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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 25, 1882)
? » ♦ » CHItlSTIAN ta / .............. ■ ' .W, " . ■ ' » » . g f 1’1 HUBAND ADVERTISEMENTS. Wise and Otherwise. 21. hoheirts , S- o'- Corat-r First ami Al ler The SUREST CURE for « © ll KIDNEY DISEASES. ffl o * h Doe. a tame back or disordered urine indl- ■ cal»that you are a victim P THEN DO NOT "Ü c HESITATE; use Kidney-Wort at once, (drug- X it)and it willBpeedily over- u ’ £ ' «tala reoommend reooi w come the “ iageYind restore healthy action. © ■ -^gr complaints peculiar » ■ toy , Buell as pain □ and weaknesses. Kidney-W tot irposBed, \ tc as It will act promptly ^ud safely. Either Hcr. InçQptjpençe, ratouigji o> v.riii r-al' 5 (fi briol brink dust or ropy deposits, and du 11 drauitine 0 pain« is, all speedily yield to its cift-ative power 2 43- BOLD BY ALL DHUQGI8T8. Price Bl. *°”Ladig I KIDNEY-WORT |T RUNH LIGHTER, FASTER, AND IS 1 "Morn Durable Ilian any other machine made. We guarantee it to Ònt-wear anjTtwo shuttle m chines. It will darn beaetifully, letter,'make insertion and embroider trl/toul uni/ attiicloin iif. A fall set of attachments given with each machine, leaving no extras to buy. It is the lightest running lock aliteli machine in (lie '.odd, and ladies Wishing to' preserve their health should investigate ita merits.« All should give it a trial. Maohlnes sold on installment plan. Liberal discoun- Ru cash. ‘' . Ilo pai i ¡ng <jf all kinds of machines at reason- able rates and work warranted. We also carry Ü till! I i lift « . I' 1 » 1 »• 4.J r.. .1 t . I I .¡ll. .. . L .. _ ‘ • a lull line uf parta, »» needl es, oil, silk cotton, A Ae. IIATLD WAITE, »., 145 First Street, PORTLAND. . 4 - - c Importer and Dealer in FISHEL & ROBERTS, ♦ - THE LEADING Clothier, M e r c h a nt OF OREGON, . Guarantees to sell the very best Clothing for less money than any other house in the State. 12-12-tf BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY, B f II h of Pure Copper and Tin for Chnr<die«», School«, Fire A lai !ns,Ffti;uLs, vic. FULLY WAKMAXJUU < ------- VANDUZEN & TIFT, Cincinnati, O (NEAR MAINJ PORTLAND, I 12-lC-tf -——ff $ *.“*** . . ■. OREGOX. •———— — O C. BLANEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, .< PORTLAND, OREGON. OfH<e—Plummer & Byerley’s "Drug 8torer Cor. Pint and Main Kt. Residence—32 Jefferson St., Cor. Second St. T 12-1-ly THE CITY DRY GOODS STORE] 147 THIRD ST. PORTLAND THE CHRISTIAN CABINET. Being a collection of noted Christian ministers. -We have now in preparation the photographs of President Gn.rtiel'1, <». i. Burge* and I*111' Kcrett. We, shall at an early da-te publish others, which -will enable our people, at little expense, to obtain a complete Cabinet. ' , These photographs (albertypes) are most,perfect'likenesses, and are the productions of the photograph’s best style and art. Cabinet size, ixlO inches. In placing these photographs before you, it is our intention to spare no expense in making the Cabinet complete. 'The pictures will be sol I at the nniffirm rate of 20 cents each, or three tor 50 cents. Our object in this liberal off r is to bring our enterprise into immediate recogni- — liim, so thatAtlieii futui'ii winks aieiurijOHiH'd 1 ydu will have an opportunity to judge of the quality and beauty of the work. On receipt of your order the pictures will be promptly for warded you, all charge! prepaid. We Rffarantee safe delivery. We ailvioeclubs to send together, as several copies can las sent degether with greater safety. As we have printed but a limited number, send in your orders at once. Address STAXDAICU PUBLISHING COMPAVY. — ls(* ®«lm Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 12-2’-3m ’RII’ ABOUND THE WORLD A TI! ■ I . ■----- ...... Including a visit toJSew Zealand, Tasmania and Australia ; with some account of the C hristian ‘('ImrchcH Churches there, and their work and success ; together with facts cunoertiing ecaiuerning I the natives ; missionaries, their work, perils and success-; with much lntcroetiiig information, gleaned from the best sources, on the natural history religious, social and material progress of these countries. __ B y TIMOTTTF COO? and HENRY EXLEY. Illustrateti willvTwelve Spleni! hi Albertypc Platea, Re proti uni innx of tlie Photo* gi n pitta Art, an<l Facsimile« of thè Originai Photo*. A oharming book of travel, replete with illustrations and incidents of foreign life and lands. f. Extra Cloth, about 250 pages. Price, SI.50. STANDARD PUBLISHING CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO. l2-22-3m STAIGER, DEALER IN MONUMENTS, £ § p HAS BEEN PROVED F. R. CHOWN, SUCCESSOR TO The readers of the H kiiald will -—What nation produces most ¡Jcase observe that, no advertisements marriages—Fascination. are inserted excei>l those we believe to What workman never turns to- be trustworthy. fn writiny to or call ing on our advertisers, '¡¡lease say you the left?—A wheelwright. saw their advertisement in T he • —M isery loves company, and SO C hristian II er X i . ii . This will, ac _ does a marriageable young lady. commodate both them and ■, —Eagles fly alone; sheep, gener- GARRISON’S ' ally 7’Hock together—-so we have herd. •>- Sewin'; Machine Store, —The fastest and slowest of our 167, 3rd St., z English authors were Swift and PORTLAND, OREGON. Crabbe. — When does a cow become JOHN B. GARRISON, Proprietor. landed property ?—When turned General dealer in all finds of Sewing Machines Attachments, Oil, Needles, Ac. into aJield. 'Sewing Machines repaired and warranted If von wapt to buy a good Sewing Machine call or —Why is a bashful girl like a send for information. Illustrated catalogues 12-3-tf chameleon ?—Because she often sent when desired. Norris II. Cox J; G. Glenn, changes color. —-Don’t run on an errand, little GLENN & COX, boy—you might injure it with the nails in your boots. —Has it.ever occurred to base ball men that a milk pitcher is Coi". First anil Yamhill Sts., x generally a good Hy catcher ? PORTLAND. OREGON. —" I’m a broken man,” said a Office House From S a . St. to 5 p. m . Residence, 291'Second Street. , 14-3m poet. “ Well,” said his friend, “ 1 inferred that from your pieces.”. DR. E. O. SMITH, —A man never looks so like a red-handed villain as when he is " told by the photographer to “ look Street, Bet. Morrison and pleasant. Yamhill, Portland Or. —“ A babe,” says a writer, “ is a mother’s anchor.” We have often ' heard that the first thing she does ___ is to weigh it. —Experimental philosophy illustrated when a man tries to borrow money from, a friend natural philosophy when the latter refuses. —“ Money is a great lever in the affairs of men,” said a lecturer on finance. Yes,” exclaimed an auditor, “ it’s so gieat a leaver that some of us can never keep it.” THE “NEW No. 8 “ What is that dog barking at?” Leading asked a fop, whose boots were more polished than his ideas, “ Why,” said the bystander, “he sees another puppy in your boots.” —A bolt of lightning struch a I tree in front of a Chicago alder man’s house, the other night, and in his fright the aiderman remark ed : “Hold on 1 I’ll restore the money 1” « Because A. c o 13 H Kli A 1.1». TABLETS, —AND- » Head-Stones, Ext'cnte«! in Italian ami American marble.. Also, every variety of Cemetery and o'ber Stpne work, Gianite Monuments, and enclosures to burial lots, furnished to order. Opposite the Opera House, Sajem. Also, Staiger Brothers, Albany, Oregon. THE ONLY INSTITUTION OF ITS KIND ON THE COAST Where» young lady or gentleman can obtain a Thorough Kua’new E<Ii>"îitio:i At a TT*st tn proporti« mt ölTniP Zn F.F.LF.Il & TVlLdON. M F’G co., * Yims- Moi i Ison st., P oi G hik I F. 12-l-ly A COM M EK< '! A I« (’OLLT.GK JOVKNAL, roHfahihig-full in forni fit fon, wíí application. AtitlH’SK » Ebf<, 5Inu««M<-r P. O. Box SBX I .. I ' ■■ P - - 4 l I M W. .M. VrlnviiHvl.