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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1902)
Hood's Sarsaparitla Huh won Hiicvi'HH fur lioyoul tho nilirt f tulviirtlidiig mily. Tho wcri't of IIh mitnlirfiil fit ipntiir Ity In oxphdlii'd liy Im 1 1 1 lit f tr ik-I nt ! Id Mrril. Ilitm-d 11 poti it iri'Hi'rlitinii wliii'l cured jK'nplii ('(iiihIiIitciI liiruriibli', Hood's Sarsaparitla Wnlttm tlio best known vrgctiiblu rem ciIIch, by hiii'Ii 11 I'liinhlimlloii. tiroiiiir lion mid proci'HH iih lo Iiuvii nirutlve Vnvcr i('i'tilliir to llNi'lf. Ilrt mri'M of scrofula, iczctiiii, licurl iwIh, mill ovi'ry kind of liiniior, iih well iih ciiturrh ami rhuuiimtlpin prove Hood's Sarsaparitla tlio lxHt hlooil j ii i r 1 llcr ever prodm-ed. IU cnri'H of ilyHpi'iiHlii, Iom of limn lito nnil tlml tired feeling miikii It tin grriiU-ht Htoimii'li toiiln anil strength restorer tli world Iiiih over knoun. Hood's Sarsaparitla In thoroughly good medicine. Ilcgln to lake, ll TODAY, (lit IIOOD'H. In Diiuht. 1 1 1 1(1 IK I I i 1 1 till) flziMllllIT pllll llllll.U you lioHlliiti!? INirkliiN Yin. For ji lout? tlmo I dliln't know how much nhu Imd Motlu-rN will f 1 ml Mm. vV'liishiw'it Hnnlli Iml' Hyrnp tlm In-lit remedy to turn lor their ciiuun'ii miring inn it-vming purum llli Quick KclofiT" The lmly Yes; it's only nii'ii tlmt turn trump. Why aren't women Idle? Tlm I rn in 1 1 Hwuiih) most of tlium aril litiHy bodies, mum. Arn Viiii lUine Allfii'. I'mit-Kit. ll Is thn mily cum fur Swollen, Hiiiarilng. JliirnlMK, Hui'MtiiK Irol, Conn ami lliitilui. Aik (or A I Ictk'H I'ont-Kasc, a lKiwilt'r ui l ilinkrn llili) tliualni-. At nil Imuiiftils nnil IlinnHIOti-l, 'l. i-lil HICK. Aildttat tllrll h. (lllllllnl, l"l(ii)r, N. Y. Caulloui, Hinnll Man Yes, sir; Iio'h it con k-mptihli) ccoiinili-l, mid I told him hi lllg Jinn Did ho knock you down'' Hnmll Mini No, I told him through tlm telephone. I'lso'a Clirr millliil In- tun Imrhlv minki-ii ul as a coiit-ll run- J. W. O'lllilKN. XJi -nini Ayr,, ,v, MlimriipiiIlK, Minn., Jun An tiny Ont. "HleepIeiH HiuilM to know: "Wlnit KiilM )oii itivi n dug to prevent its marking at night? "(ilvo It iiuny." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havo Always Bought Doani tho Signature of An Acceptable Neighbor. lllizrcr How docs your wife likti lii ut huly who moved In tiuxt door? Itii.ziir Oh, nil right! Sliu hasn't hn ninny gowns iih my wife. Htnp gui-wing I Try n rt-rtiiin euro for imltilul ullmi-ntH hv getting ut unci' u bottle ol 1 1 mi 1 1 ti h Izard Oil. II Ii Kunnlnt; Down. "I Hhnuld ndvlHi," nuid th- polite croupilcr, iih ho raked in another Mnek of IjiiI ItciHslyn's hint) checks, "that you take romnthlug for your i-yitem." t JESTED AND TRUE QUA It A NTEEOa MOW I la tho Tlmo to USE IT. Why Was the MilK Sour. llnniiiiu IIohiiIo, dear, you intuit not drink that milk. It'HHOtir. IUwfdn (itKud I) Why, mama, ha Uio rotv beun untini; pick lew? A Bad TliereU a certain disease that hai come down to ui through many cen times nml is older than Disease history itself, vet very few outfide of those who hare learned from bitter ex. Krlence know anything of its nature ot aracterittics. At first a little ulcer ot lore apean, lieu glands of the neclc ot rroins swell; pimples break out on the breast, back or some other part of the body and fill with yellow pustular matter ; the mouth and throat become sore nnil the tongue is nt nil times badly coated. Headaches are frequent, and muscles ami joints throb nud hurt, especially during damp, rainy weather. These are some of the symptoms of that most loathsome of ill diseases, Contagious Wood l'oison. This strange pois ContaglOUS on docs not nlTcct Blood Poisorx eali&7iy eaten up with it within ft short time after being inoculated, while others show hut light evidence of any taint for n long time nfter exposure, but its tendency in every case Is to complete destruction of the physical system, sooner or Inter. 8. S. S. is n safe and Infallible cure for Ibis bad disease the only nntidot'5 for this specific poison. It cures Contagious Mood l'oison in every form and stage thoroughly and permanently. S. S. S. contains no Mercury, Potash or other harmful minerals, but Is strictly and entirely vegetablo remedy, and we offer 1,000.00 reward for proof that it is not. mm uirnirA.L which was estab OUR. MEDICAI, od DXEVAK.TMENT, u Aoltfg a noblo work in rellsTlntr aufforlncf. Qlvo our nhyslolans a short history of your oass nd trt thslr ndvloo. This will cost you nothlnsr, nd what you say will bj hold in atriotost oonfldenoo. With their help and a oopy of our book on Contagious Dlood Poison you oan tnnnacro your own oaso and ouro your sol' at homa. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Cft PI nt ii.i.h Mt.n Tnktna f liirul. TTart V "J Ivl In tlma. HolJ br drugglnta. I CGOD Short Storiej Koine .veni'H au'o at 11 Mnrill (Iran hull (it the llopkliiM IliHlllute of Art, 11 until, nniHlieil, iipproiiehi'il 11 wtiniiiu. miiKkeil, nnil nuked her for 11 ilmiee, iih Ih eon Hlileri'd rluht nnil proper 111 Miirdl 1 1 iih. "Hut I don't know you, nlr," onltl the hidy In her most ley tone. "Well, I'm Inking iih hlg 11 rlnl; iih you nre," re torted I lie mini, A tender hearted youth wiih once prenenl ut 1111 Oxfonl Hiipper, where the ditliei'H of thoHu itHHeiiihled were being roundly alumni for their pnrHliuoiiy In Hiipplylng tin- ilemiiiiilH of their moiih. At In m t . nfter having long kept Mlleiiee. lit- liriiil up IiIh volet) In mild prott'Ht. "After all. gentlemen," he wild, "let iih reiueiuher that they 1110 our fellow eieitlureH." It Ih hiiIiI Unit at eertaln hi-iikoiih In Scoilaml, when the llnhlug Ih not very IiI'IhI:, Hie llHlieriuen net iih eadtllt'H, mid are easily reeogul.ed liy their eoHttime. a woolen Jerney nml trouiterH braced up to the nrmpllN. One uf thene wiih unit ed 1 1 1 h name hy the geutleman for wlitiin he wiih earr'yllig. anil the reply wiih: "Weel. nlr. here.thoiltH they malHtley ea' nie 'ItreekH' but ma 'mai den' name Ih 'Itrotin.' " CharleH Hlt-wart, a Itrllhth lawyer, lias lately puhllKlieil a volume of rem IlilHetuieeH. ill ulileli he tellw the fullnw lug Htory of TeiiiiyHon, whom he found Hflf'fuiiKt'loiiH ami iiei-eHHlble to Mat tery: "A lltllle nleee of mint' wiih one day Htaiiillng hcHlde IiIh chair; he lifted her up and placed her on IiIh knee for half a minute, and then he put her down. Haying: 'Now you can nay you have nut on TeiiiiyHtjn'H knee.' " An error of a new elerk In the mail ing department of 1111 llaHtern puhllHlier wiih I'fHpoiiHlhle. the other day. for the mulling of a proxpeettiH to a wond-fn- intillH KtateHiimu, who had been tlead for Home yearn. The letter wiih return ed a few day later, with the following IndorHi'inent: "In Heaven. , 11KJ1. 'ientlemeu: Ah your publications are not permuted to circulate here, I be lieve It would he UHt'lcHH for me to Mlb- Ht-rlhe for them. Youth roHpoctfully." anil here followed the name uf the fa- iiiouh HtateHimiii. When ThomitH KiiodgriiHN, ex-cullect- or of liaiijaiii. .MadriiH. wiih expelled from Hit- Hci-vlce of the Kant India Com pany owing to IiIh extravagance, he ap plied for a pciiHlnn. Hut the company turned a deaf ear to him. Accordingly he arrayed hluiHelf In tattered eluthi-H, ami armetl with a broom, et to work Hweeplug a eroxNlng In I.eiidenhall htreet, In front of the Hast India house. Immediately all London wiih agog with tin Intelligence that mi old ami tl h tlugulHhetl otllcer of the KtiHt India Ooinpany, who hail ruled over a hun dred tlioUHiiml people ami reve'ed In a palace, wiih now reduced, In the even- lug of IiIh life, to the necessity of earn ing IiIh bread by Hweeplug the HtreetH. The king wiih. thuuilerHtrtK-k, nml Im plored Mr. SuotlgrasH to take himself and IiIh broom away. TIiIh he did. when the company gave him IiIh pension. AN INDEPENDENT GOVERNOR. Mr.JiiiiCHCIii-ckiiiuU-il the Importiiiiiitc Contritctor tor t'oovk't I.ulior. When Tliumas (i. .lones. whom PreH- Ident Iloosevelt Iiiih appointed tllstrlct Judge In Allahama, wiih (iovernor of the State, the had practice prevailed of farming out convicts in labor camps. Liitler the law they were let out by contract to the highest bidder, and were liable to neglect and maltreat ment. The (iovernor had to administer the laws iih he found them, hut to thin law, hiij-h a writer In Harper's Week ly, he wiih stoutly opposed. One day a negro was sentenced to ten years' Imprisonment. The law re- Itilred the (iovernor's signature to n paper before the man could he sent to tho convict camp. The tJovcrnor did not net us promptly us those who con tracted for the labor of the convicts thought desirable, so they sent n rep resentative to him t Hud out what the tunttcr wiih. "I have tlelnycd acting In this man's ease," said the (Iovernor, "because I invc heard that measles, In a very ma lignant form, have broken out In your amp, and that many of the convicts are dying. Is It trueV" 'Yes," said the agent, lightly; "hut what difference does that make? Send him along. He tuny not catch the measles, anyway, nud If he does, and dies, why. It's only one nigger the less." "That Is all I wanted to know," re plied Governor tones. "I send no more persons, black or white, to your camp till the disease Is under control." The agent reddened. "See here, (Iovernor," he snapped ut, angrily, "you don't own tho State of Alabama! Wu have still some courts open. If you refuse to send that man to camp, we shnll go Into court and get out a mandamus, nnd then you will hnvo to do It." It was now tho Governor's turn to Hush. He wheeled upon his visitor with n gesture townrd tho door. "You go Into tho nearest court and try your best to force mo to do what 1 do not believe Is right!" he thundered. Try It It will tench you a lesson. Tho sntno lnws which give mu power to sign that puper give nie authority to pardon a convict. Now I serve you with fair warning that the Instant I seo your cmlssnry enter that door with your mandamus In his hand, I sign a par- don for tho convict I Now go!" Wo hnve noticed that when thero Is a band In town thero nro more men than usual on tho streets smoking pipes. 1 ME WOKE UP A OLEEPY TOWN. Him 11 Com mere In I Triivcler llnd I'nn whit (lie lliiltl-lli-nili-il Men, "Out- of the iiiohI uot'ihle features of 11 eel lain little U'cHtcni town I imetl 10 cover wiih I Ih exlraoidliiary uiiuilier 11 f liald heiiiled men," Mild the commer cial traveler, who would rather Ioho 1111 ruder Hum fall In perpetrating n prac tical Joke. 'Treacher and people, rich and poor, all had heailH like Millard IhiIIh. It wiih a dull town, ho one night when a vaudeville troupe was billed for the place I regarded It as a golden opportunity to have Home fun. I had met the company In my travels 11 fly hy-iilglil hIioiv, wllh u hallet that wiih u choice iiHHortmcut of animated ca Invent. "I went to the opera Iiouho nml bought up tho front row, twenty Heats circling round the Htngn, which I mumped 'Not TranHfeialjIe.' Then I picked out twenty of the baldest men In that liald-lieaded community ami Hpent the tiny circulating those Inter est I nt til ih of pasteboard. I had 11 reg tllar Hugo, like this: "'tiding to the hIiow to-night) " 'I tltiti know.' " "Well, you'll better go. lt'n n good thing. Mere's a complimentary ticket I'd like to give you If you will Ktirely go, for yml ho) It 'h not tranHfernble ' "Of courne, every victim was wild to get something for nothing, ho I mill ed my men hard and fast. The town hud the usual quota of small boys, anil Just before the play began I lllled Hie gallery with them. Hvcrythlng went ' beautifully. My twenty baldlieiulH silt ' In an uuhrokf 1 circle around the Htage: !the gallery wan Jammed with young- slers who thoroughly unileislood their : part of the tlraimi. I "Then I tool; my neat whero they j could all see me. After the usual pre 11 111 lilt- hy the orchestra the ballet put j In an appear 1'ice and Hwung into line it Hcrawny crowtl of superannuated ' dancers. The lender stood with up lifted haton, ami the hallet wiih wait ing for the signal. At this moment I raised my ham), and from the gallery came the bellowing churns: " 'HalilheatlH to the front:' "In mi Instant the audience of slow willed people 'cutight on,' iih they Haw that circle of haltlheailH around the stage. The orchestra had a hard time trying to keep track of the tune; the ballet tied tlie-iiselveH Into hurt! knots, and the gallery giMln sent out a deafen ing tempest of howls and cut calls. "Ihich one of the baldheads looketl at IiIh fellow ami grew red and wm thy. Then they laughed .ih only haltl-heatletl men can laugn. mid I knew there was no ucccHHlty for me to Htieak out of town. Again the Iiouhc went wild, and the orcheHtrii nearly smaHheil their In striimeiits before the pandemonium censed. It broke up the everlasting calm of that town. The story spread to every surrounding hamlet: business boomed, orders were doubled, nml ev ery time I went there the boys 'set 'em up.' 1 wiih awfully popular, but never ngalii could I Induce any one to accept a complimentary ticket to n hIiow." GNOMES AND DWARFS. Talcs of KulU-r.orc May lluxc llecn I'ouoiliil mi I'yuniU-H of Africa. It Ih just possible that this type of pygmy negro which survives to-duy In the reccbses of Inner Africa muy even have overspread Europe In remote times. If It did, theu the conclusion is Irreslstithle that it gave rise to most of the myths nud beliefs connected with gnomes, kobohls nud fairies. The demeanor and actions of the lit tle Kongo dwarfs ut the present day remind one over and over again of the traits attributed to the brownies and goblins of our fairy stories. Their re uiarkable power of becoming Invisible by adroit hiding In herbage aud behind rocks, their probable habits In sterile or open countries of making tbclr Homes In holes nud caverns, their mis chlevousuess and prankish good na ture, all seem to suggest that It was some race like this which Inspired most of the stories of Teuton aud Celt re garding a dwarllsh people of quasi supernatural attributes. The dwarfs of the Kongo forest can he good or bad neighbors to the hlg black people, according to the treat ment they receive. If their sclllsti depredations on the tmnnua groves or their occasional thefts of tobacco or maize are condoned, or even If they lire concllhitcd by small gifts of such food left exposed whero It can be easi ly taken, they will In return leave be hind them lu their nightly visitations gifts of meat and products of the cliase. such as skins or Ivory. I have been Informed by some of the forest negroes, snys Sir Harry II. Johnston lu McClure's, that the dwarfs will occasionally steal their children and put in their places pygmy babies of npe-IIko appearance changelings, lu fact bringing up the children they have stolen lu the dwnrf tribe. These collections of pygmies, which one can scarcely call tribes, certainly exhibit from time to tlmo Individuals of ordi nary stature and with features not strongly resembling those of the pyg my type. Ho He 1)1(1. lira. Sllmsou Willie, your shirt Is dripping. Willie Yes'tn. Some boys tempted me to go In swimming, and I ran away from them so hard that I got luto an awful perspiration. When a woman goes away on a visit, nud her baggage arrives ut the house, she always says to her hostess: "Good ness, you would think by the ninouut of baggngo I brought, 1 intended stay ing forever." The respectable ivay to commit sui cide Is to have a "dangerous operation" performed. J.'io tolls nil eufforlzg ourotl of Ovarian urn " DeaH Mrifl. Pivkham - njjo I had been sufferinc; from woiiit) lor over eighu-cn months. L had a continual pain and mirunewf in my bank and side. I believo my troubles were caused by overwork and lifting- some years ago. Life was a drag" to mo and I felt liku giving; up. I had several doctors, but they did mo littlo good. I Iwgiiti to use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound four months ago and am in better health to-dav than I liavo been for years All my pains are gone. Your Vecetable Compound has made mo well. I recommend it to ail suiTering women.' MltS. 8. .1. Watbok, Ilnmptou, Vn. When there Ih one remedy that Ih sure, and hundreds of thousand of women know from ex perience Ih reliable, Is It wise to experiment with untried and comparatively unknown medicines? r- 8 Ciuit Enoujh. HoiiHekeeper Why did you leave your last place? Servant Faith, the huly and her husband wan always ipiarrelin'. "What did they tpiarrel about?" "ISckai-e I wouldn't lave till me two weekn wiih up." Worth Makei the Price. "DivorceH," ."aid the man who want ed to talk nnd philosophize, "cost more than mnrriugeH.'-'- "Certainly," said the pracical man. "Why not? They art) worth more." The tiame ol Fame Scribbt Do you think your new novel will hell? Stubbs Soli? Vb.h, nir-ee; I've hired a Chicago man to come forward and claim the plot. Detroit Free Trent. I'roatrntn Willi Itli-iiiiiMtli PrTi-r SI Tltnr Within Twenty Vt-nra, This was tho ciifo of Mr. Kit Wilt shire, of IjiiiiIhIou no Terrace, Calno, Wis., who, during this) time, suffered the most intem-o agony. Ho writes: "I heartily endomi the testimonials which you publish of St. Jacobs Oil as a pain killer, for I hnve been n sufferer from ihcttiintiHtn nml kindred com plaints at different times during the Inst twenty years. I havo been laitl prostrate w ith rheumatic fever six times during that periikl, therefore I consider I know something nlout rheumatism. During nil of theto twenty years I have tried various ndvertised rheumatic rem edies, oils, ointments and embrocations. None of tl.em gave mo relief, but when I trietl St. Jacobs Oil I found it carod tho pain almost immediately, nnd has done for mo what nil other remedies put together never begnn to tlo. "I could givo you several cases that hnve been cured, which havo como un der my notice, antl through my recom mendation; ono of toothache, one of facencho nnd ono of sore throat. "I havo recommended St. Jacobs Oil nnd shall continue to do so by every means in my power, as I consider you deserving." Limited Ambition. He I suppose you wouldn't think of marrying a man unless he could afford to givo you a yacht? Sho Oh. I don't know. If I really loved him I would bo satisfied with a littlo smack occasionally. The Cynic "Tlio number of people who speak English," said thnmatuurstatistii'ian. "is now 110,000,000." "It is n wonder," said tho cynic, "fomo of them do not tlnd their way on to tho stage. " Health " For 25 years I have never missed taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla every spring. It cleanses my blood, makes me feel strong, and does me good in every way." John P. Hodnette, Brooklyn, N.Y. Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body. You are invigorated, refreshed. You feel anxious to be active. You becomestrong, steady,courageous. That's what Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do for you. tl.Ot a bottle. All dranlXs. Atk your doctor what lis thinks ot Ayer's SArsnpArilta. He know, nil aboutthlsgrand old family meillelue. follow his adficeand win urn n.ii. u. i I. o. ateh i;o., t-oiveii, Mass women fiow slio was Inflammation by Whon I wrotn to vmi n fpw months itiflunimntion ol the ovaries and REWARD "x lllm WW tliU of Lvijn ij.x,-' which " will te paid 10 any per won whoenn find that the above tet.monial letter n not K'nuine or wan publitherl lefore obtaining the writer' pecu1 permission. I.VDIA II PlKHAU MKDILINK Co WEATHERWISE, OTHERWISE! WHT DOefTYOUWCJ uach m rtum AND KEEP DfTY? 6IWARE Of IMITATIONS. tCOt f 03 ASOVC TKAOC MAM. uMAiuaun rncc JhowinpFull Line, of Garments and Hata . A.aJ. TOWER CO.. BOSTON. MAS3. , Trying to Explain "Josiar," said Mrs. Corntass-el, "what is these neglilay shirts I see ntlvertted in the bargain sales?" "Well, they ain't quite so prim an' serntehv as :i b'iled shirt. I reekon neglijay is what you might call a soft b'iled shirt." CATARRH CAKNOT BE CUBED 'Aith local uppllcattoni, as they cannot reach the seat ol the dlacase. Catarrh Is a blood or constitutlonatdUcaie.and In order to cure it tou must take internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is taken internally, ami actsdlrectly on tho blood and mucous surfaces Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Is not a nuack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the beat physicians in this country lor years, and is u regular prescription. It is comjKjsed ol tho best tonic knoun, com bined with the best blood pariflers. acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. Tho perfect combination ol the two ingredients Is what pro duces inch wonderful results In curing catarrh. Send lor testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Propra., Toledo, O. Fold by druggists, price "Sc. Halls Family Tills are the beat. Place and Greatneis. Joe I paid f 25 to get into that vol ume of "Great Americans." Hilly Well? "All I got was half a column along side of a man who is tho most notori ous humbug in our county." Detroit Free Tress. f f f m ' V Cure Your Horses c?rfS'0wTn PRUSSIAN HEAVE POWDERS. I at deaurs, Boe; ar MAIL, 60c. cum:u TiiiKTY-Foim houses. I Pkcssian Remedy Co., St. Paul, Minn. RN! I hnve hwn uslne the PnussiAK HHJLYB Pow- tiRRS the past eliiht months, and In that time haveenred 1 1 horses of heaves, 14 of distemper and 0 of chronic coach. Your Prussian Kemedles have sained a great reputation In this section. n ' - - V lit) WEN SEEK HTOllK, Coast A cents CLcan THE TftaCKI nert'a lt nwoavreh D'tthlof tlktUoocarU. haUrr New 0th Centurr Out ukci the ekt. caritva Urtl prtitt t U tU("t jltlJtr tfcrjwhcrf. Th fiat ll. tiilitr'i etl r brad to produce. Tb 8, l ctrt. mental AtriaullurtcUlut klihli laaUtl. tiaUcr rn th tL lltw do tan tlk that, Mr. rtnucrr Oar DtwfOih Croturr Oat la bouni to eomp1tI rToluitonltaoat irowlni anj wa ttpeatdosaua f rarwara to report Tlelii In 190i runntni frara 12 00" to dirt cheap. B la tb awlm n4 bur thli tarittj thtt aprlaf to all W jour Dlbbora tb oomic fall fjf aoxi. It will aarelj pay joa. Salzer'a Marvel IVficaf 42 bus. not Aero Tha only aprltif vatat en eartli that will jtA pajlaf erup north, ut,aonifc( and west and la tttrr atat la lb Union. W aJo bar tb otlabrttaJ Uaoea ral wheat, ylaLUog a our tu at, tS but beta par aera, SPELTZ The neal marTtloae eonal o& bar food oa eaiU), prodaotaf fresi MUM DoihaU f taiaud4 toaa of rleb ba per nor. VEGETABLE SEEDS W ar tb Inrraat fTOwtr. and our atock nn uonej naimg Tecaiaoiea ia eaortnaua. For 10c Oar treat catalogue eontaloe full yitiaiag iw Duneii aar in pi oar potatoaa, jiciamg aw outntia nui I area i rrouuomg at una or uL win a tana or ntj.nn r groan moaer pr nor. warm iou to any u rarmer, wun tu rara to get n atari raceipi i iv. Jzsv&'W lv u nun l N ILOILU W I UL (1UARAN-IUUI). USUI) AND SOLI) I2VURYWIII-RIJ Founded imO A Homo School tor Doym Military and Manual Training Wrlta for Illustrated Oataloguo TfTTt We Will Give You 2 Hyacinth Bulbs CDCC 1 Or 6 Tulips, rncc Together with our Complete Catalog for 1003, if you will fend uh n mail order, no matter how small. Write tin, nml make your selections from our (Jut nlog. Springtime is here, nml it is time for planting. LAIYIBERSON - Portland Oregon JOHN POOLE, Portland, Oregon, Foot of Morrliou Street. Can give you the liest bargains In liuirgip.M, I'Iowh, lioilers ami Kngincs, '.VindmillH ami I'umH anil General Machinery. See us beforo buying. A'etv Year Resolutions TAKE JUL tutotUtf (jom llqoer, oplnm sal tsojiaii htblu. Mnd tor psrtlaaUn 11 rnln Inslttntii Moved to 430 Wllllitmt I eelGj inSIIIUtS, AYe.. l-ortl-n.l, Orcsun WASHING MADE EASY liy using my Vi a'hing Tablets. No acids. Send 60 centH for package sufiicient for 3 months, with full directions. Agents wanted. W. O. POWHLL. Box 606, Portland, Oregon. Cenuine Cartels , . . i T ,lTTlO I PlllO Ml Uv JU1 V Ol JLllJLOl Must Dear Signature of See Fac-SImlle Wrapper Below. I Tear small and mm casx to take as ansnz. FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIQIIIESS. FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEXIOH ossrf trxmi vut HAVtUA DATUM.. JI Cuts I Fnr&r TeffeUMs.. rarOT- CURE 8ICK HEADACHE. N. F. N. C. .No. 171903. WHEN writing t advertlaera please meutlDD this paper. PortUui, Ore., and Seattle, Wash tuktoutof over 400 im Dirt aad 800 buaheU par aert. Trie ll of oarllaat Feaj, Itoaaa, Sweat oof nnd rnaaa nr Jrj tow. unioa u Worth S10 detorlptloo of aur Benrdleie Barter, tnaooie k-oiq, gotog aw DUineiej pt r ncra, oar grw an eiorar uagaiaeeai natj our ran leoaiDtowun au una Bauer a (rent cniaiugu. await garaeocr or aeea lawpiee, wgria ia maueti you 0a pai( SEOOPtlTY. I ICARJERS rlplTTLE ym.s. i u i In I