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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1883)
J 12 r OTTÎlISTTAlsr HERALD repressed by law, as being flagrantly in opposition to public policy. ° ^Vornan [Under this head we will be pleased to give in Politics,” by ex-Surgeon-General editorial reviews of all books and tracts of inter Wm. A. Hammond, is a caustic discus est that may be sent to this office.] sion of certain facts of nervous organi T he L amb in the M idst of the zation which in his opinion render the T hbone . or-titfjtfwtag of the Cross, by female sex unfitted for participation in Bev. J. M. Sherwood^ welT"known as editor Presbyterian Review. Prioe$2.00. reviews “ Henry George’s Social Falla Just issued.—The gist of the book is to cies,” criticising in particular his doc give the- True Idea of the Cross, and trines regarding land-tenure and rent. how to give it saving power in this age The evils resulting from “ Crude Methods of Legislation,” both national of the world. 1. The book is unique in character. and State, are pointed out by Simon t^e adoption of statement or scientific treatment, but in oertain rules of legislative procedure historical order and development. The which, in English practice, have been Cross is the central truth, and aronnd it fouiid to serve as an effectual barrier, are clustered, in concrete form and his both against lobbying and against tlie torical relation, all the vital doctrines of mischiefs of ill-oonsidered law-making. 'TTeveTation 7 Chnstian Theology Is thUB Charles F. Wingate writes of “ The taught in the form of a history ; starting Unsanitary Homes of the Rich,” and with God’s eternal purpose of grace and there is a joint discussion of •' Science tracing it down through all the dispen and Prayer,” by President Galusha sations of time and up to the splendid Anderson and Thaddeus B. Wakeman. consumption in the eternal Kingdom; Published at. 30 Lafayette Place, New treating the several parts of the trans York, and for sale by booksellers gen cendent scheme in their historical order erally. and relative significance. 2. The chief subjeot discussed is Written for the Herald. timely, and of the first importance, viz., JESUS MY FRIEND. the True Idea of the Cross, and how to BY MAY A. HAMLIN. give it saving power in the present age irf-tfre w o r ld ; w hile th e re lat e d t K e m e n, Heavenly Father be my friend ! briefly passed in review, are alf of cur till my life shall end ! rent interest both to the ministry and And thy spirit, Lord, impart, Christians at large. To my wayward, doubting heart. 3. The view of the Gross as here pre sented, both in its doctrinal and practi Savior, be thou day by day, cal aspects, is grand and glorious, and Round about my path alway ! cannot fail to fire the Christian heart, And when comes the even-tide, <r- while it will broaden one’s conception Jesus, with my soul abide 1 of its infinite significance, and its scope Whep afflictions round me roll, and j>ewer as a moral redeeming foroe Jesus, iover of my soul ! in God’s Kingdom. Thy dear sympathy impart, 4. The style of the book is exceedingly To my grieving, yearning heart I fresh, lucid* vigorous and candid, while the aim ofthe work is exalted, and its When the day of death draws near, spirit catholic, evangelical and eminent Take from me each doubt and fear ; ly serious and spiritual. It is a book to Let thy visioned glory shine s'.ir the soul and invigorate the faith of Round this parting soul of mine ! the Church. “ 1 have already read a good part of . When my eyes can see no more Earthly love lights on the shore, it, and cannot keep away from it. Its When I feel the rising tide— intellectual vigor, intense earnestness, Press me closer to thy side 1 devout tone and spiritual depth of ■ I .power, all hold me as by a spell.”— Till my eyes the glory Bee, From an Eminent Christian Lam yer. That awaits my soul in thee ! “ A right sturdy, stalwart piece of When my soul is satisfied, orthodoxy is Dr. Sherwood’s book ; if With thy joy beyond the tide ! you lap it with a mallet it has a resonant Then, O then ! my soul shall be riny like the big bell of St. Paul’s. If Satisfied, my Lord, in thee ! every seminary studont would read it When I reach that glorious place, before licensure it would tone him up Rest in thy beloved em brace. for his life work, and put new marrow - into his bones. '*~—Dr. T. L. Cuyler.------ •Jackson, Maine. -—*—----- * • Funk «t Wagnalls, New York. 4 OUR BOOKS. BOOK TABLE. ROYAL BSw'Jl? Below we give a partial list of the books we propose to furnish our readers at publishers re tail prices. We would just say in brief that we are prepared to furnish most anything in the book line, and will be pleased to receive orders for same. We will add to this list as our time and space will allow. -------- dHPbFS AND TESTAMENTS. 1. Family Bibles, different styles, sizes, etc., with prices from $2.25 to $18. 2. Pulpit Bibles from $5 to $10. 3. Oxford Sunday School Teachers’ Bibles from $1.50 to $19. 4. Revised New Testament, Compared Edi tion, $1.22 to $7 A0. 5. Revised New Testament alone $1.80 and 15 cents. Lesson Commentary, by J. H, Vincent, D.D., bmffierttffly on thtr Acte of the Apostles, $1A0.' Commentary on Matthew and Mark, by J. W. McGarvey, $2. . , „ _ Commentary on Luke, by J. 8. Lamar, $2. Commentary on Hebrews, by B. Milligan, $2. • Commentary on Paul’s Letter to the Bo mans, by M.E. Lard, $3. Analysts of the Fow Oospel* and Acta ; with Leading Queries and Illustrations, for the use of Bunday Schools, Families, etc., by B. Mili- gan, $2. Reason and Revelation, by R. Milligan, $2. The Bchemo of Redemption, by R. Milligan, $2. Conybearo and Howson's Life and Epistles of This powder never varies. A marvel purity, tlie Aixmtle Paul, $1.50. Strength and wholesomeness, Moro economi The New Biblical Atlas and Scripture Gazet cal than the ordinary’ kinds, and call not lie sold teer, $1.25. in competition with the multitude of low test, Lands of tho Bible, by J. W. McGarvey, $3. short w< ight, alum or phosphate powders. Nevin’s Biblical Antiquities. $1.50. ISold only in cans. R oyal B akino P owder C o ., Nicholl’s Introduction to the Study of the 12-8-ly 106 Wall St., New York. Scriptures, $1.25. _ Bchaff’s Bible Dictionary, $2.50. Freeman’s Hand Book of Bible Manners and THE COLLEGE OF THE BIBLE, Customs, $2.25. Whitnoy’s Hand Book of Biblo Geography, ^n-ow’s-romiMnion 1» the Bibttf. $1.06. LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. Rawlinson> Historical Illustrations of the —:o:— Old Testament, $1. Walks about Jerusalem, by Isaac Errett, $1. rpH is C ollege is devoted exclu - Talks to Bereans, tty Isaac Errett, $1. I sively to the preparation of young men lor Letters to a Young Christian, by Isaac Er usefulness in the Church. It is riot necessary rett, 35 cents. — _ that those who would attend it become preach Tho Heavenward Way, by J. II. Garrison, ers, though most of its studeuts ilo enter tlie 35 cents. ministry. Genuineness and Authenticity of the Gospels, It is required of thoso who wou d enter that by B. A. Hinsdale, $1.25. of ro they be sixteen years of age, pro essors < Smith’s Unabridged Bible Dictionary. Ameri ligion, and have at least a fair 11 tiglieli educa can Edition. Revised and edited by H. B. tion. The College is conducted li close con-' Hackett, D. D, assisted by Ezra Abbott, L.L.D. nection with Kentucky University, and to all In four volumes. Price in Cloth, per set, $20. the classes of the latter our spidejjXs have Price in Sheep, the set, $231 access freo of charge. In tlie <’ ' »Hege of thtr ’ 'Bfiuffi’iTiCTe »ictionary, $1 50. Bible tuition is free, thore are no fees, except Barnes’ Notos on the New Testament. $1 50 oiie of $5 for the janitor, coal, etc. per volume. The volumes sold separately. Good board anil lodging can lie had in pri On the Four Gospels, 2 vols. On tlie Acts of vate families at from $3 to $5 per week, Those the Apostles. On the Epistle to the Romans. who board in the Colloge doimity nay $10 per On the First Epistle to the Corinthians. On year for their room and from $1.50 to $1.75 per the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, and the week for board. They must furnish their own Epmtle to the Galatians. On the Epistle to the rooms and provide their own lights, washing, Epliesians, tlie Colossiaus, and the Pbilippians. fuel, etc. To these the whole expense need not On the Epistle ùpistle to th© 1. licsHHioniaiis, Timothy, lunuiiiy, the Thessalonians, exceed $125 per annum. id Philemon. On the Titus an<l tlie Epistle Epic" to the Those seeking a good education at little cost, Hebrews. On the General Epistle of j James, and specially those preparing for the ministry, Peter, John and Jude. On the Revelati ition. would do well to apply for Catalogue and Barnes’ Notes on the Psalms. In i Three further information to volumes. Cloth, per vol , $1.50. R. GRAHAM, President. Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Daniel, $1.50. Barnes’ Notes on the Book of Prophet Isaiah. 2 vols. Cloth, per vol., $1.50. Barnes’Notes on the Book of Job. 2 vols. Cloth, per vol., $1.50. Outlines of Church History, by Rev. John F. PUBLISHERS AND DEALERS IN SUNDAY Hurst, D. D., 50 cents. SCHOOL SUPPLIES, A Short History of the English Bible, by Rev. .James M. Freeman, 1). D., 50 cents. LOUISVILLE, K Y . Chronology of Bible History, and How to Remember 11, by Rev. C. Munger. 50 cents. j Cruden ’ s Complete Concordance to the Holy terms : Scriptures, $1.50. Cruden’s Concordance Abridged, 75 cent*. Word and Work, one year 50 cts., six months Brown’s Pocket Concordance, 50 cents. 30 cts., three months 15 cts. Good Words, 10 The Life and Words of Christ, by Cunning or more copies, one year, 45 cents per copy ; six months, 23 cents ; three months. 12 ceirs. ham Geikie, D. D., $1.50. Eittle Pearls, 10 or more copies, one year, 30 The Life of our Lord upon the Earth, by cents per copy : six months, 15 cents; three Samuel J. Andrews, $2.50. The Sunday School Helper, by J. H. Hardin, months, 8 Cents. Les. Monthly 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year 50 cents. Kinship to Christ, by J. Z. Tyler, $1.50. 1.30 .7« 10 copies, 2.40 The Standard Manual, for Sunday-school j 1.40 2,60 25 „ 5.(0 Tli« Age of Miracles workers, by F. M. Green, 75 cents. 50 „ 260 5.00 9.50 Heroes and Holidays, edited by Rev. W. F. 100 „ -5.00 9150 18.00 is past, and Dr. Pierce’s “’Golden Med Crafts, $1.25. Story of an Earnest Life, by Mrs. Eliza ical Discovery ” will not raise the dead, Les. Guide, 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year Davies 10 copies, .35 .65 1.2» will not cure you if your lungs are al On the Rock, by J). R. Dungan, $1.50. .70 1.30 25 „ 2.50 A Trip Around the World, by Timothy Coop most. wasted by consnmption. It is, 1.30 2.50 5.00 50 „ and’ Henry Exley, $1.50. 2 50 5.00 9.00 however, unsurpassed both aS a pectoral 100 Around tlie World, Tour of Christian Mis No Subscriptions received for less than Ten sions, bv W. F. Bainbridge, $2. and alterative, and will cure obstinate Copies of toe Losson Monthly and Lesson Tho Christian Manual, for the use of Church Address and severe diseases of the throat and Guide. Officers, in the various relations of Evangelists, C. C. CLINE A CO., Pastors, Bishops and Deacons, by F. M. Green, lungs, coughs, and bronchial affections. No. 310 W. Main St., Louisville, Ky. $1. By virtue of its wonderful alterarive 13-3-tf Address all orders to C hristian H erald , properties it cleanses and enriches the Monmouth, Orogon. Absolutely Pure. . C. C. CLINE & CO., The North American Review for Au gust opens with a very spirited discus sion of the subject of “ Moral Instruc tion in the Public Schools,” by the Rev, Dr. R. Heber Newton, who offers n practical scheme for conveying ethical instruction without reference to relig- oufi tenants, and the Rev. Dr. Francis L. Patton, who maintains that the Bible must be made the basis of all moral teaching. Henry D. Lloyd exposes the What we ought not to do, we tricks and frauds of speculating in blood, cures pimples, blotches, and , Virtue is a rough way, but proves grain, which operate to make bread eruptions, and causes even great eating should not ever think of doing.— Epictetus. at night a bed of down.— Wot ten. dear, and maintains that they should be ulcers tohoal.