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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1882)
- ■ . « ■ ' : . ' T ; ■* , * : ' » V ■» CÎ-ÎÜISTlJYN K I 7- "f GOSPEL SUCCESS. • I * A Then let us not sorrow for he has left 1 restored. Last night a man and wifo a name and memory to us that is fraught over 70 years old confessed Christ. The At the residence of the bride s father, with kindest reccqllections oLa.lii.ung..... Re]x>rted bv'oiir correspondentB and gleaiied end is not yet.—R. C. Barrow. riFanft noble mtizen, from onr exchanges. -rJlr«earf^wrr'Jitttar ..... ............ ....... ... -mu 7------ mi m us T -niiflflii i ii»..! and the blessed assurance that if we live - ------------ -- INDIANA. the 23d inst., by the undersigned, Mr. faithful in Christ we will permitted C larksburg , Sept. 7.—At Ibis place, J. A. Cbesher to Sister Sarah F. Thur to join him in tl?e glorious be ILLINOIS. resurrection where parting will be no more. The N ormal , Sept. 6.—I report 25 addi I last Lord’s day, onr regular appoint man, both of Lane Co., Oregon. Also at the residence of the bride’s Evangelist and Indianna papers please tions during month of August, 17 of ment, we had 2 confessions, and contin which are by confession and baptism. ued until Wednesday. I closed with 6 father, on Siusclaw river, on the even copy. J. B. G.. Of the above number, 14 weie added to additions—4 by immersion and 2 by re ing of the 24th inst., Bro. T. J. Davis to Sister Sully E, Lyons, both of Lane the church at Manchester, and 11 to the lation.—L D. McGowan. — Atr«y»-Tegn- Meeting of the Church of church at Washburn__ AmJinmn after, lar appointment at Buck Creek, 2 con J. E. R oberts . Christ, to be held at Eugene my ‘•vacation,” ready for work.—A. P. fessions. At present I am in the midst City, Or-, commencing Oct. Cobb. — — Obituary.------- —— - of a good meeting in Eminence, 16 addi 18, 1882. B lue M ound , Sept. 1.—Have just re Died, at McMinnville, Sept. 21, 1882, turned from my last visit to the congre tions - to -- the present. Audiences good. ■ • t 7 1’. M. — T. M,""Canfield. , Angie Caldwell, aged 24 yeayf gation at Herman, for which I have la 1. Devotional exercises, one-half hour Sister Angie bad been a member of. bored haIf tho time th e past' y ea r. -H it . lsh <in?j. Henry" Co” Sept. 4.— 2. Address of Welcome, G. W. Whit Preached two weeks, resulting in 5 ac There waB 1 more yesterday who the Church of Christ for several years, ney, Eugene. 3. Response, D. T. Stanley, Mon cessions by primary obedienee.—W. B •‘ obeyed from the heart that form of having been baptized in 1879 while a mouth. - - doctrine ” which we have received. student at Monmouth. She died, after Foster. 4. Adjournment. This makes 12 persons who have been lingering a few months, with consump Du Q uoin , Sept. 10.—I commenced a THURSDAY, OCT. 19 th . meeting at Mulkeytown a week ago Sat ' added onto the .body of CJirist during tion, in the triumphs of faith. It was my privilege to visit her fre 9 A. M. urday, and continued until yesterday ! the last six weeks, in my regular field of labor. — E. B. Scofield, Connersville. quently during her illness, and I take 1. Devotional Exercises. 17 additions.—E. P. Trabue. I 2. Enrollment of Delegates. Just returned from a ten days ’ meet pleasure in bearing testimony to her O lney , Sept. 16. —I have just closed 3. Report of Missionary Board. ing with the congregation at Center great patience and resignation in her a two weeks' meeting with the church at 4. Election of Officers. Ingram : 2-3 additions. This was the Ridge, Macon Co. 4 confessions and allliction. Just hreq days before her 5. Election of Board for the ensuing 44th annual meeting with that church baptism«, and 1 restored.—G. W. Ross. death she requested me to l>e present at ! year. her funeral and nrem-h nn the ncnasion i A UK A NS AS.... ____ ___ - —■ Y1 A. M. ‘ without missing a year, three of which and calling for the Bible she had a — I inivo itettTTor them. Over 600 have 1. •’Soul-saving,” P. R. Barnett, O kolona , Sept. 8.-2 more confes- been converted in these meetings. Re i sions at Prescott, ’i Wednesday night, friend open it. at the 12H1 chapter of McMii.nvillt. / 2. Adjournment. spectfully,—J. F. James. . making 6 additions in ull during the Romans, and said she wanted that to be l:30r. M. the fe.ri. She then spoke of her great j meeting.—J. C. M<*son. . KENTUCKY. 1. Reports from Churches, F aulkner C ounty , Aug., 1882 —On desire to depart and be with the Lord, E minence .—Meeting at Flat Rock, in 2. Appointment of Committees. saying that in heaven there would be I Bourbon Co., closed 9th, with 33 addi the third Lord’s day we began a meet no more pain, and that,Jesus would heal 3. ” Home Instruction,” I. N. Mui- tions-28 of them by baptism.-S. W. ing at Pularm clHirch, which continued all disease, She tdSo spoke cf having iexJPlej.HiPt.Hilk * -—- ■ - ------------ - over two Lord’s days. Then we moved 4. Adjournment. Crutcher. had beautiful visions of the heavenly to Shady Grove church and held a 5 7 p". m .~’ L ouisville . Sept. IL-«-In the Camp land, and of seeing her friends that had . 1. Address, “ True Religion and days' meeting, with good results, 40 bell street Christian Church, whore gone before, and the Savior waiting on Science,”1 S. C. Adams, Salem. Bro. G. W. Yancey preaches, there is being added to the church at both the other side of the river to welcome True 2. Discussion. a fine interest and a good work in pro places—33 by confession and baptism, her home. Surely to die is gain.”! 3. Adjournment. gress. At tlie close of the sermon last 6 from the baptists. 4 from the Metho “Blessed are the dead that die in the ! FRIDAY, OCT. 20 th . night, 6 persons went forward. 1 who dists, and 3 reclaimed.—W. J. Lowell. Lord.” 9 a . m . GEORGIA. had previously confessed Jeans was P. II. B urnett . J. Devotional Exercises. biptizel.—B. B. Tyler. M onroe , Sept. 5.—I closed a few 2. Reports from Churches. At his residence thr°e miles west of days’ meeting last week for the brethren TENNESSEE. 3. “ How to make the Prayer Meeting Centerville, Umatilla county, Ore;on, ” J. E. Roberts, Halsey. J ohnson C ity , Sept. 6.—I was pres at New Hope, Gwinnett Co., with 6 ad July 12, 1882, at tho age of 70, Eld. a Success, 4. Discussion. ent yesterday nt the close of a meeting ditions—5 by baptism and 1 by letter.— Jonathan R. Gerking passed to his rest 5. Adjournment. held by Bro. J. II. Scott at Gap Creek, T. M. Fostor. 11 A. M. in the Paradise of God. Was born in TEXAS. Carter Co., 8 miles east of this place. 1. “ The Duty of the Church to Co Kentucky Dec. 17, 1812, removed with R ound R ock , Sept. 1.—Bro. W. II. his parents to Indiana when but 3 years operate in the Spread of the Gospel,” The immediate result was 35 additions, mostly by confession and baptism, G D. Carrington and myself closed an 8 old. Was married Nov. 3, 1834, to Miss J. W. Spriggs, Salem. 2. Adjournment. from the Baptists.—Samuel H. Millard. days’ meeting at Dn l’re, Hays Co., in Nancy Myers who survives him. In 1:30 p. m .——-—__ F lat C reek , Sept. 11.—I report a cluding the second and third Lord’s 1852 removed to Missouri, and in 1862 1. Fixing time place of holding meeting at New Hennere, Bedford Co., days iu August, with 22 additions. Al with his then large family crossed the next Co-operation and Meeting. one of the churches for which I labor. so, Bro. A. Clark, of Add Ran College, plains to Oregon, and settled in Marion 2. “ Come, let ub Reason Together,” Preaching by Bro. J. M. Kid will. 32 closed a meeting at the Rock church, county. In 1871 removed to Umatilla Mrs. O. S. England, Salem. 3. Question Drawer, additions—1 from the Baptists, 2 from Travis Co. (my home congiegatiou,) couuty, where he resided al time of his 4. Adjournment. the Methodists, and balance from the with 40 additions. —A. C. Aten. death. He leaves a wife and large fam 7 p. M. Centre, Sept. 2—I have just returned ily of Children and grandchildren to world.—J. D. F loyd . 1. ”Our Wants,” S. M. Hubbard, from a two months trip in Cleburne Co. mourn the loved one that is gone. Yet Amity. CONNECTICUT. . — 21 added at two meetings. — A. J. thanks to God, we sorrow not without 2. Discussion. D anbury , Sept. 4.—5 additions by hope. Father Gerking has been a faith I 3. Adjournment. confession »nd baptism—1 Aug. 20 and Avery. D allas , Sept. 9. Onr meeting at Fort ful member of the Christian Church for SATURDAY, OCT. 21 st . 4 yesterday. Bro. E. B. Redd, of Pal about 50 years, having confessed bis myra, Mo., preached for ns Ang. 20.— Worth closed on the 5th, with 7 addi Savior while quite youug, and it has 9 A. M. tions to the congregation — 5 by bap- . been his life work to demonstrate the Pastor. 1. Devotional exercises. tisnq 2 by commendatiou.—J. T. Hawk sincerity of that profession as hundreds VIRGINIA. 2. Reports of Committees. can testify. His life has been one of 3. Unfinished Business. S ublet ’ s T avern , Powhatan Co., ins. constant selMeniai, his only grand pur 4. “ Relation of the Sunday School NEW ZEALAND. Sept. 9.—I began a meeting at Corinth, pose has been to impress upon the minds to the Church,” R. G. Callison, Eugene. D unedin , Aug. 10.—Since coming of his family the importance of being I 5. Discussion. Powhatan Co., on Monday night, and here two months ago, 11 have been ad Christians (having lived to seej all.bnt 2 6. Adjournment. continued preaching at night until Sat obey the Master, out of a faujily of 13 1:30 p. m . urday. The meeting closed with 4 ad did to the saved. Bro. Exley, who is children) and to promote the cause of 1. ‘'The Care of a Congregation,” ditions to the Church of Christ, and preaching for the Second Church, has the ever blessed Master wherever he has with-an excellent interest —Junius Wil bad 10 additions in the same time.—A. lived. In him the family has lost an Bruce Wolverton, Corvallis. 2. Discussion. B. Muston. affectionate husband and father, the kins, Dist. Evangelist. 3. “Our College,” D. T. Stanley, community one of its best citizens and Monmouth. NEBRASKA. wisest counsellors, and the church one 4. Adjournment. D ry C reek , Sept. 14.—Am in an in fl~&-Tn the Diamond Dyes more col of its firmest supports; but he has crossed the river. Yes, dear father, j 7 P. M. teresting meeting at this placo with 16 oring is given for 10 eta. than in any 15 you have crossed the dark billows to! 2. 2." 1. Address, Dr. L. L. Rcwlandr additions so far. 10 by confession, 4 or 25-cent dyes, and they give faster and the evergreen shoro, where the faithful Salem, from the Baptists, a ’1 class-leader ” and more brilliant colors. ia Jesus shall live ever more. j Jieuoicu, * T- Ml mmi ■ _• . •# - —M » • ■■■'■ - i *“•1 [i S- T1 E • s "J: it <'51 It