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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1883)
CHRISTIAN HERALD ren of Seattle wisely had an eye other able writers were discussing disregard the teaching of the New sion to do what Paul says they are not allowed to do, in the churches. single to this fact in selecting jtheir the same important question. Testament and the practice of the This statement of Paul’s is not an lot. Their house is neitheir large About that time the following primitive churches in reference to accident or error; it is not an iso Awb is said to be one editorial note appeared in our this matter, or to deter true men lated remark of his on this subject; xif (Lui from jlacing the subject in nor is it an obscura» or equivocal of the neatest intlie city and will neighbof^CIie TcWWi! OA umj A News.- its proper light before theTpeopTy" statement^ meet all present demands, and is so Some of our exchanges are dis Until the subject becomes ' too of moment, at the translation. At constructed as to have additions ctiming the old hackneyed theme the thirtyfifth verse, he says, “ For built to it as soon as practicable. of Women speaking in the Church. “ hackneyed ” for the apostle Paul it is shameful for a woman to speak It is astonishing how terribly to 'handle, we shall feel proud of i - Its size is 28 by 44, and has a seat scared some people are that women our company. The idea that any in church." Now wether a “ man can prevent ing capacity of about 200. The lot will exercise some privilages that one desires to prohibit women from a woman from speaking ” in the was n donationone ai-ti*-**^ ■B p r whini'1 »¡O i|. l .y. Uuinii -n-i-Lay <lrp -church or not, is a matter of no great gtegation, Bro. Denny, and the cussion of this question, it seems to women, is too crude to require concern to me ;' but it IsOKttfcruf 3 house was built at a cost of about us, c?n resulUin no good. Our ex more than a passing mention. It deep concern to me that, as it seems, $1200. The brethren have managed perience is that no man can prevent Go<l is not able to stop or suppress a woman from speaking that wants is because of the reverence we have this woman-speaking mania in the to pay the entire cost of building *4 .to. and no man can make her speak for the Word of God that we de- churches. Whenever the charm of with the exception of pefhaps$400, if she don’t wantToT We read ’thatr ^sire to follow it, not in preventing" a sTi f L. plaintive.. wUmmming ,, deli- which debt they hope to settle in a “ in Christ Jesus, there is neither women from speaking, but to have cate female voice in the church is of short time. Bro. Bruce Wolverton Jew nor Greek; bond nor free; them both speak and work at the more force—has more head and has been employed to preach for male nor female, but all one in heart logic—over the “lords,” or right time and in the. riqht plaee. ladies either, of creation, than the Christ. ” This is true, I suppose, the church or\e half of his time and when it comes to hard work ; there But the following to an exchange word of God has, the outlook in that will enter upon his work on the 2d women may and do take the lead written by Bro. L. B. Wilkes, of quarter is not hopeful for the church Lord’s day in this month, at which often, but when it comes to speak California, who stands head and of God. This error of which we time the house will be formally dedi- Ing a tender word to her bretbwm cated. While it will require a strong aiul exhorting theuf to good works; . c ,i . a. . ■ i _ unum. In the same nest is hatched when it comes to lifting up her brethren of that State in scholar a large brood of errors, all having and constant effort on the part of soul in prayer in the'presence of ship and Biblical knowledge, so for their differential attribute a “ I the brethren to build up a flourijh- . her brethren^ though her wrfrds fitly speaks our sentiments on this don’t care ” manner of dealing with ing congregation, yet we think the may be as the burning coals TrouT subject that we take pleasureDn“ TÎTë"Wrd of Godr-A nwm-once tried outlook is very encouraging. The the. altar of God, and her petition giving it to our readers; He says : to convince a woman, who had got brethren are at peace among them as sweet incense that is pleasing in religion, that her view of Bible his sight, because she is a xvoman, In the Church News for July 1 teaching was wrong, and so he pro selves, are very hopeful and zealous, it ifiUSt. Trot be permitted. The find an article from the pen of some ceeded to quote what Peter says. and indeed we see no reason why “.Lords of Creation ” must exercise graceful writer, on what he calls they should not move right on to these exclusive rights and privil “the old hackneyed theme of wo “She answered : “ I don’t care what Peter says ; I ‘ recon ’ I’ve tried‘it.” victory. We expect to hear good eges. We talk about Scripture man speaking in the church.” He So Mr. Beecher replied when asked contradictions. If Paul taught the says: “It is astonishing how ter for his authority for infant baptism. reports from this church. ___ We made our headquarters in the proscriptive doctrine in reference ribly scared some people are that He said : 1 have no authority, in the pleasant home of Bro. Benedict, and ■ to women, as it is claimed by-aome, women will exercise soine privileges Bible, for infant baptism ; but I then, indeed, we have a teaching that don’t belong to them.” * * * it is only necessary to state that froni an inspired apostle, that is not Again the brother says: “Oar ex have some better than that ;~T hâV© Bro. and Sister Benedict know how only opposed to other plain passages, perience is, that no man can pevent tried it, and find that it works well. So, his idea of what works well to make a preacher and his wife feel but to 'the whole spirit and genius a woman from speaking that wants supplies all the omissions of the Bi to, and no man can make her speak ble, and suppresses all the objec- happy and enjoy life. We also of the Christian institution. “ broke bread from house to house ” We saw this note, which was if she don’t want to.” The brother’s tional features of that book made with other sisters and brethren dur evidently intended partly for our experience is, I would suppose, of by Him whose foolishness is wiser but small account in the discussion L. B. W. ing our stay, among whom we men benefit, soon after its publication; of this question. With the speak than men. tion Bros. Osborn, Littell, Me but thought it demanded no serious ers an<L writers of the Christian Selections and Comments. Donald and Denny. Bro. J. W. Os attention from anyonfi. We now Church the rule, that we speak born is one of the first members give it not because of any argument where and as the Bible speaks, and O n ' P robation .—The .Pacific are silent where the Bible is silent, ' who came to the city and be has it contains, but as a sample from needs not to be reargued now. In Christian Advocate says: ■aken a very active part in collect some writers on that side of the sectarin churches, where men make - Rev. S. Mathew has just closed a ing the members together and or- question who too often manifest a the rules, it may be sound doctrine protracted „meeting at Rooster Rock Kpmizing them into a church as fast greater desire to exercise their own for women to speak in the church. of more than four weeks continu fas they have moved in and could opinion altout the matter and allow But in the Church of Christ, where ance. Sixteen united with the M. ibe found. Our week’s visit at Seat the women to do as they please, the voice of Gori decides all ques E. Church on probation. The most tions, and the voice of strangers is of them were truly converted and tle was a very pleasant one indeed, rather than follow the plain teach not heard, it is not so. 1 am aware the most of them were heads of and one long to be rememBed by ing of the divine Spirit. According that some good ami prominent families. He baptized and organ us, for in such cheery company as to the opinion of our “ experienced’’ brethren in the Christian Church ized them into a class and set them that of sister Littell, and other like brother it is now in place for Bros. think that women may, of rights, to work. speak in the church; but so Paul “ Then they that gladly received congenial spirits, it'is hard to see McGarvey, Johnson, Garrison, did not hold, if I understand him. his word were baptized; and the how it could be otherwise. We are Bruner and other able writers to 1 Cor. xiv: 34. find er obligation to them all for close their investigation of this Paul says, “Let the women keep same day there were added unto their Christian kindness and liber “ old hackneyed theme,” because it silence in the churches, for it is not them about three thousand souls.” 'X ality to us, and we hope at some “can result in no good,” and the permitted them to speak,” etc. The Acts. 2 : 41. Did these unite with ture time to be priveliged to meet brother’s experience is that no man writer of the article referred to is the M. E. Church on probation ? requested to look at this statement ¡gain with these good brethren. can prevent a woman from speak of Paul’s, and see if it is not in the T he F orce of E xample .—The ing that wants to, and no man can flattest and severest kind of conflict WOMEN IN THE CHURCH. make her speak if she don’t want with what he wrote in the article A. C. lie view gives us this note on alluded to. If it shall be said that the force of example: A few weeks ago we had occasion to 1” We thank God, however, that this text may be explained, my re Two ministers, meeting in a to write two articles on “ Woman’s the time has come that something ply is, yes, it may be explained; but country store a young man recently Work in the Church." The editor more than a little ridicule is re no explanation is a correct one married, asked him to treat to ME the Christian-Evangelist with quired to induce all Christians to which leaves womcm full permis cigars, which he did, and the min«