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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1882)
« « Cl ITT!1 S TT A V i TT K1 ? A T. T > JL Wise and Otherwise. PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS -A.. nOBUJTlTS, SE W I PTC MACHINES, —The prettiest trimming for a The readers of the II ekald mill THF STRONGEST, FISHEL & ROBERTS, jkuidui ’ s bonnet is a good-humored please observe that no advertisements SIMPLEST, Corner First unti Alilcr Sts., are inserted errenl those me believe to ■—..... ' - fa»O. ■■ y- ---- -a i as.j __ r-—- T>e trustmorihj. an mrdtny to or call- Sewing Machine in the maiket. Sold on easy PORTLAND. —That is the best part of beauty iny on °!ir advertisers, please say you installments, or a liberal discount fur cash. The Singer Manufacturing Co. THE LEAPING saw their advertisement in T he which a picture cannot express. AVILLIS H.’FRY, Manager. 9'4 Morrison St., Portland. * —Kind words produce their own C ii - rtstian H erald . This mill ac 12-35-tf commodate both, them and us. image in men’s soul’s, and a beauti _____________ ... ..... U,........ ___ ful image it is. They soothe and GARRISON’S OF OREGON, comfort .the hearer. O C. BLANEY, M. D„ fiunmntAAq fn bp 1! flip varv bpkt Plnfliintr fnr —li Th is ~7s“flFe"~ rocYof ages/' lens money than any other house in the State. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, 167,: 3rd St., 12-12-tf said a ti her who had kept PORTLAND, OREGON. PORTLAND, OIÌEGÒN. the cradlt two hours, and the Office-Plummer & Ilycrfe,’.s Drug Store, BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY, "— fif' m Belik ùf Pure Copper and Tin for Churciu s < Cor. Pint and .Main St. baby still awake. MLSchools, Fire A larin*,Firms, < L*. FI LL'. JOHN B. GARRISON, Proprietor. Resident»-.32 Jefferson St., Cor. Second SI. ARRANGED. Catalogue Frw —Keep troubl e.>a.t arm’s length. .. ■fhûïrr.iT ffûaîe i—nr itH— b i n d s et WeWifig VANDUZEN A WT; CmHrrtnrtr^e — Never turn a blessing around to see Machines Attachments, Oil, Needles, Ac. - -----—- ------------- *------------- ' Z--------------- I Sowing Machines repaired-and warranted If whethe^r it has a dark side to it. yon waut_to buy it good Sewing Machine call or for information Illustrated catalogues —;A man’s curiosity never reach send sent when dcainxh 12-3-tf es thei female standard until some J. G. Glenn, Norris R. Cori one tells him his name was in yes terday’s paper. —The seal of suffering impressed I« THIRD ST. PORTLAND dentist •x upon our destiny announces in clear characters our high calling Be SUCCESSO R TO * Clothier, Merchant Tailor and Hatter SewingMachine Store, THE an Dinr GOODS STORE •V -1 , Gorondo. I ——If you -know -anything..-that. will make a brother’s heart glad, run quick and tell it* but if any thing that will cause a sigh, bottle it up. . «“■He who would be a great soul in future must be a great soul now. —What is the relative worth of woman ?—Double you, O man. —If a nigger dies what do les brethren do ?—Go black burying. —It requires a strong, good man to say, “ I was mistaken, and am sorry.” —They are never alone that, are accompanied with noble thoughts. —“You dog of a printer,” cried the enraged poet, “ you have, not punctuated my poem at all.” “ Yes, but you see, sir, I am not a pointer. I’m a setter,” replied the printer. —Every person has two educa tions—one which he receives fiom others, and one, more important, which he gives himself. —He only is advancing in life whose heart is getting softer, whose blood warmer, whose brain quicker, whose spirit is entering info living peace.— Ruskin. —A lady lately looking at a printing press at work, turned to her companion, aqd in a most earn est manner inquired : “ Well, Char ley, an’ them’s the things as writes the papers. Be’s them what they call editors ?” —“ Young men,” said a tiresome and instructive old muff to a group of apprentices, “ should begin at the bottom of their business and work Up.” “ J can t/’ responded one of them.. “ Why not,” asked the old muff. “Because I am a^wcll-dig- ger," answered the apprentice, I). VV. PRENTICE & CO.’ S. W. Cori First nn<l Yuinliill Sts., OREGON. ” (Yiïïee TTöuBe—From S’ a *, m . to 5 f . m .' Residence, 291 Second Street. ; ll-3m The Leading Music Dealers, DR. E. O. SMITH, io; first street , I' ortlami , O regon . NTOS, rrrt, Brf. Morrison llAINES BROS., J. B. NUGENT ¿5 Yiiiiitiill, Portland, Or« CO, GRAND, SQUARE AND . ’*1 UPRIGHT. PI AN OS, ESTEY & STERLINf O R G A N S. SHEET MUSIC AND MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. Send for Catalogue. - 12-35-6ni B. F. ROBBINS. J. H. ROBBINS. THE “NEW No. 8.” Ijoncling ___ g _ SON, ROBBINS J. H Lhd First SlretR PortLajul, Oreyon, ------ —-- ------- — Are the Leading Importers, Wholesale and Rett it Detleta in McCAMMON PIANOS, WHITNEY & HOLMES' OEGANS, AM) ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MfcECHAND.SE, ALSO • ____ PICTURES, FRAMES AND MOULDINGS. K7"The largest and beat selected stock in the city. Send your orders d.rect to uh . UOCAUSC S LIGHTER, FASTER, AND IS Durable than any other machine made. Wo guaran'eo it to Out-wear any two shuttle m chin^H. It will darn beaetifnlly, letter, make insertion and embroider wthnxt any (ittnchment. A f ill set of attachments given with each machine, leaving no extras to buy. It is" the bglitost running jock stitch machine in the sorld, and ladies wishing tv preserve their health should investigate its merits. All should give it a trial. Machines sold on installment plan. Liberal djacuuu for cash. ‘ Repairing of all kinds of machines at reason able rates ami work warranted. Wo also carry a full lino of parts, needles, oil, t ilk cotton, Ac. WHKFLEK A WILSON. M'F’q.C'O., No. 88 Morri toy Sf., Portland, Or. K. C. 5EWELL, Manager. IH-iy r \ THE ONLY INSTITUTION OF ITS KIND ON THE COAST’ Where a young lady or gentleman can obtain a Thorough Business Edivation Ata Cost In proportions o time Xng.iged. A «>py of the COLUMBIA COM MK HUI A r. COLLLUE JOURN AL, containing full information, Wil ___ -, seul free to apy a<1<lrets on application. Address P.O. Box MJ. - ■ i»_ W. H. .JAMllt l’rln«»lpal. Uli . ba . _____ mi