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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1882)
V 6 X I___ —-________ _I Send me a few specimen copies Letter from Zena. • the most costly church edifice in to Oretown, Tillamook Co., Oregon. — > the city. If piles of brick and ’Z ena , O il , Sept. 18, 1882. I like your invaluable paper very From Bro. T. F.< Campbell. mortar can honor God or advam-c lira. J). T. Stanley : K ansas C ity , Sept: 19, 1882. I his caij^e and kingdom on earth, J arrived in Polk county, Oregon. much. It should l>e read by all ■ Kan sas Xlity. b».ftuntribiiUugJLi-£Hfe on thi* 1 ’Jtli <Tay of lasl March? 7 I | IllR1) h'neTTulh alMiv""larkness” Yours in Christ, found Albert and his family, con share to that end. By invitation | i heard you speak at Bethel on the J. B F ranklin . sisting of his wife and daughter, : of Bro. Haley, I occupied his pulpit funeral occasion of Bro. T. M. Mor- ... - - • • • <•------ ■— .. --- ■ ~~ • < . Pride in the Church. and his mother-in law, enjoying on Sunday at II A. M. and also at gan’s deceased daughter. Myself 7:45 p. m . The hall occupied by tine health. They were not look and family are at Zena until a few It is a sin .and a shame for men the congregation on Sunday and ing for me so soon, hence their sur more weeks, when I will move out and women profes.sing Christianity prise. I am pleased to learn that Friday evening alone is sub let at "tiT money'the way Ithey do to k . mgnxsor Albert nas establisnea for himself country. gilitify a proud heart. There are (¡nite a reputation not only by his : Pithias who hold the lease; I can My object .in going to this far off many evils in the land and in the skill in the practice of medicine but! not, therefore, get the use of it to coast is to get 100 acres of govern- -church, but I'doubt if anyone evil also by his efficiency in the church. lecture in, as it is occupied con inent land, and to build up the is doing more hariulhaiLqnidtv.- It- r -has stolen into the church by de His -wife and -Mr.< Coleman, her stantly^ I can secure the opera eause (4- one-denr Tlmfl at a rental of fifty to seventy/ Whether I shall be able or not .is grees, ami now rules with a rod of mother, are earnest Christians and five dollars per night; but 1 am zealous workers in the Master’s •one of the problems in the hand ¡of iron. Churches that were once ! hesitating whether it will not lx* providence. I Lave been invited by noted for their plainness, ami cause. * Fortunate the man whose more prudent to pass Kansas City a few good and noble brethren “ to whose law still stands against pride companion is a faithful servant of by for the present, as I did Denver, come over into Macedonia (Little and fashion, are practically power- - ■ the Lord / and seek greener pastures in moje Nestache) and help them.” 1 have less on the subject. This city is a marvel of the age. addressed them four times already When every thing is moving at favored localities. The religion of Christ is pure, Yesterday (Monday) I made a upon themes pertaining to the peaceful, gentle, easy to be entreat railroad speed, this seems to have outstripped in development every I flying visit to Independence, kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ. ed and full of mercy. All C'hris- other in this age of progress. The ' situated twelve miles east of this. Good hearing and profound rever- tiiuis are—Lifptizcd with onr xpirit.r... census ;I£8D gaveuvpopulatMm^r ni’9- A J?ioctor, why^ was into one laxly. They mind not ______ ... „, .. __ . . ,s fWMI inho 1 ufnnf • flmv nh\v nlnim I made when we were both students cordially given. On the 24th high things, but condescend to men . 57,000. inhabitants ; they now claim . .fjilly 80,000. Judging from the in Bethany college in 1848, met me proximo, I -shall, the Lord willing, of low estate. Their highest ambi price of rents and the demand for at the depot and conducted me to speak to them again on topics per tion is to honor God with all they houses, it might* be inferred the his pleasant residence in the suburbs taining to godliness in the-huinan Lave and are.— They are not puffed ^growth of the’cityJs marveTous. I of the-i-cityr His Christian wife, heart. May the truth find a ready up, not conformed to this world, notice-many new buildings in pro son, and two daughters gave me a soil ini the field upon which it is but transformed by the renewing cess of construction in every part cordial welcome. The oply remain sown. of their minds. There is no such 1 found some infidels over there,- thing as a proud Christian; there " of the city. . It is a railroad center ing memlier of his family not men of the west, second in importance tioned above, is a daughter, his whose minds the wisdom of this never was nor ever can lx?. Pride eldest, who is teaching in the orphan world had darkenecj/! Paul says, only to Chicago. is of the devil—it originated with Of its religious status I can not school at Camden Point. Time has “ It pleased God, by the foolishness him; and he is managing it most «peak so favorably if my estimate laid its hand rather heavily on Bro. of preaching, to save them that be successfully in destroying souls.— ■f Proctor, and his abundant labors in lieve. ” Not foolish preaching, but should lx? based on a remark of one Bishop Weaver. ---- ------ — of its leading men—it was to this the Master’s vineyard have pre preaching the Gospel, which was, maturely furrowed his cheek, bent Statuary Christians. and is foolishness to the Athenian effect, “ that the atmosphere was his form, and whitened his locks. unfavorable to Christianity, that and Greek philosophy, and still is Ib is said that when Oliver Crom I)r. Bari x?e and his Christian wife, there was not a man in the city to the infidelity and carnality of well visited York minster Cathedral, who devoted one-half hour per whom I met in Memphis, Ten the human heart, which is now a in England, he saw in one of the month to the consideration of a nessee, in I860, are in charge of the new fungus growth issuing from apartmeuts statues “ of the twelve future life, that if I would lecture boarding school in Independence. the press, and falling into hard and apostles in silver. “ Who arelhose successfully to this people, I must In company with Bro. Proctor I obdurate hearts. Oh! may the fellows there ?” he a^ked, as he ap make railroad extension, corner called on them while their- xchooL TLordsmile with his gracious provi- proached them. On being in lots, or additions to the city my was in session and found them en dence on the brethren in Oregon formed, he replied, “ Take them subject.” My intercourse with the gaged—he in the literary depart and everywhere in the far off down and let them go about doing people thus far? has impressed me ment, she in music. •< - We called also climes;- and may those who are good.” They were taken down, with something more than the on an old acquaintance from Mon i lukewarm arise from the spell and melted, and put into his shadow of truth in this hard esti tana, Sister Cogswell, whom 1 found which holds them away from truth treasury. There are many who, to be still faithful to Christ and I and duty. Arise, soldiers of the mate: like these silver apostles, are too My friend and brother, T. P. zealous in good works as when I cross, and prepare for the great stiff for service in much that the Haley, with whom I labored in knew her in the far west. conflict which the signs of the times Lord’s work requires. Some are After many pleasant calls, I re many a pleasant and successful turned by evening train to Kansas indicate will soon be inaugurated too nice, some too formal, some meeting in the “ long ago ” .is City. 1 shall remain here about on this mundane sphere, and even disinclined. They stand or sit stiff preaching for the church here. The ten days, with my friends, before in heavenly places in Christ, “ Put and stately in their dignity, and congregation seems to be at peace, resuming my travels and fairly in on the whole armor of God, that ye sinners go unsaved and believers and in a healthy condition. They augurating my work. may be able to stand against the uncomforted, unhelped, for all the Your brother in Christ, wiles of the Devil; for we wrestle effort they will make to lift a hand are putting up a large, commodious T. F. C ampbell . not against flesh and Hood, but to serve them. They need to. be and handsome church edifice. The This fair universe is indeed the against principalities, against melted down and sent about doing material is brick put up in .modem star-domed city of God. Through powers, against the world, rulers of good. Statuary Christians, how style with all the latest improve every star, through every glass ments. When completed, the cost, blade, and most through every liv fhjs darkness, against the ■spiritual ever burnished and elegant they hosts of wickedness jn the heavenly may be, are of little real service in / including the ground, will probably ing soul, the glory of a present God < 0/1-J- Teacher, 1 I ^places." . Old version A. D. 1011, I f thejpuw'of Jesus.— Bible yeach $45,000; nor yet will it be j still beams.— Carlyle. 1 Correspondence. -X i i oomca • , -4 • i T a .....