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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1907)
LIMIT BOMBARDING American Debates at Hague Oiler New Plan. SAFETY IOR ALL HOSPITAL SHIPS Exempt From Capture but 8ubject to 8eac.h Mull Lend Assist- anco to Both Sides. Tin IliiKiii', J utm ii7 . The text of (In- A 1 1 1-r i it i ) prnKiHit inti p r -mi n t c 1 to tlio H -it i - r ) f i ci i ci- .liinn 21 hy lienor l Horace Porter fnllnuM: "'I'lm hniiihiirdiiioiit. Iiy h nnvul force il unfortified iitnl undefended towns, villus or buildings In forbidden, al- t h ' 1 1 K' 1 1 Nlli'll loWIIM, villllK'IH Or llllilll- IliKM urn I i it I I to iIkiiiiii'h irir.i'ti!n I to tlic ilif trurllun of military or naval rlllllliHlllllClltl', plllllll' dl'potH of run- tiilioiin ol WHr or esHeIii of war In iut, ninl melt towns, villages m buildings tiro liable to liiiiliirilioi'iit when rcit conn bin r'i 1 1 1 i f i t ioni for proviHintiM and Mlppllei lit till' tllliO OM'lll iltl tO till' nnvul force nro withheld, in which i hso due not ice of tlio ) 1 1 1 1 hi r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 miiht ltd 1 v rn. "Thi iit of unfortified iitnl iiiiili'ft'tuli'il town nml pliirnH for the nonpayment, of i r f. .rbll il.ii." Th' (iiTiimn proposition for adapt iiitr. tin' l!ii Cross ci nvi'iit ion to iniMil war furi', which K preM-nted Jiiiml'l, miyn Hint In r 1 1 it a I nil 1 1 m4 cannot bo ruptured nut Ix'iitif i'i.iiHiicrci ii h warship. I'ri villi' hospital ship will enjoy thi mine trciitincnt if mi' h ri.-i Iiy t heir own government unit in coiiilition Hint they nro fi rtill il to the other belligerent. J'iicy niUHt tiHMiit tin- wounded without dill inei ion of nut inutility, mi'l inut nescr lc cinployiwl fur mililiiry pur mwch or intcifi'io with military opera tion. All hospital fhiM must hoist the Kixl CroHM lliif. 'I'lm pmlcctioii grunted hospital H 1 1 i n censes il they lire employ od njnilist the -nemy, hut the crew of sueh ships mil y employ arm in their u mi defense nml in defense of the put it-lit. Such ships nn h'ho cany mm II ititillery. I liey lire subject to hcnrch nnd cun lx-ordered by either Ix Hip-lent to take eertiiitl pi fitollM. SWEEPS AMDE 03JECTIONS. Judge Landis Orders Hindi of Stand ard O I to Appear in Court. Chieni:o, .lime '27. llltfh otliciaU of the Standard ( hi eiiiiiiiiiiy were oii led today to iipjM'iir lieforc .I in lire Landis, of the United State District court, III Chicia'o, .Inly ii. I'niler the coiut or- I.T, .lohll D. Ito. kefcller, II. II. I to. rj , .1 h ii l. A rclilxihl hikI other bonds if the t; ianlic eoroiut ion may bo suiil inoinil. The refusal of the oil I runt to answer the iiUi-hftoiiM of .Incite I.miiiIih relating to its tiniiiicial n-souree and the divi dends juiiil to il.i utock holders nroimcil the linger of the court. Tl e t'lafli be tween the j ! Ik'" and .lolm S. Millet, 'hicf counsel ol the trust, nunc to n illllllX Mli.l .Itlll'e lull. lis met thn deli niiei' of t ho eorjiorat ion with the un iiouncenicnt that he would use the pow- r of the law to Secure the information which the Standard Oil oIIiciiiIh were attempting to keep out (if court records. PROSECUTION SCORtS. Witneites for Pefeuse In Haywood Case Discredited. Ito'lne, .Tun "7. YcHlerdiiy wiih flcM Iuy for the HtaU in the Haywood cane. Four wltncHHft) were put on the Htniii) for the defcliMO. Of then', two were utterly diwredlteil anil from the other two the HtHte K"t far more than the de feline itnelf. Mi.llnwley and Set.atoi 1 turn 1 1 went lifter the witnenHeH liHinmer nml I iitivjH and oencd many inteient ing iiiHHiien in which they Htumhlcd lnin 'nilily. An the net rcmilt of the day 'n woik, the Hlatc'w ctine wan bt rentlieiied, ii ud it in declared hv all of the frlendn if the pronecution to have heen one of i the very bent dayn of the trial from the ntuto'n Htninlpoiiit . Bomb Captures Money. Tillin, KusHiii, .lne'27. A Inimli wan exploded tiMlay In 111 I van cipmre in the renter of the city, while the place wan thronged with people. The object of the liiiinh thrower wun an attack on the treiiHuiy. A watrcn containing $12ri, tKK), ei-C'ii'tod by CtiHMiickn, had reached J-.'ri vun Hipiaro when the bomb explod (1, Two employes of the Impeiiiil liiink were killed. The hhh containing tho money disappeared and no trace of tlioiii lilin been found. More than 50 poiHoiiH weio injured In the bomb out riiKO aiuI 170,000 wan vtolen. Cuban Delefr,ata Resigns. Tho lIano, June '27. -Colonel ()rcn tea Ferrara, Hecretary of the Cuban del futlin to the peace confeictice, tinluy confirmed the rt port that ho him ten dered bin renijmation to Governor Ma Konu. The littler replied that hn had only ncceded to thin request at tho 'olonel'ii iiiHiHtent demand. Colonel Ferrara Ha Id that the only solution which bo could nee out of the dilllc.iilty which bud nrlni n owintf to tho uttaukn upon him wan withdrawal.1 Will Build B guest Steamer. llamhiiri?, June 27. Tho officials of tho II urn burg-American Steainhlpcr.m pany confirm tho report that they are about to onler a steamer which will exceed in aize the Cunard's new turbine vennelg. The liner will be commis eioned in 1910. SAY ALL IS LOVELY. Doth Sldet Claim Victory In Telngraph Operatorb' Mrlka. Hun I'niticlnco, .turn) 2fl. General Hiiiei I 1 1 n tl ii t. Hforror, of fho I'omIiiI Ti'li'Ki'H I'll Company, Hfild yi'Hlerdny flint, tlio Hlill.e Hit ii n 1 1 ii wan tin I'liaiiKi'd. (Julie a niiinlier f eiiier ntoi'M wer at work and ImihIiichk whh l-1 ii K liiili'lleil wlllioiil. MerloiiH delay, " 'otnlll Ioiih In our nlllci) an) bet ter t ml iiy than lit any time hIiicd (lie. Mirlliii lii'Kan," mii I'l Hiipcrliil.ericrit. A. II. May, of tlio Wenlern I;'nloii Teleninph Compiiiiy. "Wo nro hund lliiK an Iik ii-iini il volume of h iimI nenM nml Imve aiMeil to tint number of our oiieratoiH. Tim outlook In very en couniKlnK." 'I lie olllcliil:i of holh r.ompanli H claim they are within u half hour of their work ull thu tlino. Tho Kov-i-i'li luent ImimIiii'hh w-iih heliiK handled, wild Mr. .Sioncr, without uny delay at nil. A hulletlti IrtHiicd hy tlio preKB com muted from thn teleKriiphorH' j ii a 1 1 i-r h In r.t ii Ik lit Hiild: "An un evidence of thn Inability of. the WiHterii t'lilou to liiimll.i thn hiinlni'HH ofTereil by thn public, they have tiotllled (iiHlomi-rH to uho Hid telephone whenever pOHMlhle," A report reached headfiinrtern ycMti-rdny that 2000 telKraniH had "ill;ippearcil" from tho overland dl vltdon of (lie opcrntliiK room of the U'eKti i n I nloii olllci) III ChleiiKo. 'IIiIh would Indicate, that b ii hI iickh wiih beliit? in ii I l-f I from ClilriiKO. 1 he HtrlkiTH (Uncovered that public btlH Ini KH wiiH helm: handled over private wIich. I'ri-Khleiit Kinall notified the bidkeniK'' flmm who have permitted oiMKldeiH to uno their wIich for pub lic biiHlni'HH that unh-HH tho practice wa Ktopped at once their operatorn would become Involved In tho Htrlkc. GRATIFY PERSONAL MALICE Haywood's Witneea Teli Orcharu't Mctive for Murder. ltolne, Idaho, Juti 20. Tho flrHt direct tcKllmoiiy in dcfeiino of Wil liam l. J lay wood wan offered yester day and It wan chiefly dlreci.i-d toward dhow-liitf that Harry Orchard, bhimliiK Frank SteiitienberK for the Iokh of bin Interi-Ht In the IIerculen mine, had threatened to have re venue by Killing him, and that tho conduct of Orchard and K. C. Sterl ing, both before tho Independence cxploMlon, when they were freuctit y Heeti together, nml afterward, when Mr. Sterling called off u blood hound that wan following Orchard'H trull. JiiHtlfled the Inference that tho in liu ow tn i H Inspired t he crime. Tin; c.iIlliiK of th flrxt wltnefin for thn (ifeii.e wan preceded by a, fur ther examliiation of Orchard, to per mit the di-ft'U.HO to complete Un fijr mal Impeaching riuentlonn. TlieHO iieht Ioiih were nearly nil In connec tion with the theory that Orchard killed Steunenberi; because of an al lowed Krude KrowliiK "it of the Hale of the Intercut in the Ilerculen mine. Orcli.'-rd, who crime Into court under protection of the Haino flylnu pquad ion of Kuardn that always actn fin hln escort, nialntaliied hln old calmncsn of milliner, and HpoUu In the narno low-pitched, noil tone. He iiKnln de nied that he ever threatened to kill Steunontieru because of tho Hercules mine, and (main asnerted that he sold his Interest In the mine two yearn before the trouble that drove him out of Northern Idaho. TEN MEN GATHERED IN. Prominent Colorado Citizens Arrested for Land Frand. i Denver, Colo., June 2!. Ten prominent cltlzenn of Colorado were arrested In connection with the In dict ineiits made by the npeclal Krand Jury. Tho charge against them In cotiHplracy to defraud tho govern ment tinder the con! p.nd timber laws. TIioho who were placed under arrest are: John J. McMillan, conspiracy In regard to coal In Routt county, Col orado, In connection with what Is known us the Wisconsin Coal Com pany. Robert Forrester, chief peolonlst of the Denver & Hlo Grnnde Hall road; Otis U. Spencer, forinerlv clerk of the District Court; F. W. Kcltel, 'i coal operator In Koutt county; John A. Porter, formerly president of the I'orter Fuel Company; Kdgar M. HIks, president, and John J. Me tJInnity nnd Charles D. Mcl'hoe, di rectors of tflio New Mexican Lumber Company; Alexander T. Sullenber ner, president of tho PtiBosa Lumber Company nud Charles II. Freeman of Piurosa. All were arraigned before ITnIted States Commissioner Sanford C. Hinsdale and held In $5,000 bonds, Rebels in the War Office St. Petersburg, June 26. The po lice last nlfiht searched n department of tho W'nr Ministry and found It to be the headquarters of one of the revolutionary groups. Tho building was surrounded by polic during the search, but only one arrest was inado. Much Incendiary literature was found. Tho authorities have made every effort to prevent the pub lication and circulation of the mani festos of the Deputies of tho Social Revolutionists and Croup of Toll parties, but with lit t lo success. One proclamation was recently printed stiireptiutiiisiy Flood Sweeps S Tlwtter Valley, Hillings, Mont., June 26. A de structive flood In the Stillwater Valley west of .Columbus, yesterday destroyed five of tho Boveral bridges which spanned the Stillwater river and also swept away piers of the Co lumbus Lnnd & Irrigation Company. It was only by merest accident that tho big bridge over the Yellowstone at Columbus was prevented from be ing swept out. Great damage was dono to growing crops nnd a long stretch of tho railroad track Three Mors Deaths from Heat. Pittsburg, June 26. Three more deaths from heat occurred here yes terday making a total of 14 fatalities since Sunday evening. NEWS FROM THE CLUSt UOOH4 tO DISEASE. Radical Order of Texas Classes Con sumption With bmtbpOK. Washington, Juno 2C. Federal olUclaln having to do with tho regula tion ami control of tho public health with exerclned today to learn that the public health officials of Texas will soon Usui; a proclamation of per manent (j ii n ro n 1 1 no ti g;il nut nil per sons affected with tho advanced stages of t uberculosln. Tho procla mation will place tuberculosis In the same category with small pox and yellow fever, according to report, and In being nniiod beeausij of tho In creaned Immigration of tuberculosis patients to tho dry climate of arid Texan, It was sold hero that under the Federal statutes tuberculosis Is not a uuarsntliiiiblo disease, cither under the maritime or Interstate Immigra tion law, but Immigrants can now be kept out of tho 1,'nited Htaten when afflicted with tuberculosis, under the new Immlgrntlon law. The opinion wan given that It may bo dlfllcult to sustain such a quarantine before tho Hiipriiue Court under tho provision of the constitution guaranteeing the right of every citizen of the I'nlted .States to go from one statu to an ot her. In each rase tho state authorities will be compelled to prove absolutely that the person denied entrance to Texan is suffering from tuberculosis In the advanced stage, and the cost of such a quarantine will be largo. On the question of public policy In volved In such a quarantine no opin ion of ofllclals could be obtained for publication, but It Is known to be the opinion of some of tho Individual experts that the study of tuberculosis has progressed so far that a state of quarantine Is unnecessary and that Immigration of this kind might be treated at tuberculosis colonies If protective steps are necessary. Tho Issue rained In Texas has never been heard of before by Fed eral officials, although Colorado a few yearn ago agitated a somewhat similar step. BUY UP SODlfcRS' CLAIMS. Missouri Sharpers Plead Guilty to Fraudulent Transactions. Washington. Juno 25. Informa tion was today received at the (Jen eral Land Ofllce that I!. A. Jetter and C. It. Van Tress, of Hutler, Mo., have pleaded guilty before tho I'nlted States District Court for the Western District of Missouri and have been fined $1,000 each and sen tenced to four months In jail for conspiracy under section 5 110 of the I'nlted States Revised Statutes. These uien, In conjunction with other persons, all of Hutler, Mo., at the time of the opening of the Indian reservation In South Dakota last year, secured a number of soldiers' declaratory statements, which, as agents for the soldiers, they offered for filing. At tho same time they secured promises of relinquishments of soldiers In case the soldiers were lucky enough to draw a number, tho Idea being to secure purchasers for the soldiers' rkhts, nnd, it was charged, defrauding the government by cutting out bona fide entry. The land ofllce has also been noti fied that there is a similar scheme In process of formation for the open ing of tho land to be capable of irri gation under the Huntley project in tho Hillings, Mont., district, which will soon be made available. Lower Rate on Alcohol, Washington, June 27. A curious case wan. filed with the Interstate Commerce Commission today by the Railroad Commission of the State of Oregon ngalnst the Northwestern and llurlington Railways and sev eral other lines. It appears that the defendant lines charge the same rates upon tho denatured alcohol from Chicago to North Pacific terminal points as they charge on other al cohol. Hy reason of the high freight rates the price of denatured alcohol In Oregon is greatly Increased, as it costs from 12 cents to 18 cents a gallon to transport It. "Cotton Leak" Trial Resumed. Washington, Juno 26. The trial of Kdwln S. Hllmes, former associate statistician of tho Department of Ag riculture, on the charge of divulging the secret Information of the depart ment, was resumed in the Criminal Court today with Dr. C. C. Clark, present assistant statistician, on the stand. He identified a letter written by Cotton Hroker II. T. Prince, of New York, to the department, In June, 1005. making inquiries con cerning tho cotton crop report Abandon Fort Assinn boine.J Washington, Juno 27. As a pre liminary step to the gradual aban donment of Fort Assinnibolne, Mont. Captain Honlface, of the Second Cav alry, was relieved of duty as Con structing Quartermaster at Fort As sinnibolne and directed to turn over the property for which he Is aecount-r-ble to Lieutenant Howard G. Dan iels. Julius Jacobs Dead. Washington, June 26. The Treas ury Department received a telegram announcing the death of Assistant United States Treasurer Jacobs at Sun Francisco. Treasurer Treat took direction of tbe office by wire and, pending his arrival In San Francisco, has designated Cashier Burnes to act as Assistant Treasurer. Surveys In Idaho Forests. Washington, June 26. George S. Hawkins of the Geological Survey will extend trlangulatlon from Ore gon ncross the Snake river Into Ida ho, controlling the Cambridge quad rangle and the Meadows quadrangle In the Welser forest reserve. Later Mr. Hawkins will extend trlangula- ition over the Montpeller quadrangle In Southeastern Idaho. NATIONAL CAPITAL filDET RACK LAND INQUIRY. Nothing to Be Gained by Inve'tiga tion In Oregon, I I I I I... ,. T 1 I y iiriiiiigion, .iiiiio i.j. iiieie are renMofis for Iwlieving that the invcMtigH tlon now Irflng made in Oregon by A xixUnt District Attorney Towtiferi'l will not materially help in the solut ion of tint problem of comrxilllng tho Kout h ern Pacific railroad cotnpuny to place on thn market in accordance with law I he 3,000,000 acre of land remaining of the grant to the Oregon A California liailroad company. In plain language, thorn in strorifg suBplcion that thin in vestigation in a fsree and that it is not going to K'oiriplish what was intended. Unless indications are incorrect, some Ixidy has injected a joker into this pro ceeding. The identity of the person who in standing between the jieople of Oregon and the Southern Pacific rail road ban riot yet been disclosed, but he mu-t be high up in official circles. In the first place it is contended by men who have made a special etudy of this quet-tion that there in nothing to investigate in Oreg'n. All the records, all the laws, and all the fact behind the grant are on file in Washington mid the determination of the beet method of proceodure iiiuct be based on the law and on the words. If, there fore, tho department of justice in to crack thin nut, it mui-t make its inves tigations here in Washington and not in Orfgon. The lawn maLing the grant are on file in the State department. The debate preceiling this legislation are on file at the capitol, and from these records may be gathered the in ti lit of the men who secured the legis lation, hi 1 mi la r information may be triil In-led from reports on the various bills, and all these reports are of re cord here and not in Oregon. Hut what is still moie important, all the papers that jiased letween the gov ernment and the railroad company that secured the grant are of record in the Interior department in thin city and cannot be found in Oregon. Nicaragua Massing Troops. Washington, June 28. State de partment cablegrams indicate a contin uance of threatening conditions in Central America. American Minister Merry reports from San Salvador that the Nicaraguai! government is massing troops at Point Cot-eguina. This place in upon the North Pacific border of Nicaragua, on the Gulf of Funseca, and directly opposite the Salvadorian crast, which appears to be the storm center at this moment. American Minister Ix- reports from Guatemala City that Nicaragua!! foices have appeared upon the north coast of Honduras. The forts on this coat recently were occupied by tho Nicaraguai. s as an incident to the establishment of the provisional gov ernment, but it was understood that President Zi laya had ordered the with drawal of all the Nicaiaguan troops fiom Honduras. Bnild Dams in Forest. Washington, June 26. The Stan ley Smith Lumber Company has been granted a permit in the Cascade Na tional forest to construct and main tain three reservoirs, dams, and con duits to supply water required for fluming logs and lumber. Joseph R. Keep ,of Portland, has been granted a permit to build a dam. about 10 feet high on Camas creek, Cascade National forest, to lay approximate ly two miles of pipe line from the dam to the head of a log chute In section 11, township 5 south, range 10 east, to provide water for a don key engine and camp. Japs Will Sue San Francisco Washington, June 27. According to private advices received here to- , day, the proprietor of the Horseshoe restaurant, which was attacked dur- 'ing the recent anti-Japanese riots In San Francisco, will enter suit In the Jstate courts of California against the city of San Francisco to recover dam ages done the restaurant property. District Attorney Devlin, a telegram from San Francisco says, will repre sent the Japanese plaintiff In tho action. More Time for Umatilla Project. Washington, June 28. The secre tary of the interior has granted an ex tension of 30 days' time to Harvey h Morton, of Ilermiston, Or., for comple tion of their contract for a portion of the distribution system of the Umatilla irrigation project. The unusual sever ity of t lie weather and the difliculty of securing labor rendered it impossible for tlio contractors to complete the work at the time specified in their con tract. . Holmes in Own Defense. Washington, June 28. E. S. Holmes, Jr., ex-assistant statistician of the Ag ricultural department, on trial on the charge of conspiring to defraud the gov ernment by prematurely divulging In formation regarding the cotton croD. took the stand today in his own de fense. He testified that be never had any advance reports from the field and contradicted many of Mr. Van Riper'a i statements. Postal Clerks Promoted. Washington, June 28 The follow ing promotions of clerks in the Astoria postoflice will be effective July 1: One from $500 to 600 j two from $000 to, $800. At Ellensburp, Wash., one from $500 to $000; one from $000 to $800; one from $800 to $900. New Postmaster at Fernvale. Washington, June 27. Laurence Worley has been appointed Postmas ter at Fernvale, Ore., vice Hllma Nel so, resigns. WAR TALK ALL POLITICS. Hostilities With United States Not Dreamed of by Japanese. Toklo, Juno 23. Public excite ment over tho American question has almost passed away, but agitation In still gwlng on. It is mostly tho work of tho politicians of tho opposition, who are employing tho question as a weapon of attack upon tho Ministry. Tho Progressives and a coterie of politicians called the "Daldo Club," will likely Join hands In a combined attack on the Ministry over the American question, their principal aim being to strengthen their respec tive positions in the corning election of local assemblies and also in the general election next year. Their principal watchword Is the diplomatic Irnpotency of tho SalonJI Cabinet, which has resulted, they say, In suffering to compatriots In America and In inability to receive treatment worthy of the subjects of a first-class power. It is difficult to foretell how far they can succeed In stlrrlog up tho public, but whatever attempts are made in the way of agitation, actual hostilities with the United States are not even dreamed of. The war talk In some of the American press is totally Ignored here. WRECK IN CONNECTICUT. Fast Passenger Crashes Into Rear of Work Train With Fatal Results. Hartford, Co'.n., June 23. Six workmen were killed and 40 were Injured when a passenger train on the Highland division of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Rail road crashed Into the rear of a work train that was backing Into the city from New Britain Saturday night, at the Slgourney street crossing. Of the Injured, two probably will die. In one Instance, It took an hour and a half to rescue a workman, who was pinned beneath the trucks. His head was hanging down backward and he suffered severely, but the res cuers encouraged him while doctors reached between the framework which held him a prisoner and treated the wounds on his face and head. TheYe are three unofficial versions of the cause of the wreck. One Is that the passenger train from New Britain went out on a wrong track. The second Is that the work train had the right of way until 7 o'clock and should have had a clear track, that the passenger train was ahead of time at the time. The third is that the work train opened a switch and failed to close it. L'GHTNING HITS OIL TANKS. Violent Storm Dees Much'Dtmagein Indian Territory. Tulsa, I. T., June 25. A violent storm swept over this section of In dian Territory early Saturday, caus ing damage to property estimated at nearly $500,000. A terrific elec trical storm accompanied the wind, and lightning struck oil tanks all over the mid-continent field. In Glennpool, near Tulsa, a 55,000-bar-rel tank of the Quaker Oil & Gas Company and a dozen other small tanks were struck by lightning and are still burning fiercely. William S. Mowry, of this city, suffered a loss at Cooly Bluff of nine 16,000-barrel tanks, and the Standard Oil Com pany's tanks at the same place were almost totally destroyed. Strikebreakers En Route. Sacramento, Cal., June 25. Two carloads of strikebreakers, herded by Pinkerton detectives, passed through this city at 3:30 this afternoon for San Francisco. Little satisfactory Information could be gleaned here. To newspapermen some of those aboard the train said they were operators, but to delegates of the Telegraphers' Union they Insisted that they were streetcar men and were expected to go to work only after the present troubles at the Bay City were over. The hands of most of the men indicated that they were not laborers. Says Orient Will Conquer. London, June 25. General Wil liam Booth, head of the Salvation Army, has returned to London after his trip to the Orient, greatly im pressed with the potentialities from the yellow races. During the course of an Interview here he declared that the Chinese and Japanese will com pletely capture Eastern trade and commerce. There are features about the Chinese and Japanese," he said, "that are bound to make them the conquerors of the world, but they will do It by peaceful means." Spain to Put Up the Bars. Madrid, June 25. Senor Leclerva, minister of the interior. Yesterday read the immigration bill In the Cortes. The bill provides a system of inspection and gives the govern ment power to temporarily forbid immigration. It also forbids recruit ing by agencies. The government will negotiate tho treaties with neighboring powers to prevent clan destine immigration. Ask President's Co-Ope-ntimi. Kansas City, Mo., June 25. Pres ident Roosevelt and the governors of the several states have been asked to aid the National, Union of Railway Trackmen In a campaign for greater safety la railway travel. HUNT PETTY FLAWS Indicted Millionaires Raise Many Technical Points. JUDGE WILL OYLRRULE THEM Play on the Part of San Francisco Grafters to Gain Time Quib bles Enrage Henev. San" Francisco, June 23. Six of the corporation and city officials under Indictments for bribery, Pres ident Calhoun, General Manager Mullally, Chief Counsel Ford and Assistant Counsel Abbott, of the United Railroads; Vice-President Glass, of the Pacific States Tele phone & Telegraph Company, and Mayor Kugene E. Schmitz, through, their attorneys, made determined ef forts to have Superior Judge Lawler set aside the Indictments against them on grounds of technical errors. After to sessions of court had been consumed in the presentation of evi dence In support of their conten tions, the hearing was adjourned un til 2 o'clock this afternoon, when ar guments will be presented and au thorities submitted. Schmitz attorney withdrew from the District Court of Appeals his pe tition for admittanie to bail through writ of habeas corpus, and gave the explanation that technical omissions In the document necessitated Its re framlng. It was said that a new pe tition will be filed. During the hearing Messrs. Coo grin and Moore amended the Joint motion to set aside the Indictments on grounds which, they declare, es tablish firmly the illegality of the present grand jury and the invalidity of every act and indictment by that body performed and returned. One of the contentions of the de fense is that the name of B. P. Oliver, the foreman, wa3 twice drawn from the box. The attorneys for the Indicted officials allege that Mr. Oliver's name was Improperly re turned to the box after It had once been drawn by Assistant District At torneys Heney and Harrison without auf rity from the court. Replying to this charge, Mr. Heney angrily de clared that Judge Dunne had given the necessary authority by nodding his head. Judge Lawior refused to rule in the matter until the testi mony of Judge Dunne himself can be secured. He i3 absent from the city on his vacation. DARROW OPENS CASE. Statement to Jury in Defense of Hay wood Is Weak Affair. Boise, Idaho, June 25. Clarence S. Darrow's opening statement to the jury in the Haywood case yesterday wa3 a disappointment. Like the cross-examination of Orchard by E. F. Richardson, It seemed to lack pur pose, and those, who expected a strong and plausible line of defense failed to find their expectations real ized. Mr. Darrow talked three and a half hours, but, beyond entering some de nials and making some charges, he accomplished very little, while his effort made a ba4 impression every where. He made the dual mistake of admitting what could not be ex plained and offering diaphanous ex planations of those things which he declared the defense ready to prove in refutation of testimony brought out by the state. At times he dropped Into stump oratory to relieve the monotony, as when he launched into laudation of the Federation, when he attacked the mining companies and when he boil ed over with well-simulated indigna tion at the work of the Pinkerton agency. ,In his attack on the mining companies, he sought to make it ap pear that these were oppressors of the miners until the Federation came along and humbled them Into the dust, compelling them to give their men enough to eat and afford them proper hospital accommodations when ill. To those who know some thing of the provision made for miners In practically all camps where metalliferous mining 13 con ducted, this all sounded very cheap. jWill Appeal to Uncle Sam. Oakland, Cal., June 25. Presi dent Small, of the Telegraphers' Union, announced this afternoon that he would ask the aid of the United States government In the set tlement of the strike. He said he would appeal to President Roosevelt and members of the Cabinet to Inter cede on the ground that the trans action of National business is inter fered with by the strike. President Small asserts that, when investiga tion Is made by the President and the Cabinet officials, it will be learned that the striking telegraph ers are in no wise to blame Override Schmitz' Veto. San Francisco, June 25. The Board of Supervisors this evening passed the city budget over the veto of Mayor Schmitz. The budget was returned with six vetoes. The others were those appropriating $720,000 for establishing an electric conduit railroad on Geary street and $720, 000' for the repairing of streets. A, development of the session was the breaking away of Supervisors Tweit moe and O'Nell from Schmitz. Pulajanism Enrted in Islaud. Manila, Tune 25. Governor-General Smltl , as returned from a month's U of Inspection of the northern provinces. He declares that Pulajanlsm Is ended on the Islands of Samar and Leyte. He gives the entire credit for the solution of the difficult situation to Governor Curry, of Samar and Governor Deveyra, of Leyte. J