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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1882)
8 .1 CHRISTIAN HERAt.1). rum bu’lt. " man from some Other party. It is reason to become alarmed and re Temperance Law: This is the ............H. . ... . likely al. that another election will sort,; as they did, to a tissue of show some trading about on this fallacies about sumptuary laws, per star of-promise bright, that stops The Iowa Idea of Reform. scale. But most of the men who sonal liberty, etc. They called us the demons in their delight to IT HAS COME TO STAY. 1^1 n.,ht regarded this as a “ enthusiastic hot-headed fanatics,” scare the monster in Ids career, and ■ low They ~Di<l If u........ p b,,‘J » f, ar minor factor hardly worthy of no-: ana oiteu uuiui ui uui upiauvii pen nU ifioffi iifay WLifil the chain that © BY ts H. HEDBIX. tic?. The true patriots of all par formed in a way to indicate that KUMBKB II. ties looked to the fight as one be they were correct. That this cost binds the beast in his artful train, who lives in the house that rum I have given dire cicdit to the tween right and wrong ; and one of , us votes in many places 1 have no built; excellent character of our people such eminent importance that it i j doubt. If we had failed I should Good Teulpiais: 1’hesb ait) tiili as the cause of pur success in must be gained, and all matters of. . have counted jj'the thief cause, | soldiers who take the field, with the adopting our constitutional ^meird~rP^^y" puhtivi btr.. 4vifr ta»adjmd pillour fight was on the “ bras-, shir TT^p^ rnent. Our opponents have all the themselves as best .they could. band ” style. We did very little they go together hand in hand to time said it was a political measure. They were determined to abolish on the “ still hunt,” not so much as hunt the demons who infest the' Tiros?, of different political ideas the rum system and let reconstruc we ought to have done. It was land; they’ll stop the monster in charged it to the/Republicans. The tion follow as opportunity shull painful tn see our lack of system in i thispart of the field. Our oppo- his course, ami destroy the serpent Republicans _who_ opposed the offer. As soon as the resolution to sub nents did all their effective Work in at the source; they’ll bleak in. twu amendment said it was dangerous and would ruin the paity. On this I mit it to. the people had passed the this way. They did but little b>e- the welded Chain, arid set the Cafi- account it had opposition frbnf all second general assembly, the host I foie the people till the -la-.L few ’tive free again, who lives in the ranks. Even a few preachers could began to prepare for the battle. | weeks, aml their efforts, in that house that rum built, The Temperance.Pledge : This is be found to speak against it. In a The friends wf the measure did not way did them but little goth bad sense it wa/7)ot political; in a effect a systematic arrangement; To reach the people with their the banner the soldims bear; it high sense it was* Therefore, when 1 they had* no money collected,1 and literature they had mtn all over.,Waves forever ‘ blight and* j the sentiment became strong’and did not collect into .one fund as the ¡State as agents (ostensibly) of with their banner bright, and their earnest there were a few of the bet much as ^IjOOtf in all the campaign. ■ almost all kim Is of business, who stary shield, they are the conquer "terr tas-s of politic i ans in the Repub ■ The matter was befoie the people, j worked night and day foi^ their ors of the field ; the demons flee in lican party who were willing to ! and it was largely left with them. misters"... A[T|TfoachTrrgt)TLr“ftTnncr all* thetr host; -the monsters., tvw,__ submit it to the people. Many of I Each,county, and often each town he carelessly talked about the desert their post ; they’ll drive the these had little hopes that it would ship Worked independently. True amendment, first thought he would serpent f rom the* land, and keep meet such favor ; others who op I we had a State and district cam- vote for it, but changed his mind him down at their command ; posed it were willing to submit it j paigne committee,'but altogether it because of thus and so. If the they’ll help ttye.^captive break the anrHmped it would be defeated and was like a volunteer army lighting farmer scemcdio doubt this he had chain, and make the beaut a man then trouble them nomore. Nothing | its first battle. Our committee did “just one” tract or paper which again ; they’ll fold him with their has, for many years, given the their best work in scattering litera convinced him, he could spare it, banner bright, and with him battle average and law class of politicians ture over the State. They im etc. In this way many thousand for the right; they’ll never fear nor ! more troutle. As a rule they have ported a few noted speakers from copies of the failure of prohibition be afraid to destroy the hi,use that regarded the claims of the bad ele abroad, who did good servic-, but in Maine and Kansas were put into rum made. IFi/itttm May. ment and had no fears of the better it is believed by many that if this the hands of the farmers, often ac Sober and Industrious. class of society. Therefore, when had been applied to aid our home complishing its purpose to deceive. — •- ♦ -♦ ---- - ------ good men from every county came talent in the small towns and A TBUE 8TOKY. The House that Rum Built. to the conventions, men who were country chapels, school-houses and ♦ - never there before, men too who groves, rather than to semi these “ None but sober and industrious The Almshouse: This is the house possessed talents and character and men from abroad to such places as that rum built. men need apply,” so ran G. F’s ad consciences, w ho came only because I Davenport and Burlingtm, out- i The Drunkard : This is the btast vertisement, which George Acker they felt the need of reform, and majority would be larger than what that lives in the house that rum man answered when he secured the > .demanded that their principles it is. In many places our home j built. place of cartman- with this well should have the first and most speakers made a great mistake in < Appetite: This is the chain that known and influential firm. Sober serious consideration. Their_ de-j jyhp__Qpppsed. i binds the beast that lives in the and industrious George proved him- mands to open a door id the people th e amendment; thi s did no t c n- : house that rum built. self to be, as year after year be were heard and granted. This was 1 lighten or convince anyone ; it was I Intoxicating Drinks: This is the drove the great brewery horses, done with no threat to desert the wholly unnecessary, because the serpent in flowery guise, with artful giving satisfaction to his employ - party if it was not granted ; nor 1 arguments on our side were so tongue and dazzling eyes, that era and making a comfortable living was it granted, as some have said, abundant and the sympathy of a welds the chain that binds the beast for his wife and four growing buys. for fear the temperance men would count!y audience so much in our that lives in the house that rum But, by-and by the sober and in leave tlfe party, but fiom the fact favor that it was wholly a waste of built. dustrious cartman became some the party itself became so leavened time to abuse even a whisky seller, •The Rumseller: This is the mon thing more, even a regenerated man with the theory of prohibition that fii the mind of many good men ster who holds the rein over the and a member of a Christian church, they held the key and commanded various objections and difficulties serpent who welds the chain that and then u change came. Georg« «he door to open, and it was done. seemed to prevent them from at binds the beast in cruel pain that felt that he could no longer take Therefore, it was no more policy once seeing their way clearly. I lives in the house that rum built. the occasional-glass of whisky that measure to catch votes, but sb1 fai never made speeches on any ques Wholesale Liquor Dealers : These had been his went, nor did his new ns, that was concerned, all thought | tion that I could instinct, and tn are the deiiions of the land, who l^ninei|des affow him to aecopt the it would cause the party to lose I lighten men so rapidly as on thi*’ hold ThtT7monster at their com “treat” always otfared him when votes. But they can go, others will j Our opponents also had their share mand, and to the serpent they do he drove his great barrels of beer to come Fn their place, and the majori of crinflnators, Imt we had argu-. say, together we’ shall take our the stories of their purchasers. His ty is so large that they could afford meats, facts, figures and every way, and weld the chain so strotig’y awakened conscience too, began to to gi^e two or three burglarizing reason to be cool-headed and good now, that every beast to us shall grumble a little about the business Republicans for due sober decent I natured. The enemy had every bow, and dwell in the house that in which ho. was engaged, and from Temperance Department. M» ■ €