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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1882)
14 Let them couie—losses and be reavements, troubles and sickness— if there will come with them, and not without them, “ the fullness of the blessing of theTiospel of Christ!” Let us be cheerful, resigned and hopeful under them, for they work out for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. Mrs. Dr. Augusta Smith—Author of . . Ai/riu» A'èw PrtH‘ess-4 ttre Treatment. ** As a Physician, M rs . D r . S mith lias gained a national reputation. She has cured Women and Men, in all parts of Ure country. To-dat she has patieiits in every State in the Union. She treats the si k at their homes , by letter. She gives references of- many well-known yer- biiUa. w uom ha* irealed. ¡ unong th e m M/ s. Alexander Campbell, of Bethany, W. Va. -For references, testimonials, question list etc., inclose stamp, and address Alas. 1) b . A vovsta S mith , 12-2I-31U ■ 'Springfield, Missouri. lie is truly great, that is great in charity. PILES! PILES! PILES! A Sure Cure Found at Last. No One Need Suffer! A stare Cure for Blind, Bleeding, Itching and Ulcerated Piles has l»een discovered by Dr. Wil liam, (an Indian Remedy.) jpalled Dr. William's ludian Ointment. A single box has cured the 2ft nr -Titt 'r 8 rr 8 "8t8T W lffly No one need suffer live m inn tea after applying this wonderful soothing medicine. Lotmns in struments and electuaries do,'more harm than good. William’s Ointment absorbs the tumors, allays the intense itching, (particularly atnight after getting warm in bed,) acts as a poultice, gives instant relief, iiml js-prepared only for Piles, itching of the private parts, and for nothing. c I. sq . Read what the H-on. J. Aj. Coftiberry of Cleve land says about Dr, William’s Indian Pile.OHrf- ni-jnt: 1 h'ave usfid seumijuf rile.Cures, end-it affords me pleasure to say th«tz I have never found anything Which gave sneh immediate and permanent relief as Dr. William's Indian Oint ment. . . ---- - -- -- For sale bv all druggists or mailed ou receipt of price, $1.00 YiSNItY ..k CO.. Prop’ra. 12-1-ly CLEVELAND, O. When a man has not a good reason for doing a thing, he has one good reason for letting it alone. THE MOST PCPUL/ OF” SYMPTOMS OF A “Wells’ II-alth llenewer” restores health and vig >r, cures Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual Debility. $1. Some live only to die. Like the brute Least, they have no higher concept ion t T life than that it is a time for indulgence -anrb gratifica tion. and when all else fails, then to die. As they exclude God in the conduct of their lives, God aban dons them in death. They live arid die animals.- / ‘•Rolligli on Kats/ Clears out rats, mice, roaches, Hie. , nnts, bed bugs, aktinkB, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. Good people have reason to ex pect such^tmubles and adversities as make the countenance sad but the heart better. Forty Year’s Experience of an Old Nurse. Airs Winslow’sSoothingByrupistbeprescrip tion of one of the best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and has been used 1 >r forty years with never-failing RUcceas by millions of mothers for their children. It re lievos the chile’ from pain, cures dysentery and tlinrrhma, griping in the bowel a, and wind colic. By giving health to the child it rests the mother. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. 12 20-ly I MANUFACTURER OF TORPID LIVER. Loss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in STEAM ENGINES, MILL MACHINERY the Head, with a dull sensation in the ’ack part. Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind. Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling oPlMving nc glautud. noiusduiy, Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the ; Heart, Dots before the eyes, Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Restlessness, with fitful dreams, highly colored Urine, and REAPERS, THRESHERS, &c CONSTIPATION. TUTT’S PILLS a^ especially adapted to ****** d“*41 «licit a change feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, and cause the body to Take on I'Uwli. thus the system 1s noiirtahrd. aruiby their Tonic Action on the ■Mireslivv- Onmni, Kegnlxr Nloola are pro duced. Price 25 cents. 33 Mnri u.v Nt.. N. Y. of ENTERPRISE" PLANER AND MATCHER. •U TUTT’S HAIR DYE. Brass and Iron Castings fur nished on Short Notice. G ray H air or W hiskers chanced to a G lossy B lack by a single application of this D ye . Il im parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold by Druggists, or sent by expo., on receipt of SI. OFFICF, 35 JH'RRAY NT., NEW 1’OHK. (Dr. UTT’S MAMAI. of ValunMe li.ormatinn anti Caelul KeeelpU will be mailed ^l.IE Water Wheel Governors of best pattern known, two sizes. Agent " for Degroat’« Patent Ornamental Iron Fence. •* ■ • ■ Z —New and se oond h a nd -E n g i n e» — constantly on hand. .••«U-dhi ALWAYS - GREAT GERMAN EDY F or RHEUMATISM, - BACKACHE, GtOTJO?. SORENESS or TUB CHEST, Compie!«» enr.v lopf<1:n of Bib'e tmC • and im i'fttiwa. Hii’iq ititM. ifcotfrn» hv, bi«'g- laphy. iiiiti, i.Htm'il hi-torv ; c ne t pro- I k -'. i ’'! tillU' 11.1,11(1112 — z.MiH’<iinyt« te arUckR ; cüiuiûùa; ' I e.-.r!y j'-.iiH prtBt I <Hr<l < < whe- MHebt’d. T»> any lubit«**®, I«»/, jkwtpaid. Al o <*iifht <’»tl»e ehiiic** I m M»k« fo m It ■ 1 truchui t» mih I Itrisvi tn v*«>rkt*ri«,to- £i*tb<*r to mi tfniirT Li rn*y. Th® win'1«* un fu Dinl.l took, h volutlòb rUt4ÌMÌier, 4ó Ad**u** Su»et. iCMHU. —- 30 UNION SQ. HEW YORK G' hicago ill . -e----- —- O rangé mass . .-JSL SAMVEL HILL, 634 STiu ket St., Sim Francisco, Cal. My X*w 4 T*r* e L’*t de^rrlhlna» 0*«r- lUÜUohi »»nd Hu vai WullUain Watcl*# t tent for it3c Hamp.’ It t I.a how I tehl v a Ches t » I |p irt <or U.K.»» bcexnmlued V ro e pwy’n r ►nv ttwr ev. Vndoulred vef* uca. a \.II.Jeweler,Nuw<xa.2v.J» SORE THROAT, QUINSY, Church and School Bells. SWELLINGS AND FROSTED FEET AND EARS, J3T73FLT<rSI AND SCA.L 3DI9r SIZES AND PRICES. Di tm. of W’t with Costof Bull. yoke A Bell A ftame Hang's No (5 25 in 23(i!t>s $ " 2? " IK) I «'5 I (Ml ' No (51*27 in 34(Ht>a .1/ No 7 30 in 19(ilt>s 50 Mi I No 8 3 fin 73011,s 75 00 < No 'J 38 in 925!bs 130 I 00 Ilumsey A Co., Seneca Falls, New York. biu'iliiig^ gilt «la*. tor *1 SO. DA\ Aduius -t. t'hlcaao. $661. 4 a week in your own town. $5 Outfit J free. No rink. Everything new. Cai>- ital not required. We will furnish you every thing. Many arc making fortunes ~—L„. Ledi ee make as much as men, and I m « vs and girls make great pay. Reader if you want a business at which you can make great ]>ay all the time you iVi>Tk, 'write^for particulars TO H. H a W et T A Co., Portland, Maine. GenerilBMMK THE OLD-PATH GUIDE TOOTH, EAR AXD HEADACHE, AMD ill OTHER PAINS A5D ACHES. No Preparation on earth equals S t . J acobs O il m r sai - b , HCRK, simple and GIIEAF External IKniady. A trial entail but the comparatively trifling outlay of .WCtNTV, and every one •ufleiing with pain can have cheap and positive proof of Luelum. DIKI rrloll 8 la elev EX LAltUtASn. MID BY AU DRUGGISTS AND Di ALIUS IN MlDIClNt. A. VOGELER & CO. ZioUimore, Bld., V. S.J1* F. G. A llen , Editor, G. W. Y ancey , Associato. rpHISlSA LARGE E1GHT-PAGE WEEKLY, I devoted to the advocacy and defence of Atawtolic teaching and practice. “'Ask for the Old-Paths, and walk therein ” is its motto, its practice and its teaching. Its matt.r ia pure, safe, fresh and sparkling. Its make t.p is L pnlel lv. neat,, m »rant uU «MudUhLpupiMb- A specimen copy will satisfy «11 of the above, and will cost yon but the time and jxistal card on. which the request is made. Address the I ubiishers. See'• Our Principles,” and “Our Rules.” Until Octol»®r lit, $4.75buy« a library of 100 vo urne® of choicest 91 to f.l > SuixUy« wimmnrnor a oiriied and numbered, put up i » pamphlet form : wite At itch«*«) : light aim flexible; will outlBir m »at exYM*nnive. Onn hundred and fifty Mx bonkt now haned. Cntalogn® ft«®, bamp e hook and library exchange, 8 cent«. 10 nor cent, a In tiro after 4. nt«*inter C. <’<>014. Revo’ution Sunday! BCtiwI Pubiiaher, 40 Adams Street« Chicago, OVE TUìMS. Single Subscription, One Year. $2 Ml; Six Months, $1 00 ; Three Months, 50 cts. T J» L'' <2r 1^ business now before the ptib- 1 ) 1 1 ]ic. You cm make money faster (■nil RATES. GUIDE e.SI ('(’ESS WITH-FORMS FOR IIUSi.VK.NS AM) SOt IKTY Is selling by tens of tlmiiaan la. It is the most universally useful look ever published. It tells completely JIOW ’l l) 1>G EVERYTHING in the best way, How tolsi Vour Own Lawyer, How to I)o Business Correctly and Success fully, How to art in Society and everywhere. A gold miiie of vatiad information to all < lasses for constant reference. it.E.Vl'.« Wvx i'KJ) for all or spare time. To know why this book of IlEAL vAlue and attractions sella better than anv other, apply for terms to J. DEWING A- C(Xj San Francisco, Cal. 12-29-(>iu ” LI PETI M E SCIATICA. LUMBAGO, *’ .—Il M, S U R PAS S E S sVv 0T H uP. S NEURALGIA, SPRAINS, Skinny Men. WORKS L_ • To any one sending a club of jive and $10 00 cash, an extra copy. Tint O ld P ath G uide ($2 00) and : T he W ord and T he W ork <50 cts.) $2" 25. 7’ actfic 6' hurcm N ews ($J (MU $2 50. T he C hristian H ekaj . d i $2 00; V8 00. Address for specimens, G. C. C line A Co.. General /'nbliahors of . (,'linieh and'Sunday Schoo! Supplies, SKI Wes' Main St., 12-1!) Cm I.oiii- villc. Ky. CU/a p n CARDS! . j ■■ ■■ fl II One t'liol 1'1 : tini e Ma ■■ alii ts'-nty Jiv<‘i'i-iit eue s for 75c., ten pack» 8’1 et» Suni-il'e p-, k. 1c. DAVID C. COOL. <0 Adams Hit -t, t kka.-Q. ’ I I at work lor ua Ilian at. any thing else < «pi tai not needed. We will start you. $'2 a day and uj>- wards made at home by the industrious. Men, women, boys .and girls wanted everywhere to work for ns. Now is the time. You can work in «pare time only or give your whole time to the bmritteaa. You can live at homo and do the work. No other bUaineas will pay yon nearly as well. No one call fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly Gullit and terms tree Money made fast, easily ami honorably.' Arldct .in TYirr. A < Augusta. Maine. CRUDEN’S ibi. CONCORDANCE. Th® roup H iuiabri«lff* e<l yrork, .*|t«ong y bound inci«» h Hiitl b. ihi <!■. 20, DAVID 0. COOK ló Atlauii