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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1882)
0 7 ■4^ r . Imml. That they had lieen bound to that law until they had become dead to that law byibebody of Christ. That if the wonqyi who hath an husband being married to another "man while her first husband liveth, she would lie an adulteress. But the law l>ecoming o dead they had been legitimately married to Christ and were therefore not guilty of spiritual adultery. . T . . . RanjL.7^- 7»—“~What shall...vw- -say then, is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sip, but by the law ; for I had not known lust if the jaw had not said, Thou shalt not covet“-" ”7". - ' ' I would, like to ask Bro. Jones what law the Apostle was speaking of here ? What law said “ Thou shalt not covet,” but the, ten com mandments ? (Jones, “ Lt was the ten commandments.”) Very well, he admits it was the ten command ments. So you see In*-has yielded the whole ground. “ Paul says it had become dead, 1 and yet he. would have us Ixntnd- to that same loathsome corpse that • stinketh inasmuch as it is dead. This debate has been forced upon me and I shall force it through. Please turn to Bom. 3: 26-28. Here the Apostle says boasting is excluded by the law of faith, and that a man is justified by faith without the dee«js of the law. J MR. JONF-S’ ELKVJiNT.H SPEECH. The Ehler claims that I made a misquotation, when I read from Smith’s Revised Dictionary, and thinks we must follow the oldest Dictionary. I wish to say that Yale College has adopted the new ami certainly the latest editions an* considered by all to be the best file says I read from Gardener’s foot notes. He says the foot notes were by Gardener and the Diction- ary was by Smith. 1 would ask hnTF who are the contributors of Smith’s Dictionary. Smith Dic tionary is a compilation from differ ent contributors. I admit that Mr. Gardener wrote the article He said the Gentiles had not the law but had the works of the law in their hearts. Now I would like to know the difference lietween the law in their hearts and the works of the law writtefi in their hearts. He saysin Rev. 22: 14, it is Christ’s commandments. I would say that I have written to as many as four different responsible men who unanimously agree that it was God’s commands. See 1 Tim. .2: 5 ; Acts 20: 2p Christ is a mediator, not a lawgiver, Heb. 9; 1 John 2: 1. Christ is the mediator of the: New Testament. Ley. 4: 13. The priest brings his offerings which could not take away sins. But Christ sfc])s into tin- pl:iK <il' that priest and mediates Tietween the people and God. For this~t*anse he is the mediator of the New TPsta- ment. The Ohl Testament reaches .to his death. Tire New Testament “did not come in force till his death. it was sanctified at creation it was cammanded. Rom. 3: 19; John 6. “ Whatsoever the law saith, it saitli to them that are under the law.” When a man rnininih sin lu> is under the law. . , ELDER WRIGIIT S ELEVENTH REPLY. it brought fruit unto death. But being married to Christ they were to bring forth the fruits of right- eousness. I say every one that is that.. h*.... u.. a... spiritual, adulterer. Rom. 10: 10, “For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth.”- Tile royal law does not lielong to the ten commandments. Where in the ten commandments is ! I am sure I do not know what ' my Bro. meant in liis last speech. He produced no argument, but he I must say something to kill time. lie bus spent a gn u taught them to keep the command i thumb! on the first day of the bor as himself ? What is a man to ments. Gal. 3: 15. “No man dis ' week. As we are not discussing do with his neighbor in keeping annul leth or addeth thereto.” The the first day of the week, I will let the Sabbath•? Love is the fulfill disciples kept the Sabbath, thfis I him have all that. He says “ If ing of the law' Jesus died to ful bringing it into Christ’s law, and . Christ is the lawgiver, where is the fill that law, ami coming into Christ we Tome into that love. no one^can get it out. The ten ; mediator?” . commandments is God’s command Ditl not Paul say that “ Christ is 2 Cor. 3 ; 2, 3. This shows what ed covenant. .... ' the mediator of a better cover^t.” law we an* under, that which wds He goes to Rom. 7th and says Christ said all power in heaven not written in tables of stone but the law is dead ai^l stinketh. I and on earth was given into his in fleshly tables of the heart. Heb. never expected to hpar a man say I.hands. Mark 16 : 1G. He said 8th chap. ! My great desire is to be that the ten commandments i “ Christ never gave commandments, a minister of the New Testament I " . „ . “stink.” Why is .the living God ! if'so, there was no mediator.” If 2 Cor. 3;,7: “For if the minis - said to be a keepei- of a loathsome lie will read Eph. 2; 15, he will tration of condemnation be glory, corpse. Men will set themselves up find the old law of commandments much more doth the j11inistrati<in of to Tie Judges of GoiTsTaw and tram was abolished,. He denies that righteousness exceed in glory.” ple upon his holy Sabbath. {He Rev. 22:'<14, was Christ’s com- The trouble is to day the minds of paus<*s ami weeps] The great ■ mandments, and that Christ gave some are blinded so they cannot King of kings said “ Remember the .them as-his commandments. Now read so as ♦ to understand the law of Sabbath,” the same that said “Thou I will ask any grammarian here if the Lord. Many have even set the shalt not kill.” . — '_ _ they were not given by Christ time of the coming of Christ and ('hrist said,“ Keep the command through the artgel. I do not claim reset it and yet it_is.a faihtrr. But ments,” ami yet we are spiritual that those of the ten command where the spirit of God is there is adulterers liecause we keep the ments brought forward in the New liberty. When they turn unto the commandments. He says the law Testament are abolished. We once Lord this blindness is taken away. is dead and We are freed from it. I had an old constitution, and much When we look into the perfect law would say there is no lilierty from of the old constitution was brought of liberty and continue therein God’s law without anarchy. If the forward into the new, nevertheless lieing not forgetful hearers, ¿but commandments be dead, then where it was a new i constitution. I can- doers of the work, we have the is safety ? hot get hinijo look at the fact that promise of the blessing. Our Bro. What an idea about the nine all men cannot keep the Sabbath says, “ If we are spiritual adulterers commandments. A suhstituterL I insist on his showing us on to when we are under the ten com statute has no authority in law. morrow how time was divided] mandments, why are we not when The apostles quoted from the ten No moral institution has a begin "we are under nine of them ?* The commandments as authority in ning. All positive institutions de reason is the nine are brought for law. if the ten are in the new j pend on a giver and a time when ward and inserted in the new law law they are as binding as law. they were giveh. I called his at- in Christ. He refers to the preach- 1 tention to Roni 7 : 1-4, etc. Did ing.|ff the apostles when they went The apostles quote* ments and they are- therefore au I he deny it was the ten command into the synagogues on the Sabbath ments ? He admitted it, as you all and gives it as ‘an example for us thority *- in the new law. I stated * yesterday that the seventh day was , are aware. Let us pow read, “ For to keep the seventh «lay. Bro. the only day ever commanded to be a woman which hath a husband is Jones goes out on Sunday to kept. He says it is right to keep loiind by law to her husband (the preach. Why ?' To set an example the first day of the week. Now 1 ten commandmentsJ so long as lie of keeping Sunday ? No, he goes will read all the places of the New liveth, but if bw IrTrshmid" T h * dead out whin and wtrrre---lie__(ain find Testament where the first day of ’ she is Raised from the law of her people to preach to. The apostleR" the week is spoken of. Matt, 26: huslmml (the ten commandments). went into the synagogues where • Wherefore, my brethren, ye they could find people to preach 28; Mark 16: 12; John2<): Iff; Gospel to, Acts 20 : 7, &c. (Here he argues also are become drwl to-the. law the v ...... that it was Saturday night that (the ten commandments) by the Yon never geF to tbe end of was called the first day of the . body of Christ, that ye should 1 h * .Christ’s words. There is some- • week.) In Matt. 20: 7, is the only married to another, even to hiip thing in them always behind. They example he can find of the coming who is raised from the dead, that pass into proverbs, they pass into together on the first day of the we should Tiring forth fruit unto laws, they ' pass into consolations ; I but, they never pass away, and week. Now 1 will show when tho- God.” What was the progeny of after fill the use that is made of that law that my Bro. admits was them, they are still not exhausted, seventh day was commanded. Please turn to Ex. 19; 26. When j the ten commandments. Paul says —Dean Stanley.