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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1883)
DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY reo MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1883. VOL. XIII. CHRISTIAN HERALD. J. F. FLOYD, Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. “To hauat me with the joys once mine, Which deatblessly nA heart entwine ; And in their maddening beauty shine As fancy paints them, vividly. “ I had a child and loving wife, My priceless pearls, my light of life ! We lived in peaoe and knew no strife And all was love and harmony.« SnbwrlptIon Price : One Copy, one year............................ Î2 00 One Copy, six montila........................ 1 00 EDITORIAL NOTES. Who can tell what our good brother, " Christian Missionary/’ is writing about ?/ We give it up, and await something more de finite. ADVFBTI8F.MF.NTS. A colored woman, when reproved “ No feeble words can ever trace The peerless charm, the wondrous grace for undue expression of grief, said : « [Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth, as Of my sweet Ina’s perfect face, “ Now, look here, honey, when de second class mail matter. | And soul of spotless purity ~ Prices will be given on application. Please Notice, We are not responsible fcr tlie opinions and santimonts expressed by our contributors, but for our own writing alone. Hence om readers must judge for themselves. We intend to give apace for tlie free expression of opinion, within the limits of sound discretion, and the good of the cause; but hot be lieltT as indorsing what others may write. All matter intended for putlication in this patter should lie written : 1. On one Bide of the sheet only. 2. In a plain legible hand. _ _____ _ __ - - S.- Let there M plenty” .TTpa™ bclwSsirilie” lines. 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, so that it maj not be defaced in transit. ft. Write brief articles. 6. Expect no attention to articles, notices, or queries not accompanied by your name. THE OUTCAST’S WARNING. >1 BY MARY H. PRICHARD. I Almost within the city*fe sound A bloated, unknown corpse was found Beneath an oak tree, on the ground, One hand outstretched imploringly. That bony hand so stiff and cold Still grasped a paper, worn and old. Which to the world this story told, Of Strong Drink’s fatal treachery : Here, underneath this wild wood tree, My sinful soul from earth must flee, With none to cheer or comfort me, Alone in all my misery ! “ If time is spared me, I will write What brought me down from fortnne's height To this, my present woeful plight, An outcast dying helplessly. „ “ Some tempted souls in time of need May take a warning when they read, And check their reckless, downward speed ; .Avert their fearful destiny. _— “ Once I possessed a home of bliss .And loving friends, which now I miss ; I never dreamed to die like this, Amid wild nature’s scenery. “ No eye to shed for me a tear I No heart to hold my memory dear ! No hope my dying honr to cheer, Or light the dark futurity. “ Forsaken, friendless, poor and lone, No place on earth to call my own, s Hope, rest and peaoe forever gone, Leaving remorseful memory NO. 32. night. I haven’t met him yet, but hope we can secure his services in the gospel. He comes with good report by ms friend^" DewT© niiii. We are always glad to hear of gospel preachers coming to this coast, and will give all such any assistance^in our power. None others need apply. We have the pleasure "this week good Lord sends us tribulations, of introducing to our readers a new “ Our boy, a dimpled c'urnb fair, don’t you ’spose he ’spects us to department, called the “ California. ' With sunny, clustering, auburn hair, tribuíate ?” And laughing eyes undimmed by care— Department,” conducted by our —— -y Our treasure, guarded lovingly. Bro. F. 1). Srygley who has been good brother, Judge Durham, of “Dur home was fair as Eden's bowers, Conducting a Texas Department in College ytity, Cat As Bin. I), For all that wealth could buy was ours. the Old Path Guide, now becomes states, he has not the desired time Life's pathway strewn with blooming office editor of that paper. We are to devote to the H erald , but all flowers, glad of this, for Bro. 8. is a strong who know him will expect that Otir lives one round of ectasy. and sale writer. By the way/ “Mien lie“ does speak he will have" “ But when the Tempter’s cup I sought, something good to say. Hence, all Where precious souls are sold and brethren, have you seen the Ken bought, tucky Department in the C hristian our readers will gladly welcome Bro. Durham ami his department A blighting change soon, soon was II e RALDJL __ -■. — wrought to the columns of the H erald . By that destroying enemy. When the good Editor of the The Christian Publishing Com “ It chilled my heart I It fired my brain I Pacific Christian Advocate gets It soiled my soul with many a stain ; through with his camp-meetings pany, St. Louis, Mo, has recently Then left remorse and anguish vain and is fairly settled down to busi reissued the tract entitled, “ Chris To bear me constant company. ness again, he will please give at tian Experience; or, Sincerity “ I placed my boy on ruin's brink, tention to those questions we sub Seeking the Way to Heaven by To serve the man who sold me drink. mitted for his benefit the other Benjamin Franklin.” It contains It drives me wild whene’er I think 30 pages and is the best tract for week. * Of that base act of cruelty. missionary work published by our •‘That brave, bright lad, that boy of The Sup’t. of Public Instruction, brethren. Send for it. Address mine, E. B. McElroy, has our thanks for Christian Publishing Company, St. Was forced to pour the foaming wine, a copy of the “ Report of Qie Pro Louis, Mo. Price: single copy, 5 And watch the crimson bubbles shine ceedings of the State Teachers’ cts.; per dozen, 50 cts.; per hun - In tempting boauty, luringly. Association ” recently held in dred, $4.00. A few copies can be “ It charmed him like the serpent's Salem. It is an interesting docu had from this office. glare ; ment and should be in-the hands It bound him with its cruel snare ; And now my boy is where ?—oh, where ? of the educators of the State. Which is the better, to place a For life imprisoned hopelessly. tastefully arranged bunch of Howers Our readers will please give at “ Shut ont from every cheering ray on tlie pulpit desk in quiet spirit By massive stone walls cold and gray, tention to the letter from Bro of love and reverence, or to show a He wears his sad young life away Adams found in another part of In darkness, brooding gloomily. l»ad temper over them after they this issue. We aré inclined to “ The cruel blow fell like a dart, are there / Which is worship, think, from his letter, that he has And pierced my Ina’s gentle heart, which is glory to God / And which- Jsjlftd the- -place for our Sea-side And we were severed f at apart........ is the belter, to offer praise to God By worse than death—dread lunacy. Camp meeting Grounds. We hope in a devotional frame of mind, or '* In the asylum, lone and drear, Bro. Adams will learn more of this to madden over the same act as if She sadly pines from year to year, place and report again. Let those Bereft of all her heart holds dear, it were an alxmiination ? In which Heart-broken, sighing wearily. who visit other parts of the coast case does the greater piety come “Thus Satan’s draught my soul be sendin their reports and we will in ? Recently we read of a deacon, gttiled, compare them. Took from me home, friends, wife anti who being accompanied on an child} Sister E. Himes, of Elma, W. T., autumn morning when the foliage And now in death, despairing, wild, I sink to endless agony ! in a private letter to us says: was all ablaze with high colored “ Our little town is improving with hues, by a young friend, had his “ With darkness hovering like a pall, And in my ears the stern death-call, new buildings. We had a new attention called to a clump of trees I let my worn-out pencil fall, Christian minister arrive here last which was specially attractive* T q fuco the dread eternity.” -v « ■W- • * 4*