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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1883)
•fi ■■ i. 5*» A.' 2 ’ -_____ _ CHRISTIAN HERALD. Bro. George Sharp, of Portland, humanity. lie labored, taught and to make a woman who was intend when speaking of the claims of others.1 We advise him to buy paid us a pleasant call last week. preached by day, and often prayed ed to be equal with man in every some of our books and post up. He He also attended our church service by night in order that men might respect, out of a mere rib ; and then be saved. lie has thus left the when we remember that this was a ought to know that the fundamen on Lord’s dav. world a noble example of self-sacri man’s rib, the thing becomes in tal point of our plea is for a union Bro. Bruce Wolverton dropped in fice and urges all Christians to copy tolerable ! - Now as to the mere of all Goal’s people from among the ♦or » it. iutuiJJihur^lw'ea. : differen enominatiölis, ol ever found, on the Bible alone. If preaching on Lord’s day. He re higher nor safer example in the woman has a right to stand on her we believed, as the Advocate repre gards the present outlook in Oregon I universe, and hence the sayings and head if she chooses to do so, sents, that what is known as the favorable to a forward movement doings of Jesus stand preeminent but we are inclined to think in the world’s history. They re that most men would exceeding “ Christian Church,” contains all the in the church work. -------------- > .4»-------------------- wisdom and main as a living monument of his ly doubt the Lord’s people, where would be the DOING HIS FATHER’S labor, suffering, death, resurrection propriety of such a course! It ^^ei^.Un^.nur»4)lea fur Christian WILL. ------- - and glorification for ilieFcdemptimi was contended thatman and woman- — union ? Does our brother see the should walk “ side by side.” We point ? If so, will he now make a On one occasion Jesus said to of the world. Then as all Chris correction ? And again, sectarian his disciples, “ My meat is to do tians are to be like-minded, he who don’dr know that we have any like, he is continually prating the will of him that sent me, and to supposes he can do the will of God special objection to their walking about that “little body,” etc., with finish his work.” This language he without devoting his life to tbe. side by side, at least a reasonable which we are identified, perfectly used in reply to their urgent request active service of tbe Master will be distance, for we rather like the ignorant of the fact that we num for him to eat. It shows that the deceived sooner or later. He who idea. But we think it but fair that ber over six hundred thousand in life of the Savior was one conse not only labors, but labors to the when man gets tired of so walking to grapt him the right to change his ~ the United States alone, to say crated to God, and that the object end will gain the crown of life. course a little, or if need be, to walk nothing of the unnumbered thous of all he said and did on this earth WOMAN'S RIGHTS. alone a short way. Neither do we ands in almost every nation and was to carry out the will of his island on the earth. We have Father. He was not can ngso O h last Monday evening i n the understand j ust how making woman enough brains on this coast to much for that meat which perished college chapel, Monmouth, we had equal«vith man in a political sense swallow Methodism, head and with the using, but he relied more the pleasure of listening to a lecture WQjildltend to elevate her sex, or tail. We have no doubt but on that spiritual meat which came from Mra. Laughery of Yamhill ^improve society. Our candid opin-, that Mcdbodtsm suits our lirother dóvvnTròm Tieaven."'ÂsTiîHîTïnya.T "county, on the sutjectof " Wrnnjnts .juiuiauf hat..lli<?. elevation would be better than the doctrine of devoted to the work of his Father, Rights,” as it is usually expressed. the other way. We think the bet the apostles which we preach. he required a spiritual meat to sus As this lady believes in placing ter way would be to bring man up , There were people in the days of tain him in his constant effort toestab woman on an equality with man in to woman’s high position in this Christ who preferred the traditions lish his glorious cause among men. every respect, of course she will not respect. The idea of a woman’s of men to the doctrine He taught. In this effort he lias fully demon object to being placed in man’s pleading to be elevated to the politA Hence, they closed their eyes and strated to the world that Chris stead by the press while dealing taal position of man is' ridiculous ' stopped their ears, lest they should tianity is a work. There has never with the doctrine., she advocates The truth of the business is that see, hear, understand _ and con anything arisen in the history of Indeed, it would seem that this the true woman in many respects is .. ______ - . be ; ....... • verted. But the tradition of the the world that will compare with m-cc.ssarily grows out of her posi already elevated infinitely above---- fathers availed nothing, and all the the work that the Savior did in re tion, since we fail to see how the man, and her plea to be placed on isms of the day, notwithstanding vealing and doing his Father’s will. sexes could be on un equality uniess an equality with him is only calcu their great pretentious to the con In this work the Son of God stands men are also granted the unlimited lated to poison the pure atmosphere----- version of. the world; will sooner or out in bold contrast to all else. privilege of contending for “ Man’s yf her moral and social circle and later vanish before—the truth as He showed by his life of devotion Rights.” This is our apology ; and degrade her sex. It is because of the profound respect, and high frost before the noonday sun, and to his Father that the religion he so we proceed. j the people will say, amen. This is came to establish was not a myth, Mrs. Laughery revealed to her standing in which woman is held our apology. Is it. satisfactory ? but a reality, and that he was inter hearers the astonishing fact that in by many men that we are led to ested in the salvation of men. He the beginning God made woman to speak our sentiments on this ques PERSONAL MENTION. was never idle. Even as a boy be a help meet for man, and then tion. It is for their good we write, not for our own. Both men and We see that Bro. J. F. Taylor, of under the family protection, he drew the still more astonishing con- women have far more rights now elusion that therefore He intended Mo, has been called by the Chris assisted his parents in their daily them to be on an equality! We than they properly exercise, and tian Woman’s Board of Missions to manual labor for* a support. At the early age of twelve years, were thinking all along how this the best thing for both is to make do the work of an evangelist in could be, for from her remarks we an effort to fill the different spheres, Montana. He will make his head he was found *in the temple hearing the doctors o£ the law and asking very naturally arrived at the con intellectually, morally and socially quarters at Helena. them questions ; and when accosted clusion that woman was the Meet in which God has placed each. To interfere with these sacred rela Bro. W. K.Azbill■ Ft-doing ^good ’ by his own mother, he replied that and man simply the helqj meet. We tions is to undertake to change the---- ~ work in Jamaica. Some others he must be about his Father’s busi wertf aware tliut Paul says, “ Adam order of nature. How any one who have been called to his assistance of ness. He had a duty that he owed was first formed, then Eve,” and believes in the plain teachings of late, both for teaching and preach to his earthly parents, hence he was gives this as a reason for woman the Bible in reference to the rela subject to them; but he owed g keeping silence-, but we were led ing. higher allegiance to his heavenly to think, that possibly, it had come tions of man ami woman can believe Bro. J. B. Johnson has declined Father, and hence he must be about io pass in these latter days that that God ever intended them to be coming to Oregon. We had hoped His business also. This work was Eve was first created, then Adam. placed on an equality in every sense, to have him in our State for a made more apparent when he en But then it seemed to us that to if such a thing were possible, is time at least, but the brethren of tered upon his public ministry. fix up the matter just as it should an^her wonder of the world, said .7 this , have ~~ ”, much in behalf California have found him work in From the day that lie was baptized be in order to put them on an - ’ We and we now both of them should i »““8 that State and he thinks that of John in the Jordan his life was ejua^that , . , i ' turn over our hide for what it is climate better adapted to his con one of temptation, sacrifice, toil have >een created at once. Ami i worth to Mrs. Dunniway, of the % and anxiety in behalf of i fallen then it looked a little out of place 1 New Northwest. stitutional ailments. . i» •