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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
Mf i ♦ y ♦ J CHRISTIAN HERALD 14 Sabbath days are quiet islands on the tossing sea of life. Nkittny Men. 1 ’ • , ■ p • 1 -r——• “Wells’ Health Renewer” restores )>• alth ami vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Im potence, Sexual Debility. $1. He that does n- bano th i n g^iiiiaxL t > serve Lis friend, burns the gold en thread that-ties their hearts to gether. Rough' in Rats.? Clears out rats, mice, roaches, Hie. , nnts, bed bugs, sknpks, chipmunks, gophers. 15c. Druggists. Heart-work is better than head work and it is a better temper to be fervent in charity than in dis putes. TUTT’S PILLS JU THE MOST POPULAR * ---- • O r ALL' F1. Í 8YMPTOMS OF A Mrs. Dr. Augusta Smith—Author of “The New Process Cure Treatment.” As a Physician. Alas. DJL~ t}MlTa h— gaimtl a national reputation. She has cured Women and Men, in all parts of the country. To-dai she has patients in eyery State in the Union. She treats the si k at theiu homes , by letter.-' Hite gives references of many well-known per sons; whom she has treated, among them -Mrs. Alexander Campbell, rrMiethauy, W.‘ Va. For references, testimonials, question list tv.; inclose stamp, and address .M um . D k . A vgvsta S mith ,_____ 2-2’-3m springfield, Missouri. TORPID LIVER. STEAM ENGINES, Lossof Appetite, Bowels costive, Fain in Wie ffesd. WTth n'rkrii- E^^uuuUoJa lii tLü back part,. Fain under the Shoulder blade, rullnosS after eating, with a disin clination to exertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feeling of having neglected some duty. Weariness, Dizziness, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eyes. Yellow Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Restlessness, with litiul dreams, highly colored Urine,Yind MILL MACHINERY REAPERS, THRESHERS, &c CONSTIPATION. ALSO TRTO.»M.PII.I24nre esiiciiiilly adapted to such casés, one dose effectsHUcii ii cHB'ngB of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. They Increase the Appetite, anti cause th« body to Take on Flesh, thus the system Is nourished, and by their Tonic Action on the »Igestivc Organs. Begulnr Moo)« are pro duced. Price 25 cents. 3» Murray Ki.. N. Y. tÑTÉRPRISÉ^LmR KNIT MATCHER. TUTT’S HAIR DYE Brass and Iron Castings fur nished on Short Notice. litiul HcceiyU will tie nailed IKEE on application. > THE ALWAYS GREAT GERMAN REMEDY ‘ tort SURPASSES^ OTHERS NEURALGIA, SCIATICA. LUMBAGO, Are you disturbed tiff uigbt ami broken of yonr lest by a sick cbilQ suffering and crying with the excruciating paiíí of cutting teeth ? If so go at once and get a bottle of MEH. WIN- HLOW’S «no nIIN(} SYRUP. It will relievo the poor little sufferer immediately—depend f upon it ; there is no mistake about it. There is uofa mother < n earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once, that it will regu- l ite th i b iwels. an I give rest to the mother, ami re ief and health to thechild. oiwrating like magic, [t is jwrfectly safe to use in all cases, ..and plcisant to the taste, and is the prescription < f orn nf thrrrrl it st and liest female physicians an ! nurses in th« United States. Sold every where. 25 cents a bottle. 12-1-ly “ Theie is n »tiling that need» t¿»' l»e svi-l in an unkindly manner.’’ A •* Beeliiipaiba.” Quick, complete cure, all annoyiog K-rtney, Bladder and Urinary Diseases. Druggists. An honest man is the noblest C3-OTJT, SORENESS ' orni juiil i iiiivh if QUINSY, SWELLINGS ¡t-^9 O range mass . SSG â SQS j S î ' î . ist * HA.tilKL Illi.!., 031 Markt e St., Sai, Fi a nei-co, Cui. Church and School ------- Bells.__ . SIZES ANO Pltll'KS. AND FROSTED FEET AND EARS, BURNS' AND Diam. of W’t with Costof Dell. yoke A Iiell Jfc frame llang’a No G 25 in 23iill>s » 25 _.N'o (¡‘<27 in aicn.a i/ho7 30 in 49011.« No.8 31-in 730H.S No » SH in 925 It m Rumsey A Co., Seneca Falls, New York. SCALDS, 0ÎÎHEM .1EXMiUNf THAT '1HE “DOMESTIC General Bodily Pains, TQOTH, EAR V and HEADACHE, Trade, It »• til OTHER HUS - AND ACHES. No Preparation on earth .equals Sr. J acobs O il as a sayb , fu uà» aiMFLX and cmjlxf External Kcruwly. A trial entail but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 C ent ®. and every one euflering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of it* cium», piumosa 15 ELEVliN LASOI'ACIES. S3LB BY All DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS 1« MEMBIIL A. VOGELER & CO. HaUimore, HTd., V.S.M j GUIDE s success WITH FORMS F.llt I-r-ilWSK AND SOCIETY —IS THE — CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Acknowledge Leader in the THAT WONDER! 31. BOOK ‘ Do not grasp at the shadow and Lso the substance.” Kidney-Wort is able to convert you from a shadow of your former self into the substance of « cfablished health. Said a sufferer I cm kidney trouble when asked to try . K dnej-Wort for a remedy : “ I'll fry it i'if it will be my last dose.” It cured Jum and now he recommends it to all. If you have disordered Kidneys don’t Ltd to try it. 30 UNION SQ. NEW YOrtX ß'HICAGQ ILL. -G---------- BACKACHE, SPRAINS, Motlu rs ! Mothers ! ! Mothers!!! Wat-r Wheel Governors of best pattern known, two sizes. Agent for Degroat’s Patent ’Ornamental Iron Fence. . * S' New and second hand Engine« constantly’ on hand. LI FETI M E RHEUMATISM. CHEST, The realization of God’s presence is the one sovereign remedy against t ‘inptati( n. It is that which sus tains us, consoles us, and calms us. X>, MANUFACTURER OF ray H air or W hiskers changed ton G lossy ^Lydia^ErPinkham’s Vegetable Corn-" _ G B lack by a single application of this D ye . Itlm- parts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Sold pound cures all female complaints by . by Druggists, or Sent by < xpresfi on receipt of tl. OFFICE. 33 HVRRAY ST , NEW FORK. removing the cause. (Dr. TVTT8 MAM'ALMf Vklaahl.. I. fof mallow aad W All the doors that lead inward to the secret place's of the Most High ara doors outward—out of self, out of smallness'/out of wrong. SALEM IRON'’ WORKS. U Í Is selling by tens of thousands. It is the most univurs^llv useful book ever pilblishld. It tells cómpìebly HOW TO DO EVERYTHING in tlio best way, How to lie Y’our Own Lawyer, How to Do i’u.'iiii-ss Correctly and Success fully, How t->,Tv-t in Society and every«here. A gold mine of varied information to all classes H.KVTK W HTEI) for constant • < f. n nee for all or spare,* time. 'P> know why this book of REAL valligiani nltructious sells better than anv other, apply for terms to J. DEWING CÓ., San Fr:ttr>-¡ . o. i nt. ■ *, 12-29-fiin In com-ideratiov of the growing ile IS A FACT THAT CANNOT DE DISPUTED. maud and for the accommodation of the t.,any readers of these works ou the Many Imitate It ! None Equal it! coast, we have sent for, and will keep ---- :o:---- on bund the various publications of the THE MOST SIMPLE, Christian Church, together with u THE LIGHTEST RUNNING. limited number of other religions au THE FINEST FINISHED, thors, including Books of Sinnons, Dis- THE H ANDSOMEST WOODWORK. cushions, Theological Treatise, Biogra J. W. EVANS, phies, Commentaries, liymnuh», Church i-.l Po.i Street, Sun Filliicricn. and Simday-school supplies , &C., & !. E. F. IIF.liOY, Agent, 41» Knlmon St., There will be sent post-pii’d (orwhi-n Bet, Siinml ami '1 hiril, Peril unit. so ordered, by express) to any part of 12-Q-Cm the coiist at Publisher!»’ prices. I 17 I'' business now lieforc tha pub- 4 j, Money may bo sent by Draft, 1’, (> i ) i ■ lie. You can make money faster nt woik lor u.s Ilian at anything else Capital not Order or Registered Letter. needed. We will stniMf yu, $ 2 a day and up Call on or address wards made at home bv the industrious. Men, B It ITC’E W CLVElVf O N, lt>i First.tit., Portland. women, bojs and girls wanted everywhere to . work for us". Now is the time. Yon can work/ in spare lime only or give your alrelo time to the business. You can live at home and do the work. No other-business will pay you nearly as well*. No one can fail to make enormous pay by engaging at once. Costly Outfit and terms tree- .Money made fast, easily and honorably. Aildreas T iu ’ e A C o ., Augusta, Maine. *i. ►