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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1883)
f DEVOTED TO THE RESTORATION OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY MONMOUTH, OREGON ; FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1883. VOL. XIII. » C hristian herald . J. F. FLOYD, Editor and Publisher, Monmouth, Or. Swbacriptlon Price : One Copy, one year............................ $2 00 One Copy, nix months.............. 1 00 ADVERTISEMENTS. \ f Prices will be given on application. [ Entered at the Post-office at Monmouth» aa second class mail matter. ] ' :’ i- ■ , « Flea* Notice. We are not responsible for the opinions and sentiment» expressed l>y our contriontora, but for our own writing alone. Hence oui reader» ~nn»t judge for themselves. We intend to give apace for the free expreaaion of opinion, within the limit» of Hound cliscreiion, and the good of the cauae ; but not be held aa indorsing what others may write. All matter intended for publication in thia paper should lie written : 1. Ou one aide of the sheet only. 2. In a plain legible hand. 3. Let there be plenty of apace between the line«. . 4. Write with a pen instead of a pencil, bo that it maj not be defaced in transit. 5. Write brief article». 6. Expect no attention to article», notice», or queries not accompanied by your name. EDITORIAL NOTES It is estimated that the Disciples number about 20,000 in Arkansas. ----- The Editor is’still .absent en gaged in the protracted meeting at Albany. _ The women of the United States have given $600,000 to foreign missions within the last year. Bro. D. M. Doty, of Scio, reports the cause prospering in his town and the surrounding country. What has become of the Faith ful 'Witness'* . 1 2 3 4 5 6 We have failed to receive the February number. The aggregate number of two of the churches of Christ at Lexing ton, Ky., is eleven hundred and seventy-five ‘members. *-VI .. ■ ■ — It is stated that six thousand petitions, bearing 679,000 signa tures, in favor of a Sunday closing bill for-England, have already been presented to Parliament. The M. E. Church South in Al bany refused to let us have their house for our meeting. We think this church is one degree South of Çhrist. We learn from Bro. H. A. John son, our. agent at Salem, that the church in that city is in a very healthy condition. Bro. Spriggs is evidently doing a good work in Salem. At the Alliance we had the pleasure of meeting a number of the sisters and brethren from differ ent parts of the State. We were especially pleased to meet our old friend and colaborer, D. M. Doty and wife, from El Dorado, Kan. We hope to be able to give a report -of the-meeting at Albany next week. In consequence of the walls of the Baptist church having cracked since the thaw it lias been decided unsafe to be occupied. At this writing the court house has been secured for the meeting at present. . The following is an extract from a letter written by a Bro. in Butte City, Cal.: “ I send the money for two new subscribers and our renew al. I was in hopes of sending a long list of names, but the dry weather has effected the pockets of the farmers so we will have to get along with a short list. We like the H erald very much.” The music at the Alliance was highly entertaining to the people. But this can only be fully appre ciated when we tell our readers that it was principally supplied by the “ Ladies’ Cornet Band ” of Albany. This is the first ladies’ cornet band we ever saw, and we confess that it is no mean thing to see a band of handsome young ladies making such admirable music. * We notice that the legislature of Arkansas has recently passed a bill regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors in the State which is almost equivalent, if executed, to constitu tional prohibition. Perhaps this is the best thing she could do for the present. Some years ago the State made a law prohibiting the sale of pistols; and so Arkansas is not to be behind in every good work. We notice from the Evening Ex press of Los Angeles, Cal., that Bro. S. C. Adams of Salem has visited that city and did some good preaching for the brethren there. On Lords day he preached a ser mon on the “ Forgiveness of Sins ” which according to the Express called forthjnuch praise from those who heard it. Bro. Adams and his preaching are spoken of in the fughest terms. NO. 9. --- -------- ——""--------- - ’ — ““ * ’ of the week, for we do not think it goo<l for Christian people to visit, such places on any day.' While these ministers encourage theatre going during the week <lays, they need not - be surprised to see in difference shown to the Christian religion on the Lord’s day. The best advice we think to give the churches of Portland is, Hands off ! ___ • William Carey, the pioneer and apostle of Christian missions in India, who, after he had achieved great success and had many offers of worldly ad vantage, wrote to his friends in England : “ I would not change my station for all the society in England, much as I prize it, nor, indeed, for ail the wealth in the world ! May I but be useful in laying the foundations of the Church of Christ in India, I desire no greater reward, and can receive no higher honor.”—AZ Some of the Baptist preachers in reply to Dr. Woolsey seem to forget themselves and argue that there were 120 disciples present on Pen tecost, and that some of these could have been easily called to the assistance of the apostles in- bap tizing the 3,000 in one day. Were these hundred and twenty all re gularly ordained Baptist preach ers ? If not, how could they bap tize according to Baptist usuage ? Pundita Romadia, a learned Hin Look out, brethren, for your Bap tist succession is in danger just du lady, has excited profound inter est by a course of lectures lately de here. livered at Bombay. *SHe is a wid ow, twenty-five years of age, and is A grand Mass meeting of those temperance.workers who could re^“ pleading for the emancipation of her sex from the many debasing su main was held on Friday evening perstitions of India, and for female after the regular sitting of the education. At one of her meetings Alliance had ceased. Notwith several native ladies followed her standing many of the delegates and in speaking, and gave their earnest visitors had gone home, this was endorsement to her efforts for the elevation snd education of women. regarded as one of the largest and The possibility of such a meeting, liest meetings of the entire session. addressed by native ladies, indicates Attention was profound, speaking a wonderful advance in India. good and music excellent. Several Christian Missions have bad much speakers were on the programme, to do with it by their example and influence.— Christian Advocate. and it is due the “ Christian The Protestants have 3()2 schools church ” to say that she was Well in Syria, of which the American represented in this meeting in the Presbyterians have 128, and the person of four speakers, all preach English Church Missionary Society ers. 45. Rev. Dr. J. A. Wylie says of the American Presbyterian Mission : Some, of the ministers of Port “ The Americans are doing a great land are preaching on “Sunday work here. Their college at Beirut Amusements.” They think that sends forth yearly a large body of Christians should not attend educated Moslems, Syrians, etc.— ministers, doctors, teachers. They theatres on the “ Sabbath,” but have been operating here for half a that they may properly do so on century ; the first laborers sleep in any other day -of the week, and the quiet churchyard beside their that it may even be beneficial for church, but others, equal in zeal and thelri to attend the best plays. ability, have eftme after them, and their work has now developed into From our point of view, this looks large proportions, and is telling a good deal like serving the Lord, powerfully on Syria. It is creating < ■ * on Sunday and the devil the rest a new country.-— Ex,