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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 18, 1882)
'CHRISTI AN 6 I,find the law of God written in their lie puts Gardener’s foot notes at make any graven image,” &c.—• 1 i hearts. Rom. 1’: IS. ’This shows the bottom and. says he is reading Gospel 2d. “ Thou shalt love the Synopsis of Dlucasalon on the Sabbath, eoinntVneihg June JiS, 1884, held W* ' that they had had some knowledge from Smith’s late revision of the Lord thy God with all thy heart Farming ton, W. T., Iretween Kid. C. J". ■ of God. They had known God but Dictionary. When I quoted from and with all thy soul and with all Wright, of the Church of Christ, and not retain that knowledge. Ex. 34: 28, he got my Bible which thv mind.” Matt. 22 : 37. Kid. Alonzo T. Jones, Seventhday Ad- did » ' ifraaya'Aft' ^dJeeailtyut!' 3rd. ” Them'. 'w halt'.-nnt"------- -f-Luk-IV 23d- Rffd' h*At-> W'M* 1. agaggaagi 4»TW’7rrwpHari Hd^whew! The first day Christians lived wrote Upon the table the words of take tlrt1 name of the Lord thy God PROPOSITION—Resolved, that this side of the death of Christ, the covenant and inasmuch as that in vain.”—Gospel 3rd. “ But above the Seventh day of the week is the II they kept the Sabbath. I do claim personal pronoun He commenced all things my brethren swear not, . “ ■ Sabbath of the Lord, and as such I i that the Savior gave the ten com with the capital H it must mean neither by heaven, neither by the was given at c cation, and all men mandments anew. Christ taught that God wrote it. Why did he earth.” Jas. 5:t 12. were and are commanded to keep the ten commandments. Rev. 22 : I smtow my Bible to read thatdext Decalogue 5th. “ Honor thy fath- iPiwfy nnda thr-L—-—-•—— CT — 14. I claim WesTeyfl cTaim'Calvin anil not use “ Eld. Jones affirms and Eld. Wright and Milton on the side of the ten good reason the capital»“ H ” is not may be Iqng in the land” &c.— commandments. -Also Dr. Smith’s in his Bible, and happened to In* Gospel 5th. “ Children ol»ey yoilr denies. Bible Dictionary. Yon see I am inserted in mine by the printers. parents in the Lord, for this is (Continued.) standing with them all. Hv apeaka That is the way of the new diction- righL Honor jthy father and moth MR. JONES TENTH SPEECH. — - of my -three laws.- He can find one+try— He brought up the foot note er which is the first command with > , When I showed by Smith’s Dic hundred laws, ecclesiastical and and said it was in the Revised Dic promise.” Eph. 6: 1,3. Decalogue Gth. “ Thou shalt not tionary that Pentecost was on the ceremonial, decalogue, sacrificial tionary. I know not what this new” dictionary is, but will let (he kill.”—»-Gospel Gth. “Thoushalt not seventh day pf the week, I believe laws, etc. He wants a count of time from judges take it. kill.” Rom. 13 : 9. he agreed that Smith’s Dictionary creation down to Julius Cesar. He saysrthe six days work is as Decalogue 7th. “ Thou shalt not of the Bible would be authority. The first Scriptural notice of the If he don’t know how to count the binding as tliu seventh day of rest, commit adultery.”—Gospel 7th. ? he takes up Miles Grant. I “Thou shalt not commit adultery.” seventh day is in Gen. 2: 3; Ex. time, how can I, or the judges count Z the time by the Julian calendar. say Miles Grant is used as authori Rom. 13:9.« 16rl0, 29. Afterward it was in He says does Pentecost, falling ty and is a ^worthy and honorable Decalogue 8th. “ Thou shalt not serted in the fourth commandment on - th a t — day, — m a k e it - -b i n ding .2- g e n tle m a n. ------ - ------- — ---- -> ------ — - steal."—Gospel 8th.—“ Thou shakr- —T m t H read from Smith’s lute revise No. The commandment of-God I will now come _to the Bible. not steal.” Rom. 13: 9. ed Dictionary : Six days work Decalogue 9th. “ Thou shalt not and the seventh daj’ of rest con makes it binding. He says all the Hosea 1 : 11. “I will also cause her ~~tz feast- bear false witness against thy forms man to his creator. The prophecies were fulfilled in Christ’s all her mirth to ’ cease, . ' ' T---- Sabbath is the great witness for death. ’ Are there no prophecies days, her new moons, her SalUiaths neighbor.”—Gospel 9th. “Thou concerning Christ but thoseavhich and her solemn assemblies.” An shalt not bear false witness.” Rom. faith in a supreme God.” . The division of time into weeks relate to Ins death ? .1 say wu-re drews in Ins history of the Bible 13: 9. were prophecies concerning his res says there is nd mention Of the Decalogue XV.V... 10th. “ Thou shalt not is known by Jacob's courtship with urrection which were to be fulfille«!. Sabbath from creation to Moses. covet,” &C.—Gospel 10th. “ Thou Rachel. 1 Pet. 1 : 10, 11. Prophets spake Hosea says all shall be abolished, shalt not covet. » ” Rom. 13: 9. Mankind must have a Sabbath, Rom. 2: 12, “ For as many as or l»e morally and spiritually de of his resurrection and that this My Bro: says “ hold on, there’s one have sinned without law shall also generated. Then I suppose for 2,- earth would pass away, and not the we’ll keep yet.”' In Matthew 15th chapter this perish without law,” &c. Rom. 3 5(M) years God let man degenerate. ten commandments. He said in Col 2 ; 1G, “ The Sab whole- '•matter was discussed* and 19; Eph. 2 : 14, 15. Paul says Deut. 5: 15. Its institution was bath was a shadow of the eternal decided by inspired men, when cer Christ has abolished the law My for the reason and the only reason that God rested. The Elder goes rest that is to come.” Then the tain ones were disputing on cir Bro. says he has not abolished it. to Col. 2 : 15, 17. That does not Sabbath will not cease till the eter cumcision. Those contentious ones Paul says beirfg justified by his f nal rest comes according to his own were urging the necessity of com impair the scope of the fourth grace, and my Bro. says by the ten commandment. Now I am willing argument. Yes, the Sabbath will manding the Gentile converts to be commandments. to appeal to Smith’s Dictionary. I be binding until we reach the king circumcised and keep the law of He quotes Rev. 22: 14. Blessed Moses. Their decision was summed are they that do his commandments, am on the side that honors God. dom of God. Whosoever breaks the commands • He says the voice of G< m I .said, up in the following words. “ That &c., and says “they were God’s com dishonors God. Alexander Camp- Hear ye him, at the mount—nF "ye abstain from meats offered to mandments and were the ten com l>ell in his debate with Bishop Pur transfiguration, but the law contin idols, and from blood and from for mandments—that they were given_______ The Apostle says ( wy Jesus Christ.** Fsayrthey were cell, argues that the Sabbath is as ued till Pentecost. Now I want to nication,” &c. make one appeal . Wns it repealed^ -^-the end Trf tTie coinniaiid inent is Jesus’ commandments ami were ancient as creation. on Penb^costjir_-a-daydvdbre?^ charity out of a ))ure hcart aiul given by the angel. Rev. 22 : 8, 9. Smith’s ami Black’s Dictionaries Hex-laims that he can find nine faith unfeigned." 1 Tim. 1 : 5. • I say thereism-» lawwithoutjt'’ are on my side, an»T Alexander of the commandments in the New “ The Gospel is the power of God penalty. He says the ten com CamphrH-bu wjth me. The apostles Testament, and that we are under unto salvation. lloin. 1 : 16, never kept the lst dny of tlm week. mandments were God’s command nine of the ten, and yet the Lord My position is, the ten command ments and that Christ enjoined For whom are the commandrnerrts4Ji; given ? For all men. He says the said thertenth was made for man. ments are aliolished except what them and commanded us to observe Gentiles did not have the law, but When we wanFthajxine command are in the New Testament. I will them. Then where is the penalty ? yet they sinned. Then they cet\ ments in the New TestaTl now proceed to show nine of-these He says the penalty is changed him write them. tainly had some kind of law, for ejrpthe following places : from physical to spiritual death. ELDER WRIGHT ’ T TENTH REPLY. sin is transgression of law. Rom. Rom, G; 14.__ “ Fdr sin, shall 11* ’t 2 : 10. Th»- Jews had the law and I would just say before proceed have dominion over you: for ye the Gentiles having no law, showed ing that doubtless this discussion is are not under the law, but under the law written in their hearts. at an end. I wish to show some of it is written, Thou shalt .worship grace.” The spirit writes the law in their his quibbles. He says we should the Lord thy God ami him only Now you will turn with me to hearts. Just as much as you find take the new Dictionary. 1 said I shalt thou serve.” Luke 4; 8. •J Rom. 7: 1. Here the Apostle Conscience among the Gentiles, you I would take Smith’s Dictionary. Decalogue 2d. “Thou shalt not compares the law to the dead hus- DEBATE. J J» HERALD.