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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1902)
I o ALL UI'.TO-liA I'M ItHMNUNM iikn or ooitaoi: oitovn AKVititTisn m tiii. Niimii.T. tiik Nuunirr joii ovwivk TUKNH OUT ftOOll WOIIIC AT MOST IlKASUNAIILK 1-ItIUKN, Devoted to the Milling, Lumbering and Farming IntcrcHts of this Cotninunity, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. VO L. XV Cottage G-rove, Oregon, lriday, March. 1902. jSTO. 0 1'ROlMySSlONAI,. J. E. YOUNG Attorney -at-Law omco mi Mlli silent, Wttl Kill CoTTAtSIt GKOVIC, OKIt. J. 0. JOHNSON ami P. . KIIY .-Ittorneusitnd peclsl attention ttlreii l.i MIiiIiik, Corporation mi'l Mercantile Ijiw. OBlc over lniiti A lliiienway'Mtnii, COTTAG1J GROVK, ORK. J. S. MEDLEY Attorney-al-law o o o . : ()nr on Main street! CoTTAOIC GKOVIC, OKU. JEROME KNOX Attorney-at-Law I'rompMJIonlliiii '' ,n MlnliiK llU'lncus. C'oTTAOic Gkovh, Oku. maxim w. iiiomi-hin chas. A. IUIIIiY. THOMPSON & HARDY Attorneys and Counselors-fit- Low H pedal attention kIvmi 1" lh Ml""-KUiluNI'irOHI'j- L. T. HARRIS ,-lttorneu and Counsclor-at-Law V(M unt!!L?Lv?!LL,L.l,J!SJ- First National Hunk Building. . KUGKNK, "UK. ! Mrs. KatUerlne Schltel, M. I). DIsiasc; of Women anil Chilton COTTAUK GROVK, "UK. W. H. ROBINSON -I'mnn imi 1'nvsirus Ottif and residence ti HUrr street, near Wall comnno'wvi:, - minion. BUSINKrtS. "BARKER & PERMAN I'lioriiu.TuHH or THE EXCHANGE ecy ii:.i,lhs i,-4 mi: - - WINKS. LIQUORS. CIGARS. Mln street, OnllHRf lnir. rire. H. C. MADSEN, Watchmakuk. Repairing t reasonable oharitcs. All work Kiiarantcod flrst-elss.. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry all-owest rrlccs COTTAfiK (iltOVK, OUK. llaniK and Saddlery. MAIN BTKKKT, COTTAOB OltOVK. George Meinzer, Prop. A line line ot Hnrnere. Bmlilluii. Wlilp, Ilupgy Jtoln, Uatbcr Iloltllig, Klc. lwy on limul. All ktnrlii n( Repairing a Specially All hand ewcrt work turned out. Our Farmer l'rlenda can get the very bct at tho Lowoit Llvlns ITIcm. Come In und exam ine the gnnd and too for yourtclf. Common Rough Lumber, S6 per M. at, BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saginaw, Ok, TUNNEL CONTRACT. Tho Bohemia Gold Mining Company invites bids for tho oxtonnion of Kb Bos ton Tunnel near Benson, Bohemia Dis trict, for an additional length of SAO feet. Tho tunnol to be 5 feet wide, OJff foet high in the dear. Payments to be made monthly, 20 per cent of eon tract price to be held back until tho contract la completed. Thore must bo four part ners In the contrnot. They must do two shifts of two mon each in ovcry2-t hours, nnd must furnish all supplies, oxcoptfnn tho cur, rails nnd air pipe. Tho Com pany roserves tho right to reject any und all bids. Address nil communica tions to K. H. Thomas, Secretary of tho Company, No. 60 North Main St., Kail Kivor, Mass. UKOKGK V. LLOYD, Mangr. I Read thu Bohemia Nugget. All kinds for Loggers and and Farmers. The Famous Cutter IN DS3SB Come and see our New line of Clothing and Hats Tliv newest ihiBis isi airkcl. Colors strielSy upto date. Prices as Low as they can be Bought for anywhere it yw want un-lo-tlsite iVcw jrtSs -bay ffrosn ns. and pay sam its you would pay the .sct'ouri-haiMl stores. Come and see our Clothing and be convinced that we have the goods. .MirHK I'OR rfl'.I.ICATIO.V. I'nili'il Sttite LiiihI (Hi-i, KoHi-liitt if . "ii'U'Mi, l-'i'l. 7. l!Mi-.' ' Nntirc i In'ii'hv t-msti lliiilin i-iuiili- , Xnlu-c in hun-lty uwvu in cdiii-iiiii'i-u-ith tin- iikivikIoiih of t ho not of ' iilimiro with the iinivifioim of tlic uct of Con,.r,Mof J,,e 3. nt.jU-l "An m-t for tin) Hiilnof limlfoi- iiumIh hi tint aworii statement No. 21)27, for tho pur-1 Sinti'H of California, Ort-jjon, Ni-vinlii. 1 .stiiti-s ol taiiiormn, Unt;oii. evadii anil iAiKiift i, jhw, i-eii 11. aibson.ot Munkcrs, j from ile mines westerly to con-! tne mines as material. 1 ne tnan- L..IW int!.on'lVn'itory,".lH.x.,.n,ll-l1Vasl,in1Jton Territory," as Uxio to SPoTOlSififflw?. .7 c .1 t, t agement of the Oregon Mining to all tl.o fnl.lio J.anl Siat.-H l.y nrt ..(, all tln l'nbli.- Land State,, by act of An- UFthM.Si Southern Pacific a' S l,Z-e i n v s lAiiLMiHt I, 181)2, MrH. Alien I.aUmt of giicH. Ibl)2, Stephen A. LaUunt of Sapi- tjon No. v, m Town.hip No 21. Rhiibo So. a Cottatfe Grove. It is shown that . . WlCDa"Ke ueul! w. 'S..J,i.,w. ouniv of Lane. Statu of Ore- naw. Cimitv of Lane. State of Oreuon. J'r.?'"' "L0'1 V.'' 1. lhyeA h . 1 J out its purpose, that of advertising lion. l.aH thlH.lav filed in tliia ollleo her 1 tuiH tliiH .lay filed in this otlleo liix sworn Zno ihin f..r now have difficulty in 1 the state, also to let Portland chi.Miof tho SI! li, of heel ion No. 2(1, NK V4', of Section No. 2(1, Township 21 " ?d;"1'th0",,,,?tlJ,"0 of Township 21 South, ot KangoilW. ami ' South, of Kanpo 3 W. and will offer m" v.'iw- ' Saturdaj, tho nth day of will oiler proof to hIiow that I lit land 1 pioof to hIiow that thu land eounlit is : lie names a wltnesea: K..11HIH lH .no,;. valuable fur ,1. timber more valuable for it. timber or ntono AtW?:,' or Htone than (or atirieultural pnrpos-e.i, I than for UKrieultural purpoK's, ami to cottauo orove, Oregon, T. c. Jolnnon, of sigi ii,w1 i. i.uinliliuli Inn-I'hiini to Mil ii I land (st;il)inli hlH claim to said hind before , naw. Oregon. Imforn tin. ltreiMter and Iteeeiver of this . ollleo at K'iM'luiri;, Hregon, on Wediiei-- 1 day. thu 7th day of May, 11)02. Slie uameH an witneHnes : Stephen A. I.allaut of Saginaw, Ore gon, Cieorgu Uijige of Mabel, Oregon, .lames, Daniel II. Brumbaugh, of Cottage Utovo, Oregon. Any and all percons claiming adverse ly thu ubove-dertcrilieii lands uro re quested to llln their claims in this ollleo 011 or befoio said 7th day of Mav. 1002. J. T. Bullions, Begistcr. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. United States Land Offiee, Boseburg, Oregon, Feb. M. 1002. Notice Is herebv uivun that in com tillanco with tho provisions of the act of Uongress ol June :i, IhiH, entitled Hilled "All, ntwliiln tin. anus in the n, Nevada, act lor tne saio 01 tituuer la States of California, Oregon and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Lund States by act of jo. , .hiiiii". ... .... genu, County of Lano, Stulo ot Oregon, August lax;, inomns itocne 01 i-.u lias mis nay uieu in 1111s omeo iuh bwoiii stutenicnt No. 203S, for the puichaso of ll, RK 1 nf KpcHfin fn ' tnu-nulil i 1 South, of Range 2 W. and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, mid to establish his claim to said land before tho Register nnd Receiver of this ollleo nt Rosuburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, thu 7th day of May, 1002. IIo names us witnesses. Kd Jordan, Dan Brumbaugh, of Co burg, Oregon, Oscar Lee, John Palmer, of Cottage Grove. Oregon. Any and nil puisons claiming advoiso ly tho above-dosuribed lauds uro re quested to file their claims in thi. ollleo on or before said 7th day of May, 1002. J. T. Bunions, Register. "Advar.tlse in the Nugget. of Rainy Weather Clothing, Underclothing and Footwear Lumbermen, Miners, Prospectors! in all sizes. Special prices in Umbrellas. gt sr s & BRI5T0W. LEADERS IN Cottage NOT1CK 1-Olt PUBLICATION. I'nitiil M.itcs I.iiml Ollii-p, Ko-i'lmrts, "r.v. I'-I.. i.llliy. Cnnu-e.H of Juno H , 1878. c-ntillc,! "An not for the wilo of titnlier IhiiiIh in tne tnteiin'nt.No.202l5forllioinrcli.ii'eof the the lieaister and Iteceivor of thin office 1 at Uoneburu. Oregon, on eilnetilay, the an nay 01 Jiuy, uii. He names iiH witnessed : Mrs. Alieo LaBautof Saginaw, Ore gon, George Itigus of Mablc, Oregon, .lames Leo, Daniel 11. Brumbaugh, of Cottage Grove, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the aoovu-descriued lands uro re- quested to tile their claims In this office ! ' . . .. f .1. ,.. ..... on or before said 7th day of Mav, 1002. J. T. BitioaES, Iteglstor. NOTICK FOB PUBLICATION. United Statos Land Office, Itoeburc. O'recon. Fob. 25. 1002. Notice Is hereby given that in corn- liance with the provisions of the act of ng.essof Juno 3, 1876, entitled "An , L tor thu sale of timber land in thu I net for tho sale of timber laud States of California, Oregon, Nevada, ' .,.,,1 xv., oi.i, 'i'J.rlt..?.. ,. and 1iMl1ngtou lerrltor.v, as ex- tendM to all tho Public Land States by , act of August 4, 1802. Charles II. Burk holdor, of Cotthge Grove, County of UUII17, UUIIP Ul UILUII, Mttn lino uuy men in this offieo his sworn statement No. Lane, btnto of Uregun, lins this duv tiled l'U(0. lor tne purcuase 01 tne l.ots 1,. nmi 3 of Section 2, Township 22, South of Range 2 West; and will offer proof to show that tho land sought is more valu able for Its timber or stono than for ag ricultural purpos-es, nnd to establish his claim to said land -before tho Register and Receiver of this officont Roeeburg. Oregon, on Tuesday, tho fith day of May, 1002 He names us witnesses; I). II. Ilemenway, J. D. Palmer. C J. Howard, D. II. Brumbaugh, of Cot tage Grove, Oregon. Any and all porsonselaiming adverse ly tho above-described lands are re quested to (lie their claims In this office oil or hofnru said (Ith day of May, 1002. J. T. Bridges, Register. Fine residence, choice lots, business blocks for MleJjrome Knox & Co. ! Shoes tt) Shades styles aiul MERCHANDISING Crv, Onun. NO TICK KOH I'UIJI.ICATION. B!,,iHlfr.,.",,M,W.1 Vnii,-cu iier.'bv irfwvi iiiiii m imii iLe ith h.V.niVi. 2f th--?-! o'r'f '.".""of June.!, ;. entliliHl "An K.rt for the mout XdK extemled luullthe Public Liml Swtes by net timber Iiinil in tbo Stnteof California, Oie.1"'"""' r establish his churn to aald land before tho ..'"i"'"'0 t1!0 above derlbed landaare requeded to llic innirrmiina in tins olllce on or helore falil I7tn day of Jlay.lCW. . T. HBiuaK.i, Iteglstor. JfOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. Unlteil States Ijind Offloe, ItojobiirK, Ore., March 10th. 1M1. Notice is hereby Riven that In compliance with tho provisions of tho act of Conurers of Jn3; 3. r'"!!1."" iPo'tut ,hufan of tlniber lands In tho States of California, Ore- gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the I'ubllo Land States by net of August i, ldW, Lvroy L. Whltwn, oIKugone, County of Lane, State of Oregon, has this day filed lu this ollleo hlssuorn statement No. 2101, for thepurchaso ol tne NKlof Section No. 8 In Township No. 'JO, Range No. 5 Wot, and will offer proof to show that tne land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agri cultural imrposoi, and to establish his claim to paid land before the Register and Receiver of i' t lttisebnrjr. Oregon, on Saturday, 'Tie n ansa's witneSJs: K. C. Smith. I1. K. Snodcrass. A. llamnton. If. W. .Thommon, ol Eugene, Oregon, Any and all persons claiming advorsoly the above-described lands are requested to tile their elaims In thlsoftlce on or before said 17th day of May, 1W. J. T. BniiMitu, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales Land OUlee, Roseburc. Ore.. Mmeh huh. 1002. Notice is hereby given that In compliance withiho provisions" of th act of emigre-. ot Junes, 18T8. entltlod "All act for the sale ol I timber lands In tho Btatesof California, Ore-1 gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as i extended to all the I'ublio Land States by act SS.R'aVJS?' 1V?S ftiSilhl..,il ,".;,1,n: filed fn this office his sworn sutenient Nu. SlW.for the purchase of tho SoiitheaM of Pee- j lion No, t lu Township No 20, Ranue No. 5 , Wost. and will ofler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable .orlu timber or stono tnau tor agricultural purposes, ana to estab lish his claim to said land before tbo Register and Kecelverof this oAlca at Rossburcri Ore. gon, on Saturday, the iviu day, ot May, 1002. L. L. Whltsou, W. B. Moon, F.ank Ross, r. E. Snedgrass.of tugene, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advorsely the above described lands are requested to rtl thetreuums In this office on or before sd 17tU J. T. UMDorj, Register. $ubttcrlae for the Nuggttt. Mmsm&mmma &. J. Devoted fb Boherftik Note. t Items of cfenei-Ai That the immediate future of the Bohemia Mining District depends jlargely upon the success of the efforts now being put forth to get a railroad into that vicinity is well known to all who are familiar with the situation. A vast amount of money is being expended in de veloping the property and mines are being opened up that are simply wonderful, in that they con tain ledges equal in per cent value and quantity to anything known in the famous Cripple creek country when the rush was made to that camp; but under the conditions now existing it is all but impossible to bring to light the fabulous wealth 1 , , ,i tu goiu now Hidden in tuose rocK- j ribbed mountains. The taking of machinery, necessary in the camp, ' into the district, from Cottage i Grove, by wagon, is a proposition ot consiaeraoie unciertamng, ana to bring out such ores as must go to wjH no longer suffice. The several , the smelter is out of the question mills that have been in operation owing to the great expense of trans- ,t0 sma11 fr, the work ,4t is t,e" . , . ., 0 ... sired to do. The men who own portation by wagon to the South- the mille.s are desirous of operating ern Pacific line at Cottage Grove. them on a arge scale but tbev fllul The district must have a railroad, an obstacle in the fact that the dis- ' plenty of money is available for trict is in the forest reserve. It is i building the road providing a probable that more harm would re I , . . , r , ... . , suit to the reserve from retentiqn ot ; clear right of way can be obtained, such tnjct gs tWs in Us ljmts thau ! but on account of the law prohibit- from exclusion, for men will go i ing the construction of railways , where gold is, and they will use I through timber reserves such ' the means necessary to get it. right of wily cannot be" obtained 'Government inpectoa vracld not f, ... j . e .. be welcome, and their presence without withdrawing from the tim-lwouId be sure tp ;ve riselto fric. ber reserve that land through which tion. And the number of districts ' the road must pass. The following so well developed and so easily set ' from the Oregonian of the 8th inst. out as the Bohemia district is not ; will explain the situation: 1 Vel?' t0 b.e so ?s to threaten 1 , T , ... . i nr ti the integrity of the forest reserve , -J. I-rank Watson and M. B. as all institution. The demands of , Rankin, of Portland, are in Wash- legitimate industry must receive lingtou endeavoring to secure an , due consideration." 1 executive order withdrawing from ; The following is clip front the Cascade forest reserve a tract of Telegram of March Sth: "A Targe four townships in I.ane and Doug- relief map of the Bohemia Mining las counties, on whieb are located yr .t.- ... some 2000 mines. If this witfa - IArn,..n1 n l, ,nrl tlipef nnrlipc propose to construct a railroad getting their products to market, but the construction of this .lo-mile railroad will give them the desired T0 d this' Secretary "ard ? , 'is not profitable or attiactive to outlet. These gentlemen assert show n dUtrict wth jMStone or tw0 that it is impossible to secure suffi-, attractive properties marked on it, cient capital for the construction of , as seems to be the idea of some of a road if it must be through the the Oregon promoters, who publish forest reserve, although there is an both flat and relief maps, showing . B -, , , -r that they and their property is all abundance of money available if i there is , the country. The pub. the townships through which the ) Hshing of the only map of the Bo road will run can first be eliminated hetnia District, was the first work from the reserve. Thev further of F.J. Hard, which map shows allege that if the road is constructed 5 claims, other maps show two .,.. I or three properties, it will send sufficient ore to Port-) But the newest and best way to land to warrant the establishment i draw the people to the district is to of a smelter at that place." j bring the district to town. The Messrs. Rankin and Watson are I narrow policy of exhibiting that quite familiar with the Bohemia there are but half n dozen claims in 1 . , . . . i( ! the district, has been shown also mines and their statement that l ... this (lirectJon Bllt the broa(i a sufficient amount of ore would be shipped out to . warrant the estab lishment of a smelter at Portland. alone, ought to induce the depart- . . . . , '. . ment to withdraw the townships from the timber reserve. Both Senator Mitchell and Repre- seiuatives Mooayanu iongtie nave ;.,., , n,u,jala - : rl-it interested tlteillselvea 111 tile project, , tn i,. tt.- ,lnrvpra l.rnr,, nlul expect to My tue papers Ueiore the denartmeut with a view to secur- ; ,i, .iHi,1ri,...i1 .ril, i,... ,l,ir,c S tile WltUUrawal Ot tile tOWilSllipS . ,.,! ,i j. ; ,,rj.i,. question and It IS COIlhdeiltly ex- peuted that the department will act in sufficient time to allow work to begin at once. The Oregonian of last Sunday commenting editorially on the proposition to withdraw r r from the timber reserve these four townships says: . "The move to elhsiuatc from the 3JnS ;3 a.r& rincf Non.'X infcycV to Mi Cascade forest reserve four town ships of the Bohemia Mining Dis- trict is based on a desire to open that section to industrial activity. The petition for setting out those townships recites that the district is of vastly more importance for its minerals than for its timber, that the process of mining development has proceeded so far as to leave no possible doubt of the richness of the ledges, and that the rules regulat ing mining operations within forest reserves do not permit sufficient freedom of action to meet the ne cessities of an active mining camp. Transportation facilities are an im perative necessity, and capital can not be induced to build railroads u,,uc' '" ' "Ffv reserves. For these reasons it is requested that this tract be set out of the reserve in order that the operation of the mines may proceed Unimpeded. That is a well-known mining district, and a considerable degree of development has been ,e.clle(1herCi Prosoectintr methods ," oeing cast touay on; tne floors of the Oregon Mming'Ex- 'ch A D. wbittier who . .. c .t. ifuuira uu irom me uuiicm, is lluillK , the work, and is using talc from ' people have a chance to see and I Rrasp theppportuuities before them. noHcv of the exchantre is shown bv really bringing the whole Bohemia Mining District to Portland, and 4 j 0 ?xPe"se l lms ,s or"f "Y fluef I Mining Exchange. The talent of Mr. Wbittier enables bun to bring with him, impressed upon his mind, so perfect, the high moun tains and the deep crayons, or ra vines, that each day the touch of his hands changes the form of the pile of clay now on the floor of the exchange into what resembles the Bohemia District, the likeness be iiif,r so close that one familiar with the lay of the countrv would recog nize the location of the :ijanj;,,niines sllow if no aine appeared., This j relief map shows the location of ' the Musick, Vesuvius, Anaconda, Oregon-Colorado, Champion, 'He.. ena, Riverside, Crystal, LeRoy, HIavatha j,,,,,, JRock, .Ophir, Gold Cross, and many other promi' tjeut ruinw,"