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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1902)
a Bohemia Nutlet T.ICH W.IIRWItY. ititltor and 1-rou'r. COTTAGE GROVE. . . OREGON. tage-i In Institutions "vt learning (or foreigner. Who enroll llicmselvcthtre In. Tho civic ncqulsttlon, sure to fol low such a residence, Is not tlio least result. To know other countries more Farooui'Mntay ltnccaneer He I nit Ux terminated by Unci Bam. An n resist of tho relentless warfare better tho excellences of one", native . "l''ue agMn.t piracy, there la lm PIRATE8 OF LUZON. WV-llVT tllQ VAtl'lll'IIVCS Ul UK. Ultll.U I Intnl. and to realise more clearly tho tic-! Every mnn pities himself more or less, I feels-of inlmlulstrntlon, It such there but few deserve half of It be. ' ,. rhti ,t..n. .r eni. n rn. I John Charles Collins died .tho other mind the world that Dreyfus still lives. W In Now York. Never heard of nun 7 -mat is uecauso no was a urnvo A man suing for divorce calls his wife n cold-blooded proposition. Feet, prob ably. man who kept his sorrow locked In his owh breast and refused to whine. You've seen the picture of a Jolly boy, his arras full of snowballs, wattlnit for prisoned In tho til- lago of Lcgapl, on tho Island of I.u. ton, a baud of 31, which It Is thought comprises tho last of tho fatuous old Malay pirates. Tho particular chargo against this band Is an attempt to tako possession of the steamer Dos Her- m IF JEy. Imlsnhan." tin mattered, with an Mil loua luok upnn liU fnco; ami thon In almost limutllbln times, "What will bp tho rwmltj If nidi reach", tuia piaco In safety?' )ut Hid will liovor ill) III" nnd ho took n qmtff (mm tho mNlot I to roiiovo tho tnrrurs or ins soui, which vpra tlcplctod In his faco. OltAVTICU III. A Mldnlgltt-.8urprls, An,1 hour-illd vnli' len?hV1fint till- t'ttjicd to Juniper posts, protects this I clot" luqulrod n young woman In a mcauow irom tho stock ror winch it uuico of innocence la not Intoiuletl. "Olu In tho very best of spirits," ro At tho font nf tho mountain. nnd.l nltml n rnnint1 front lernmnn. rnvurod murniinitnjl tiv Ifill nln.tni.. nf tiitil.l Willi IIia alilat ,f tlin nlnliiM From too north boundary lino ioinnra i. . .,. i,mi.n "Aii.i )mu in.. .it,ntt it i,n imriirn i u ui uounnrjr ."u -. imii or mo rock that from time to wo roach his place T" Inquired tno thero Ilea in Eastern Ore con a strlPltimn ,.. rnii.,i ,i,,, .,,ii I ., f,i,, ,.i- . .rri.r3r 'J.0"1 0 wHmioiik ami To tiu, cn8t nro .tables, corrals, hay- "Within about two ilnya-thalls If ouuui . nines .; '"' rtcKs, watering trouKha. and all the nothing hnppons to provont It," ro (Copyright. 190!.) CHAlTElt I. Tlin ORKOON "DKSEHT." Jlr. riser has not as vet expressed any n victim to nass his war. Johu Charles fear of what may happen to a man who Collins painted that It -was his best 1 1 dlesrlch. vieco or woric, ana tnousanus or copies manos whll It w 1 nnM knn. -- .. n. rwmn n. 1". V., . 'V' l.TT -r... S7 . ,-,... of ""i h,'-"" "y. however, wa, and throuBh which ran tho old rAch. To tho WCBt , R'K,lnlon ' ..ult n"Qin cnn hnppfln , prflvont , .,i. .i.,..i..i,., ri..T- r.i. .iiii.-,U OJ 1,10 P"wmcn on uuiy ." . , . it riKBieu irom pipoa mat run from n it. except an extraorti nary ovent, can furniture polish doubtless had that ma- f0w men ccnlus and also the ;abmty to near that vlllate and the pirate, were This desert, unllko most deserts, reacrvolr fed by sprliKs higher up Itriiiqulrcd tho ijlrl nssurlniily, and hoiranv brown tnstc. make moner. Sn John Charles Collins . . . . contains manr num. Thero aro run-1 ihn hin i. ti.n .nn. i. I .,n....i.. i, . ......... n .i..i.i - I - - . ... . ...1 aj'.uivu utiur a IV(XQ at lie la lTniCn , : ' . - , . i .... ,uw , hi .a ;uimik luiiumniih n It IU ibhiutu .III uuilif. i Ji i t . . ' ilmnnA.1 nut nf t r. h I n.,,1 .M !wl t.1. ( . . H 111 Rtntuma nl IMirn willfil- Mtlil Tl 11. I - , ..... i.ii.ti .. I .. . . 1 it I .. . . . . . ... I " b- , two Of the buccancera were killed and i ----- - uiuimu vvvrj iiuncniiuii I'unua jruii mnn ircsii, your mo" nru mi Ittisscll Sage has almost arrived at n lntt days pAlntlnc campaign banners ' ,1, . , .H. " I morous springs boll from tho aide of to tho fact that tho treea aro belns fresh and your horses look ns If thoy Hni,,i ,Ht.ui. 1. .t.i. in th.t ... . t 111. t...inn. I " v...,. u. .ui. tit.riiiuuus , thn mountnlnit nn,1 riiio nven rram ilesl .n.rtnM.i mh.i Muiwni.i I .-in.. ... t. . i..K I'WI.IV 1IIHU 1. II I til I1U IS uuiu w wv I ,VF .i.lU U Uttiv II, V1IUW.I. UUWU- l m m tntn Z , . I VM ".Ml VMIHUHVII ,ll l- I1VI.I I.IIAIUIIH IU nilll UII HIU IIMWIU utoncy Isn't everything. Ings told a story of poverty. There Th nm.uiin. .,-. m E . .1 . . .. .. . Ml i ,. i monlR.' P"rnoso- " ront nf "o sreat Journey." , w, iuv ..... n , muuitu imi itiura.uii,uuiuui niouo ouiiuinii ucauiiiui wn ks aro lain i "i nat is an trim, mnunm. n it in tnis ows of Jiatlvo grass greeted tho oyo tmt. along which shrubbery, roses and country wo novef count on anything of tho occasional adventurer. nowora of many varieties grow, with until Ifs accomplished, and tho "ex- ... . . . . I flitt .w n n.l ft, V I . . . . I . ., . . .... . . . this is as eood a time as any to forget intn tho hand, of th moner lom1ir. I '"" pirates, itvo uaya after the Dos .-"V; " "-I0." mVn 'or " oncK- rnor! ia HKOiy to nappon any i.. ir. i-.. ..... ..i. . . jicruinims lucmrm a Eiinnoat vfaa sent ., r : 7 . i r.1 ... v . un. were pawn ticket, by tlio score. At llrst ' a13 5 V. w .b Tho Yoho woman and tho Strong he had parted with painting and then ! VT" crusauo wntcn nan have been married at last, and one by one his other valuable, passed I Fmi. w , ST Q T'" ,hM There were letters that told of it0 NBmjan. with Instructions to km ! knowlol?KO c,r '?cnUon Jnttnr n "eht through tho heat of tho day. "Oh. then aro wo to pans through n sumptlvo son who was sent to Colo- j' "n '."lc"" ,h"'Weary traveler lost his way between Und tho Ico-cold spring water Is thus dangerous section?" Inquired the , ... i . ...... ouiuymu uii uu nun Bvui o vaiiu . . .. i iruTeier iosi ins wj uu.wwu I nnu tno ico-coiu spring water is thus ilannorou. scctlonT" In A French physician anys education , .. ut. -rv. capture every pirate found there, lik.n m. i,i,v,.i .. .... " ... .. .. i"",. . . .7 it. i.i . i. ..iv " bvm.v. v uv.i.w. iukj i ..,., , . . ... ...v., -w. . ,vuik,vlvu ivir iiiu ivimvr luuia ui inn i luniucn Willi somo mnriii. ureeas insanity. , lie mi-r, . :""" wcrc fun of enaearng exprcsalbns. uomo or tneso many years afterward marked tno young vegetation. "No. not particularly, but when the u lu wuui .u. "-""j " 0j man loved hig (ton W(t nn tue ,""""""r uu"uk mo ccn-1 nisi piaco wnoro ne iaia nirasoii uuwh mo Brotimu nuout tho houso, In- Bnakca aro skulking among tho rocks People. force of his nature. Kverr letter was I tDry thcj" naTC "vcJ Bs Oshermen and . to rest. I eluding orchard, gardon, stables and they nro likely to strike at any time," preycu'upon mo merchant vessels ply- -Yn mcso uay wnon muvu cowsneus, are ineioseil witn a rock replied tho rrantlorsmnn. Ing between nort. In Lomin. .in itn tbo ground, accosslblo to water. Is I wall sovornl foot high, with loopholes "What kind of snakes aro thoy." In and Manila. occupied by tho pioneer homesteader, hero and thoro In tho wall, which oulrcd tho young woman , "I havo A watched pot never bolls, nnd the chance, are that those Venetian steeples whose collapse Is anticipated will never tumble. The Sultan of Cardamonseed was killed by the Americans. The Sultan of 8ulu was murdered some time ago by George Ade. Lieut Tcary saya that the arctic re gion Is tho place for consumptives. Most people would prefer less lung and more comfort force of his nature, Kvery letter was signed 'Ton," and the artist bad re fused to let his bor know of his fath ers poverty or the checrlcssncss of his life. It was plain that every dollar Uiat could be spared, that could be rais ed by pinching aud starvation, went to Top's" sick boy. That Is about alt John Charles Collins Is dead and John Charles Collins' boy Is dead. The thing I. one of life's little tragedies that holds humanity for a minute, brings a tear to the surface and then we forget 'I'n Zimmerman has given the Man chester baby $250,000. The duke will now be able to work up qulto a Uttlo tiopularlty with chorus girls for a year or two. A German peasant declared that his small earnings were divided Into three parts, one of which went toward pay ing an old debt another to support him self and wife; the third he put out as a loan. When surprise was expressed that be could do all this, he explain ed that the paying of the old debt came In tie support of aged parents, and that The defender of one of the St Louis 1nollf.rfi nlluded to brllierr n. a "eon ventlonal crime." What Is needed now ha regarded the expense of rearing hi. Is some good, conventional punishment children, who would some time look t0 at it out for h,m-as money lent In a some what different way the world at largo A New York man who died tho other 1 1. living In part on an Inheritance of day left" a collection of over 100 snuff I the past and at the samo time Is lay- boxes. So live, young man, that when I Ing by something for coming genera you die the world will see you bad a I Hons. The fresh grain fields of this definite object and aim In life. While tho Spaniards controlled the'cno my,.traTo1 hundred miles or .how that tho placo wna constructed rtad of your Amorlcan snakes," sho PMiinntn. .it.,,,... ... . . ""' i.. .. Kim a riow ui uoing uuio ia uoicmi continued, - anti Know mat tiiero must tn ,JSfJ , . .M S1 ""'.T1' . hma habitation, or living thing. itself In enso nn attack was mado bo very mnny varieties, nnd that thoy to exterminate these buccaneers. W hen Tho Oregon desert Is practically a from tho outsldo. must bo dangorous but nover rend of complaints were made against them tho succession of mountain plateaus. It Hut It I. tho Interior of tho house them biting people on hoMoback." Spanish officer, would promise to In- la at a high altitude at overy point, that tho reader should sec. tn the "Hut theso Bunkos btto nt any tlmo vcstlgate the affair, and thero It would io roacn " fn most any uirecuon rront room thoro nro easy chalra, and nt nny placo," replied tho man end. 1 01a must climb a great mountain lounges, tables, books nnd writing with n amllc. ""Thoy prefer tho dark When Undo Ram nrriri t r.nii. ran8 niI mcandor nt Intervals materials, On tho v,nll. thero aro hawovor, nnd moro olton strlku from . Brr,T at ataniia. ' nmon .now-canned peaka and through clotures. To ston horn onn would nmlnmh Tn lm ntaln with you. Mad. omTi. u-irfa 880 t0,cl"lnf!- V'B" rock-bound canyons and gulches; and hmagino himself In n cuttlvatiM homo nm. and you must bo n norvy girl to .. " ki.ui iuu u, crodB it, one must irnvcru wiuu un a micKiy scitiou country, uut in liavo crossoa tlio ocean ana cotun tins pirattM, who bad held undisputed .way stretches of barren plain, that novef glancing further ono sees reminder, fur alono. tho Snnkca I speak of aro since the day. of Magellan. Tho free- tasto of water, except from tho molt- of tho fnct that ono Is In reality InJ Indians, belonging to tho trlbo of Dootera at raplmlan found themselves lnE .nowa oi winter, ana must anuia ironuer ptneo or odouo. ny tno sliio rimes called HtiaKea ror tno very ren harassed so that they began to sepa- i encounter tava ocas ana wuus oi n: oi tno outer uoora stand mo latest sou that tnoy striko trom nmiiusn. ni. .n,i .1... ...-i . . ... I seemingly Insurmountable These I n.anufacturo of rifles, nnd cun. of I "Thon aro wo In Imminent nerll Harder than h in.l.i i . l'lalns mlnd one of a hugo extinct nil makes hang In tho rncka over tho Inquired tho girl with Hclf-possosslon. k.miJ . . insurrectionist. ( Tolcane cratcr, although thoy cover door, and about tho walls. Itrgo "No, no. not that Mls. wo might tOeiUSeiVe. tO Capture are thO Mllir nf noma In irri nnit It Lnnlmin lolm. fmn. ntlnl. hnri, n.,,1 11,1. trln n ,ln llmna wlllinill pirates. They will ally themselves with ' takes days of travel to cross many of tfcoro Hko ornament., whllo numerous being molested, but tho Snake, nru on uujuuu wuo is wining to laite a portion them. They vary in sixo. nowever. of their booty and who Is strong enough I 'rom small plateaus of a few acres to to protect them in return. Much to their dismay they have found that Uncle Sam'a agents will not accept any of tbelr plunder. Hounded constantly by the constabulary, they are beginning Burround. to seek other flclda, I tuns or new country are dispensing each year j Mindanao, and Ncgros, while other, are irom me weaun mat mey nave Deen ..uuuvu mc auiu nreuipei- rinn nt 4na m.rlnfitt lnivinlrftnrlf.a nf I iltpln. tt.w.., tlia MnHiiu, n,i. acO. good people Is tbelr eager sympathy for I grandchildren will necessarily cultivate Long before clvftlxatlon found It. way the whitewashed villain of romance, I lands of considerably diminished fertll- to (be Philippines, piracy was actively and their unwillingness to believe of a Ity. In Europe the scramble for fer- practiced there. It undoubtedly had Its living man that he Is not so bad as he Mixing substances baa become keen, beginning among the Moslem, living on Is painted. and as they are found In stored beds. In the Sulu archipelago, who levied trlb- I most cases, tnelr use represent, only a ute upon neighboring Island, aud rob- It Is said that ono American maga- more Indirect "wearlnir out of the bed Chlneso merplmntmnn vhn line has received within one year -10.- earth." Mineral deposits, such as coal, Magellan started out to find a nassaee 000 unsolicited manuscripts, of which 0Us and ore In course of exhaustion, connecting the Atlantic with the Pa number only ninety were accepted. The affords a still more striking example of clfle ocean, his first landing near the the Illimitable outstretched plains. Hut they al bear the samo characteristics. Tho traveler, whether passing tnrougn a small basin or a great plateau. Is struck with samo lmprcsilon. A wall each bf theso ba Dlatcaus and sepa- Some of them have gone to Samar, rate, ono from another. Theso I wans consist oi rocxa pncu uyuii win rnothcr with masonic care, tho joint. I belngTirokcn a. pcrfectlv and smooth ly as If done br skilled human hands. and they rUo perpendicularly from ten to two thousand feet Into tha air. and o mako them tho moro difficult of ascent a thick layer of flat rocks lie alone the top of tho wall, extendi. is out on either .ide into wmo eaves ana young man or woman who has chosen literature as a profession has a hard road to travel. A citizen has been cut open by the doctors to recover a set of false teeth which were afterward discovered In a j partment notably the bureau of for what the past has bequeathed to us. Cnn we do anything to maintain a good balance in the treasure bouse of na ture! This question Is entirely prac tical. It enters Into the work of sev eral divisions of the Agricultural De- mattress. It Is to be suggested, there fore, that the next time baby swallow, bis rattle the skillful surgeons should cut open the mattress on the baby's crib. "You conld not hit a barn doorP cried a little boy of eleven to an older lad who held a rifle In his hand. "Is that so?" retorted the other, as be fired a bullet through the child's lung. "It was all my fault!" gasped the little fel low before he died. Could the "dare" offered and accepted, the widespread lack of self-restraint and the reckless use of firearms be moro concisely epitomized? estry. Inventors in the mechanic arts are also helping to suggest answers. Bn(g. ruuiic improvements in paries ana highways. In drainage works and Irri gation systems, except those which are transmitted to posterity with huge debts, really constitute a gift from tbe present to tbe future. Nations should practice economy with tbelr natural stores, just as Individuals do In tbe use of a modest patrimony. It was only a wag who remarked that be cared noth ing for posterity because It had never done anything for him, Philippines was at a group of Island, where tbe natives proved themselves to be the most artful of artful dodg era. Several of tbem stole a .mall boat from Magellan's ship, and the great navigator gave tbe name of Ladrono I (the Spanish word for thief) to tbe Isl kip Jit tho warpath now, nnd whllo cattle stoallng and homo stealing I their mlnclnlo object thoy nro not nvorso to bigger proy, cnpcclally when tho odd. nro In their favor. They go in small band., though, and our hoy. aro capahlo or holding their own with most of them. A. It la getting Into and wo wish nn early start In tho morning. I would advise you to rottro and get a good rost, for a couiilo of hundred miles on tho bnck of a cayuso will provo a task for n lender young lady llko you." and as tho young wo man walked away to her tent, Dnn rollett muttered to himself: "A pretty fair (lower to bo plucked by tho riutcs! sheltering them like tho rim of a hat, , ...... ..V . fl.l nnf n ml ttlAflA I ur mo eavcD ui um uj . , ...... aro called the rlmrock.. Ho sat in n lilglt-buclici! home-made. I (Tobtconllnuxt.) nnltan (lrU at Play. In her "Itccollcctlons of an Kgyptlan Prince.." tho author describe, a little BLIND BANK PRESIDENT. The school children In Regglo ncll' Emilia, Italy, are required to commit to memory ten precept, formulated by the new socialist city government The first Is, "Love thy schoolmate., for they will be thy coworkers for life. and the last Is, "Let It be thy purpose In life to hasten tbe day when all men, as free citizens of a free State, live In peace and happiness In true brother hood," These nro excellent principles. and tho socialists deserve credit for teaching tbem, although they did not originate and cannot monopollzo tbem. Among tho tendencies of the times none I. more gratifying than those that are gradually making rural life less ob jectionable to tbe best elements of our society. Tbe tide of rural exodus to tbe city shows some signs of turning. Those who have been leaving the old farms have more and more disposition to turn back. Tbe rush of rural com munities cityward Is being stayed and the j country districts show more and more- marked signs of being rescued from desertion. Certainly no more hopeful Indication were possible. City ure stnuas, on the whole, for mental, moral and physical deterioration. nunEBT u riE&soir. Loaa of Sight No Apparent Handicap to Tbla Unalucaa Man. Tbe only bank In tho United States, If not In the world, which has a blind man for President, Is the Second Na tional Bank, of Or ange, N. J. Hubert L. Plcrson Is that man. For 14 years Mr. Plerson has been totally blind. Instead of causing a retrograde move ment In Mr. Pier son's business af fairs, tbe accident which caused him to lose entirely the sight of both ryes seemed rather to Impel him to push forward In the com mercla world. This enterprising blind man conducts an extensive business aside from bis work connected with tbe bank. He owns two flour nnd feed mills, which be personally manages, be side, attending to tbe affairs of bl. bank. At bis office be look, after his many real estate transactions; be con duct, an extensive brokerage business and owns large pieces of valuablo prop erty, both In nnd out of town. He at- ..n ,f till tr tn nil nvsifmonl. . .t WlnBton Churchill is probably tbe ,i nii. nil ,..,,. , most distinguished contribution to the BaIe(J - m,, buglness transactions be New Hampshire Legislature since the g0 ncCurate and conduct, every .tcp memorable accession of Charley Hoyt. wlta g0 rauch Irenes, that those who Mr. Hoyt wielded a potent Influence In are not personally acquainted with him eglslaUon by freely distributing passe. of,en do not suspect that De ,s bn(1. to tho "Hag Baby" and the "Parlor - Match," and Mr. Churchill 1. in tho Doing- the Beat Ho Could. samo enviablo position as a dramatic "Bovl" shouted tbe woman, with her author of power and standing. We shall head out of the window, "what ye wbicu me nice w giory uetween Mr. tbrowln' stones nt?" Churchill and Mr, Tarklngton with the "At yer cat" replied tho boy. liveliest Interest When a man has "And what are you tbrowln' at my sounded all tbe depths and sboal. of lit- cat for?" erature, and wearies of tho empty bon- "Because ye hain't got no dog to ora of the arduous life, be naturally throw at"-Brooklyn Citizen. turn, with longing to the calm, peace- ful, scholarly existence of tho State Whom Shot. Strike. Legislature ' evcry one hundred and ten shots Iwuicu BiriKu Buuju auiuier, xorty-iureo will lodge In tbe legs, thirty-three will follows to a certain extent a plan of lodge In the arms, twenty-two striko Cecil ntiodes for educating Americans between neck and waist, one In tho at Oxford. Tho sum of one hundred neck, and eleven shots some part of tho .and twenty thousand dollar. Is set I soldier's bead, apart as a fund to enable French stu- . : . dents to study philosophy and religious . , i, "! ""'' . sciences In German universities. There ,nj;Lch wri'?r statcs that r ever Is al.o a fund for tho support of a 2?;10(tlle7?,or,,",1!ni' .., I... ,..... ., fesslon 100 become hopeless lunatics. UCrUiaU UMITVIMIJ lUVlVOBUI .V.VV.U.VI I vnnn r ......v.- . , . . in Pari, under the auspice, of th,'''toUVty Collego of Franco. In such Instances Pef 100,000. of liberal giving thero Is moro than' a I Tho procrastination of tim hnh.'a recognition of tho educational advuu-1 teeth 1. tho thief of papa's slumbers. After tbe Spaniards bad settled In tbe Philippines a piratical alliance was ef fected between tbe Sulu and Mindanao potentates, and piracy was prosecuted with great vigor by organized forces equaling those of the Spaniards. For over two centuries and a balf Mussul man Junks ravaged every coast Not a single peopled Island was spared. PI racy became an Incessant scourge and It cost tbe Spaniards rivers of blood and millions of dollars only to keep It in cuecic WM. lh .7to bo a .ucces rietle. of this deadly weapon adorn " " - ' " " atbe'r 'Sowconnec totoSSL this .amo Palace which disclose vcrydos. whereby ono might scale the watla abundance of firearms exist, and In touch of unture. Tho princes, wa. which .cparate them, yet with sel- jh' room. a. In tho front room, a seated near a little lake, which had dom an exception nature ba. como ,nrKe table stands In cno corner and becu constructed tu n serpentine shnpo. to tho rescue, and by the same pro- Ytoa lt J8 ftttcncd all of tho latest winding about under rustic bridges. nhonv. Improved apparatus for loading nnd I ai... ..... t i.n els re caused and these mountains er attendants, when the girl broke 8?odrmPir ferTn shaped canyon, and gulche. had rent I o nor S "e -- " the wa s, and through tnese tno irav- ",'' "'"" eler may find bis way from ono basin Jack of caro and attention usually The princes called out, "Oh. stop to another ikuuu ,u umvuuiura iiuunvrs, wnuo neri mop ncrr aim tnreo or rour rol- The smaller plains were tho scenes tbe dining-room and kitchen aro largo lowed ImmcdlatWy. Hut the flmt knew of many conflicts, and woro often nna "Pacloua, and a largo Supply of wcu cn0Ugh that tho water was not places of great slaughter In early f'0"?, "0 r4fnVnMi lDOto "ree three feet deep, so she bad days. Band, of deer and antelope , lrgc number tor JnMo po- t for B ; J often wandered Into them and the VJaVfLl'ri. kcV und threw water In the face, of aVd.rg the onlr plac'esof ou Perfect order. These and the front her pursuer.. let. would charge down upon tho cn- room aro frequently vli.lted and occu- Tb0 princess had seen tho Joko dl- caged animals and slaughter a whole P'cl by tho ownor. and thoy must bo recti, uftcr tho cry had escaped her, bond. And these animals woro not ?p0rptm'nrlVnVrnf of wnU nl nnd no,v J0'""1 'Mrtlly In tho fun and blMrsUno.0 'mnr Z" ! o the" 'rZ, . Sttt f1"1, ". to help in the cap! mLtMn whoso members had different aspect; tbe beda aro un- ""'o general harem dress when ?S. hnn.iIjMH Mreless from do, and men's wearing apparel are worm weather set In wus white Indian want of "roper 'L,, water T oc.ttored about tho floor broken grns.-clotb. mo-o or lea. fine, made gtther with tho care of their Ja-lcd matches, half conyumod cnndles, nnd, loose, and coullned nt tho waist by a rnlmals. reduced to mere skeletons coioreu sasu, a riunon to match being from plodding through the burning '"'P"""" '.,nS,,m,ft,L u 'h?.'!ob,rl! uualr worn round tho throat, and to sands and drawing heavy loads over "'the rooms. BrnV there Is n deserted tlo bnck tIl0 hnr the flinty rocks, without feed or ' - from the booking anart- Tho 'ltv toul,i "ol bo hurt by tbe viiter. wh e Dasslng through theso ""sn1 no go irom tno cooKing apart- . ' ranvons and beneath tho rimrocks, mcn. occasionea oy tno wont or a ;" uo - .,,,. (,, nni-nnnH nr. stout, rouna-iacoo nngiisnman, wno ovum mra Bi-i-ii 10 cast a row. tot un toiM. 'ht bo taken for almost any fago, glance on their pretty ties, which wn. The heaps of rocks ?n the gVches "d who doe. tho work of chef. cook, a signal to those who saw tho look to and canyons, and ttu little mound. 1 f hwasher, housekeeper and man-of- rnsh Upon them nt once and push them srnttcred over tho plains, aro yet In- -work, In performing his routine dexes to many of these sad stories. ffi!Lt tho There was nothing but screaming u'X'&JSSm-Sl JrMn-L?:2;! iVfFMnTndluHna Tnew tho gnr'1""' mct nt U' cro... J rensoimblo demur, so In comes tho bounds of territory and knew no ,00K 0CCUP'ca nla countcnanco, and pain., turning ami uouuiing on their , 'uUUk lun' u.unuy taneii to a .ec- limit for crlmo and bloodshed The uow nD(1 then 0 cIoui1 acorn, to ol- pursuer.. Tho princes, clapped ber ond floor- " couplo of hours, back peak's buttes streams and canyon c.u;0 whole, face- ,lt UbMb up hands with dollght and laughed unro- come tbo mca All a mistake; was still bear tbelr name from one end with a beam of pleasuro for a moraont, gtralncdiy, and tho girl, thomsclvc. wont for another mnn of the samo of tho desert to the other, and there thinker then the clouds aciiln fol we ''""""""'V P'onscd with the joke, nara. t tho other end of tho town. ele? Jh tho pb doen t IfflVllWS H0 o'ZtZ erimiTtech efs and7hor cbafr upo'n whlchho sU. is a homo I. . Bonrc. of Powerfut and Search- the lady of tbe houso misses ber Mnodthlnt warrlo?. and many of mado ttffalr- haa hugo posts and a Ho.ntnc Hnyfc I jewelry nnd other small valuables. Sho u..iu.iiuDi7 " , high back, with long, awkwardly-con- Tho rnro suhstnneo rndluiu hna l,.i. cannot Imaglno whero tboj hove roiio arrival of the' bold and determined "tructcd rockers that glvo It thy np- brought Into much prominence of Into Tbe men with the wagon know. General Crook. Z'?DCi f',K I," ?l(0r." by tho Investigations of Ileoiuerel, Thero was a hollow placo In tho But in early days wherever thero Bjant. ine irom. posts oxtona up Cur)o n1(, Mim A contnnt g0UrC(J ouge, largo enough to hold a smalt was water and natural meadows, anl- asJ arms-so broad that of llw,"K 80 Powerful that It ". a' oro away a lot of clothing, mala of all kinds flocked. Horses and E&n'kiubtaE In tho left should bo carried In n lend tube to knick-knack, and jewelry. Tho goods H f f I A WI1M nipfll 1 1ll I. fill f I Willi If B 171 H. . . . . . ... . .... ... 1 11. 11. s- finm h Tmonkreh ctIkIv : to the com hand of tho man occupying tho cbalr avoid uangcr or burns, is n bit start- "u away wuu tno lounge. II am tne roonarcn grizziy to tno com- . ..v u,n h,ln,t, nni 1 11,,., ... .... . t,... . ...i.u. 1.. .... fllSSUrX. mountain 'he place to whero he has road and blo radiation I. not strong, It. extra- . .. . . . ... . 1 ; H.fl.l... .1 I Un BWU liva .u,ii,i;a.ij un i.ii, U.IJIU I inlinn.v nrnnnrtlna n.n Annn. i ... anu tue new xorn x lines justly creaits iii'ns, cuugar, cuuiu, nuuvm u ... , .. . . - n ,. vuH., .u am . ...... """ "' tbe last laugh to tbe writer. marten roamed at will, and were sel- ."J? .7? thechalr sits n cob- 01,0 tl'luklnR troiiuously. The real na- Ply ! goods In his window with a lot 1 cnn govern by Injunctions, as tho' aom BL5f " " "?.Vi let balf-flllod with old Scotch whlakoy. ",ro 01 ,uo "uiations is, or course in- ui inciii, so mat all Populist, put It," said the Judge. ra"' .t"";; '"a BX,t while tbo right hand clasping It gontly. Al- ' tho samo mystery that sur- women passing woum bo sure to I can Involve nations In war," said h" for. nrnrtnr.7i in this sect on though tbo glass Is conveyed to his rounus 1110 iioeiitgcn ray. i"1"1'"" ".''. the ambassador. wTro considerort the best in tho mar- 'Pa. occasionally it is never porm tied tu spito or tno very largo and vnl- rcy toxy men, cur- -xes, out it raiicu. None of tho A Musical Alphabet. A for Andante, which mean, rather alow. B Is for Bar, we must count u we go. O for Crescendo, get loud by degrees. V tot Da Capo, repeat If you pleaaa. E for the Exercise, played day by day. Y stands for Forte, as loud as you may. 0 Grailotc, In soft singing style. U the two Hands which we nae all the while. 1 Is the Instrument, sklllfntlr nuitii. J for our Joy when we hear It well played. iv is tor iteys, uacK and whits as you know. L Is for Largo, most solemn and slow. M Is for Minim, juat two In a bar. N for the Notes, what a number thcr. are. O stands for Opera, a musical play. 1' for tlio Pedal, use cautiously, prayl Q stands for Quaver, in a bar there are eight It Is a Best, count one while yon wait S la a Semlbrere, to It count four, T Is a Trio, three voices, no more. U Una Cord a, or played all tn one. V for Vivace a time full of fun. W for Weber, whose music la fine. X for Xccll, which just means to out shine. Y Is a Youth who can play some nice things. Z Is a Zither, with many sweet strings Chatterbox. Tbe Pen Paramount. A Supreme Court justice, a diploma tist and a writer were talking of tbe ex tent of tbe Influence wielded by each, .HHt'H-T'm'rt as I FAVORITES I ii .1 . 1 B..l..l... J. .a, .a-.a, .t ! it-ifc iIt I il- lnh.IL A.L.liA.. , My Alt! Cniintre. I ant far frno my liumv, an' I'm Weary nftenwlillrn, For the InnurU-for hntiie-brliiKhig. an' uiy Father', welcome smiles I'll ne'er bo fu' content until liiln fen do see Tho gowileii gates 0' litavvn, an' my aln couutree. Tits earth Is flecked wl flowers, inony- tlntril, fresh, an' gay, The btnlles warble bllllisly, for my Father mado them snet Hut those atrlits an' those noun's will lie nootblug to me When I hear tho nngult tlughig In my aln countrto. I've Ills gudo word of promise, that om. sladaomo dor the King Tu bis aln myal palace Ids btnlahed lisms will bring l Wl' 'ecu an' wl' hearts runtiln o'er, tvo atli n II sea The King In bis beauty, an' our aln co uut re 0. My sins ha' been monr, an' my sorrows ha' liven pair. Hut there they'll ne'er mnlr vox ins, nu'rr reiiivmuvred nialr. MU blulil hath made me while, Ills baud shall dry mine ee. When He brings me bums at last to my aln couutree. t Ltks a bairn to Its mltlier, a wro blrdto to Its tirstt I wad fnlu lie gsnglng una In my Ha- vlour a lirrnit! For he gather. In Ills bosom wltlemi, worthleas lambs Ilk me. And He carries them bliiiaol' to hU i-ln couutree. He's faithful, that hath promised; He'll surely coin again: Ho'll krep his tryst wl' me, at what hour I 1II1111. ken: Hut Hu bids inn still to wotcli, an' ready aro to be To gang at any moment to my alii couu tree. Ho I'm watching aye. an' slnglti' o' my hsine I wait. For the eouu'lu' o' Ills foolfa' this side the coHilru gate. God gle Ilia grace to Ilka ana whs' lUlen. 1100 to me. That we a' may gang In gladness to our alii cmiuliva. Mary Ia-o Deinnrrat Iina:, Iinn Ann. Tell me th tales that tn ine were so dear, Ixinif long ae, long long ago; King mo tbe aonga 1 drllshlrd to bear, Uinr long cu, long long aro. Now you ars coin all tuy grief Is tv mov il. Let roe forget that so lung you have rov'd, Lvt ma bvllvve that you love as you lov'd, Long long ago, long ago. Do you remember the path wlirra ne met, Ing long ago, long long ago? All, yea, you told mo you ne'er would forget Long long aro, long long .go. rheu to all other uiy ami! you prefrr-l. Love when you spoke gavo a charm to each word. Hill! my heart treasure, the pralx. I heard. Long long ago, long sgo. a Though by klodneat my fond hopes were nils d, Long long ago, long long ago. You by more eloquent Hps h.v been prsls d, j ' . -Lone long ago; long loag'agot Hut by long abtenc your (ruth ha been tried. fitlll to your accents I listen with pride, Blest a I was when I sat by' your stJ, tang long agu, long ago. Tlio "Ijouiiro Oamo." The "louugo game" has been played nt least onco In Ilrooklyu aud twice In New York; perhaps ofteucr, but theso nro the only cases the pollco havo heard of, Tb) mode of operation I. llko this; A wagon drives up to a bouse, and ono of tho two men In cbargo rings tbe door bell and says: "We havo a sofa hero bought by Mr. ., who ordered It sent up." "Hut Mr, A ha. ordered no sofa." the lady of tho house responds. "Thero Is somo mistake." "Not a bit of It; be bought It and paid for It, and all wo can do Is to leave It." Tbo lady la not convinced, but sho Is asked to pay nothing, can mako no Overreaolieil. "Yea, Merchant's schemo was to dls- lrjnf. .rin llpa occasionally It Is never permitted "And I could, If I would, make the 1 ket 10 uocomo empty, a nomijonn witnin unbio body ot work that has been dona It was tho paradise of tho hunter ?ni,y ,realb b?in6d,rawn u?on .at upon this subject, tho ultimate nnturo women looked at anything but tbo and trapper, ,; . ' " " or tno phenomena is still very rar from -oimuii luiu.; Auvertiscr. , .,. .. , ,., . . .. a satisfactory explanation, since sov I. had been maib'&r Thint "but a "P'0'' ?t tho facts fairly modern giant docs occupy It. Six wo" n"a no 01,0 of them can bo vcri- world laugh at botb of you," said tbo writer. The Only Moisture. Teas I'm surprised that tboso stock ings should have proved satisfactory. Jess I just used them for bathing stockings, you know. Tcss Yes, but I thought moisture urnnlil make tho dve run. Jess-Hut then, you know. I don't .'"'". JU"v"i ul "'"-o iw rauuy youre. a orouci iuu,nntlon if some 0110 should hit nn. 1.. .. n ii.n..iii.i. 1 uase to it. summit 11 is oniy auuui moutn. lone noso. ueeo set oyes. mriro . r . ' W"" -"""w L'n,;,,.. f t. . ..Mo i. n,.t M.i. ,f,v hni. . Wn '.u on n luminous paint nay times as brll- covered with runty evergreen of tho plainly as doos bis brogue that ho Is Unut and pcrmniieut an tho ordinary Juniper species, from which tho moun- a Scotchman. Llko his sorvant of tbo calcium sulphljjo vnrlely? If one had Fruit Trees In Gerinanr. A census has recently been taken of CHAPTER II. thk i.nnn op thk deseiit. In the center of one of these feet three, when standing,' largo K'1 without Involving still further by. cl;many a fruit trees. There nro 800 nlntpmm rnrttnlnlnir hundred. of llmha nnil innra linnrln tho mnn Imam I nntlipHPU na nnrl llf tlin nrfrninoiil II. .t "Ult tree. tO OVCry SIlUQru tllllo Of tcrrl. (thousands of acres of land, Is a low wondorful slrongth, though his con- tho behavior of radium open, a beau- tory ln "10 aerman Kniplre, In tbo fol round mountain. From the distance stltutlon has boon battllne- with I urni vit nf nnn.niii, lowing proportions) Plum. 0.12: nnuli. I I. T in.. . . . . I .. An1s n n A l.l M i 1. I.I.I... . -...I . I 1 I ' ' 'IK 1 . ..... 1,11. ..... .1 . . ' i il luunn una a iuuuum.ii K -" Dvuitii nmttt Him u iuiiiuibuiui tun I VVIlOt WOUlU llillinoil III (lm nrt nf II l '" Clierry, JOI, THCrO .'ellloit Mount Tnnlnnr lull from It. aelnnen foe tnnnv vonra A hrnml . " . " . v.'u "rVVW ,'i"U rt or II. ..,. ..,. . . '' ' .... . Seeking ltefugo In Kugland. Tl.reo nronertlea In dllTnronf nnrl. nf ' JUniper BPCCleS, IrOUl WhlCn ino moun- a BCOlCIiman. J.IKO RIB SOrVSnt 01 tllO V"l uiJ.liiWu Tunuiy r u one una 1 hnv. m- IP1,, I aln tekea its name, whllo tho wsmrait kltchon, ho might nlso bo taken for nl- only to expose tho light-giving body to Hampshire nave recently been sow to and en8t nna north Bd woat MeB mogt flny ogo His Bmooth shavon faco, sunlight or bright daylight for n few U.nnn i allvlntia nntn tn ,ml t au wlin ... I . . . , . ,i . , , ., .1. iwn VrnnMi rollvlAila mmmntil(l..a wtin nru ' taking refuge lu England. Tho first day that a girl gets her new pictures home from tbe photographer's she doesn't do anything but look at tbem, and wonder If they aro "good." In addition to his age, an old man becomes fearfully lonesome. aro about thrco trees to every Inhab itant. Urns House. In Oklahoma, Among the most Interesting feature. of Southern Oklahoma nro the remain, of tbo grass houses formerly built by nro barren, and huge boulder lie roddlsh complexion nnd closo clipped hours to obtain storage or energy for n ww7t l . Tr uuut iy plied upon one another, and deep can- hair, glvo tho casual obaorvor tho lm- Z , ovcnliig how ' the oleetrieo? nr?I 1 1! . ' W '. t0 ncrt"lu yons cut tholr way down Its sides. prosslon that ho U not moro than ihiiken tin? in, I t , . f cnt' 1Ct'p up tholr novt'' """ of flr" numerous springs boll forth nnd Bond and neck, tho Inovltablo markers of discovery Is far less luiprobuble, says their waters dashing over tho rocks time, nnd the solid groy that Inter- 4110 Electrical World, than somo that f tho plains below, tbo moist from mingles tbo light red hair, tell the have actually been mndo-llkp Mols- which produce, a meadow at tbo foot closo observer that he la at loast nan's diamonds, lot us sny. Hut din- of tho mountain of soveral hundred sixty. If not more. tnnndu nrn no clii.nm.r unt nn.i .i. .... aces. A fence of barbed wlro nt- "Will sho mako It horo without npurklo galore ou ovory fair bosom. cbltcctura to the present day. Gossip never dies; people aro still gossiping about Lord Jlyron aud his wife, although they uovor lived lu tills country, and havo bcou dead u groit many years.