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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1883)
ötltltSTtAN’ * ÖfijEtAtti Warren Truitt.---- ~ C. A. Johns. THE CHRISTIAN HERALD Ik TRUITT & JOHNS, * Attorneys and Councelors at Law, DALLAS, OREGON. Office—North of Court House, on Mill Street. .—-,——, Uli.-to.,. • 13 Xi.ozBiEirL'rs, MODERN DANCING 8UCCE88OB TO • PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY FROM FISHEL & ROBERTS, MONMOUTH, OREGON. Corwer First and Alder Sts., PORTLAND!. nE herald is the only weekly on the Pacific coast published by Disciples T THE LEADING DAVIDSON & LEE, Christianity, unmixed by human creeds or traditions. As successor to the Pacific Chris tian Messenger it is in its [PHYSICIANS & SURCEONS' EXAMINED CTithrer, Merdrw Tailor and Hatter THIRTEENTH VOLUME, OF OREGON, Is on a permanent basis, with good building, power presses and steam power, an abundance of good material for running such a paper. The H erald contains each wees sixteen four-column pages, stitched and trimmed, so as to tiiril 1111' 8 t lie 1CT VI!» of a bw pfr , wilh-unty b ~ limited amount of advertising, and that of the most select kind. All advertising not trust worthy is refused. As now published it is one of the FROM A SCRIPTURAL POINT Guarantees tojsell the very best Clothing for less money than any other house in the State. 12-12-tf IT. J.. Lee, M. D. I J. E. Davidson, M. D. INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. | Diseases of women a specialty.* | Presoriptions filled at the office. SEWING MACHINES, thf strongest , . SIMPLEST, LARGEST PAPERS PUBLISHED AND MOST DURABLE ■owing MacBino in the market. Sold on easy to onr lirethran It is conducted by a strong ■nstallmants, or a liberal discount fur cash. editorial corps, assisted by the contributions of The Singer Manufacturing Co. the best writers among us on this coast. We ■ WILLIS B. FRY, Manager, feel safe in saying it is one of 94 Morrison St., Portland. 2-35-tf Mrs. Dr. Green, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. :o FOUR DEPARTMENTS, Devoted to such matters as will make it indis pensable in every Christian family. First comes the great «interest and value to parents and . i----------- Special attention given to diseases of women Of iicrs -— ----------------- ■ ■—’--------------------------------------- tt? ac t ea cn e ¿ r ifr ,* N e xt co m e s th e----- ■ 13-29-ly id children TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, A Coni mon-Sense Remedy. RALICYLICA. ■o More Rheumatism, Goat or Nearalgia. Immediate Relief Warranted. Permanent Cure Guaranteed. I Five years established and never known to Mil in a single case, acute or chronic. Ileier to ■1 prominent physicians and druggists for the ■tending of Salicyhca. SECRET. ■ The only dissolver of the poisonous uric acid which exists in the blood of rheumatic and Kuty patients. ■ sailcyliea is known as a common-sense Kmedy, because it strikes directly at the cause o£Rbeumatism, Gout and Neuralgia, while so .Many so-called specifics and supposed panaceas caly treat locally the effects. It has been conceded by eminent scientists that outward applications, Ruch as nibbing with gfis, liniments, and soothing lotions will not ^Kdiate these diseases which are the result of >Se poisoning of the blood with Uric Acid. ■Hal icy lita works with marvelous effect on acid and so removes the disorder. It is now ■felusively used by all celebrated physicians of Aerici and Europe- Highest Medical Acade- Bftr of Paris reports 95 per cent cures in three days. REMEMBER ^■t Salicyliea is a certain cure for Rheum »- Km. Gout and Neuralgia. The most in- Bwe pains are subdued almost instantly. ^Bive it a trial. Relief guaranteed or money ^^Bnded. Th nMauds of testimonials sent on applica nt a Box. O Boxes for $ 3. jfflPbpt free by mail on receipt of money. Ask your Dqpggiat for 1«. Sudo not be deluded into taking imitations or HWti utes, or something recommended as as good I” Insist on the genuine with the jUU Wasliliurne ,v c<»., on each box, which iUuaranteoil chemically pure under our signa- ttU| an indispensiblc requisite to insure success treatment. Take no other, or send to us. Unsiibui He Ac Co., Proprietors, ■ 487 Broadway, Cor, Reade St., ^^■lyr New York. IT THIS OUT tn.11, .Gold« Box of Good, (hot will brl./yoD |„ nlor, P?* lt,*n •"y“l"X ,|M In America. Abw. • QwtUaty. M. Yoon*, It» G two wick 8L, Now York DA VQ »ell.our Hand Rubber T** A. O Stamps. Samples fre*. • ibe & Co., Cleveland. O. .17-1 t-ew A ILÍ'í'K' 6U»day athome easily made. Costly VuUJlD-et. Addre.s I'av« * Vo., AugusU, Devoted to advancing the great cause of Tem perance, reDresentuig the thoughts of tbe greatest workers of this important field. The RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT ~ ~~ Is the central thought of the paper and em-' braces Editorials, and contributions from our best writers. The Spirit of the Religious Press representing the various religious bodies, and church news from all the States in the Union. The __ SECULAR DEPARTMENT Includes Editorials on the important secular topics of the day, and news from all parts of the world. It is, in short, fust the paper for every family, and especially every Christian family. Subscription Price $3.00 Per Year In advance. Address THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, _ . By J. F. FLOYD, Author of “ What Must I do to be OUR BEST PAPERS. Every Disciple on this coast should tako it Every one in the East who desires to know all that takes place of general intereat on this coast. It contains EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT | oe - vie «, REVISED AND ENLARGED This is a tract of 33 pages neatly printed and well bound in paper covers, and has been highly COffi'- mended by the press generally. It is divided into six chapters, as follows : 1. Definition and Old Testament usage of the term. 2. New Testament usage of the term and Scriptural Inductions. 3. Scriptural Inductions con tinued. 4. Dancing Condemned by the New Testament. T AXLE GREASE. Best, in the world. Get tile genuine. Every package laaas our trade-mark and la marked Frazier's. Mold everywhere. 12-49-ly M EN EEL Y BELL FOU ND r Y Favorably known to the public since 1S2fi. Church. Chape). School, I'lre Aldri. and other bells- also Chimes anil Peats. Meneely & Co., West Troy, N.Y. - LoweM prient ertr knnwa . on Bi-et-ch-Ixindera, I little», & Revolver*. GUNS OUR $15 SHOT-61111 l»t creatly reduced price. ■ Send etamp for our New M onmouth , O regon . P ills K nown to M en of F ame and S cience for R emoving ALL IMPURITIES OF THE BLOOD. Acknovledgtd » Grand, Flsuut, ud E£:i»at Can for CONSTIPATION, HVQPFPQIA known by irregular nppe- P » Orwv1»? WJllr belching, weight and tenderness st pit of stomach, despondency. I ll/FD Complaint. Biliouane««. Mr.lkria. Chills and LI VC«» Fever, eanaing «oreneea in back and eida, also bottom of ribs; weariness, irritability, tongue coated, skin yellow, hot and cohl sen sations, eyes dull.dry cough, stifled and obstruct ed feeling, irregular pulse, bad colored stools. APHPI FYY FpilepMy.Phralyaiw.dim QUxLii—— ’sight, sound in ears, giddiness, confusion in head, nervousness, flashes of light before eye», lota of momorv. Diteaaat of Bladder and If inNFVQ urine dark or light,red deposit; niutiui w, burning.stinging,bearingdown •enaatioiis. frequent deaire to urinate, anraaineaa, inflamed even, dark eimlee. thirat. Diacnaea of IlCADT *«vere pain., fluttering or «.ight near M E.Mia I , heart, more ao on moving quickly and when lying on left aide: out of breath on exertion. UCAnAPUF dnl1 or ,harP retina in temples, tlLnUnutlL, .yea or head; faintness, nansea. Dropsy is canted by watery fluid. Rbrnnta- tlana, Ac., by urie acid in blood. Bowel Din- orders by corrupt matter. Worm« by the poets within. Cold« bv choking of the aeereUona. SWAYNF N PI LLK, by gentle action, remove* the oauae, making anermuent core. Sent l.y mail for 25 cenu box of 30 Pill.: 5 boxes. $1.00. (In postagw- atampa.) Addreu, UK. SWAYNE .V SON, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by DrnggiaU. THE BEAUTIFUL DINGEE EVER & CONARD CO’S -BLOOMI SO ROSES THE REST IN THE WORLD. Our Great Specialty is growing and disirtMlnrf these Beautiful Roses. We delirer Strong Poe Plapts, suitable for immediate bloom, tafily by mail at all post-offices. 5 Splendid Varieties, your choice, all labeled, for If; 14 for Sa? 19 for S3» 46 for »4? 33 for «3? 75 for S1O? 1OO for S13. *F"Send for our New Guide to Rose Culture — 80 pages, elegantly illustrated—and choate from over Five Hundred Finest Sorts. Address NERVOUSJDEBILITY. THE DINGEE <fc CONARD CO., Rose Growers, West Grove, Che.lcr Co., Pa* A 8URE CURE GUARANTEED. M R. E. C. WEST’8 NERVE AND BRAIN treatment, a specific fpr Hysteria, Dizzi ness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental A, Depression, Loss of Memory, Spermatorhoea, STORE 167 THIRD ST. 7 Impotency, Involuntary emissions, premature 4 old age, caused by over-exertion, self-abuse or aXPAIRINO DONI over-indulgence, which leads to misery, decay ON SHORT NOTICEygC^/ and death. One box will cure recent cases Each box,contains one month’s treatment; one All Leading . ^7 OIT.» , I dollar a box, or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. We guar antee six boxes to cure any case. With each b i s order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we Will send the purchaser our written guarantee to return the money if the HALE, /'y/' THRfAD, treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees /^/ATTACHMENTS,etc. issued only WOODWARD, CLARKE & CO., ,77 V’z ««««*>* AGENT Wholesale and retail Druggists, Portland, Oregon. All orders by mail at regular prices. 13-23-13t p/PA/ TOR THB D SEWING MACHINE MAT"ES/^7« E» .E . P. FOWELL >ÄOÄ. aa~~ »66 âsUKSTBJss Ä-rfÄiS! U T IV IVI J. U SraruBM*, il. 1)., Lebuuuti, Ohio. • 5. A direct Scripture argument against Dancing. THE CHRISTIAN SOWER 6. Dancing by Alien. TRACT FUND. Price, 10 cts. per copy; $1.00 his is the pioneer fund for the free distribution of tracts. Is well supplied per dozen. with tracts on the elements of the Gospel. New kinds will follow soon, These tracts are free to Address those who ana not able to buy them, and fifty cents per hundred to those who are able. CHRISTIAN HERALD, Every cent received will be used to print tracts. FRAZER Essay Free. TA« Morphine U»er; 200 pp. ll.Qd T.RRT.TP, E. KEELEY; M. D., Dwionx, Luu Saved ?” M onmouth , O b . Weak churches will find these tracts useful. Evangelists should go well supplied. Address -J. W. HIGBEE, Trustee, 12-35-tf . Madisonville, Ky. ílDIIHlHiBrr EßsttY C ir I ■ I ■■■ CUREITwith DOUBLB I WIIicHioiin)1: ofGOi.D. 7y $5 tO $20 p*.rA,y Bt Jome. Samplet worth 15free. ▼» lu Address S tisscm * C o ., Portland, Xe. 3 ■ HOUSEHOLD & WHITE . i, h _ j