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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
CHUÎSTIAiST IIERïYLD THE CHRISTIAN HERALD Thu character of ally iellgioii de pends upon its idea of God. I'UULISHED EVERY FBipAY FROM Forty Year’s Expericnee of an Ohl Nurse. PORTLAND and MONMOUTH, OREGON. M tb . Winslow’s Soothing Syrup ih the preserip- 7' tfou df oile of the be.-rt female pliysiciaiiH and „ Mtifsea in tile (Jiiifod State*, ditd Uta foten used for forty years with never tailing suCiiesS by millions xtf mothers for tlieir children. It re lieves the 'liild from pain, cures dysentery ami diairluei, griping in the bowels, and wind colic. By Riving health to the child it rests the nu>^l|e^r. Price twenty live cents a bvttle. , Agents for The Christian Herald. The following persons are agents for T he C iuiist EA n HEBALD. -and ar« authorized to re ceive and receipt for subscriptions.' If no agent is convenient, remit the amount diroct to the office by registered letter or postal order on Monmouth OIIÉGON fpilE HERALD 18 THE ONLY WEEKLY’ 1 on the Pacific coast published by Disciples of Christ, au«l is of special interest to all who desire a paper’ devoted to pure, primitive Christianity, unmixed by tinman creeds »or traditions. " As successor to the Pacific C'hiris- Zi«« J/esswi/eF it-is in its (( ROYAL ÎôwoT . ..T. J. Wilcox Aumsville^.'... 4 • M ’ utcly fu * j J. W. Propst Albany............ 1 A. 8. Powell ' Amity... ......... ', E. C. Williams Us .D. H. Putman Brownsville.... ..Miss E. Davis Bellevue....... Cresswell......... .*• i .J. T. Gilfry ...... .. P l Lm gW rr- .LuMJiU'davilla. I Wtur i n vwhvmE, Corvallis^,... .... A........ N. P. Briggs Wherever else the death ui Christ ..................... 8. B. Knox Is oil a permanent basis, with good building, Cottage Grove. .,........... .Jas. Caldwell power presses and steam jwwer, an abundance Carlton............ is underestimated not in ( Dr. W. H. Bowland of good matcrial for running such u pajtor. ..) ■< 8.1. Gerking heaven. The H erald contains each week sixteen Centerville.. ( Q. W. Ely four-dbliihlYi pages, stitched and trimmed, so as i N. Garwood to turn like tlie leaves of a book, with only a Dallas.............. A Cough, Col.I or Norty ..............s G. W. Crystal limited amount of advertising, and that of the Damascus....... .............. D. H. Dearclcrff most select kind. All advertising imt trust Drain’s Station. Should be stopped. Neglect frequently results ;. .Jas. Harlan worthy is refused. As now published it is one Elk Head.......... » lit Alt Irtciiriiille Liiug Ulwa«<ir ( nnonii |l- .. .A. L. Todd Hon. R ko W n ’ s Hilii.M ili u, Timt iir.R of tho ’ Eugene.............. aXL-CidUqui___ •xjtoSsX. —--------- „does n o t d ia ord u r t h e atiM n aa h J ik#wiwg b .sw* Hp e ...... taries Smith Slid balsams, butx t «llr. i-ily on the liiftum- LARGEST RAPERS PUBLISHED nEnfenTTTT Forest Grove... ...... Mrs. Belle P. Walker <■«1 allaying irritation, give relief in ....... .......... :...C.M. Ely bv our brethren. It is conducted by a strong Helix............. Aatllutn, Bi-onvliiti«, loughs. IntHri-li. ...:............. II. Davidson editorial corps, assisted by the contributions of Halsey... . .......... dill! thb Tiiroitl 'i'roillPes bjiR’il SiHu«-i-silti<i ;............ D. 8. Cameron the best writers aiming us on this coast. We Hillsboro'......... Public Spt ak<i< are subject to. FlJf- tliirft Harrisburg. .... . John Harris feel safe in saying it is oue 01 years Brown's Bronchial froches have been Independence,.. W. L. Hodgen recommended by physicianv. and have always rving............... V. 8. Bond given i>erie<*t satisfaction. Having l*c< n i« -ti-«l __ .... .. Martin Peterson Jacksonville.... by wide ami . 'iii>t<uit itae for m-irlv an entire ............... J. A. Bushnell Every Disciple oh this coast should take it Junction....... generation, limy have attained well-merited ............... W. It. Menefee vsrtc«: A foar vB i ot^tevery oTOjln Thc East wlicrdesbrea to know all Kingsley........ . This powder never rank anioQg the few staple fetnbdies of the age. p'l-rity, strength and wholes iineiiess. More that takesl place of general intereat on this Lafayette......... . ................ W. D. Fenton bold at 25 cents a box everywhere. 12-L-ly Lewisville........ .................... .D. R. Lewis economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot coast. * . LelaiitT.. 777777 • ** . 777777777 .~77J.-Lew« - - Itcoutalny" lie s-ihl in Cotn]>etltioii with the niidtitmh Of ....... . . . . . ..J. H. Hawley - McCoy......... He who has not religion for his low test, short weight, alum or pliosphatip ................ F. M. Gabbert Myrtle Creek... iHiwders. Sold ool>/ in <-<nt.s. --R oyal B aking ■FOUR DEPARTMENTS, - \ pillow is without a resting place. ....... .. .T.... J. W. Cowls McMinnville.... P o W4* eu Co., 10(1 Wall-street, N. Y. Devoted to such matters as will make it indis Monroe.............. ..................... J.. L. Wigle ......... Miss Jennie Wright T. J. Le®, M. D. J. E. Davidson, M. D. pensable in every Christian family. First Milton Mt. Pleasant ... . ...................... E. Ground conies the ”' ' .............. Joseph lfobnett New Pine Creek EUICATIQXAL DEPAIITAIENT North Yamhill ....... C. V. Kuykendall A SUBE CURE GUARANTEED. ........ ............ E. A Chase great interest and value to parents ami «Oakland.. .... PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS, Of .......... G.<W. Handsakor Pleasant Hill... teacheps. -Nextcomes the *». E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN ......... . ........ J. P. Frizzell Perry dale...... treatment, a specific fur Hysteria, Dizzi TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT, INDEPENDENCE, OREGON. i F. Hannah, Jr Pendleton ....... ness, Convulsions, Nervous Headache, Mental ( ............ j N. J. Gerking Deyotalfo advancing the great cause of Tem- Depression, Loss oT Memory, T’rematuro old Discaeea of women a sj>ecialty. Philomath....... .................... Drurv Davis ueranceT fevn-sentiiig the thoughts of tbe -Pilot l i oe k:-.~r — Atól^.£Aii.fted. J*ï .....U.vcr. —r—J-Wv-Grrr greatest workers oflTiis important field. The ’ geUce, getice. Excess ’or Overwork of the Brair, R. which Presoripttons tilled at the office. Roseburg.... .v .........A. "F. Ckmpbell /tlirv lu.v • leads to Paralysis, ducav or death.’ ÙncT box Tangent........ . RELIGIOUS DEPARTMENT ........................ D. Houck will cure re -ent cases. Each b ix contains one II. Shedd.............. .......... . ..T. B. Davidson MIL*. J. W. A MARA T. COLE, Is tlie central thought of tlie paper and em St. Helens,.... mon til's treatment ; one dollar a box, or six j 7........ Mrs.. 8. Giltner boxes for five dollars ; sent by mail prepaid on braces Editorial, and contributions front our Stayton.......... . ï1. C. Darby PHYSICIANS Af SURGEONF, The Spirit of the Religious Pres* -g¿¡; ruceipt of price. We guarantee six )s>xes to best Writers. ’ ' ............ io........ . * ............ John Shore *s he various relig; religionsbbdies, and Salem sali ............... cure any case. With tach order received by us representing the — ------- . ..— .'. H. A. Johnson ’ for six boxes,' accompanied by live doHars.we Suver Polk County, Oregon. chnrclt news from all the States in the Union. sheridsn .... . . .... .T. N Faulconer ’ will send the purchaser onr written guarantee The Dalles... .. ...Miss Rebecca Watkins The •r.-S».««. to return the money if the treatment does not Wheatland. .... . ..................... Wm, Scott SECULAR DEPARTMENT1 ’ BPECTAT.TIES : effect a cure. Guarantees issued oulv <iv West Cbehaleni ............ G. W. Hardwick WJOD.VRQ, CLARKE A CO.. ............... O. Mosier Includes Editorials on tlie inijxirtant secular Weston ........ Dr. M. T. Cole, Disease of Women. Wholesali and Ite*.”, Druggists, Portland, topics.of the day, and news from all parts of WASHINGTON TEBKITOMLJ__ ___ __ A Dr. J. W. Cole, Chronic Diseases. Oregon. Oi ’ - ' i<i nlar prices. tlie world. It is, in short, just the paper for .. .. B. II. W imply Consultation free. 12-1-tf. every family, and especially every Christian Alpha ........... ...;.... .8, C, Harris Brush Prairie t- UedarCreek.. ~:XLLabow À good example is the best ser I I THE CHSiSTIAN QUARTERLY Price $2.00 Per Year ... Win. Huntington Castle Rock... .......... . .J. M. Baker Coin ............ mon. In advance. ............ W. T. Barnes REVIEW. Dixie.............. Address ........... R. L. Dashiel Dayton....... THE CHRISTIAN HERALD, ......... .,.F. M. Davis Farmington... I have decide-1 to publish a Q uarterly vvjtb M onmouth , O b .............. R, II. Moes Gohlen Dale.. the above title, to be issued on the first oi .......... James Butler Pine City..... Jar.uarv, April, July and October of each year. A Sure Cure Eouml at Lust. ............ P. E. Fisher Lone Vine.... The first number will be issued Jantiarv 1, So One Need SiifY.-r! ....... W. H. McClure 1883. It will contain 144 pages,exclusive of the GREEN'S “LIFE OF GARFIELD.” Lincoln.......... A sure Cun* for BMnd, Bleeding, Itching and cover. ................. F. L. Bell Palouse....... Ulcerated Piles has lieen discovered by Dr. Wil Dr. Chas. Spinning It will contain original articles from our liest The publishers are glad to announce that this Puyallup........ liam, (an Indian Remedy,' called Dr. William's wriiera, b<s>k reviews, e litorials and a full long-ex]>ecte«l work »by F. M. Green is now I’oinproy........ .......... Ranson Long Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the directory of our Schools, Periodicals and Mis ready. The publishers lielicve that, in many of Pine City....... ............ James Butler worst chronic cases of 25 or ¡Mt yoais standing. sions. 1 desire it to lie tiik review of the Chris its feature« tills’" Life of Garfield” is superior Spangle......... ....... W. A. Sanders No one need suffer five minutes after applying tian Church, and the vehicle by which our rqiest to any similar work published. Its author «a« Sumner.......... ................. 8. Bonney this wonderful «nothing medicine. Lotions in scholars can and will communicate with rhe well acquainted witli Mr. Garfield for nearly Vancouver.... .............. 8. C. Harris struments and electuaries do mole harm than general public and the brotherhood. ............. W.P. Bruce tvventv-eight years a time covering the entire Waitsburg.... good. William's Ointment s I isoi -I m the tumors, Every brother and sister, our Preachers cs period of his public life. He writes, therefor«, Walla Walla.. Mrs. A. H. Reynolds allays the intense itching, (particularly at-nniht iwcitlly, are requested to act as agents for the from tbe standpoint of one who knew him as CALIFOHNIA, after getting warm in l>ed,) acts as a poultice- R .»«VIEW. eview . — — stHdcut-Jahlcator, teacher, soldier, statesman, gives instant relief, and is piepaied indy for Four pages in ay lie given to proper adver- and Christian. There are eighteen chapters. College City............ . .?.......... Prof. J. Durham^ Piles, itching of the private parts, ami for tiseinenta. at roa : unable rates. All persons who These diapters discuss ill logical order the Elmira. ................... .............. J. M. Oiler ; nothing else. dorire a copy of the hrst number sent to them, various phases of the loyal life which they Monticello................... .7J. L. Smittle Read what tlie Hon. J. M. Coftilu-rry of Clove- so a* to determine whether they will subscribe represent. The foltowii g are the titles of -the Napa City........ ..................... Mrs. 8. E. Inman iaml says alsMit Dr, Willi mi's Indian Pile Oint- will please send in their names as soon as pos successive chapters : Saratoga ............................. William Tollard nient: 1 have used score«of Pile Cires, and it i sible. it will cost you nothing if you do not 'I he Western Recorvo.—The Foundation.— Sacramento................. ....Mrs. E. E. Hembree affords me pleasure to say th_*t I have never SlllltUWib««. ----- Birth amt Boy hood.—The Period of Change.— Santa Rosa..,,........... . ............... G. O. Burnett found anything which gave sucli immediate slid .My ability and litness for'the work have lx cn I'lie ('anal ami tlie Sea I'he Young (Student — Fan Francisco... Mrs. II. H. Luse, HEssex St permanent relief as Dr. William's J nd an Oint vouched for* by tiros. L. B. W ilkes, A. B. T hu Hiram Teacher and Pi iuvi|>al.—Trie Man- San Luis Rey.......................... Mitinie J. Borden ment. Jones, W. 11. Hopson, Isaac Errett, J. 8. heal —Home and Family Lite—The Brightness San Jose....... ....... ,S. C. Adams For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt Shouse and many others. ... W. W. Smith oj bis Rising A Chapter Thrown In. From Vacaville....... of price, $1.00 S umcbution Gue copy, one year (4 Nos.) Sow-Rising until 'Noon.—Tho Pillar of a - Visalia, i • .., . Lewis Van Tassel .¿«CNRY k < <»., I’ro|>’rs. $2.CO. Single number, 50 cts. ... .11. D. Connell People's Hope. The Shot that was Heald Watsonville.; CLEVELAND, O. 12-l-ly_ Sample emúes mrd back iHHwlters sent on a|s Round the World.—From Elberon to the Woodland.... Mrs. Sue E. Grant plication. Postage always prepaid by me. Grave.—Tti9 World's Symjmthv and Sorrow.— MISCELLANEOUS. sent by postal order, draft * -r i egisleied Tlie Present Estimate and the Final Conclusion. Glory not in wealth if thou have Money b-tier will lie at illy risk. Address all communi —A Tribute of Friendship. Moscow, I. T.................................... G. W. Pasley to While these ohapters present tho history in Four Mile, I.T............................T. L. Childers it, nor in friends, because potent, cations Dii. E. W. H erndon . Editor and Puli., logical outline, vetearle chapter is complete in Sumac, Tenn.................................... J. C. Boiler Columbia, RooneCu., Missouri. itrelf. For instance, the student life of Garfield Wicklow P. O., Ont., Can....... Deavenport Caul but in God who givetli nil things, is discussed ll^one chapter, and not in parts of Fail held, Iowa...............................8. H. Hedrix several chaplets. So of Ids educational lite and above all de-sireth to give thee and work, bo cf his religious faith and stand jxjo'X’-iczn. himself. Tltonvw a Kempis. ing, etc., etc’. POWDER Absolutely Pure. NERVOUS DEBILITY. OUR BEST PAPERS. DAVIDSON & LEË, •ÎT ■A -, PILES! PILES! PILES! ■A A - ib^Nothiug so simple and perfect for ooloriug ae the Diauxtfid Dyes. For carpet rags, bitter uud cheaper than any other dye-stuffs. I Oi.r I •»-«-11 |>t I y e 11 lital l'Hled Pitie I.tat. N».«H. <>t l»ry etc., will l>« taHii«*«l Vl.treh let, 188 1. Prlrea iiu.tle.l in N>>. '48 will remain (mid until limi linfe. Sfinì uh your name early (or copy of Nu. «I*. Free to any aildreee. MONTGOMERY IVA RD & CO.. >87 * Wabash AV«.. Chicago, ill. i Lowest price, ever know* on Breech.Ixmdera, PiUUKS. Cloth, plain edition, $1 50. Elegantly bound in liest English cloth, beveled boards, black ainl gold, $2 ••(). Elegantly bound tn half Morocco, $2 50. ElegaHtly ls>un*i in full Morocco, $.1 QO. Address, C entiiai . B ook C oncern , ' Chicago or Cincinnati. 12-11’* tin Klflr*. 4 Kevolvara. OUR $15 SHOT-GUN I I ■ l(»l gissllv reduced pries. K JJ R M ■ I xtioiip t..i .--it Nr* Ulus. Catalogue. lsM-M, p, 1 OW'SLL A SOW, *<>8 NU« Stessi,cigclftNATI, <A 4 • ■t -- : ft ■ . *’/ l.'S