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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1902)
t BOHEMIA A I.I- Dl'.'IO.IM'IK It III IN HUM MUM Of fO'i'TAIII! IlltOVI'. ADVKIH ISi: IN Till", Nt'ilfll;'!'. TIIK NCUOKT JOB OmVH TCItMN OUT I1IIOU WOJtK AT Sjt'- .ilk MODI ItKASONAnLK miCEg. Devoted to the Milling, Lumbering and Farming IntcreutK of thi Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Grub Stake. VOL. XV Co(:tage G-rove, Oregon, Friday, March 28, 1902 tz PROFESSIONAL. J. E. YOUNG Attorney -at-Law omct on Mln iltMl, Wwl Hli1 CoTTAOK GKOVK, OKH. J. 0. JOHNSON and F. .(! BUY Attomtus "d Oottitxtlars-at-Law Hiwk-UI atlontloti given l Mlnlnit,'ifiortliiii ml Msmntll U, ()mroet (Uriumi lltmonwuy'iitorii. COTTACH GHOVIi. OKK. J. S. MEDLEY Attorney-at-Laiu o o o :-Offlrauu Main lrt-: CoTTAOK GjJOVK, OKH. JEROME KNOX Attorney -at-Lmo I'tompt MUntlon l'l to Mining IIuhIik-m. CoTTAGK GuOVIt, OKU. NILUUt W.THOIiriOX Cll. . HABDr. THOMPSON & HARDY .ittorneusand Counstlors-at- Law WrefUl attention lvn to tbjw qMlliM. KUUENK. ORE. L. T. HARRIS Htlomey and Gounsclor-at-Law llf!! atUntlonKjrff tothUw Hlni. First National Bank Building. EUUKKK, OUK. Mrs. Kalherlae SeUetf, M. D. Diseases f Woidcq and Children COTTAOK GKOVK, OKK. W. H. ROBINSON -rKiriicifco Pion' Offlc unci toildenre on lllv.r Urcfl. ncr W'l COTTAIJEOIIOVE. - - OIIKHOS. BUSINKSS. BARKER & PERMAN PHOPHIKTOkS OK- THE EXCHANGE DEAl.KUS IN I'INK WINJJS, LIQUORS. CIGARS.; Mtntret, CiiIUb rn . r. ' H. C MADSEN, Watchmaker. nepilrlng nt rennrile churn". All wnrk unrnicol ftrt.HM. W.lcbM.CIooki i n.1 JoB.lry t Uwc.t rrteei COTTAGK OUOVK, OKK. Harness and Saddlery. MAIN STREET. COTTAOE OROVK. George Melnzer, Prop. line lino of lUrno.n, Ruclcllsi. Whlpt. ringcy Robe., Untbtr Belting. Etc.. llwuyi on hm . All klnrti ol Ilipulrlng BpooUltV All nam! wel work lutncrt out. Our rrmcr Friondi cn get th verybctt the Lowwt Living ITIcen. Come In und exm. Ine tb good and ieo for yourelf. Common Rough Lumber, $6 per M. at BOOTH-KELLY Mills, Saoikaw, Or. DiBWIH DRMTOW. ITetlilont, IlERBIKTKAXm, CMlilor. The First National Bank -OF- CoTTAOR GROVK, OrH. Paid up Capital, $25,000.00 Money to loan on approved security. Exchanges sold, Twallablo any placo Jn the Unlod Stat en. Xott)' nnalnemt In Solicited. All kinds ?f j; WCBth? Tng' , , Underclothing and Footwear for Loggers and Lumbermen, Miners, Prospectors and Farmers. The Famous Cutter Shoes in all sizes. Special prices in Umbrellas. C? EAK1N IP Fine Tailor Wrappers, Etc. Never have we had the pleasure of showing you the nice up-to-dpte and so large variety of ready made gaitueiits as we arc this spring. The very latest effect in Gibs oak's Waists 81.35 to $2.50 ' i We carry an immense line of silk now, and the latest designs. Come and see us. Miner. KOH l'UlJl.ICATION. Unitnl StMten Olllcc, Koacbnri!, Oregon, I't'h. 7, 100-' Vntit'u ih liurvliy Kivun tlutt in compli mm' with ill'' pioviHlntiH of tho ucl of ConirreKH of .luno 8,1878, entitled "An net for the Hiileof titnU'r iiiiiiIh in thu Stutt'x of California, Oroaon, Nevada, ami WnMhinuton Turritory," iiHextcndeil to all tliu riil)lic Land Stalea by act of AtiKimt 4, 18W, Mm. Alico I-aUaut of Hiiiimw, County of Lane. Statu of Oro Htm', Ikih thin day filed In thisotllco her Hworn Ptateninnt No. '.'027, for tho pur chasoof tho SK '4, of Meet ion No. 2(1, Township 21 South, of ItniiBO 8 W. and will offcr proof to nhow that tho land nought Ih inor vnluablo for its timber orptono than for nKrlimlturul purposeii. nnd to entalilirih her rlaini to miid laiul before the Keeititer and Ureelvcr of this ofileo nt Itnwlmrg, Oregon, on Wednus day. the 7th day of May, 11CK. SIim names as witnesseH: Slephun A. Lnltant of Haginnw, Oro gon, tieorgo Itlggf of Alabel, Oregon. James Lee, Daniel II. Urnnibaugh, of Cottage (trovo, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse Iv tho nbovo-deaoribiMl lands uro re quested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 7th day of Mav. 1002. J. T. BntDOKS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stntos Land OfBro, Rosoburg, Oregon, Feb, 14. 1002. Notice is hereby given that in com- Elianco with tho provisions of tho act of onareesof Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An uct for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Orrgon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as eaetoiided to all tho Public Land Statos by act of August 4, 1892, Thomas Roche of Eu cone, County of Lane, Stato of Oregon, has this day filed in this office his sworn statement No. 2038, for the puiuhaso of the SE X, ot Section No. 2, township 22 South, of Range 2 W. and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is moro valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ills elalm to said land before tho Register and Roeolvor of this ofilco nt Rosoburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, tho 71 h day of May, 1002. Ho names as witnesses. Ed Jordan, Dan Brumbaugh, of Co burg, Oregon, Oscar Leo, John Palmer, of Cottogo Grove. Oregon. Any and all poisons claiming adverse ly tho abovo-doacrlbed lands aro re quested to fllo their claims in thl ofilco on or before said 7th day of May, 1002. J. T. BittDaisB, Reglstor. Fine residence, choice lots, business blocks for sale Jiirome Knox & Co, C? Cfc TTl & BRISTOW. made Skirts, Shirt waists, LEADERS IN MERCHANDISING Cottaiare Grove, Oregon. 01 S HIGH GRADE I PIANOS AND ORGANS Direct from the Factories; 0 m We are sole Agents for Oregon and can save you the 0 middle man's profits: We will take your old Piano or Organ in e part payment for a new one and let you pay the balance in small monthly, or yearly payments. We are the sole Agents for h the celebrated TROWBRIDGE Piano. Write us for Cata S logue and prices. 0 S MORRIS & CRAW, a 5 Ninth Street, Eugene, Oregon. g b e 0 B BH0lHielCHOIM0ieBlH)fl0HOieHB Puint Supply Store First qualities In everything in the line of paint and painters.' supplies. The only complete Hue of Wal Paper in the city. LATEST DESIGNS LEADERS IN LOW PRICES. Painters and Paperhangers For any kind of work in house furnishing, get our prices. They areiiglit, and we guarantee our work, Store first door East of Bridge ou Main Street. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS. T?ro1 tlif TMYt or ort! J'r'-vwvi v k-w 1 THE OLD RELIABLE Grocery Store Caries a full line of Staple and Fancy goods, Granite, Crockery, Tin and Glassware, Vegetables, Flour, Feed, Oats, Hay and everything the farmer or the housewife needs. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange. It will be a pleasure at all times to show our goods and you are earnestly requested to call and examine them. Will meet All Competlon in Prices. SKILLMAN & GAROUTTE Successor to Baker & Johnson COTTAGE GROVE. ORE. "Rf?ifl tfif "NTirirnrefTT -T-,oc MioesaedMimo- I fiS. . -2.q-X y DcvoTod to Bohemia Nofcj and ltem3 of prercf inTot'o.srtb Mining Mon. The Le Roy Mining Company I U t i c f t i r l r rt rails and a twelve cubic-foot car for their tunnel work from San Fran cisco, which will be on the grounds in a few days. The Le Roy Com pany are bringing their mine to the front very fast and it is attract ing considerable attention from out siders. Mr. G. C. King of San Jose, Calif., one of the representa tive members of the Alaska Com mercial Company was in the city last week interviewing the Le Roy people regarding their property and stated that in his opinion the Bo hemia operators should insist on the establishment of a smelter in the district and not depend on Fort land or any other outside place to do the work. Mr. King is a vet eran miner and knows the situation well. His company recently paid $3,500,000 for a piece of property and are probably thinking of gain ing a foothold in Bohemia. The Helena Consolidated Com pany have declared a dividend of one-half cent on the share. This is tne 23rd dividend lor this com pany within the past three years and is evidently a wonderful show ing considering that not less than fifty-seven per cent of their ore goes on to the dump for lack of smelter and other facilities for haudliug it. FARMER'S INSTITUTE. On Thursday and Friday, March 20 and 21, a farmers' institute was held at Walker under the auspices of the citizens of Walker and three of the experiment farm and O. A. C. people. An interesting program was rendered and greatly enjoyed by all present, G. O. Walker acted as I, chairman by unanimous request of the meetiug. The music was well rendered by G. N. Castle and daughter, Miss Josephine, Mr. Bement, Mrs. M. A. Horn and Miss Sibyl Morninf star. The lectures were efficient and instructive and the discussion was at times animated and proportion ately profitable. The occasion will long be re membered and we hope it will j henceforth show its fruits in the 0 . form of more intensified and diver sified farming which has in others, and no doubt will in this com munity, greatly increase the pleasures and bank accounts of those engaged in this the most up lifting and desirable of all pursuits of life. Indeed the hustling up-to-date farmer of today is much envied by his neighbor the city rnau of business, the workshop, or of the street corner. His past is a build ing of a broad and sure foundation both mental and physical. His fu ture may be anything in the range of humanity bounded only by the lease of life. At the request of the meeting a committee was appointed to make arrangements for a permanent or ganization of some kind to further advance the well begun work sud the citizens were invited to meet in mass at 7:30 p. m Friday, April 4, to entertain the report of said committee and complete the ergaS' izfttion. COKXtBSPOXPSNT. We have on hanu a large stock of crad'es kiln-dried flooring, ceiling nnd rustic in I 2 ami 3. Let us make you I Joeclal nrices Pcpjr-Kbivt Lvjww Co The breaking of winter is now anxiously looked forward to by mines, prospectors and capitalists interested in Bohemia. From present indications an early spring is assured. Thousands of tons of supplies and machinery will be on the road to the district as soon as the roads will admit of hauling, and the hills will be full of pros pectors. This season will mark the greatest stride in the history of the camp. W. B. Dennis, who is operating the Blackbutte quicksilver mine near Cottage Grove, has made a bond for purchase of the old Golden Fleece mine, one mile northwest of Ashland, at $20,000 of E. K. An derson. Some of the ground proved to be as rich as a gold placer in i860, and was known as the Davenport diggings. Guard. The Crystal Consolidated Com pany report that development work for the past month is very gratify ing. The company will put in a large force of men as soon as the roads are in condition for hauling in freight. They have a great amount of ore in sight and will push work lively as soon as pos sible. The Bohemia Gold Mining Com pany is now letting a 100-foot con tract on the Gold Cross group, and will let the Boston Tunnel contract this coming month. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 25. 1902. Notice is hereby given that In com pliance with the provisions of the act of uongress 01 June 3, uct for the sale of I 1878. entitled "An the sale of timber land in the States of California, Oregon , Nevada. and ashinzton .territory," as ex- tended to all the Public Land Slates bv actof August 4, 1892, Charles H. Burk- houler, of Cottbgo Grove, County of Lane, State of Oregon, has this day filet in this office his sworn statement No. 2075, for the purchase of the Lots 1, 2 and 3 of Section 2, Township 22, South, of Range 2 West; and will offer proof to show that the land sought is moro valu able for its timber or stone than for ag ricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiverof this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Tuesday, tho 6th day of May. 1002 ' ' He names as witnesses; D. H. Hemenwuy, J. D. Palmer, C. J. Howard, D. H. Brumbaugh, of Cot tage Groye, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the alHive-derfcribed lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before said Cth day of May, 1902 . J. T. Bridges, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Oregon. Feb., 7. 1002. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Stutes of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," ae extended to all the Public. Land States bv act of Au gust 4, 1S92, Stephen A. LaKunt of Sagi naw, County of Lane, State of Oregon, has this day filed in thUofiiee Ms sworn statement No. 202Gfor the purchase of the NE M, of Section No. 26, Township 21 South, of Range 3 W. and will offer proof to show that the land sought i more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Rpcoiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Wednesday, tho 7th day of May, 1002. Ho names mi witnesses: Mrs. Alico LaRaut of Saginaw, Ore gon, George Rig;s of Mable, Oregon, I jamcs iee, uamei 11. iruuioaugn, 01 uouage urove, uregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described (aiuta are re quested to file their claims )n this officer on or before said 7th day of May, 1302, J. T. Bridges, Register. When you wake qp with a bad taite in your mouth you raay know that you seed a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach & Liver Tablet. They wJU clsatfee your etomaph, Improve your appetite und make you-fee) liko pf man. They rv eajy to'tabfc, wna swim coated, SBif pJMnV in1 efj&t. tor sale by ZzHMfr Ptu Co. W tell fhoice lot )b t)i Long & Bingham property, lately platted and adjoining Cottage Groye, right at tb junction of the S. P. ft. R. and tho O. G, & B. R. R. Prices according to locality, JERQMK brX & Co, SubwITie for tfr? SUfVtl.