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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1907)
i 7 II A AIT MniUC VJLB.J1 S&AJt fi BS9.S1SJ) Ofi AAftilS RflJlBBBBBBSBBB BBAfifiQfiBflHBfiflflflff KtiKcne Steam Laundry, Allison nmt IlnstitiN nf;t nts. I.cllny Wood of i in Wheeler TlioiiipMon I'd. wiihIm I'm Hand In it week. MI'M Ncvu I'i-i Mum 1 1 1 I ,Mim Cinrlii ft I (I'liili'il I'.ol!!. ( ' i l 1 1 1 1 )' M i 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ft! I !iikciiiv J : 1 1 f n (111-1 tap n( tin- Morning tg Inter IiichiiiIii lluil paper nt I lie I 4'llfiii Illi'CliliK. Mlmi l'lln l!rlil;ri4 nf ,o .nyyr ' U ii i,w id tin- liiiiin nf Me. anil Mri. .1. II. I'.itivti. lion, li. M. Vciii. d .,f tlilM i lly nt- lcil'i ( '"lllllli'Ui I'llli'llt lif till' II. O ). ill I iikciii' IiimI week. Mlmiiuil II i mli-f I. Monday fur P.u tfenn to in cept ft iihum in the tele phmu' i'f liatii In I lint illy. iCfjUfHfiilntlvi? .1. I!. Campbell of Oregon ( lly atOmled lint Willamette Valley liriigiiu i niif hiIoii . Mm. N.J. Wharton nf l.nlo-vicw I vImIUiij.', Iht lil'.l h'TH II. ('., Curtis II II' I I!. M. Willi ll In thirdly. W. ( '. ."Stewart, ii proudm art f.uin- lf denier nf CiiliiMl'if l win doing IiiimIiii'mh III Cottntfi' (llove Piidiiy. Mr. and Mm. ul liunlfl M it 1 1 1 cele brated iln liiMli iiniilvci-oiry nf their tun rrliiK1' on Vi'1iii'mii v June l!ith. Prof. Ilime.V llll licecpli-i a pn. tlui In I In- 1 i r i t Niiiloiuil hank to i 1 1 1 1 1 1 lil- linn iIiiiiiik t In- 1 1 1 1 1 h y m . Mi. nii'l Mm. (!. i'. t 'lffmiin who have been h 1 1 1 ii i' relative In Hut i lly returned t V.uyw mi a!iiIii.v. Mr. ninl Mtm. I-IUiv Woods, who have U'cn enjoying a two week Ihi In I'mlland n ixl other iliii'i4 n-tumcd liniiic Sunday. Mr, lieorgr Ciii iiis ill', editor f 111.1 Plli'llle Tlllll'f I IIIUII nf Poll land til-tciidi-d liii' I 1 k u f meeting' WVdm- lay. Mm. A. ltl.inf l"iii'. if gnu. lifter vhltlhK In r ini'llu r MtM. S. I'.. (' li riiii In tlil- city for tln M! month, re lutiii'il 'inlii' bmt week. Mr. ('. M. .1 ink hi hi linn iiffi'i'ti'il ii pOll lll III ill' pout IllllfC llll'l Is now ki'IIhik cMit MtiiuiiM f ir a ff nt nii'l h iiiiirt'i whfii a I'ithoii buy tlilriffii lit oAe time. In re hmiiihi In ii telegram frinii MlHHl'lipi'li Htlltlllg till' M'l'iollH llllll'HH of IiIm inotln-r, Mr. (,'. Piiul Joiicn Iff I lait Tliurmluv afternoon for thnt place. Ii. A . KooMlifll ami wife of Albany are vlltinir at the honii' of Thomtm I'm k r In I Ids city. Mm. I'rettyiuiiu, Mm. l'urkiT' mother I nlso n tau nt nt tlio Parker hum. Pr. JoIj'h new rcKidenee on Fifth street Is on the road to completion) ami will he one of the luindsoinest in . the illy. It 1 hnngalow in tyl a ml llnlnh iinl lx tho only one of the Myle :.. i... ..; ! in i in 1 1 i.i i '1111' I i uirtli of .Inly subscription committee whs nroiunl Tuemlny col- l. t-1 i 1 1 K the varioiiH uinoiinti hIuciI They found collection eiiM.v, which It can be Hiild to the credit, of Coltfiun . j.. .v..nMn.. i... ..nun i.. ,,..-!. (.rove 4s Kciieniuy ti.e cne tor nc-, .coiintH or all klium. A .ff seven men of Company I wa pledged for evangelism of IV.u I", uinler eonmiiind of Coiponil!., , , . .. . .. in ! 1 ,i . 11 land and state points. I he couveii 1 1 ..i. 1 nu. w 1 1 1 1 lint 1lll1t111a . JliUchliiMon will join ('apt. illlaniA , Company .'Id HcKhnent O. N. (I, Hint to to the encampment at Seaside for in days after which they will join theh Company here and k" to IIohc burK for the encampment. I'lneules for t he kl'.ney'H and blad der. They brlnn yiilck relief to back ache, 1 lieu ma t ism, hunbiiKo. tired worn out feeling. They produce nat-111-11I uctioii of tne kiilue.VH in tillering waste mat ter out of the blood. :i0 "hiys tien.nient $1 (XI. Money re funded 11' I'ldeiileHiire not satisfactory. ;Sohl by New Kra )xvt Store. Mr. V. H. Matlock, wife mid sl-iter-iivlaw, Mrs. J 1 111 Matlock have been visltliiK Mrs. MeMurray and dauKhter Mrs. Frank .Ionian of CnUHge drove. Mr. Matlock has been state senator and mayor of Pendleton tud Is a brother of .1. D. .Matlock, mayor of Kugciie. lie spent a few days reviv ing old aciiunlntaiices and school ma tcs. iii(e a .number of our citizens are. showing enterprise thi. hi. ring and Hummer in the way of putting in new sidewalks, new renees and paint ing iholr lesl'lenceM. The now con crete walk In front of the Hotel Ore gon and adjoining lot is completed 11 lit 1 the old Hide walk ill front of two buildings Jm-teast of t.hs bridge bus been removed and thn gravel beiUyyt In on which concrete w ill be hiUI. Ami .11 many uiuereni pans in town, mud especially along Itiver street good new substantial plank walks has been laid. All this Is much to t ho cre.lft of the property owners and jt is to be hoped that the Rimd work will be continued until nil tho old rickety sidewalks disappear. ....... . ... x On Wednesday evening last a most unlovable time was had at a Inwn party given by Mrs. Hnrtiiug in honor of her daughter, Miss Alnia'a uteenth birthday. Tho youiiR people tpnuseil themselves with various ''cms o. Inlcrcsl in and aboiil Collate (irovc mid vicinity. milieu on the licaut ll'nl ninuinl fur u couple of hour ninl thfii cut li'-r"l oil the fpnc lolH iorh oT I he I"' 4 .1'h' lire Where lil' r renin ninl cake wn f I . after hlh oilier iiiniwiufnlH u if I'llKiiK'1'! III lllllll i'llti' ii III I" limn. ThoHn iieHflt. Were: M i '. Sophie I'litlt, MI'H Mabel Corriii.'in, Ml"" l.'ilo Wllliinl, MW.f lla.fl llnlfioii, M i k Vernle It row n, Ml m Mabel n'.en;. S-n liollii) llnwkiifi, MfHHi '.. Ilu'li (lutrlii, l.onli mIh'Ik, AIiiiiI Mat (hewn. Illlll'!' W'lll.llil llliil I ' ' ' 1 1 off man. J. line Will mmll Ii' Immle III;'.i ' UlintitieN lieiir itofebm i! if I'll 'fill j phoii Ilia t (il'liille. A limcHtone imxuii : I H I ll llii'i' inllei "initli il !- ii :iinl! I'lKht. llllll'M fl'nu. l!n"f bill ). , t ty.i t hi'f with elKhl.V inifM of Inn I hiix bfii ; H'iM to a My nillfiite of eiiplt ali t hpI It, In exjiectcil thnt the mine will be opi'lli'il Up, fiimaeeH built, ali'l III 't h 1 1 tlin eijiilpincul in I'e-H.n v l'i linn out lime on n lar'e ninl' will bf put In. A Mpiir from ii'-i hm' Htatlon will Ix' built to th' propci ly. Cinynii vllle I'rlio. I'lrieiili-H for tin- kiilue.VH et nic t bf ii I lie mi nivalis iiii'l ii'i.'t 111 'liawiii:: poMoii from the bl'in'1. 'I ry them inr rheiimat Ihiii, kl'lliey, I . I m b ! r lioublf. for liimbiiK" ami t Ireil worn out lf-l llig. They b: !liH f ul k re-f. S.-ilis bi'-tlon (mirmiti-e I. Sol. I I. y Ni-w I'ra I riiK k-'tire. 1 the ijuai t'-r .nil Minti 11 to bTI.'Jli. Weddinq Annivcrsajy. i i;. t f,,,,,, n,,. M7i et f .imnit'i ThttiMil.iy .liine 7lh wan th" l''!th if -'iu 'n ;', th- improvement "I wiahlin iinniversary of Mr. ninl Kivi-t oti' it h 'l toa lijii:,' ilisc ip; ,j(,n Mrs. Will Mutt. Some of the J,. O !i' h l.ioin:ht out th- f id that tin T. M'h accidentally louml out about . ntm-i .'oi imiiioveim r,i of sanlMicct it snl plminfil a ple.iHint snt pi ic 'was i-fctivc nreriiiiih us it r- -I'pon Iernin Mrs lint wk l I' lO 'l to Kivi r ito-' t as In nitr tnci't with t lie K. () T. M mi I pit' ! the ohl Tcrritotiii roa l. cotmnll thir comnnttfc alemi a'wlpfh it h clujuu ,1 bv tho-e obiftt Maccabeii flout fur the I'oiiith, tlu-y took ailv.intaixn ami while the com-; luittre wrie Italkin, in nmr'lial a jfreat ctowil of I.mlifs an I Sii Knights, who bewail t-liaAunij; I" quets to Mr. ami M.s Unit, thn. carrying out their ten hiiifs of e n ryitiK flowers to brighten ami w 1 1 en their lives while hue. The Or der presented them w ith two pn ( - of lovely china wate, also sevi-tal ; tii-tit and f ia. clhe w.,rds ' I'eni individual preents were pjvcti.' tonal 10 d" whitii sirinl. I'pon learning it w ih aho Mis ' ( hdin ui' N' i lso ivih lead for Alma Teeter's birlhday, ilm Ilive'tlu- tii-.t trip- and on u.i.tion w.i; presenteil her with 11 cup iiml saucer also Mrs. Miirgut-iito I.curn was ' Kiven the Hamu for f.iilhlul wot k in j the Hive. Ifefieshir.eutH were scm i ; ami a L'nod time enioved bw all I " f present. Christian Church Convention The llhristuui Llntrch convcnlioit 1 in session last week at Turner, laid plans lor a $10,000 home for aged ; preachers ami their wives to be hi cated probably nt laiKene (tin-' nese mission costing -f 40,000 is t . . l(e estabijsi,eit ; l',,,-,!.,,,,! XN, .i,wi,,, i 1.. ..... 1 1 f - Tiw.o iiiicnuv iiieoL-eii . ,iu ip . ' ' " . 11011 wan wen niiemieii ami rcpr : . i inu ,-.ou m o m up.- aiuu HenlativeB from Ohio, Kentucky, ! ority vested in him as Mayor, he Indiana, Idaho, Iowa, Illinois nml would w a pio.diiin!?tion and every state of the Northwest. Thejlavth same punted and posted delegates were stirred to great 1 d. lining certain bouu l.irieH where things by such speakers as (ieorge U. Renshaw of Cincinnati; (leiuge W. Mtokley of KansaH City, Mo.; James II. Mohorter, St. l.ouis and many from the racilie. Co.iHt. DIED. At his home at I.orane on I Viday night, Juue 2S, lt()7, ol heart iw,..K1 Will;-... 1 r.r. "u""-i milium v-iuw, iieu "" yeRrs' ! Deceased was one of the pioneers of the comity, having couio to Ore gon in bis young manhood across tho plain.-, with ox team. He was better known by his nickname "Bob" than by his real name. Ho leaves a wife nud four children, Klizn, Klmira, Oral and Miss Pearl, who are all at licne. IIo Iiuh breti in poor health for ionic tinio but his death was unexpected and was a great shock to his neighbors and friends. Mr. Crow was one of the most widely known iul rejected citizens of I)rnne. The funeral was held Sunday. A Happy Man Is Amos King nf Tort l.yron. N. Y.. years of ago) ; since a sore on hi leg, which had troubled hini (ho greater part of his life, has tieeu en tlrely healed by J.ueklen s Arnica Salvo; the world's greatest healer of Hoies, Hums, Cuts, Voiimlsaini piles, Guaranteed by lleinioii's I'hariuacy. Trice i'ii cents. Council Meeting. On Moiiilny rvuniri 1 lio rily 'cuuiiiil nut in ieMiat '-enHion ilia nciyor ami mini' ilnieti all la-inj; r M-nt . 'J'llf lillllllUH of J'lfViotlH, t II 1 i T nii'l iii'eliiics Wf-rr: rcnl ami approve i. A petiti'in win rci'l from J. T. I c,Siinn fitikirif,' perniiH- li.lrill Iri I'r'tMfiVf. Itlf 1 . I f 11 ClrillI iiihv i 1 npviiift a po.iition on tlie (niii rof Main ar,l Tliinl sfuct to lil'ii aliuh ca-t of (he lepot. 'lb'' pftilioii was ilfiiifl. A 11 111011 Irati'i lioin property o'.vti'TH on 1'iltli '.trci t ie;.;ai 'Imij; t lie I ) iii; of a He w r n'in;j 1 1 -nH 'i'leol w.ii I hi i eiil vvih r-ad. This 'an--' l a l.-ttjMliy 'lis' if ' ion aii'l Will ilc'-luli 'l nut of 'ei lioill the :.i't a 'ii. ii' l penlaill lot Ha ll .'wet In.J be -li all i'Vf'1 ami ljl . a l i MiHi-il oi an I that thos" s!;;u- in;; tin- I-ni.. ii 'it in"- IitI slcpl fin II '-ll MMI'-. Ill t.I.e cave It 1 1 I llHil Hot i ijini l ine i.t of the law ami OMlinaii'-. '1 he tcnioin-t i -in,- ':n tin lri)H: Purl on the t'lbi'.' III 'lelimlel v. A f i i I inr tip- r on '-traction of a evvf-r on fifth stii-et from Mr 1 1 a 1 1 ' was opened ni. the contra' t award I to him f'.i I in- Hum of'.Htl. ll'-poit n thf Mty fk hhow'al thit r.ilieci ions hpI b-en lnaile for in;; ! the impiou in- nt wf, n .t 'ou"i t. City I aiiueer .Mr "lii T.iv lr a k 'l fur his opinion, 'who si iled lliit lol foity uaisth toil III 1 1 llfst li ,1. hid ben used h a pill In hih'Vas and IllVi't ' Mi l I, I Ut ll'' ill known a not think that it wa- A ill lion 11 i ill si i I the W I'- On- "!d T.-iiitf ri .1 paid. therefore in. id'? to older f a improve put tin. niy,h the mvhii-I and third 1 it rebuts an I pas-ed. I Tin- 11 mi oj.Jinnnee nmendin; 1 S.i turn I of irdinance N. r, and imooses a licence of i 1 11 n e 1 ! . 1 ' " ' 1 ' 'each bill.ird ,ir pool table, tegard-, ''" le the; less o . hot li 1 there is any charge'1"'' . made I'm- pl.-iyn y, on them or not. l",w' ' lU-v 1 oum-iun m i-oitet inane a mo 'i"u tliat on account of the long ... Kx-Ch.ef rn'erw"oil, j "'" i"' nor. 1 euii at to pa water ! rate, until Mnh 1 inn.- as he 1 1 1 i ' h I ', ru-oi-is, and t he sauu-cai ricd . i 1; The mat t 1 of I he shoot jng of ; j u,.. ... ,,.1 uid other Fourth of .v.. July Ion necessities (V) be ne 1 '. in 1 1 flei 1 lii i-ftt lltl dislrlftc , ..... liiewoiks of any description would he allowed. The following bills were read I. Taylor ( lias. I '.1 iiniMii lillllill .V C.lteh . Veatch A Sch 1 it 1 1 f z II. I!. Il.lllev I leet I le l.mllt Co. It I) l liekel' Powell !'lllhir. .. !' II Snodur.'cs 1 ,-.n j-.'i .,- 1 r.o pn en no ': " 0,0,, F. A W ilUns nn ( (aimer (1 (louueil then adjourned until Monday evening July S Wins railing Prize. The many liiends of Miss An toinette P.urdick of this city join in congintuhtiiig her on her success in winning the first prjzo known as the railing prize of f,o0 in the senior oratorical contest at the U. of O. last Tuesday evening. Miss r.uidiHv'H subject was "The lilight of Precedent" and was dclhered in a clear, sweet, declamatory style. Thn second prize known as the lh'ikmiin prize of 10(1 was won by Max I landman ol Portland. The judges weic Rev. Mac IT. Wallace of Detroit, Michigan, Rev. Her bert Johnson of Massachusetts and Judge Slater of tho supremo court of Oregon. If you .suH'cr from bloating, helehiug sour stomach. Indigestion or dyspep sia, (alien King's Dyspepsia Tat. let after each meal, find overcome the disagreeable trouble. It will Improve (he appetite nud aid digestion. Sold by .New Km Drug Si ore. Lookmri for Oregon rruils. 'I'lio a;;Mit 01 a l.ijr fruit -import-i i f f lioir-ifi of l.nixl'iii is tonririff (rc C'iii, iip.pi ( tifij oiih inlH to ascer tain th" f Inr.i' t" r of thf coming ' i"p II; -p'iit nnifh lime in Med foi'l ami vifinitv, m the U'ilhm i !( valley ami 1 1.,, Jiv-. M i 01,1 1 n if s Iustiii I hroii;!) Wash ington till Vaip-'itu"'!-, Ilnlish Col uinliin, is i'liili'il, vvhili lie -v 1 1 1 re (lltll I" IlilJir.lli'l. Tin- ni' i'h i.t is !'i;'iii(i' aiil of th': inipoi fa nee o Uh'oii ninl other ' "a t Mate-, us a l.'i' t'T in tli" fruit ptoilu' tioa of 111- w , j 1 1 . l;onitfii j tli'Misiiirl mil'", of journey to riM-cr- tain the r i ,nr 1 1 io:i an'j piospc'l of !thf crop ni-aiin that th': stuto'a trail . ptoiet :n- ill Hie uoiM's I )''. It ; m-.i ir. that ) ;;on a pples fim I otlnr , jt.,!w vv. inh le livjy in the I) lnli' H wh'-n ' "in pr.t :i I ion , foi the si nfcon's pijfi s nnl bi. , f..r tlio Heason's .erupt .lie t b" l!)l I'-. It means thnt the n !;; has i nl' r'il. 'npl i' will If easy for Oict'ou lor.eis, by 'kill in pr'f bp limi ,-m 1 lie in iiiaik'-tiup, to'liivf; It liotliU ml 1:' c p :t. th if. It i-i universal I f -1 imun y thit, ni '(uality, no other' appie i ti.- . .ju-.l of that f io.vii in i il( lM., oi,-is ru t v be ms large, but no I. a- do tlu-y have tlio mi- j pf i Ii i '.lot ii..',, oi the .'i lt"iite liber and flivir ii it ii ;ii n-tii of the Ore-! L'nii i"dii I'. Claud foiirnai. i MAHRIED I'.y Ucv. 0. If. Wallac'-, .June 2, I '.lil? at thf b ale's patents, (Jeo. C. Srhnci'ler an. I f'.llt M. Addi'on, al-.o H' Mauri.;' I t v and Il'l'.-n Hunt Jicks'iM, all of Ij rit'c, Cifoon. At tin- M' lh 'dist ji ir-'ona'e at I'.ujoiif "ii S'dui'iny, J line at 4 p in. by Kev. I. H Tiirnble, Mr. .Momh A. McKil.ix'n t- Miss Net lie Vafci-v. The If'ppy couple arc li..!ii pi'iminvul uM'liiits of this v ;,n'1 iav a 1 1 I .,1 fi if nds who 1 j 'V and Llis. HI' ll The 1 1 1 m inii' ' It on the liver List S.ituidaV evening lor I'd ifnid am! a trip through ll. Si, mid r-iti n t r y after t:. will r.'t'irn and reside in tlii city. Mr. M-'Kihh-n is a 1 roim-iit lnml.T le.ih-r .f this place. l ttii; a tiiembt-r of the tirtn "' M KdnVn lho- , ami the West-1 l'' " ( h' ''u Lm'i-r Manufacturer J A a '' i at i'Ml x t -nds to hi m and his hearth -t coii'.Mat uhtiolis w i -. 1 1 - - m lor long life and A Memorahle Day. jjl'," ,. asvith'nrotii''li)"raVr In alt h. 1.-1 he one "ii w hn-ii we liecam , . . . . . . . . 1 . . : . 1 I , . 1 . ' v- ... f :i iH'o 11 111 ! 1 'I w 1 ! I, . Klilj .-i New IjU is, lie- piiinie-- I'lirili.'i's thai eiire I'hiehf'l blliiil-aie--, ami keep bow.-N rinhl. I'.'ie. at I'.eiison's arini'V. SILK CREEK ITEMS. Mr. and Mr have returned John Dunewood home Irani their visit. ('jiandpa and (iiaudina Wheeler came home the last, oi the week Idiom a visit to Mr. Henry Drake nud family. Mr. Cutis Veatch and family and Mr. Henry and wife were aiming those present at the closing exercises of the school. The S. D. Adventist quarterly meeting was postponed Sutuulay, as most of the people went to I.o rane to attend the funeral ot Mr. Wlli. Crow. The closing exercises ot our pub lie bchool was laid Saturday night. The attendance lioin the neighbor hood w iis good and there were some present from Cottage tlrove. The exerciiies were very interesting and showed that Miss McQueen had spent time ami effort to have them 11 success. Miss McQueen read a neat little poem composed and wi n ten by Mr. Prank Obet holser. There were several very protty tab leaux. Miss Amanda Poster hud the honor to rcctivc. the first eighth grade diploma ever given fiom this school. Mr. Pakcr Sl.iglo and Mr. William Medley pii'sented it and Mr. August Heiniich helped with music. The exercises closed with a tableaux "Crowning tho Queen," where the teacher received a crown of llowers. Mrs. I.ennie Lee and children utul Mrs. 1'TauL Taylor of Divide mi K " & mm ft 71?' C. H. BURKH0LDER. Main Street, - - Wynne Hardware Co, Don't Wait Until Your Grain 1 is Ripe and ready t be liii 1 V't. d Ik-Coi- buy ing 1 1"' rnacli im-ry mi' will ni-.-d. We ui-" liaii'llint; .'unl have on hnnd, tin old reii d'l" McCormick Line of REAPERS MOWERS RAKES and BINDERS which lnahelins i'.ir inany vinr jinov ed i( snperi'iiit' I v iis work. So it y f ii iii-ed auy i o n J i 1 f in lli.-it line. ir. w ill U' ;i w is" x.-li-et jmi in buying this make. Come ill and tall; it over. Wynne Hardware HOTEL headquarters For Mining and Commercial Men I C. T. LQNG Prop were in our neighborhood Satur day. Mrs. John Oberholser went Pri day to visit 11 sinter who ia very sick . Mrs. liable DreHSfr and d:uit;ii. ters from Lvnx Hollow attended church here Saturday. Misses Miutie and Kuth Miller of Dirl'j visited their sinter Mrs. Al fred Wheeler, Friday. Mrs. Werth has a brother and family lately from Russia visiting her at preseut. Mr. Sanborn left for Minnesota Sunday night. His wife and son expect to go later. Mr. Irwin McCord of Creswoll visited at the. Babcock hoiii'.' Satur day und Sunday. Mrs. Walter Wheeler has been suffering with hay fever lately. Hundreds oi people yearly no through painful opernliuns needlessly, beeiuiso they never tiled Man an Pile. Itemed)'. It in put up in mcli 11 form that it ciin lie applied rilit where (he trouble lies, p, relieves the pain and inlhi mat ion. It is for any form of piles. Trice aiic. Sold by New Kra Plug Store. For legal blanks Nugget oilice. ii s Miier Suits i Xow is tlic time to ! come and liave your tiH.'isttre taken for a new suit. I have sum Spies from one of the largest clothing stores in Chicago. All styles and grades of goods. SUMMER HATS. A large shipment of straw hats just arriv ed including nic.i's, 1 103-;, womens' and girls', in all the lead ing styles. I Cottage Grove, Oregon AGKXTS VOli SHARPLF.SS CREAM SKPARaTOR. HKF. HIVES AND SUPPLIES And the celebrated MITCHELL BU0GIES, WAGONS and VKHICLES. Co. coEGorvE' GRAHAM -0F- Coltage Grove, Or. Paid up Capital: $25,)00.00 Surplus and I 'ndlvided I'rotitfl. $5,875.44 Money to loan on approved security Kxchangea sold, available any place In the United States Hkkiiekt EAKirr, Prenlilent, T. O. HEELER CBHliler Two sehocnera are unlondinK ee mentat the Onrdener Mill Co'h wure (or the Southern I'uelile Hail road Conpany, which n.nUea over -0,-000 barrels of this material to lie nlilp ped there oy the Southern raelile. It is e-(linateil that the cost ot the ce ment now on tho ground arnountM to more than if I'JO.OOO. Man an Pile Reniedy eoineH put up in a collapsible tube with a lm..le. P.asy to apply riKht where Horenea and inlhnnation esistu. It relieves at once blind bleeding, itching or pro truding rileu. QmirHtiteed . I'rlce fiOc. (iet it today. Sold by New Era Drug Store.