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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1902)
0 flUGGE gS? d d fl $S a Nr. at jon i-iiintiso. S s w w H, TMIt AliVUItTMINII MI'IMl'M. 2 Devoted lo the Milling, Lumbering mid I'nnnitiK Interests of thin Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. VOL. IV COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 1902. NO. 43 MIA . . Generous Uncle Bill . . (liven CI001I Advice to I1I1 Newly Married Nelce who will l.tve Hero. In 11 ivinuto liiiinliil buck Kimt llvcil u demure mill IiiihiIiiI miilili-u mill 11 IiiihIiIiiI yoilliK itii. who lift t for moiihi yearn Imm-ii living with lint iino anil tint muhio object. They wi'i-o hot li In iiwIcmh vletlniM of "lo vo inlorolN'H" tluil were doing iiiohI effectual work niiilcr the direction of Cupid hliiiMtlf, lliirr.VHiiilcli'iily "woke up" miii iii-ciui-ii unit prucruHima wherti that lutkery Ih. I'L'h ko uihI K'l'l It pie. I CUII I'll I 11 wlioln 0111. I inn with you hiivh I lurry, mo run I. Tlii'.V then made 11 lien lino fur tint liukcry, wlit-ru Thou. It. I'urkrr tlm c'oiikimiIiiI proprietor extended them tho llOHpllllllty III' U ho cipuhlii of, mill on leaving they linth vowed they would ulwuyHgoto thoCnttiiKt drove liukcry, for the Im-mI Imker'H ti.o wan tlm thief of time itnil IiIIhh Kod ', riltiiKO drove, mid Imilleillulely not lltxtllt tolirlllg 11ml tern In li menu, "iieine limy I I I er I" hut lie took u header over htiMlifuliifMH "iikiiIii would you 00 00 -r," Thin time llettlo emne to IiIh iihi-iih wltha Mtvi-et "Yen, Hurry dear, er er I've Imvii try Imr to Hny yen all thlx time and I mean It too, If, er you do," ami to thin day Harry IiimImIm that he popeil the ipicHllnu. Very hood there wiinn wedding and ItwaHtiot tn licit lunger In-fore I'liclt' Hill Taylor, of Cottage drove, wrotii effiiHlvely of what lie termed her "grit" and proponed that If they would liH'iile hem he would Htart them up In life. Very noon they Im giiu to hid loved mien adieu and were Miiim xpeedlug In HiIh dlni'tlon. When thlt train pulled In, gcncroiiM UniJolllll wiih at the depot to greet mid welcome tho much elated couple, ami after hearty coiiKratulatloiiMcoiiv ducted them Mtralghtway to the I111 IH'rlal Hotel having prevlnindy ur for a Hpleudld Hiilte. wltliN. i I). Hardy tho miave ami alert limit. It wiih In tho cljeerful and Inviting room of the hotel at lircnkfimt next morning, while purtuklngofn tempt-, lug menu that wan tieing politely nerved that t'nclo Hill llrt unfolded IiIh pliuiM to the appreciative new romerH, obligating liliiineH llml of all toluillil and fimilxli for them an, ideal Amerlrmi home. "Hut In the inemitl ," Hiild he, "you will llud thin a pleiiMaut, home-like and moxt ngrwiiiilo pliuii to live. After lireakfaMt the auxlotiH new cnmcrM, at Uncle IWI'n reUcnt, nc compmiled him about town wltha view to getting aeiiualnted ami ar ranging In detail all the uiatterM In cidental to building mid fiirnlHhlng tho now I101110; "and now for a tie filralilo Hpot" Mild 1'ucle Hill, "to linllil on; let'M ki In mid confer with lMillllpi Wheeler our well luforiueil and wlile-awako real entitle iigviitx. whiiro Ih Hated the Ir-hI proiert.v In town and country about, mid they nnialHO auentH tor the lending llrelii Huranco of Europe and America and wo will have them Iiimiiiv your limine aKiiliiMt II ni after It lx built. The trio were cordially received and It-wiiMii't long iH-forntliocourtly SleHMl-H Plillllpn Sc Wheeler had Mold Uncle Hill a chaniiliiK and coiiiiiioiIUiiih residence nltl "la erecting a Inline, one, crhiipM to Iki left a a tribute of family pride to mirci-edlnc- imiioratloiiN, It with- Holutely Important to uw Al luinlier and building material, otherwlwi In it decade or mo tho biillilluu would topplo over." Miild t'nele Hill, with luwtireii air, "i win l.OHHL rtirH l.ininn'i , . . . ..... ...1 , ,.. ' lotniti 111 inn riht huh-koi r-viiiiu joiiipauy anon-- 10 niiiiin-r ' ,,., MlImM.. ,. , r .....w ariicieM, "Tii ltTIIIV ,1,, IH I l,ll.n iiui, m-,,o in... article of utility In furiiltiireorhoiiwv hold effect, mid will K'lve to each liahy under one year of iirp th'it In ...... . ..."m i, ,.. .1 1 iirouiriit 11110 him more wiiniii me lion 01 iiiiiiuihkh 111 iiieiw mii i uiijr. ,., i.,,iu,,i ,.i,i rim. adequate, to mivt the ilcinniiil of J"!1 V"r. .V.V !V.!iVJ!J. nllfi .. .111111 1.1, 1.11 iiiu miiimni iiv ..... . ..,.1. 10. 1 ...I..., ..1 ..1.... .1... I, lull niiu u iin uwn ih iv rtin- ,.,,- Hlinrlli' nflnr Ii'iiiIiil- (lie lintel for a MiioppliiK tour, llettlo axkeu to imi directed to a millinery Ntoro, "vou IliMl mentioned it In time," rejoined Viicle Hill, who led the way Into .Mary lliirtcln luvltlnic millinery par lorM, wheni tho Maine new effect m up peiirMlinultaueoiiMly with I'arln and uietroiolltmi Amerleau rltleM. Ho tcnlniiHly'iloi-M the accompllMlieil mill llier MIhh llartel (,'iuirtl the Inten-Mt of her clientele. Tho attractive linen of millinery wen mo tiiHty and dainty that llettlo hooii MiiceiiiulM'd to an cxnulHlte hat aildliiK iiiiiuy nrtlclcM In laillcH fancy kooiIh Im'Ii ire concliul. UtK her purchnMCH. After leaving the millinery Htoro llettlo went Mtralnhtway to MIhm ICtta Hmlth'N ilreHHiiiakluu: purlorM to arranut' for IiiivIiik all work of that kind In the future. And while look. IliK over nil the Intent (IcmIkiim mIio de elded to order a tailor null from The Perfection l.adleM Tailoring Co. of Chicago, III. Kor which .MIhh Smith lniH the oxrluxlvo agency. And after having received tho milt mid other work ilone by .MIhm Kmltll, Hettleile clanil mIio would alwn.VM patronUe her for all ilreMHinaklng ami ladlen tailoring In the future. "Now Harry you will netil both mIh hi milking and repairing," Maid I'iicIo Hill, "and of cinirx- you will want to go to tho very Im-mI m1iim maker which Ih .1. II. DiivIiIhoii. "He Ih an artlnt Ih IiIh Hue mid given nil I In fliction to IiIh ciiMtonierH In both making mid repairing. t'Hlng noth ing hut tho iM-ntof leather In both. Yen It will Imi to your IntereMt to patronlut Mr. DiivIiIhoii." "The man that mantci-M whatever branch he decided to purMiie, renilcrM niimt good to IiIh fellow iiiau or to MiH-lety." In the opinion of I'uclo Hill, "mid we have no more convincing proof of thin fact than Ih cxamplltlcd In riillllp Hold whom- time mid en erglcM nrv iM-Ing put Into un Im-IiIiiiI the anvil mid at tho work Im-iicIi, along tho Hiich of general lilackHinlth lug. horm MliiH'Ing mid wagon mak ing. Appropriately tltted and ar ranged HhopM am utllllKil and It Ih the name that Phillip Hold ban won for Al win kliiaiiMhlp ami upright dealing with the public that given UiIh place a httny apM,armice mid the. favor of lln pittroiiM that come from many mllcn aroiiml." "A hoilMe that Ih Indeed comiiio politau In Itn way and nnli-no from tho fact that It handle mo many tlilnun fur mo mali.v iim'm Ih tho olio conducted by ('. J. Miller" Miild Uncle 1 Hill. The MiilcHroom rontaliiM any 1 article from u rat trap to n ninnll Mixed Hteamboat, with the iiHimlcate- Li.i. Ji. "..- Z Kory of wan-n. ntei.HllH and thlngn i tnrlor llnlnli and the Hiimlry The yarilN and mIkmim an alwayn tilled with plue anil Mr luinlnT of nil klmlM and dliueiiMloiin, and the mani fold tlilugH ncviled In the count rue frcHh ami ciirnl meat and kindred itrtlrli-M of food, I will take Harlel and Veatch'M meat market, It In an Inviting ami well ordered market In nil reMiMt'tM mid ho vigilant aroMeHMm. llartel mid Yeatcli to tho IntcrcMtn of thdrclloiitollo that you llnd thero every day In tlio year tho cholcoHt mid moHt tootliHomo uieatM mid edlblcH for an exuding and upprccb tlve lint of fuillliloM." "It In now about noon and dinner will Moon Imi oii, ho let dm go to tho Miiinplo room," Maid Harry. "All right we will go to tho ItoMort Ha loon next door to tholinpcrliil Hotel." "It Im thero you got tlio lMHt licer, wlni'M, and clgarn In town and tho bent IiIoiiiIh of whlnkcy to 1m hud In Cottage drove and real old gin from Holland, mid tlio bartendcra are agreeable, Im'hIiIch llrilinlleld and Htrong, proprletorn, are alwayn nice and iiollte, you will wo loin of tho boyn thero, for thoy nil know whero to get the lH-Ht ilrlnkn, mid keep watch that every one In treated right," t According to mi exchange, In every paiicr we pick up wo lire alwayn Hiiru to Hilda lot of talk about the man Ih-IiIiiiI There'n the man IhjIiIiiiI tlio counter, and the man ImmiIiiiI tho gnu, tlio man iH-iumi mo iiux-miiw; and the man behind bin moii; tho man who Ih iHihlliil tho tlini.-n; the one Im hlnd IiIh rent, the mini ltehliul the plowMhare, mid the man Ih'IiIiiiI tho fence: the man Im-IiIiiiI tho whlHtlo and the man Im-IiIiiiI the barn; tho mail Im-IiIiiiI the kodak ami the man Ih'IiIiiiI the carnj the man ImjIiIiiiI IiIh whlHky, ami the man IhjIiIiiiI IiIh lint. ami every man ImjIiIiiiI a thing Ih en tered oil tho lint; but thoy'vo nklpiH-d another fellow of whom nothing Iiuh Ihh'ii wild t lie man who Im oven or a little wayn ahead; who alwayM payM for what he getn, wIiomo bllln aro alwayn nlgnnl, Iio'h a blamed night moru luitiortaut tnmi tlio man who In ln'hliid. All thoedltorH mid mor- clinntn and the whole commercial clan aro Indebted for oxUtauco to thlHgood noble man. Ho keopn uh all In IiuhIiichh mid hiii town Im never dead. And mo I take my hat off to the man who In ahead. West Side Hornets Shop. A now and (Irnt clnnn lino of HoImh mid Ilorno lllankot have Jimt hven n-colveil at the Went Hide IlnrncHM Hhop and they aro Mug Mold at prlcen within tlio rent li of everyone. Call and hcu tliem. . J'iiank l.nltor. Important Notice. Any iktmoii hiring a nluglo KMit buggy mid allowing more than two MnioiiH to rldo In name nt one t Iiik; will Im charged doiibli; prlco and pay nil daiiiagcM to the buggy. Tlio above appllcH to all hack, carrlagon or nprlng wagoiiM. (fiily two jht moiih alloiveil to ride In one neat at a time. ClllllMMK & ISANUH. Why was Lot's wife turn ed into a pillur of salt? ITHAIS FROM SILK CRBEK. tradi Now that our nplemllil tiew tvnl- donco will noon Ih? ready to inovo, Into we'll next take ntcpn about! tiirnlHtilug It out In good hIiii'm. It; will Imi my aim to liavo It par excel lenco." vontuml Undo Hill, "ho lf you Join mo we'll go and talk It over with H. II. Lauder our well Informed Iioiiho furiilHher mid diligent opouent, of furniture." Tho trio were courte oiiHly ncelveil at the Htontmul ufter tho aMHldoiiH mmmgcmciit, hud inailu moiiio HiiggentloiiH to the anxloiiH bride, hIio hooii nelected her parlor, clmmlKir and lMilroom hiiIIch, ami otlior rcuulnltlcH In furiilnhlng for the now homo, no enticing worn the Hinartaud unlouo effis'tn coiunrlneil , In tho Htoni. Ileneo Uncle Hill or-' dorod Mr. I.auderto furnlnh It "out and out" from top to bottom, to have It nplck and npan III every par ticular. The bride wan tiRHiired that no puliiH or effort would iMinpared to i. i... i........ i..i .. 1 1.. ..ii K.u...u. i , .,. n. ..rencrlptlonlHtM "Unlvowal range. '1 hafn tho look viKllnutl.v lllllHU lllllllllllll Ufin, 141111 llll IlilKlUH I'l , pitHtrloH It Ih lovely. Then too, wo , want an airtight ntove, moiiio table cutlery and a manifold lint of cooking uteiiHllH," Mottle continued. "For thoHO we'll go to drlllln & Veatch Co., where I got the htilltlcrx hard ware the other day." remarked the HlHiral old iniiii. "There you can fit ' out your culliiery department on ; whatovor ncnlo you wlnh. Tho eol-' 1.....I.... ii.. ...... i.. i.. . E 'V" .. .... . . ! On the way to the hotel Uncle Hill letter or m Veil il l. Iiouho to mt wiw minting to Harry tho experience lJuaTJL mulled: "Uncle I am good with tho iviivnrvtli flir tlm k i Viitii rllto niyMelf." Ho they entemiLllm !?. . 5..V?1' ! Honkli n iirlxo nhootfng gallery In (o'HilaVdwainVo'r.: ' " t''Js!!!!!!K..w.!!1: .,!,,'?.. "01., yen Uncle, you wem to tuku Vci,,iw whlcli Mr. llopkl.m offer'n 4 for a drive." 'Uh. yen. wan. ' wlH.k , tll om, 'umMnK the ml I'll keen mv word too." JiimM , , H(.,lv. Ulcl, KV .,,.,, rhibly IIii.Ih It them "I't'M Jlnd a roMtuiiruut. " we have Urn running around ho much thnt I am tired and hungry," nald Hurry, who looked JllHt what honpoko. Oh, If you am hungry then we will go to H. A. WIIIhoii'h nMtmirmit. It In like going homo for a good Hi-unm nieiil that In wholeHomo ami tempt ing, .lunt wait and moo how jiollto tho waltern nr.'. and how nice the iiioiiIm nm nerveil. The lient of every thing that In good to oat, w lie re the mnl culinary art In lu evidence to every olio of the many that eat them. "Among thoKo abnoliitely liidlMpen nlblo to the welfare of every com niunlty Ih the drugglMt," oeclamd Undo Hill, with moiiio ciiipIiiihIh. Turning to the young -iconic, nalil he. "we luivo a neatly and weliappoliiteil (lrtiu'entiibllnhmcnl hem that In con- ducted nlong progmnMlvo linen, under tl.e ceiiHorniup ol .Morgan v iiiviiiini ot atti.iiimeur who after the detalln of their IiumIuohm. The iimwntalileiimin Imoh utllU.e.l am ever replete with (IrugH, mediclnen, cliemlcaln mid pro nrlotar.v mniedlcM. nn Well an excel ttoual llnrn ot nundrleH, with the mmilfol.l miiulMltlcH for the laillen toilet ciiko. I lro to Morgan & lire Imnt'H with all my prencrliitloiiH knowing tliat them'M a competent mid iialiiHtaklng man lndiliul the ciiho," concluded tho generoim uncle (Jet. :w, wri. Our wiw mill crew am at the Pino O-M-nlngH on a hunting expedition. McHilnmcH Wheeler and Owenn vinlteil with Mm. M. Comer hint Hun-day. Them will Imj preaching hero tno -imi Hiiuday of next month by ltev. Hryan. Morton HnlM.-tM.-k mtunied hint week from HcottMburg with a plenti ful Hiipply ol IImIi. C.W. Caldwell Who 'wan iulte III with a lame back hint week Ih Im proving Homewhat. .liio. Anility wan munitioned to up-IH-ar at the drove today to tentlfy lu a milt over tlio ownemhlp otadog. MIhh Alma Martin vinlteil her pa mntn In their new limne on theChrln mnii much, hint Haturday and Hun day. Klmer Caldwell and Milton Clow comprlned two of a Jolly crowd of liuuterH mid tinhorn bound forHcottn- burg hint Wednenday. Our road Iiohh Ih llxlug up our hlgliwiu' lu Hiich tine condition that all you city people will want to take plcitMiim driven over the Hllk creek road. Not tluillug enough rock on C. W. aldwell'M ranch to kivp them run ning, the crunher wan removed to Win. Medley 'm whem them In r(K-k mid to npam. ltev. dardlner iimached bin hint nerinou for thin mil, niHt .-iiiiumy Ho linn favored imwlth neveral good talkM during the minimcr hut owing to the weather he feeln that ho had letter Htop until nest Hummer. Wo mgmt to bid him adieu iw we have njoyed IiIh talkH very much. tin lllllt thou a pati' of Hplrlted nteedn at tached to n HiiliHtaiitlal and attract ive nurry, with tlno HtraiiilngH very aiioareut. ilmw tin lu front ot tlio hotel. "That rig enme from the throw nir at the bab on for eIglllH. At thin Undo Hill beat Ilnrry. Per Iiiuih becauw) he hud more experience nt hitting children, having rained a . .....i". : it... 1 W finally ol inn own. V V.v .r "Vii r With the exception of a piano our now homo Ih eoinpleto." nulil llettlo to Undo Hill. "Now what make would vou nilvlnu tin to buy." "Why : .i.i .... .,,,! i. luiui i a neeiiuaiu, in coui-ne. inu mie n : 7 wi , "toit "m,o ' veh ci -A : proHjdent, tlarmt A. llobart am W for nil linen and good Iioi-hoh, too, In- Kiinlilou Htablen," ri Hill, iih lio looked It over, "our Htaunch and well known llvervnmn lioru. It In a well ordered livery. fcj-il and mile ntliblc, commndlouH JohiiHon of Pnelllo Tlinbor Co'h ft.illiwm II 1 llll'll flllllll 111 vi nt ml ohm el rt 'tl. at I n It r parlom "iiecViune It In the mont hrn.L lt (' rtii an & llangH In good 1 Ueatttirttl In conHtructlou, Hweotent In "P-to-date lu denlgu. I Bttllldlng w It Ii the pulilic. . pjni,,;.,! tM llmkeH ,Hi WOnld "Why iloirt .vou Mill-priHo your who .,., ,lllt the Neoillmm. T hoy with a ntco fruit cake, nlnce you am lutmlletl only by T. K. nidiard going to liave coinpaiiy noxt week, I H(m th IHi,0 ,miHe ,K.nlor where BiiyH Undo lllll, "I would," Hays Cft 1U,.. ,Hcni inHtrument Hurry, "but can you liny a fruit Voit doHlm mid nil tlio IntcHt iiiuhIc. cuke hero at a livery Htnblef AU i tr litiiiianlHon In a reliable and un go on,"nnyH uneio inn, iih at uie, to-dato iiiuhIc dcalornml It will pny .r.V.,1,.1 L r. , N ,S to imtrontio mm. oniti'H. iiIch mul limad which w tho Htnn "Them'H one thing mom lieforo din Ikcattsc She stopM.'(l to Rubber Neck. Hut she -was not to blame, she thought she wtis passing the NEW ERA DRUG STORE The ISest RablDer G-oocls Of all kinds for sale. J. S. MEDLEY Attorney-at-Law o o i Otnreon Main ittMt : CoTTAGK GROVH, ORE. Common Rough Lumber, S7 pex M. at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saginaw. Ok. Louis H. Sandoz, ASS A YE 11 ami AXAZ.TST. I'rompt and Accurnte ItctuniH dunrnnteeil. Cottage Grove, Oregon, HERBERT LEIGH ASSAYEH AND M ETA I. LU ltd 1 ST KfdKNK OtlUOON. il sr office In the Suit, Deit 8m. work. nlaa l.v tnll twmiIv.i ttrointil Altenillin. InftesM md on on Rumple! ol one to fltty pounai to ueternune ine miwi unttuio tuciu oili of ttemmcnt. 1-rlcta on ppllcitlon. L. T. HARRIS Httorney and Gounsclor-at-Law BpecUl tlenllon nUen to th Uw ol Jllnci, Ft rat Nutiounl Hank lUiilillng. KDUKN'K, OKE. Colony Ot Uenvers Found. United Htaten Engineer H. U. Per- klnn mid Fmd Alennch, of drantH Piihh. have hint mtunied from the CiiHcade forvHt mnerve, where they. with a corpn of other englneem, have Im-oii engnged for the jiant three montliH In Miirveylng the old military road tit the Oregon & Central land grant. They mport tluillug a targe colony of beavero In the niouutaliiH of tlio UpiH-r DcHchutoH, near the bane of .Mount Scott. Them aro nov oral hundred bcavern lu the colony and they coMMtltute, moHt probably, the only colony ot theno much-prized furry-coated cmatumn on the coast, Thoy have dmiuneil up tho river lu many placen and formed largo laken, Homo of which cover an amn of nev oral hnndmd ucmn. TIiIh beaver colony nliould bo pro- tected an they occupy a territory In clono proximity to Crater Lake Nti , tloiiul Vark, and niuke a valunbio addition to thin great natural won der. .Mr. PerkliiH HtntoH that them Lam n fow trappet-H almady at work . . . . ,. .1.JV. ....l.t.i., .nt.l .milium ' IIOVIlNllllllI llivi vimiii tutu iiuiMio tho oillctalrt put a check to It thin, one ot the very low remaining col onU'H ot beavet-H, will glno go iih the othoi-H have gone. MRS. PET SANFORD'S For Fashionable Dressmaking'. MAIN 8TUEET COTTAGK GROVH. OrK. L. G. HIGGINS, . ASSAYER OllAXTS l'ASS, OllEOOX. CHARGES: GoW, Silver. Copiwr, I't. each It." Ool.l mnl Silver' ' (loM.HIIvemnil Copr Oold, Sllier uii U-1 'jWJ Tin S-00 All work done cretnlly, nit .tmlght buil- neu or nono. iimi oruen loiiciieu. gnninirmwwmwmiinifnrnnirmpriirTO ST d I BEST IN TOWN 3 3 We have the best lot of garments Suits, Jac ets, Coats for Women, Misses, Children, Men and Boys to be found in town. If you want the Latest Styles you do, ifyour'c in a normal state 3011 should sec our assortment of above lines of goods and also our Winter Under wear, all made in the best possible way. Reliable Materials, Trim- mings, etc., Tailored by the Best Skill. You will miss it if you buy your Fall or Winter Outer or Inner Garments without first seeing these. Our New Stock of Furs will soon be open for your Inspection. I BAKIN & BR I STOW. liwiuiuuiuauiiawaiuiiuaiiuiiiiijiiiiiiuiiiiuiiuuiiuiiiuiuiiiiiuniuiiwaiu uir on 'A JACKETS, CLOAKS and CAPES. . MONTE CAELO COATS, Large Line, up-to-date Goods also samples of The Newest thing. We order these an- Size or Color and have them in 24 IIOUl'S for you. Our Prices are all right, Uniform Profit same as our other lines. When you get a Cloak from us you get just what 3'ou pay for. We don't mark them up vst bL:causc ve think theJ: win , the raised price. bring Sale On Millinery. A HurprUlnif reduction will bo niiido on each hut sold .Saturday, Nov. IB. Don't forget the date and romem tier It In for one day only. 43-2t Thh Mihhkh Nkwi.ano, i PnDUKU V UCUCUUlKV LEADERS IN MERCHANDISING S I GVRWfVW & Ht.tftt.itVl AY cbttagc Grove, Oregon. THE OLD RELIABLE Grocery Store Caries a full line of Staple and Fancy goods, Granite, Crockery, Tin and Glassware, Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats. Hay and everything the farmer or the housewife needs. , Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. It will be a pleasure at all times to show Tur goods and you are earnestly requested to call and examine them". Will tieef All Competlon In I' r teen. GAROUTTE & METCALF, (Suctvwora to Stlllmm .1- Guruutle) W. S. Chrisman. Eli Bangs. The Fashion Stables CORNER MAIN and SECOND STREET, COTTAOK 0R0VE Gbrisman Bans, Proprietois. Also own and opperate the Bohemia and Black Butte Stage Lines First-Class Turnouts, Double or Single. Reasonable Prices COTTAGE GROVE. ORE' J. E. YOUNG Attornoy-at-Law ' Office ou Mln itret, Wet SM Cottagh Grove, Ore. A. H. KING Attorney at Law, COIWAOE GltOVE, OKE. YOU'LL FEEL AT HOME IMPERIAL HOTEL. At the Where the meals aro well cooked and well nerved and the beds are good. ITS CUBAN TIIKOUGIIOUT. And you'll rind everything home-like without homo inconveniences. Come and etny as long us possible. FINE LARGE SAMPLE ROOMS Free to our Commercial Trade. Try our Sunday Dinner. The best ever Served in any Motel in the City. N. D. HARDY, M'gr. COTTAGE GROVE, - - OREGON. LADIES I niu now iirepnred to trike or ders for LADIES TAILOR MADE SUITS Kail and Winter StyleH and SiuntiU-H Just Heeelved You aro Cordially Invited to Call and Kxaniliio Same. MISS SMITH'S DRESSMAKING PARLORS Comer 3rd and l'lntto Streets. COTTAQB OROVB. NOTICE VOU PU11LI0ATI0K. Uniteil States l-anu ottice, KoseburB, Ore., Aug. 20, 1002. Notice is heit-bv given that Incom pliance with the provisions ot the act ot Congress otJuuo 3, 1878, entitled "An Ant 7n r tlm miln of Timber Lands in the States ot California, Oregon, Nevada, I 1 1'.,il.lnf.lnii TnrvitArV ' ft a PYtmiflptl N0TICK KOlt l'UHUCATION. United States Land Oillce, ltoseburg, Oregon, Oct. 10, 1902. Notice la hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of tho act of Congress ot June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lam's In the Suites of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territory," asextonded in all the Public Land Stati-s by act olAu- oust 4. 1892. Annie Wilson, of Hu ll In need of dental work cull on nr. Mucv. now Dormivuontly located In tho Dr. Sniinn building, Main St., CottitKO Grove, OreRon. rK'tIitro I Bene, County of Une, State of Oregon, r.rn-o T.yr,!; n i.,: Has tins nay men in tins oince niBuwoni AUgllSl t, IOC-1 llllMlt. l , ol Cottage Urove, county ot i.ano, isiaio oi Oregon has tills day tiled in thisofTice his sworn etatement No. 3330, for tho pur chaso of the IM No. 11, N l SW , SW U SW U, of Section No. 2, Township 22 South, ot Kange 2 West and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more vaiuauio lor lis timber or stono than for agricultural purposes, and to estublish his claim to said '.ana before the Mario L. Ware, U. 8. Commissioner at Kugene, Oregon, on Monday the 17th day of November, 1002. He names as witnesses ; D. II. Brumbaugh, James Lebow, Thomas Kuwllngs, William AVestcarson, ot Cottage Grove, Ore. Anv and all noi Bona claiming ad versely tho aliovo-desorlbed lands are teoucsted to file their claims in this office on or beforo said 17th day of Nov., 1902. J.T. BhIdqks, Register, statement No. 3033, for the purchase of theWHKK l- & Ks SW1--1 oi oection Nn. 12 Tmvnslih) 23. South, of Range 3 West and will otter proof to show that the land seught is more valuable tor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim be fore arie I. Ware, U. . Commissioner, at Kugene, Lano Co. Ore , on Wednes day tho 7th day of January, 1003. lie names as witnesses: James N. Handle, of Fairinoitnt Ore gon, Austin Root.oi springtleld, Oregon, James Iloll'man, ol Kugene, Oregon, Henry M. Wilson, of Kugene, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands aro re quested to Hie their claims In this office on or ueiore said vui nay oi ian., iiw, J. T, Uhidqks, Register. Buy your gross BrUtow. need of Kakln & H. C. MADSEN, Watchmaker. tsp4lrlnK X reasonable chargei. All work tnaranteeil flrit-cli. Watchea, CIocVi and Jewelrjr at Lowest Prices COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. J. 0. JOHNSON anil F. .0 EBY Attorneys and Gouiselors-at-ato Special attention given to Mining, Corporation ana Mercantile Mir, Olnce over aarnian ti Uementrajr'sslore. COTTAGE GROVE. ORE. BARKER & PERMAN VBOfBtETOBS 0J- THE EXCHANGE PKALKKO IH FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS. Main street. Cotl Oriv. Orovo