptoms were similirto mine I felt thit rny time too was limited, altnoujh I am still young min, in my t'nnty ninth year. In Skillmaa S: Stone's dru. store here Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure wis recommended. 1 oegan taking it and I can positively state that its effect is marvelous. I have just finished my third bottle and feel like a 'kid' and believe I im cured. This letter is the spontaneous utterance of one who wishes to thank yoa for ben-fits receive!" WC N'. GrMT, Seattle, Wash., formerly of Spokane, Wash. A!T drag;its sell and guarantee first bot tle I r. MJe Rem-dies. Send for free book. c NfTOi a' 1 Heart lseas. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkiiart, lad. ployed to represent the city's interest in the trial of the two actions now pending in the Circuit Court. In pursuing a steady and unswerving course to the end that the town may be supplied with an abundance of wholesome mountain water, the Council is obeying the will of the people as clearly ex pressed in two elections, and no thoughtof rest should beentertained by this body until the proposed plans are carried cut and the water plant becomes actual reality. In the work of carrying out this great and much needed improve ment, the city officers will have the hearty approval and loyal support of a large majority of the citizens of Dallas. STREET IMPROVEMENT. Much work is needed in the way of street improvement, and . the Committee on Streets should give the same their immediate attention. A number of the side streets that have never been improved in any manner should be brought to the proper grade and thoroughly gravel ed, arid some of our main traveled thoroughfares are in need of repair Many sidewalks in the city are also in a state of dilapidation, and should be placed in asafecondition at once. When a sidewalk with a missing or broken board is found, the owner or occupant of the premises should be required to re place the same without delay. The Street Commissioner should make frequent inspections of all walks in the city, and see that the same are kept in good repair. By exercising a careful supervision over all side walks and crosswalks, the possibility of damage suits for broken or fractured limbs will be reduced to the minimum. The gravel taken from the bed of LaCreole Creek is not of the . best quality for street work, and soon wears out when placed on the streets where traffic is heavy. How ever, it will be necessary to use this gravel until a better quality is found, or until such time as the city shall be able to purchase a rock-crusher. It might be well for the Street Commissioner and the Committee on Streets to try the experiment of screening this gravel, in order to free it from all dirt, trash and sediment before placing it on the streets. The cost of handling it in this way would be slightly greater than at present, but the increased lasting qualities of screened gravel over the mixture now in use would doubtless more than pay for the extra labor and money expeuded in preparing it for use. CITY ORPINAKCES. The general ordinances of the city were revised by the Council two years ago, and so thoroughly was the work done that but few new laws have since been found necessary, and no change , of im portance has been uade in the laws placed upon the city statute books at that time. Prior to the time this work was done, the ordinances of the city were for the greater part in an unsatisfactory condition. Many of them were loosely drawn and carelessly worded; in some instances two ordinances covering the same ground were to be found, both having the same object in view and yet differing widely as to the method pursued in attain ing the desired result; in somecasee the ordinances were in direct con flict with the charter, and numerous crimes against the peace and good order of the city could not be reached at all. The ordinance com mittee, under the direction . of the Council and aided by the City Attoruey, spent several months in revising the ordinances, retaining what they considered good, cutting out all that were lame or objection able, and formulating new laws where necessity seemed to require. The numerous criminal ordinances were gathered together, revised, amended, and placed in one ordi nance; the nuisance ordinances in another; the license ordinances in another, and so on down the line, thus cutting down the number of laws nearly or quite one-half. The new and amended general law were recorded in a book furnished to the Auditor for that purpose, and are kept entirely separate and apart from the special sidewalk and street improvement ordinances, and in their present shape are con venient for reference. I would recommend that each new member of the Council give these ordinance? a careful reading in order that he may become thoroughly familiar with the laws under which the city is working. While these ordinances would be much more accessible and con venient for reference if printed in book form, I would not advise that they be ordered printed at this time, as the demand for such publi cation would hardly justify the ex pense that would be incurred in THE OLD REUABLE .3 AbsoIutcTyfPuro THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE SICK HEADACHE ABSOLUTELY and permanently cured by using Mokl Tea. A pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation and Indigestion, makes you eat, steep, work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed or money back. 23 cts. and 60 cts. Belt & Cbcrrlngton, Dallas, Oregon. carrying out the work. At some future time, however, when the condition of our finances will war rant, it would be well for the Council to provide for the publication of the general ordinances in pamphlet form for public distribution, in order that the people may have the same for handy reference and thus become more familiar with the city's laws. marshal's salary. The attention of the Council is called lo the salary paid to the City Marshal. This salary is clearly inadequate, when the duties per formed by that officer are taken in to consideration. The salary was fixed by the Council at a lime when Dallas was a much smaller city than at present, and at a time when the services of a Marshal ' were not required for more than one-half the number of hours that are now required. Dallas is one among the lew towns in Uregon that have no night-watchman, and it is in the afternoon and evening that the services of a police officer are most needed. And whileoffend ers are to be promptly apprehended and punished for their misdoings, the peace and good order of a city depends in a gre ater degree upon the alertness and efficiency of its, police officers in keeping the city free from the criminal element. The officer who does his whole duty is not the one who contentshimself merely by placing under arrest those persons who commit crimes, but is the one who is vigilant in keeping the city clear of lawless characters; who makes it his busi ness to see that the laws are properly observed, and who visits all places where disorderly scenes are likely to occur and by bis presence exerts a restraining influence upon those who are inclined to create a dis turbance. Such an officer is worthy of his hire, and I would recommend that the ordinance defining the duties of the City Marshal and fix ing his compensation therefor be so amended as to increase the effective ness of the night service, and that his salary be placed at a figure more nearly commensurate to the work performed. The condition of the city's finances and the extent, of its resources at the present time will not permit any large in crease, but a reasonable monthly salary for that officer is hereby suggest'd. NUISANCE ORDINANCE. The nuisance ordinance of Dallas covers a wide scope, and under its provisions cleanliness and neatness can be strictly enforced. Its terms, are not harsh or unjust, but under its operations it is possible to make Dallas a clean town, so far as the removal of loose filth and rubbish is concerned. I would especially urge upon the Marshal and the Committee on Health and Police the importance of seeing that this ordinance is strictly enforced. The streets should be kept clwir of rub bish and refuse vegetable matter, and ash-heaps, manure-piles and trash and decayed fruits and vege tables in the back yards and in the rear of business houses should be conspicuous by their absence. Now, that the Summer season is approaching, it would seem to be in order to suggt st that a general (Contiuued on Fourth Pago.) Played Out. DYSPEPSIA CAN BE CURED BY using Acker's Dyspepsia Teblets. One ltttit Tablet will give Immediate relief or monej refunded. Sold In handsome tin boxi.i at 23 cents. Belt & Cherrlngton, Dallas, Oregon. Dull Headache, Pains in various parts of the body Sinking at the Pit of the Stomach, Ioss of Appetite, Feverlshness. Pimples or Sores are all positive evidences of impure blood. No matter how It be came bo, It must be'purldtd In order to obtain good health. Acker's Blood Elixir has never failed to cure Scrofulous or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood diseases. It Is certainly a wonderful remedy and we sell every bottle on a posi tive guarantee. Belt & Chtrrlngton. Dal las, Oregon. EXPERIENCE IS THE BEST teacher. Use Acker's English Remedy In any case of coughs, cold or croup. Should It fall to ir've Immediate relief money re funded. 25 cts. and 50 cts. Belt & Cher rlngton, Dnllas. Oregon. ACKEIt'3 DYSPEPSIA TABLETS are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raUing of tha food, dUtresa uflur eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives Immediate relief. 23 eta. . and SO eta. Belt & Cherrlngton, Dallas, Oregon, ... I