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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1883)
12 » CHRISTIAN HERALD. your taste be what it may, it can be sup- IT IIAS DONE WONDERFUL THINGS FORMER.. : plied with this collection. Great care has been taken in regard to | Under thi« head we will be pleased to give bo writes a daughter of the effect of editorial reviews of all books ana tracts of inter its appearance, as it Í6 intended for the Compound Oxygen on her mother, a est that may be sent to this office. ] musi? repository as well as the library. lady in her sixty-ninth year," about S am H obart , by Justin D. Fulton, Price, per copy S3.50. Special in D.D.—There, is no reading so interest ducements to A penis. Send your orders whose case, when submitted to us for ing to mankind as the biographies of now, and we will 1111 them in turn as an opinion, we wrote discouragingly. After the first Treatment had been used men. Carlyle has truly said that there soon as completed. up, this report was made : “ You per- . is “ no heroio poem iu the world but is ~ -iiMpgTe member That when" you gave her at the bottom of yi ■ i -*■ (my mother yoar advice, yoq said that THE TEN TRIBES “man?1' In reading the biographies of you did not think her case as hopeful as OF I srael ; the great and good, we seem to have a majority of your patients, so that you s rme of the life departed transferred into O b , T he T rue H istory O f T he N orth cannot always tell in advance. It has us. We have in the life of Bam Hobart A merican I ndians . done wonderful things for her, and I an “ heroic poem ” which will move the Showing that they are Jhe Descendents would have been glad if you could have readtrio tears and laughter, and excite of these Ten Tribes. witnessed them. At the time she cum-, udmiration and delight. It is written _ ............... . ......................... ......... in ; 1st. This^work .mb-ruccs tin» history^ Dr. lulions beat and raciest style: HFT of the North American Indians, from ¡ me reed taking th« Oxygen, she did not bail an ultimate knowledge of and ac the landing of the Pilgrims, giving snch think she could live very long. 8he quaintance with hid sut^ad, and was portion of the history designed to prove was feeble, very much depressed in therefore the better qualified to write that those Ten Tribes were their ances spirits, a victim of. extreme nervous ; prostration, with no special sign of dis- [ the life of the man he so warmly loved tors. ease, beside. Life was almost a burden ! and adpaired. Nothing Dr. Fulton ever 2nd. It gives many important facts wrote is equal in literary merit to this connected with Indian History that have to her, so dark and dreary looked the book. Ruilway men of all classes, never before appeared in print—that of whole woild. To-day she is cheerful, Tigs powder never varies. A marvel parity, mechanics of all kinds, workingmen of forts, mounds, and other curiosities of with more strength and soeming vitality strength and wholesotneneas, More economi than most persons of her age—sixty- cal than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold all branches of labor will eagerly de the United States. in competition with the multitude of low test, nine. After a busy forenoon, she has short vour its pages and become better arti w > ight, alum or^ihosphate powders. . 3d. The work includes the most im only in cam.' II oval B aking P owdkb C o ., sans, while professional men will derive portant discoveries made at Newark, O., gone a quarter of a mile to make ealls.” 12-b-ly 106 Wall St., New York. refreshment and stimulus from its les authenticated by Rev. Matthew B. Mil Our Treatise on Compound Oxygen, containing large reports of cases and sons. ' Funk & Wagnalls, New York. ler and others. Also, large extracts full information, sent free. Address The Only Two Books of the Kind Pub from the woiks published in the early D bs . S tabkey & P aden , 1109 and Jill part of this century, by Elias Boudenot, Girard Street, Philadelphia, Pa. lished ! with all the discoveries made in the All orders for the Compound Oxygen HISTORY OF MUSIC last seventy years bearing upon thfcTn- Home JmtaBJjJt directed to Bi £. - Motbews^öOS Montp^nrnrrr Street, Kan AND ITS AMERICANCOMPOSERS, — * tereEttagTiffysTioh. Tog e tlm r With a Representative Piece ■ 4th. In this connection we give rraDctsco, will be filled on the same terms as sent direptly to us in Phila of Music From Each Author. lengthy articles from writings of Wil delphia; H istory of M usic and its A merican liam Penn, James 8. AJilligan, D.D., C omposers is divided into three parts and James 1». Wilson, D.D. In'addi 1st. Jis History, giving many new and tion is also added the entire of Wendell EARS FOR THE MILLION. interesting things relative to its origin Phillips’ lecture on the Lost Arts. and progress. Though the art of music Foo Ch<»<>'■> llaliuni of Shark'» Oil — The author has devoted a large has reached a very high degree of per amount of time for the past sixteen Positively Restores the Hearing, and is lire faction, yet how greatly has the histori years in gathering up from various his I Only Alisolute Cure fur Deafness Known. cal part been neglected, and yet how es tories, facta connected with this ques This Oil is abstracted frobi jieciilitr species o White Hhaik, caught in the Yellow Sea, sential and interesting is a knowledge of tion. bo this volume is not the work of small known as Carcharodon Romleletii. Every DALLAS, OR., it^ Jyistory from the beginning to the a day, a month, or a year, but of many Chinese fisherman knows it. Its virtues us a restorative of hearing were discovered by a MANUFACTUBEB AND DEALER IN present, noticing the progress made by years of earnest research. Buddhist Priest about the year Jill). It» ciocs were so numerous and many so seemingly uxir- HARNESS A SADDLES, the different people throughout the va The book contains about four hund acideas, that the remedy was orticiallv pro ROBES, WHIPS, SPURS, rious ages of the past. Great pains red pages, beautifully bound in cloth claimed over the entire Empire. Its use l»e- SADDLE BLANKET3, have been taken, and many years spent and morocco, with title in gold. It is came so universal that for ever 300 CURRY COMBS A BRUSHES, has existed amoi g the Chinese people. in making this part of the work com printed on an excellent quality of paper Deafness Kent, charges prepaid, to any address al $1.00 And everything that pertains to a First-Class plete. per bottle. Shop Call and examine my Stock before pur and in every respect is gotten out in the 2nd. American Composers, giving the chasing elsewhere. The best of California 11» ar Wlist the Deaf Say! very best style. leather used. 16-3m biographies of all composers of any note The book is now in press. Send in It has jwrforincd a miracle in my case. in America, from the first up to the 1 have no unearthly noises iu my head and your orders immediately. Price : por present time, including excellent por hear much l<ctter. I have l>een greatly benefited traits of nearly three-fourths of them. copy, in cloth, $2 50 ; in morocoo, $3.00. My deafness helped a great deal—think an Special rates to agents. We are confident this will be an. inter :o:- other 1 Kit tie will cure me. Complete outfit Bent to agents upon My hearing is much benefited. esting 1< ature of the work, as here we I have receivod untold benefit. can see the portraits and read the histo receipt of $2.50. Be careful to state My hearing is improving. AT what territory you wish to work. It is giving good satisfaction. ries of those who have given us the ben Have been greatly benefited, and am rejoiced Adjress orders for cithei of the above efits of their labors. Owing to the books INDEPENDENCE that I saw the notice ot it. to large number and exact likeness of these T he F ireside F riend P lblihiiing C o ., “ Its virtues are unquestionable and its photographs contained in this work, it curative character alwolnte, as the writer can WILL BE FOUND THE BE8T STOCK OF Springfiefld, Ohio. personally testify, both from experience and will be one cherished by all lovers of otmervation. Write at once to Haylock A Jen- l Uorneoa Dr. Pierce’s “Favorite Prescription” ney, 7 -Dey Street, New York, enclosing ®1 .<><», i music. rl ai r , 3d. Their Music. In this department is a most powerful restorative tonic, mid yon wilt receive by return a remedy that Saddles, enable you to hear like anybody else, and wrH be found a piece of music from the also combining the most valuable nerv will whose curative effects will be iiermanent. You Collars, never regret doing so.”—Editor of Afrroon- pen of each author whose biographies ine properties, especially adapted to the will tile lteview. And in fact everything belonging to a are herein contained. One Piece of wants of debilitated ladies suffering nyi o avoid loss iu the mails, please send first class ghop. My Stock of Fine and money by Registered letter. Music -from every American Composer / from weak back, inward fever, conges Only imported by IIAYLOCK A JENNEY, Heavy Harriets is the best ever In this Think of it ! Where can there be a work tion, inflammation, or ulceration, or 1 D. y St., SI. T. oonnty. Call and see before buying. 13 4-ly Repairing done. Charges reasonable. obtained that contains such a variety from nervousness or neuralgic pains. Sole Agents for America. and collection of music ? All classes, By druggists. _____ C. L. PIERCE. 13-16-2m g>ades and styles, for any instrument, are found in this department; and this . Better fail alhoysantl times, and rnwo good houses , one music being a sample of the work of in everything else, than attempt to I with one lot, the other with two lots, in the town of Mon many different authors, you may feel shape fur yourself a life without mouth ; a good garden spot, assured that great care has been taken God, without hope ill Christ, and A good rgain. Terms: half down and the balance on time. __ For _____ further information <70 A WEFK.S12 a dav at borneeaaily made. Costly ju its preparation and »election. Let without an interest in heaven. apply to ltobert Foulkes io H erald office.’ & Uutül free. Address T hus A Co.. Augusta, MG. BOOK TABLE POWDER Absolutely Pure. STILES, HARNESS & SADDLES. FOR SALE.