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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1882)
ß christiajst herald to God-that all such State constitu cases they have completely broken Stove-dealer, clothier, grocery- tions were buried es dpep as up their homes and gone headlong mau, into what homes do you send Temperance Lectures. thought could travel in a thousand into ruin. * * * Dr. Lingley most of your stoves, clothes, and years. I says that drunkenness in its very groceries ? ' Will C. King, of Wisconsin, Slot into" tifose^^^iose^ro^ Bot a se nnt iliii p nrfrTrri^rMfflr TwTn^^ Totin'1 in some Qi^àfid Lecturer for the (Jrood Term of Christ and humanity largely to of the first families in the city.” do most frequent the dram-shops, plars, will speak at blame for this stac^of things ? I This is a very bad irate of affairs bfutjinto the steady, frugal, sober Simpson’n Chapel, Oct. 7tb. doubt if there is a State in the for Chicago ; and there is too much homes. . Mouroe, 8th r 9ch. Junction, 10th, 11th. union but could have prohibition reason to fear that, to a greater or Who buys more books of the Clear Lake School House, 12th. if the professed friends of Christ less extent, the counterpart thereof bookseller, rents better houses from Eugene City, 13th, 15th. Springfield, IGih. would rise up and demand it. . IH»V hç foil«nHirqj fl.n fiuhi. n-. 'Tlffiy^SouId control any. pel i t ical able women of all our large cities. of the comforts and luxuries of life Pleasant Hill, 18th, 19th, party in the State ; but they will The social-drinking customs still in —-the tippler or the sober man ?. Cloverdale, 20th. t Cottage Grove, 21st, 22nd. not da it. If the eonstitution is in vogue in a certain section of what In proportion as a man comes the way they »could demand its is conventionally called “ good under the influence of the dram- Siuslaw, 24th, 25th. Coburg, 20th. submission to the people, iuu L_ h A- wemty earmot Hbtrt Tusirlt; i THïrffïïy; slldj», lie becomes. Tess and less a C ra w f onia vUl e ,27th. — amend it that it would admit prop cases, in the unhappy fruition de good customer tcrall business men. Brownsville, 28th, 29th. Sodaville, 30th, 31st. •j. er legislation. Men have not the scribed by the Chicago physicians. /The dram-shop is a pirate, among It is expected that the friends of pluck to beard the lion in the den. Total abstinence is*"the oidy safe businesses, raking fore and aft, and temperance in each locality will The motto of very many of our guard against such untoward con stowing the rightful property of make ull ai rangements for Public judges and politicians is, “ Give me ditions.— Temperance Advocate. trade into its own capacious plunder Meetings. Please furnish some the office and you may have all the bags.— The Signal. good music. Bro. King is an elo- rum you want.” The Drunkard's Advice. _ quent and earnest speaker; give But the day dawns. This-umn-l Free Rum and Tobacco. Fifteen years ago a little boy, him a cordial xyelcome. All are in-1 ster evil must and will be subdued. There is a mighty struggle -pro vited to attend the meetings. ! It will die hard, very hard, for who lived in one of the large towns ceed i ng for lice whisk y an J tobacco. ,Please announce at Churches, Sun there are jniUiuutu.iL.jaiuuey-4++4fr7 - . in_ Yorkshire, was askpd by It may not end at this^ session of day Schools, Day Schools, etc. yes, and there are millions oDbrok- I drunkaid to. fetch him a pint of ale. Congress; but, if those who are x J. E. H olston , en hearts and wrecked and ruined The little fellow instantly replied: contending for them fail in accom x Grand Secretary. lives in it. There is no man on “ 1 can’t do it.; for 1 am a member plishing their freedom now, they earth whose place of -business stands of a Band of Hope, and have re propose to renew their efforts when That Inhuman Monster. nearer the verge of perdition than i solved not to drink ale myself noi .Congress meets in December. They BY BISHOP J. WEAVEB. , that of the saloon-keeper. See him offer it to others.” For a moment have the incentive-of great pecuni the poor drunkard was confounded It is an old saying that a cat has behind bis green screen, grinning by the boy’s noble reply ; but at ary interest to induce them to nine lives. But that is* nothing like a demon, as lie takes the last length said, “ That ’s « right, rig Sv.. he ex*..*, my struggle on untl whisky and when compared to the nine hun dime from the poor miserable gloat child; touch not the intoxicating tobacco shall be as free as water dred and ninety-nine lives of the that stands before him. He knows cup, and you wilt never regret it.” from taxation, or freer, for in all abominable whisky-ring. - Almost that it is his last dime, and that Now we want all our young read-’ places where it is supplied by every th ing that is doneor attempted his wife and children at~heme are ers to imitate the example of the artificial means water is taxed, and ' to be done to suppress the sale of li suffering from hunger and cold. little boy, and to follow the advice heavily taxed, too. They are look quor is pronounced unconstitution But what does the saloon keeper of the drunkard. If they touch not ing to the Senate to amend the al. It is a pity that we cannot care ? What do many of our judges the intoxicating cup wc are sure House bill so as to remove the tax have a legeslative Lody composed and politicians care ? Yeetf and they will never regret it. What from the two poisons. of men who understand the consti what do many of the professed saith the Scripture? “Look not The claim made for the repeal of tution of the state in which they friends of Christ care ? God and thou upon the wine, when it is red, the tax by the advocates of free live. Just to think of one or two angels care. Good men and worn- when it giveth bis color in the cup, whisky and tobacco is, that it is a hundred chosen men, sent up to the en on earth care. But bad. men when it moveth itself aright. At great burden upon the people. But capital to make laws for a State, and devils do not care, Say, must the last it biteth like a serpent, and who has heard any complaint fiom and then after worrying over a this’ body and soul-destroying evils stingetb like an adder.”— Ex. the people ? What reputable citizen still go-on, Lleaking hearts, wreck proposition for weeks and months, or citizens, capitalists or working ing lives, and tilling eternity with pass a law that is pronounced un- I The Dram-Shop and Business. men, have petitioned Congress for constitutional. There must be a the uproar of doomed spirit?— free w-hisky and tobacco ? What vast amount of ignorance, or de- ; Religious Telescope. Are there one hundred working public journals have asked for the pravity, or both, somewhere about Drunkenness in Chicago. -— men iiJLA_k>wn_who spend on an repeal of the tax ?• Wtr have heard ' aveiage $100 per year in the dram of, know of none. The distillers the Capital. It seemsThat the con The Chicago Neivs gives a pain shops ? This amounts to $10,000 and tobacco growers and manufac stitution of many of the States is so framed that it is impossible to ful account of the alarming pre in a year. This $10,000 is just so turers of the South and West, the pass any law to prohibit the sale of' valence flf drunkenness in that city. much taken out of the legitimate former with a corruption fund of intoxicating liquors. The wail of ten It says: ‘‘Among women in the business of the town ; and for this several hundred thousand dollars thousand broken-hearted mothers highest walks of life in Chicago $10,000 spent in the dtam-shops no have been lobbying in Congress to and a hundred thousand worse than liquor drinking and drunkenness comfort or happiness comes to the effect the act of repeal; but we orphan childrengoes up to heaven m are fearfully common.” It adds homes of the spenders. venture to say that, apart from Tinsmith, to whom do you sell these interested persons and cor pitying tones asking for relief; but medical testimony as follows : “ Dr. but the infernal work of death and Duncan says that he could count most of your wares ? porations, there has been no demand twenty such cases, first and last, in To families who have most money or even request made for free ” ruin must go on. No matter how bis practice. He says that the coming in week by week. many hearts are broken nor how whisky and tobacco. No reputable, women living in fashionable hotels Does the dram-shop help families many pure lives are wrecked and disinterested persons want them ruined,’ it must go on, because it is and boarding-houses are in a shock- to have money coming in week by free, the general feeling of the unconstitutional to stop it. Would ing number inebriates. In many week? country being that of all things else Temperance Department.