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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1882)
CHRISTIAN ITK.TTA TT». * A.little boy who had been lost in a dense forest, and was out all night, gave the following accountof his conduct at the approach of ~ HwrkriFfw r *Ht~ knelt down and asked God to take care of little Johnny,and then went to sleep.” Mothers ! Mot hers I I Mothers !!! Are yon ^s|urbed at night aud broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying ..W. l iAA ¿4YLLIM--14» iF l-UAin ▼v >1,1,1 iv»» l viicy Yjarsyrcwrui'iiifl jmitt .A srt vtirvirry^ twwi r r .,-IxLun f I so go at once and get a lxittle of MliH. WIN SLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately—-depend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother <>n earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regu late the bowels, and give rest to the mother, atid relief and relief and health to tlie the cli child, operating like hidific. ItTs perfectly safe to use in all case«,' tud pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription f one of the oldest and Ixjst female physicians and nurses in the United States. 8bkf every where. 25 cent» a bottle. 12-1-ly The Methodist minister's full term of three years had nearly ex pired, and they were discusHing at the breakfast table the certainly that they must move, and the un certainty* as to where, when the young miss of the parsonage drew a h eavy sigh. — -'The father asks the cause, and she replies, “ Oh, 1 was thinking what a mistake mother and 1 made when we married h Methodist minister.” NERVOUS DEBILITY. ASURE CURE GUARANTEED. R. E. C. WEST’S NERVE AND BRAIN treatment, a sjiecitic for Hysteria, Dizzi ness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental Depression, I^oss of Memory, Premature old age, caused by over exertion, or over-imlul- geuce, Excess or Overwork of the Brair, which leads to Paralysis, decay or death. One box will cure recent cases. Each ls>x contains one month's treatment ; one dollar a I xjx , or six Ixixus for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Wo guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us tor six ¡sixes, accompanied by five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written gusrantee to roturii the money if the treatment does not effeet a cure. Guarantees issued onlv tiv WOODARD, CLARKE A CO., ' Wholesale and liafail Druggists, Portland, Oregon. Or-’*«''' r r<gular prices. i.-y- It in better to believe that a man docs possess good qualities than to assert that he does not.— Chinese Maxim. A ( oilgli, fold or 1 Throat Should be stopped. Neglect frequently results iu an larurablt Lung ill»««-or < <> h < iiiii |>- tlon. BtlllWN'8 RIl'INt III II, TIUKHEs does not disorder the stomach like cough svrupa . 1 1.1.. , . 1 .. ' w*»» sa*.fl wi *AAa** a- fl 4 a. - - —— « a mu B» -- A *« flfl -» ■■■ »»^ Wftll' UMIUUIII I •’vviy erf part*, allaying irritation, give relief in A at li mi a. Branchili«' Coughs. Caiarrh, and the Throat Trouh « « which Mingi-raaurf Public Speakers are subject lo. For thirty years Brown's Bronchial I’rtiehex have been recommended by physKiaus, and have always given perfect satisfaction. Having I mjch tested by wide and constant use for iieirly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Bold at 25 cents a box everywhere. 12-1-ly A charitable dinposition expects only opportunity, not importunity, to do good, and will succor upon sight unsought unto.— Heavy. “ Btichii|MiibH.” Q-iiok, complete cure, all annoying Kidney, Bladder aud Unitary Diaeases. $1. Druggists. THE CHRISTIAN HERALD WOMAN CAN SYMPATHIZE W * PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY FROM HEALTH OFw IS THE HOPE 0 THE RACE PORTLAND and MONMOUTH, OREGON, 15 ' Agents for The Christian Herald, The following persons are agents for T he C hristian H eea E d , and are authorized to re-‘ ceive and receipt for subscriptions. If no agent is convenient, remit the amount direct to the office by registered letter or postal order on Monmouth:— he herald is the only weekly T ......... T. J. Wilcox on the Pacific coast published by Disciples Aumsville........ J J. W. Propst of Christ, and is of special iuterest to all who Albany............ • | A. S. Powell desire a paper devoted to pure, primitive .. .E. C. Williams Christianity, unmixed by human creeds or Amity........ .. .D. H. Putman traditions. As successor to the Pacific Chris Brownsville... . .-..Miss E. Davis Bellevue.......... tian Messenger it is in its _____ J. T. Gilfry Cresswell........ Crawfordsville ____ E. P. Large TWELFTH VOLUME, Corvallis ___ N. P. Briggs ......’ 8. B. Knox Is on a permanent basis, with good building, Cottage Grove. ... Jas. Caldwell ptTWTlT'prewes"and'-'wteatn-jmwoe,> - aa »aLuudaucu.,, „ Carlton.. ......... •T umr.-Trr Rwramr ™ of g<xxl material for running such a paper. ' 8.1. Gerkiug Tho H erald contains each week sixteen Centerville.. (G. W. Ely four-column pages, Stitched and trimmed, so as j N. Garwcxxl to turn like the leaves of a book, with only a Dallas......... ¡ G. W. Crystal limited amount of advertising, and that of the .......... D. H. Deartlcrff, most select kind. All advertising not trust Damascus. ................... Jas. Harlan worthy is refused. As now published it is ono Drain’s Station .................... A. L. Todd Elk Head......... | oLLlrn------- - m ~ ■ ----- •■ » • • • • • .......... . .IL. G. Callison .............. Charles Smith .............. LARGEST PAPERS PUBLISHED Elkton Mrs. Belle P. Walker Forest Grove.. by our brethren.- It is conducted by a strong Helix............ . ........... ................................ C. M. Ely editorial corps, assisted by the contributions of Halsey........... ......... ........................... II- Davidson the best writers among us on this coast. We Hillsboro ...’.................................. D. S. Cameron VEQETABLE COMPOUND. Harrisburg........................... ............... John Harris feel safe in saying it is one of Independence... ttt . ........... W. L. Hodgen A Bare Care for all FEMALE WEAK. Irving...................................................... V. 8. Bond NE88ES, Including Leucorrhaa, Ir Jacksonville.................................................... Martin Peterson regular and Palnfnl Menstruation, Every DisCiple on this coast should take it Junction................................... J- A. Bushnell '<* Every one in the East who desires to kuovv-all Kingsley........................................... W. R. Menefee Inflammation and Ulceration of A t that takes place of general intereat on this Lafayette.............................. . . ... i. W. D. Fenton the Womb, Flooding, 1’110» Lewisville.............................................D. II. Lewis coast. LAPSUS UTERI, &c. Leland................... ................................ J. B. Lewis ‘ It contains tg^Fleaaant to tlie taete, efficacious and Immediate McCoy......... ........................................ J. H. H awley In its effect. It is a great help in pregnancy, and re- Myrtle Creek...................... F. Af. Gabbert liuves p—tn during labor and at regular periods. McMinnville........................................ . J. W. Cowls mvsicuvs tse it akd prescribe it freely . Devoted to such matters as will make it indis- Monroe............................. .................... J. L. Wigle ..Miss Jennie Wright ixmsiible in every Christian family. First Miltoil .... ................... rrFos ATJ. WBXKNBSSM of the generative organs - -Mt-P4wtr«rtrt- 1. .. i irmrre-rTTT-rr—-^»«< r »JE»XJ wm H m L—™ coihc's the " ~~ ~ * of either sex, it is second to no remedy t hatha» ever . Joseph llobnett New Pine Creek been before the public i and for all diseases of the EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT ,C. V. Kuykendall North Yamhill.. Kinnrs It Is the Greatest Remedy in the World. .-.... E. A Chase Of great interest aud value to parents aud Oakland........... . UST’KIDNEY COM PLAINTS of Either Sex G. W. Hamlsaker Pleasant Hill... teachers. Next comes the Find Great Relief in Its Use. .....J. P. Frizzell Perry dale TE M PE It A N C E DE P A LIT M E NT, j F. Hannah, Jr LYDIA. E. PINKHAM'» BLOOD PrRIFTEB Pendleton........ .. will eradicate every veecige of Humors from the ’ I N. J. Gerkiug Devoted to advancing the great cause of Teni- Blood, at the same time will give tone «"<1 strength to .......... Driirv Davis ............... - the system. As marvellous in results as the Compoupd. perance, icpresentiiig the thoughts of the Philomath Piiot Rock....... .. j ..............J. W, Cox greatest workers of this important Held. The Iff-Both the Compound and Blood Purifier are pre .. .A. F. Campbell Roschiug.. par, d hl 233 and 235 Western Avenue, Lynn. Mas?. Tangent................ ... ... .........D. Houck U E LIUIOUS DE PA RTM ENT Price of either, |1. Six bottles for »5. The Compound Sliewl.. : u................... ,...T. B. Davidson Is the central thought of the papur and em tst. Helens./. Is sent Ijy mail In the form of pills, or of lozenges, on . ..Mrs. 8. Giltner braces Editorials, and cont-ibutions from our Stayton......................... receipt of price, fll per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham ...... J’. C. Darby best writers. The Spirit of the Religious Press Scio............................... freely answers all letters ot inquiry. Enclose 3 cent ............ John Shore representing tin. vsrious religious bodies, and Salem. .... ..................................... stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mention thia ruper.------ IL A. Johnson. church news from all the States in tho Union. Shoridan..................................... T. N Fauleoner tw-I.TOiA >. P inkham ' s I iveb P ills cure Constipa tion. Biliousness and Torpidity of the Liver. 25 cents. The Dalles..........................Miss Rebecca Watkins The Wheatland...............................................,Wm. Scott 49-SoId by all !>ruggigts.-K» (3) SECULAR DEP.llLTMENT West Cheli&lem. ..................... G. W. Hardwick O. Mosier includes Editorials on tho important secular Weston............................... .............. topics of the day, ami news from all parts of WASHINGTON TEBBITOBY. the world. It is, in short, just tho paper for Alpha ....... .......................... R... H. Wimply every family, and especially every Christian Brush Prairie ...... ........................... 8. C. Harris family. Subscription Cedar Creek.. .............................. E. A. LaDow Price S’i.lMI Per Year Castle Rock... ....................... Win. Huntington Coin................ . .................. -........... J. M. Baker In advance. 1 have decide l to publish a Q uautebi y with W. T. Barnes Dixie............ Addrum the aisive title, to l»e issued on Die first of Dayton............ R. L. Dashiel THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, January, April, .July and Octolier of each year Farmington.. F. M. Davis M onmouth , O b . The first nuiulier will lie issued January 1, Golden Dale.. ........................... . R. H. Moss 1882. It will contain 141 pages, exclusive of tLe Pine City....... .................James Butler cover. Lone Pine.... P. E. Fisher It will contain original articles from our best Lincoln.......... .......................... W... H. McClure writers, book reviews, editorials and a full Palouse........... .....................................F. L. Bell directory of our Schools, Periodicals and Mis .................. Dr... Chas. Spinning The tiublisliers are glad to announce that this Puyallup..... sions. I desire it to be the beview of die Chris long-exiK-cted work by F. M. Green is now Pomeroy........ llanson Long ..................... . tian Church, and the vehicle by which our ripest ready. Tho publishers believe that in many of Pine City____ ......................... .James Butler scholars can and will communicate with the its leatures this “Life of Garfield” is superior Sjiangle.......... W. A. Sanders general public aud the brotherhood. .......................................... Bonney to any similar work published. Its author was Sumner.......... Every brother and sister, our Preachers et well ac<|uainte<l with Mr. Garfield for nearly Vancouver.. ................................. 8. C. Harris pccially, are requested to act as agents lor tlie twenty-eight years a timo cohering the entire Waitsburg.. . ............................... W. P. Bruce R eview . periix.1 of nis public life. He writes, therefor», Walla Walla ................ Mrs...A. H. Reynolds Four |>ages may be given to proper adver from the suiid|x>int of one who knew him as tisements, at reasonable rates. All persons who student, educator, teacher, soldier, statesman, CAUFOBNIA. desire a copy of tlie first number aeut to them, and Christian. There are eighteen chapters. City................................. Prof. J. Durham so as to determine whether they will subscribe .These chapters discuss in logical order tlie College Elmira......................................................J. M. Oiler will please send in their names as won as jx>s various phases of the royal life which they Monticello........................................ J. L. Smittle sjble. It will cost you nothing if you do not represent. The followii g are the titles of the Napa City.................... ;............ Mrs. 8. E. Inman KUbWlHffi. ------------------ »—-t—---- —--—• "Manttoga. -rrr? ■~ v—■. WrttwmT - IM lard ~ ............ . ... My ability and fitness for the work have been successivecTiajile'ix': 'lhe Western Reserve.—Tho Foundation.— Sacramento............................ Mrs. E. E. Hembree vouched for by Bros. L. B. Wilkes, A. B. Birth and Boyhtxxi.—The l’eritxl of Change.— Santa Rosa........................... G. O. Burnett Jones, W. II. Hoi won, Isaac Errett, J. 8. The Canal and the Sea.—The Young Student — Han Francisco... Mrs. H. H. Luse. 14Essex St Slionse and many others. Tue Hiram Teacher and Principal. —True Man- San Luis Rey............................. Minnie J. Borden SuMcHirrioN Ojie copy, ono year (4 Nos.) I kxx I.—Home and Family Life^-The Brightness San Jose................................................ 8. C. Adams $2.b0. Single number, 50 eta. of his Rising —A Chapter Thrown In.—From Vacaville.................................... . . .W. W. Smith Sample conies and back numbers sent on ap Suu-Rising until Noon.— Tho Pillar of a Visalia........................................... Lewis Van Tassel plication. Postage always prepaid by me. People's Ho|x-.—The Shot that was Heard Watsonville....................................... H. D. Connell Money sent by I»»tai order, draft or registered Round the World.—From Elberon to tile Woodland....................................Mrs. Sue E. Grant letter will lie at my risk. Address all communi Grave.—Tho World’s Sympathy and Sorrow.— cations to MISCELLANEOUS. The Present Estimato and the Final Conclusion. Die. E. W. H erndon , Editor and Pub., — A Tribute of Friendship. Moscow, I. T ........................................ G. W. Paslay Columbia, Boone Co., Missouri. Whilo these chapters present the history in Four Mile, I. T. ..•....................... T. L. Childers logical outline, yet each chapter is complete in Sumac, Tenn......................................... J. C. Roller ikelf. For instance, the student life of Garfield Wicklow P. O., Ont., Can........Deavenport Caul is discussed in one chapter, and not in ]>artx of Fairfield, Iowa................................... 8. H. Hedrix several chapters. So of his educational life and work, bo cf his religious faith and stand ing, etc., etc. < Our Dencrlptlve Illualrated Prle. LYDIA E. PINKHAM’S OUR BEST PAPERS. FOUR DEPARTMENTS, THE CHRISTIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW. GREEN’S “LIFE OF GARFIELD.” Liat. Ni».2U. of Or, Goods. etc., will I m iMuml about M hiv I i 1st. 1881. Price, quoted Tii No. 28 will remain g)M>«t until that date. Send us junrniHii« early toi copy of No. 2H. Free to any addie«*. MONTGOM KRY WAKO & CO., ■ 27 • »■■ Wabash At».. Chicago. 1U. Lowf.l prier, fre'knnir» ou Hir<-<h-l.o»4er», PUCKS. Cloth, plain edition, SI 50. Elegantly bound in liest -English cloth, beveled boards, black and gold, $2 00. Elegantly bound iu half Morocco, $2 50. Elegantly bound in full Morocco, $3 00. Address, C entral B ook C oncern , Chicago or Cincinnati. 12-1?. Cm Rifle*. & Revolvera. inil | ™ I OUR $15 SHOT-RUN cr< ally pric«. stAinii for our N« mt I H ub . Catalogue. 1KAI-8& P. POWELL & SON, «38 Mam JHreet,CINCINNATI, Qfc