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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1882)
CHRISTIAN HERALD. 9 •i. — —y,. they should be taxed. They are party cares what harm i s wrought* «flays : <1 More than hal|’ tjie counties Miss Brown, who is no longer both pernicious, poisonous luxuries, by free whist .ky and tobacco. There of Georgia already have local young, was chiding Miss Moire for and the former costs the country never was a tax levied more wisely, option, and, under the lead of her her foolishness in carrying a parasol, . ..mnx'rt-in.-. ihmi - s Cloquet week for the pauperism and crime by Congress than to yepeal it.— it creates than it pays into the The Philadelphia Inquirer. -—=—.------ Treasury in a year. Whisky is the Prohibition in Iowa. worst ami most demoralizing factor in the whole social and enconomic The brilliant victory recently sum, and it should be taxed to the .. f he"'-Htntrr<4' Tobacco is only a ‘less vicious agent than whisky, and is most appropriately taxed. Tho general use of it is injuring or destroying the health and vigor of the young and old, and if the tax were in creased, instead of reduced or 're moved, the country would be all 4he better fur it. There are plenty of other taxes which can be reduced before any necessity will arise fur repealing the tax on whisky and tobacco. There are plenty of taxes, which if removed, will help the poor man, .. of the demagogue in Congress, instead of injuring him. Let those taxes be first repealed; and, to begin with, let Congress make the poor man's breakfast table entirely free by repealing the taxes on salt and sugar.^ The tax on tea and coffee has been removed; now let the taxes on those-other two articles be removed. It is folly to say that the tax on whisky and tobacco is hot needed ; that the surplus of income over ex penditure is too great, and should be reduced. It need not be re duced. It can be used to extinguish the national indebtedness. The sooner the debt shall be paid the better, for then the enormous in- terest charges can be got rid of. If, however, there were no other uses to which the tax on whisky could be applied let it still be levied and collected, and divide«! among the States for the maintenance of the paupers, thieves and ruffians *it makes, and for hanging the mur derers it inspires to nnrrdffr. The tax on whisky and tobacco should be large ami perpetual ; ex cept for mechanical and medicinal purposes, whisky should, if it could, be taxel out of existence. Its power to ttbstroy the health and vigor and morals of men should be destroyed if possible. But a demagogic Congress insists on in creasing its power of destruction merely to please the wealthy dis tillers and manufacturers of.the South and West. < Both parties wish to stand well with them, to win their gratitude, and neither Iowa, in the great struggle to pro hibit the manufacture and sale of intoxicating drinks within its borders, is a catrse-for rejoicing to “(TCTTyTrn^ the triumph of temperance principles. We have greater reason to be glad from (he fact that this temperance move ment was one which had its origin with the people, was carried on by the people, and won by the people,' rather than the- leaders of the political parties of the State. It shows what can be dene in a good cause, by good people with per^ Distent, well organized effort. The hard fought battle has resulted in the adoption of the Constitutional Amendment, by a majority of from 25,000 to 30,000—a majority so large, that th<* <-pp<(mn(s to the amendment will hardly dare make any great opposition to the laws which shall be enacted to carry out the purpose of the amendment. This victory will greatly strengthen the temperance cause throughout the whole country, and give a hope that will stimulate to greater en deavor in other. States. With Maine, Kansas, and Iowa in the ranks of prohibition, may we not hope to see other States soon take their places in the same line, and march on to the conquering of the whole nation ?— The Outlook. Temperance Notes. —Virginia drinks up her entire wheat crop annually, and it is stated that the liquor drank in Louisiana costs 1517,000,()()(), .52,000,000 more than its combined cotton, sugar and rice crop. A prohibition bill has been in troduced into the Hawaiian Les is- lature. —There will be presented to the Colorado Legislature, next Decem ber, a petition asking for a popular vote on the question of giving to woman the right of “ voting on all questions pertaining to tho sale or giving away of intoxicating liquor.” —Noting the fact that Guv. Col quitt, of Georgia, has come out boldly as a champion of prohibi tion, the New Orleans Advocate the next Legislature to pass a pro hibitory law for the entire State. When Georgia sits beside Maine, Kansas and Iowa—the common wealths of reform—we shall look less, and a piece of affectation. “ I never carry a parastl,” she said. “ No,” replied Miss Moire; “people on the shady side life have no use for them.” Speaking of Governors suggests the mention of an item we received from Mr. KTTt^ht. FoTSman Waters & Co.’s Governor and Valve Works, Boston, Mass.: I have used St. Jacobs Oil among our employees and find that it never fads to cure. Tho men are delighted with the wonderful effects of the Oil, M it has cured them of bruises, burns, etc.—-A Ledger-Standard. Alabama and other States soon to follow. —Gov. Foster is thoroughly awake to the situation, ami in a re cent speech said: “ I have never known so much feeling on any pub lic question since I have been in Religion is that nobler half of politics. The attitude of the life without which nothing stands brewers and liquor-dealers is such ; in a true balance. It wants the their determination to throw vast same kind of practical training as sums of money into the campaign, the other side, and will marvelously in the interest of free rum against, help and steady that.— Dr. Bush nell. law and order ; their open defiance ***“ Facts speak plainer than words.” of law; their indifference to the rapid increase of drunkenness, Proof :—° The doctor told me to take a blue pill, but! dida'tr4er I had already n h >e ry and“ crtiiie—all coinLlne~to been poisoned twioe by mercury. The show that the people of the State druggist told me to try Kidney-Wort, will be corfipelled to encounter a and I did. It was just the thing for liquor-dealers’ rebellion. According my billiousness and constipation, and to their own statement, $30,000,000 now I am as well as ever.”—A. P. San ford. Sold in botirdry and liquid form. arc invested In the brewing interest *It is impossible for a woman to suf in Ohio, with an annual retail sale fer from weakness after taking Lydia E. of $35,000,000. Add1 to this the sale of other kinds of liquor, and Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. we have a total of sales at retail in An Extraordinary Offer. a single year of $70,000,000. Of There are a number of persons out of em ployment in every county,—yet energetic men this sum one-half is net profit. willing to work do not need to lie. Those will Here is the animus of this rebellion. ing to work can make from $100 to $50« a month clear, working for us in a pleasant and perma We have in Ohio 15,000 saloons, nent business- The amount our agents make <' varies,—some making as high as $500 a month, one for every 225 of our population-, while others as low as $100, all depending on the energy of the agent. We have an article and one for every forty-eight of our of great merit. It should bo sold to every House-owner, and pays over 100 per cent profit. voters. The fact about tho whole Each sale is from $3.50 to $10.00. One agent in Pennsylvania sold 32 in two days, and cleared business is that this is a liquor $64.00. An agent in New York made $45.00 in one day. Any man with energy enough to work dealers’-rebellion against law.” a full day, and will do this during the year can — (feinon Wilberforce, an English make from $2,000 to $6,000 a year. We only want one man in each county, and to him will Church teetotal leader, has created give the exclusive sale as long as' he continues work faithfully for us. There is no competi quite a ripple in ecclesiastical cir to tion, and nothing like our invention made. Parties having from $200 toll,000 to invest, can cles, by calling the attention of the obtain a General Agency for ten counties or a Any one can make an investment of Arch bisop of Canterbury to the state. from $25 to $1,000 without the least risk of loss, large number of public houses built as our Circulars will show that those inverting $25 can offer a 30 days trial return the goods in London and elsewhere upon unsold to us and get their money back, if they do not clear at least $100. They show that a “ Church ” land, This is an adroit General Agent who will take ten conntios and invest $216.00 can after a trial of 'JO days re blow at the drink traffic. It is as turn all good* unsold tp ns, and have money returned them if they fail to clear at least serted that the ‘‘Church” is the $750.00 in to that time. We are not paying salar ies, but want men willing to work and obtain largest owner of drinking-house as their pay the profits ol their tttiergy. Men property in the country. The Can not willing to work on our terms wili not work on any. Those meaning business will reeeivo non himself has refused to sign any our large descriptive circular, and extraordina ry offer by enclosing a three cent stamp, with lease on the Church land over which tnoir address. The first to comply with our terms will secure the county or counties they he bus control which docs not con may wish to work. K en nek M anufactu S ino C o ., tain a clause forbidding the sale of Address. 118 Smithfield Strout, Pittsburg, Pa. 12-31-3m intoxicants of any description. —Iowa has adopted bv 30,000 1). Langeli’s Asthma and Catarrh Remedy. majority, an amendment to the I Mrs. W. T. Brown, Monroe, Texas, State constitution providing that writes : “ I suffered with Asthma 30 ; years. Your Great Hemedy com- "No person shall manufacture for [Y'pletely cured me. I wish all Asth matic sufferers to send their address sale, sell, or keep for sale as a bev and get a trial package Free of Charge. It relieves instantly so the erage, any intoxicating liquors l>atient can rest and sleep com for t- whatever, including ale, wine and ably. Full nize box by mail $1. Bold by drug gist* generally. Address D. LangeU, Wooster, beer.” 0., Proprietor. 39 4tew „