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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1883)
12 CTTRTSTIAISr HERALD. freely into college classes with men hundred to the attendance of that Four of the colleges at Cambridge class of children alone. The labors of this single agent Women In College. are open without restriction to the have relieved the tax-payers of this Newnham and Girton students. At a recent meeting of the trus From these, as well as from London city of more expense for pauperism tees of Columbia College, in this University, Durham, and other for and crime springing from this class city, a petition signed by 1,009 per eign institutions, there have come of our population than the entire sons was presented, asking the .Lreports of unqualified fratiafactiop..;, ^Tru sties'^i cOliiiL JÏ ï T 7"~~ c .1~"7~ " ■ ~ ÎIlJFTïW^ëSnOl? __ « are department. Statements of the same import tend, with as little delay as possi received from American colleges, of If the Board of Education will ble, to such properly qualified which one-half of the entire number rigorously enforce this law accord women as may desire it, the bene admit women to all their privileges. ing to its letter and spirit, and pro fits of education in the cojlege, by —Observer. vide a school for tho delinquents admitting them to lectures and ex ------------i that are too incorrigible^/) put into aminations. .____ ' thiff'pTeserrt ’sdTOuhr; andyet not bad The petitioners made no demand enough, to send to the House of OF THE EFFECTS OF COM for what was designated co-educa BEM ASKABLE EVIDENCE Refuge, it is entirely feasible to re PULSORY EDUCATION. tion. Several letters were read from The statistics of every country, duce in this city this class of crimi- eminent advocates of the education nals, not thirty-six per cent., but . o f w orn i i r " E ng l and, show in g' w her e « d u c a tion-i a co mpulsory a n d, ninety per cent., and so quite close what had been done for them at universal, demonstrate that juvenile up the recruiting dens for the band Cambridge and other English uni crime may be nearly, if not quite, of young thieves and cut-throats exterminated by a rigorous enforce versities. ,K- that now infest the city. The manner of granting the priv ment of juvenile education. For the relief of tax payers and The training of a child from eight ileges desired, is held of little im portance with those who advocate to fourteen years generally determ for the reform of society, the truan the more thorough education of ines whether or noU he is to be a cy department of the Board of Ed- ucation, imperfectly administered women. On this point, according criminal. The Grand Duchy of Baden, by a as it is, is yet, according to its cost, to President Barnard, “ the thing enforcement of such a law by far the most valuable branch of which they do actually propose to rigorous o "themselves is to Bt’cnreibrwomen for se von y’ears; neenrding" to *their the cntim..puLJj£_^llCftH<<yal..AXS. opportunities lor an educational carefully-prepared statistics, reduc- tern of tlw city. - D exter A. H aw culture as large and liberal as is cd crime in that Duchy fifty-one kins in New York Observer. provided for the other sex. Since per cent, and pauperism tWenty- Weather Report. • ■ the only institutions which afford tive per cent. Our Board of Education has not this culture have hitherto been mo During February, 1883, there nopolized by men, and since it is pretended to a rigorous enforcement weie 5 days during which rain and not possible, cither morally or eco of the compulsory education law, snow fell and an aggregate of 1.81 nomically, to create similar institu- but they have given some enforce in. of water, 13 clear and 9 cloudy tions fir women exclusively, we ment to it, employing twelve agents days. make the reasonable demand that of truancy to look after the truants Hie mean temperature- for the women shall bd received* into the in over one hundred and fifty month was 33 14 . Highest daily -«xkting institutions—that is, that thousand children. Their labors, mean temperature fur the month co education will exist as a result imperfect as they have been, have 52°, on the 28th. Lowest daily ant fact, though not as an object had a most remarkable effect in re mean 11°, on the 5th. sought for its own sake. ducing juvenile crime in this city. Mean temperature for the month Ageneial willingness is expres For the five years immediately at 2 o’clock 1’. M. 40°. Highest sed to be governed by circumstan preceding the enactment of the temperature for the month a9°, at ces in adopting a plan for this colle ompulsory education, there were 2 o’clock P. M., on the 28th. Lowest giate traimug of women. It is said 6,105 arrests of juvenile delinquents temperature 3°, at 7 o’clock A. M , that if there are any who object to in this city, being an average of on the 5th. the arrangement under which, as at 1,221 per year. Frosts occurred on the 1st, 2nd, The total arrests of juvenile de 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, Sth, 9th, University College, London, and at the Boston, Cornell and Michigan linquents for the last fiv.e years, un 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14lh, 15th, universities, in this country, young der the enforcement of this law, 16th, 17th, 23rd, 24th ami 25th. men and young women receive in I have been 4,341, or an average of One and a half inch snow on the struction in the same class rooms, 868 per year and for the last year 13th; three inch snow on the l ltli. . at the satrts hours, their\scruples only .7.17.. This, considering the A H disappeared by lhe 18tli, ......... may bo removed by following here, larger population of the city now The prevailing winds for the the plan of the Harvard “Annex” than then, is a decrease in-juvenile month were from the North during and holding the exercises of the crime of thirty-six per cent:,'and is 16 days, South 8 days, S. W. 4 classes separately. The faculty of an annual saving to the city in fu days. the college also, it is understood, ture criminal expenses of many ' During Feb , 1882, there were 13 rainy ami snowy dava, and 9.00 in. are ready for either plan, although times the entire cost of enforcing of water, 3 clear and 12 cloudy the second would impose upon them this law. _ days. Mean temperature for the month an unnecessary amount of labor. A A single agent has, in the last 36 99°. Highest daily, 46°, on the large correspondence has recently year, by direct arrest of the Italian o 27th. Lowest daily, 21°, on the been carried'On by persons here in truant-», and by his moral influence 18th. terested in the subject to ascertain in inducing others of them to go to T. P earce the results of women being received school without arrest, added eleven Ik>la, Or , March 1,18S3. Educational Department. a --------------------------------------------------- ---- OER ■ Absolutely Pure. Thia powder never varies. A marvel purity, strength «And wholesomenesa, More economi cal than tlie ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short w- ight, alum or phosphate powder«. Sold only in Can». R oyal B aking F owdeii C o ., 12 8-ly 106 Wall Ht., New York. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, 1* n PowItivoCnre For nil thirw Painful Complaint«and Wenkneaaca nu coniiaon to our bent female population. A Modirlne for Woman. Invented by a Woman. Prepared by*a Woman. The IH.eevery Since lb« Daw« of lllalnry. t JTIt revive« tho droopliifr «plrita, Invigorate» and . harmonise.« the organic function«, gives olaaticity and flrninesato the«t.p, restores the natural lustre to th^ eye, an J plant« on the pale ch.s k of woman the fresh roi.-« of life's spring aiwl early summer time. C■’y Physiciana Use II and Prescribe It Freely “6D It removes falntnee«, flatulency, destroys all cravinr for »tinit^lant, and relieves weakness of the stomach. 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Thev cure constipation l.iUoasnese, and toi'pbUty of the liver. 25 cents per box. gg-Hold by nil DruggiaU.'b* AßFNTS f* k< L ew E <>> •T ä .J ä QaiDEotrr aco.joBwrcUyEt .n.r GENTH WANTED for the Beat and Bible*. ational I ub - lisbing Co., i’iiila., I’a. 13iM3t A . et>t->oiling I icterial Books and Prloea reduced 33 per cent. N tCC a week in your own town. Terms and W outfit -JOO Irve Address U. IU llxt A Co., Portland, Me.