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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1883)
Bro. T. M. Morgan writes us that can to make this the grandest year in our history We started out this he is preaching for five congrega tions, building houses and harvest- that paltry sum for a great brotherhood mg? six hundred thousand strong to Bro. M. is able to do so much raise. If we would raise as much preaching amidst other duties per member as the Moravians do, our income would be over$3,0()0,00(). We can raise the sum proposed with case.-if ftll will give as the Lord has prospered them. If we sow bountifully, we shall reap also bountifully ; but if we sow sparing ly, we shall reap also sparingly. God has blessed our efforts thus far beyond all that wTe had expected. He has led us by ways out into Bro. P. R. Burnett will begin a fields that we would not have meeting in Dallas on Friday even chosen; but the results have shown ing, September 7th, to continue over that his ways are better than our Lord’s day. ways and his thoughts than our Bro. J. P. Easter, late of Kansas, thoughts. There are great doors of usefulness open to us now ; and if but now of Hillsboro, is entering we have suitable men and money into the work in earnest. We are to sustain them we could do a glad to learn of his success. Our readers will please remember that Bro. N. Cheetham, of Waits burg, W. T., becomes our State Evangelist for six months, begin ning October 1st. PERSONAL MENTION. Bro G. 0. Burnett, who has been visiting in Oregon for some months, preached for the brethren in Port land on the 4th Lord’s day in August, and on the following Mon day started for his home in Cali fornia. Bro. B. will now repair to the State Meeting and make that speech. Sister Delaunay, the wife of our missionary in Paris, has come to this country to visit her relatives in Canada. K Gay Waters, who for some time was traveling agent for the Chris- tian-Evangelist, quietly disappears from its columns and connects him self with a political paper of that city, the Post Dispatch ; and-------- Bro. J. Durham and that better Bro. W. H. Adams and family “ three-fourths ” of him are m ak i ng an have returned from tlieir vacation interesting department in behalf of at the sea-side to their home in California. We knew we were not Portland,fin good health. deceived in appointing them to this work. Bro. T. F. Campbell has located Bro. H. M. Waller preached at with the church at Springfield, Mo. Corvallis last Lord’s day. The as its regular preacher. brethren are thinking of making an effort to organize a church there. noon. Here we made connection with the boat for Seattle, which reaches that city in about two hours is a very beautiful sheet of water and carries the largest going sea vessels. It is without doubt one of the best harbors on the Pacific coast. A steam-boat ride over this Sound is very pleasant indeed, and the v i e w of the- Hwrrowndtngs -on either side is very fine ; and it grows simply grand as one nears the ‘ city of Seattle, which beginning at the beach and rising in terrace like Bro, R. Graham, President of the College of the Bible, Lexington, Ky., his been visiting among the churches during vacation, and this is a part of what he has to s^yin a card to us : “T am more and "more impressed with the importance of ;ay ine c^s re 3Ur were in the city the brethren- took charge of us, giving'us a hearty welcome and making us feel at home in their miiLst..-On Lord’s day morning we met with the brethrerrin their Sunday-school in the Y. M. C. A. hall in which the brethren have been holding their meetings since £uj»t organized. In the evening wo preached to a good jie congregation of attentive and intel- led listeners in the hall. It was ar. the intention of the brethren when ,er they learned of our proposed visit jes to Seattle, to complete their house tun worship and have us dedicate it ,ru_ on the 4th Lord’s day; but our ar- irn rival a week too early somewhat lC(> frustrated their plans in this respect, rij. As the new house was not in a con- or dition to be occupied that week, and os^ the hall was not thought to be* a Op suitable place for a protracted effort, Bre it was thought best to preach but ^*1 one more discourse in the hall, which ik- we did on following Thursday tle evening to a reasonably good au- diencc. The brethren at Seattle, of though weak both numerically and Us financially, have done exceedingly y’^ well in building their house of wor- uit ship. They have a central location, on and in our judgment, one of the )Ce very best in the city. It is easy of us access from al’ parts of the city, and for ' its surroundings are such as to place i)(] ! it on an equal footing in most re- >ur spccts so far as outward ad- lot, vantages are concerned, with the ng ( denominational churches. In build- e<l ' ing up a congregation in a dity a et] ; great deal depends on a suitable lo- .r. 1 cation for the house, and the breth-