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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1899)
TM .M -Jt P'l M' .7 I I VHVX.VJAE' III n.' w w -ry tv A LOCK OF HAIR. 2 f.ti. P V P' p"V '- V ). V; 0V. tV; PiV; V0 5 WO , oTilVLV there wiim notnin 1 .. il.r.lll) Hmollct 10 HllggCHt tl,ar!0. Ho Wllri the a' .;,.niiiiici'. ui i" y plainest, "VrtiiUi 'I ri'HiM'flisl mi'iiiliiT ' ' r,l of trade nni! n tliorotii . Smollett's wife ever lllnitwi'i' mill yt't Mm. Sinol conllnni'y Jealous. s,c:t It In her r,Ml1""' '"'"" Ul"1 ... .....Miiiii!! more tlmo In lllM . . ........ yjjjPOU"!)!. (Illll iici'iuiic iriKiii- lji)t!l 01 "I1 . ,i , i in i ' . , .... ....... mliiil ii u ,. iilr-i... m'T Ull Him. ' " ! nnwi 'fll KIHIT OVIT the OtlllT HCX. il niaI" unexpected tle- jn tilt' Oilb'C. llOWCVcr, silo nlo'lliWd. fell milieu nat- i'i.,.,. if Mii iiiii c i i. mm i t un on 'lu' premises was nie . t ...II.. ircatn, or Wliuui ocn njum i be JcilotiH. iti4 niciiioillpnl In his liahltM irpsulnii'il town clock. On n dijr every Mprlnj; ho leaven off i mil on n ecrtnln day In tlio pati on ovcmhocri. Onco In rear tie mm iiim wateii it the Jeweler's, 'i'lie tlmo for Irs bin ftiroiioini'tcr cniiio litflr. mid Smollett loft It with rrir on Broadway, lit tlio shop. ji.i.t V'Mllt. ictiirerc rather Hlmky nbottt Hint uk) ti hntl to ho at IiIk desk early fceto watch matters, lie couldn't itoetogo nroiiml after IiIh time- nxlltiahsehce was iiIwm.vh both bin, for lie had to depend upon clocks, a French mantel clock ii never known to he right half ; Ultimo, or his wife's chatelaine. ntalnrjiyH missing cars anil being il appointments. ttirLrdln. with the lieHt of Inten- fonnd the Jeweler'u ticket anil bwKlf nfler tho watch. sayliiK S to Smollett about It. When xhe iuv iiiuri in me jeweier. ne Jtltfliid thi'ii nt her. MiiaKeiitli'iiiaii'H watch, miss." "iimNueii prettily. "Oh, yes; It's 'Uuanu n. she snlil. tfouzht It from the Bafo nnil un td ? ftk lt nil rlKht. ma'am." He ? me case nni! ooeneit tin. imv ill till- n fir km. .M wa tiny Joeit of hair Hllimcd out I ft A I rt AN nnrt.. - Mir If L.MI' I Jeweler sin n ceil nt It mill llii n Her hair Ih a KohIen hrown. ffulch i dropped out of the "ws yellow. Jeweler was n u-iho m..t,. i IlllllSPlf. I Iik lfnni..w,ul..l.. l'VI'1 U'i ffk II... .1.1...- W ln.rne.1 , t.Ilh,r c, -.-vil MIN liei PI. tr iwl fnuMohl "dint. ne closed ii... ,..,.. i. Mlt.l.... - l.ll-l lll- nil m. ti . in nn ... ..... "c lori'nlfim ,ii.i. .. x yonr pardon." uave forirottcn 1 1. iJ M IWlAi ieere" w"KHl 10 '"'-' with ,,ua" sa il Milu i.i,.. . . 'iiro iitiii nrh.i. ni mil mil. I'nnt'u ""lira cunt..., .... ' ' UUI 111 n 1. 1. .ttlll-11 iui.11111 nt. ill... .. Ilm I. . - lillll IIUII." Ufil.l T .. .. mat nil,. i,, .... : '"t It Imelr In m" ff"u uermi.oi .. . . icii. .f f... " 'no 11,11 1111,1 aii'iitif- I 11UI11 flm l.j ' vi.i, ; homo Hint ii.. Of 1,1. . .. 1 T "0UM ' o In t V ' '""llllllcr llttln wlfi. ,:.?" luaco an Ici.t,,., " wonion mq i.. i fPfl tlk IT., ..I Hon,-".. '". Ho 0V ItOtlmlli " . .. ""."1,ur ft.. "tut on 01 111! till as asraln n i .".' . ...... i;oj-ri.(.j( iihft,,r, '"" t"" other follow vvi in t in . 'intiivi nannnn...., ivLMi correc d V;. .V,:,m!t'.lIcoat he "'OHIO lrnol ""a IIHIO i ,,Lu'"imea to eiit n n.. ,.. ..... box ,;..' rB,uu 1110 tWo and Wouss,,;. " y..(,(nr." snll tho "Warn,..,. . .. uover rouml lt0,,.TH?ut. ''t watched inn .,. i ,i uu o ii r wninii . " i n i, .... .. ",v. tho loft i M lts "customed wt breast pocket of his yo brutel" "8 ran .," ," '"" or 'oars 'into-hJ . . 1 tho rooin shut " "Pn"'ent8 ngaln. vmi naa rr tried. In a Riieakln way. for the m-r-vantM were Kreatly In ovldetice, to unln audleiic. with IiIh wife; hut hIiu would not open her door and ho upent the Jilcht on the couch In the library and went down town tlio next mornliiK In a moHt bewildered Htato of mind and an t'mpty Htate of Ktomach. I.ydla'H actloim ho worried him that he could not keep IiIh tnltxl on IiIh biiHl neKH. Ho wan Irritable and Keiierally fractloiiH. and the red-headed jouiik man Hiirfcrcd accordliily. About noon nimrlle IaKci. an old frleml and a eood lawyer, cauie In. Charlle'H eye twinkled, but IiIh manner wa Bolemn. "See here. Abrain." he Haiti, "whafs thk I hear about you?" "What Ik It? That I've Hold C, H. d. Q. HhortV That yarn's Htale," Hiiapied Hmollctt. "No, Hlr. Something more Hurlouu than that." "What Ih It?" In dawning wonder at the lawyer's solemnity. "It Is-or Homethlng regarding your private life. I know It Isn't any busi ness of mine." Charlie haHtencd to say. with a deprecatory wave of his hand; "or would not be bad I not known you so long. Hut as a per.'onal friend " "Personal fiddlesticks!" exclaimed Smollett, crossly,. "What are you get ting at?" "Why, this trouble with your wife." said Charlie, with the air of a funeral mute. "Abrain, I never thought It of you. I never would have Hiis;icti d ttiat you, Abrain Smollett, were a gay de ceiver; that you were living a double life " "Double- " well, a word not exactly permissible In good society. "What do you mean?" yelled Smollett. IiIh ugly face turning a deep brick red. "Hush. Abrain!" said the lawyer, sol emnly. "There Is no use In your grow ing excited about It. Did you suppose that you could continue In hucIi n course of Inlldellty without being found out some time?" "See bore!" Smollett arose In his might, seized Paget by the shoulders with no gentle force and seated him In a chair. "This has gone for enough." he nald, In a passion. "Explain your words. What has my wife been to see you about?" "Divorce!" said Charlie, In a sepul chral voice. Smollett simply wilted Into his chair. Charlie leaned forward and tapped him smartly on the knee. "That's It, Abratn. The poor child has put her case In my hands; but I bogged her to let nie see you before we began drastic measures " Smollett's face was pitiable. "How what " How did she discover your Infamy?" demanded Charlie, without compassion. "She saw that lock of the other wom an's hair In your watch " "The other woman!" gasped Smollett. "What other woman?" "u your watch." "A Tuynan In my watch?" ' v. . rceo. no u.ll-ll ,lll-, UUI Ills UUI. A..W1 .1 ually grew calm. He one back case and tho yellow lock fell Into his hand. He looked from It to Paget. "Is this It?" "That, I presume, Is the fntal evi dence " Hut Smollett withered him. "Do you mean to say my wife has been to see you?" "Yes." "Where Is she now?" "I prevailed upon her to go homo and wait till I had een you," said the lnw yer, chuckling wickedly. Smollett put on his hat ami did not appear Ur the olllce again that day, much to the disturbance of certain stocks in which he was known to deal heavily. Hut lu the afternoon ho wns seen driving with his wife In the park and later they occupied a box at the theater. Paget dropped In on him a day or two later. "Has tho divorce been settled out of court?" he nsked. .Vow I suppose you think you're smart, don't you?" returned Smollett. "Well, I'm always glad when I can bring families together Instead of sep arating them, If there Isn't nny money In It for me," said Chnrlle, sanctimo niously. "Huh!" grunted Smollett. "Ami In this enso tho evidence was so dead against you. Any woman could have made n perfectly clear brief out of Ills Saij .l!id good bit darker thnn It was when she was a child of (). Her father gave me that lock and I've carried it-well, a good many yearn. Now are you satis lied?" "Yes." said tho lawyer, slowly. "Hut was I.ydla?" And then he barely escaped with his i re to tell the rewt of us of Smollett's i -"lemon in tn0 character of Lothario." "a gay HAD TWENTY-FIVE BABIES. Sim. Hwiirtwood, Mnrrlcil 27 Yeum, HiihUOI.IvIiik Children. Mrs. Samuel Swartwood of Wllkes bnrro, Pa., Is the mother of the largest family In the United States. Although a comparatively young woman, be,ng only -11 years old, she Is the mother of twenty-live children, twenty or whom are living. The youngest Ih only a few weeks old, and gives promise of being, l.ko 1i!h brothers an.l h ati r.i, h.ilj and hearty. Mrs. Swartwood Is a lemnikahly well preserved woman. She was married when very young, and her Urst baby was born fourteen mollis after her marriage. There have V-n but live yeara since during which the house hold has failed to be blessed with a baby. These years were 1871, 18SI5, 18S7, 1888. and 181)0. Hut two of them were In huccch-.Ioii, ami In the succeed ing years twins were born. Of the entire twenty-live children there were but the two Hots of twins, which weie born lu 188U and 1803. One of each set of twins Is dead. .Mrs Swartwood can recite the hour and day each child was born. Itcgardlng her married life, Mrs. Swartwood talked freely. "I was mar ried when I was M yeara old. I loved Will when I was a girl and I wanted to be married. Hver since we have been very happy, and 1 would not change places with any rich woman. Look at thesechlldicn! Ain't they riches enough, and every one living at home except the two girls that got married. It's nice for father and me to have them all here, although It does crowd us a b t. We havent got a big house, as you can see. and every bit of the space is used. Walk Into the dining-room there and look at the table." It was a table to look at, of generous w!d.h at.d very long. It bore plates and knives and forks for twenty-two people At Intervals were great piles of bread. "It keeps mo and the girls pretty busy looking the eat ng and washing for our big family," resumed Mrs. Swartwood when I came out of the dining-room. "Father makes al out $70 a month, and the boys bring in about 500 a mouth, nnd while we get along nicely we have nothing to spare. We've given all the children as good schooling as they can got around here." "What do you think of married life?" I ventured to ask. "Well, I ought to know. I guess. Who wns It sa'd mnirlcd life wns one long, bweet dream? (.rover Cleveland, wasn't It? Well, 1 agree with him. It has been to me. Every woman should get married, I think. 1 don't know much about the new woman, but If she don't believe lu mnrrled life I don't .want to know nuytblng nbout her. What's as haypy as having children to love you nnd you loving them? "None of my children has been n source of grlef.trouble. or anxiety to me. nnd I think fltyl has been especially kind to give nie so tVany. Yes. sir, you can put me down a believing In the married woman who unloves m nnving Tlio aTnrrfnenaMo Ace. f A spinster who Is still llvlnc In bono ' nys the marriageable ago is nnywliero I.... .i i . .. iiubnuuii niu nummary ana tno ceme tery. -Chicago Daily News. Tim TyimivrlUir Invention. A dtiitiHticimi Iiiih proven thai the Inven tion of the typewriter hu.H tivcii enmlov inent to fiOO.OOO people, hut lie faiN t.. state how ninny eime of weak stomachs it hit induced. All people of Hedentiirv cicru Iiut on need Hostetter's Htomaeh" Hitters it helps nature to bcur the strain which ensues irom conlneinciit. Jfjon haven't a regular, health? movement of tbd Sl i "cr,r dar. rou'ro sick, or will bo. Keep roS? hpwoli open, nixj bp. well. Force. In tho tha6o of Violent tihvftln t)T nil fllm I erooothcjt, easiest, most perfect war -WMb. V,VU. HUH UCU I. W WIO oanrcrouj. Tho ul keeping tho Foolish men men eat thorn. make feasts and wiso HOW'S TniB'4 We offer One Hundred Dollars Howard for any eno of Catarrh that can not bo curo'l by Hall's Catarrh Curo. ' u, .i-J-enzSEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, 0, wo tho undersigned, huvo known F.J. Cheney ior ijju past honorable li anclaliT able to carry out any obligations made M Mill HI Hit W'RIT&TBtMX, Wbolcsalo DrwtRlits, Toledo, 'J. WAI.IIINO, Kl.NfUN it MA"VIN, ,,,. Vt'noloalo brug-lsts, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Curo 1st-ken. n: rnally, acting (Ilrectly on tho blood and m. cons surfaces c2 the system. J'rl .o 7J: per bo-tlo. bo.d by oi drugrlsts. Tcstlmoni-U Iroc. lull's Family Fit, r' th-. best. Mexico sold tho United States .$2, 000,000 worth of hides last year. TO CUItK A COLD IN (INK DAt Tako Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to curo. E. W. Grovo'g signature in on each box. 25c. In Austrian hotels it is still custom ary to charge extra for candles. Kilt Tliom 1,1 ko Cnmly. Dainty, fragrant tablets of confection Cas rarets Candy Cathartic, the medicine of today. Fills ond liquids are out of date. All drug gists, 10c, Zlc, Wc. Ho who is not traitor to Heavon. CANDY iiuuuduvuhwiu niiutvii i .j. i,ueney icnsaoi, i-aiaiaDie, rotent. Taste Onod. Do Oood. 1 15 years, and bollovo him perfectly Sicken. Weakn, or Orlpe. 10c, iocTule T WrlS inallbusln sj transactions and fln ior1'1re"ample, ana booklet on boaltb. Addres KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAH BUY THE GENUINE ... MANUFACTURED BY ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. nr NOTE THE NAME. PORTLAND DIRECTORY. Ft,,... Hint Wlr VI nrl. truo to himself is & Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Sooth Ine Byrup the best remedy to use for thrlr Children during tho teething period. Michigan, Ohio and Indiana lime makers are forming a trust. We will forfeit f 1.000 if any of our pub lished testimonials ure proven to tie not genuine. Tim I'ipo Co., Warren, I'a. Wyoming's coal mines are producing 22,000 tons per day. VII AI.ITY low, debilitated or exhausted cured bv Dr. Kline's IiivlRoratlnic Tonic. FHKE 1. Trlul Jluille containing 2 Weeks' treatment. Dr. Kline's Institute, Ml Arch St., Fhlludelpblu. Founded 1971. l'Oim.AND WII'.F. ,t IKON WOUK8; WIRB anil Iron fencing; olllce ralllnj. etc. Sit Alder. Maclihmrj- iiimI sn,,. CA Wf'l'ON CO.: KNGINICS, JIOII.KRS, MA. chtnerr.aiiiii.lic3. 48-50 FlrsiSt., Portland, Or. JOHS POOLE. Tomi.jw OnraoK, can give you the best bargains in general machinery, engines, boilers, tanks, pumps, plows, belts and windmills. The new steel I X L windmill, sold bv him, Is un-equalled. Ever use It? At Roberta, Ga 15 cents a bushel. cotton seed costs children." V Mr. Swartwood. Is an enf Jeisey Central ralhoad. Jieer on the oihace of n uHUHAno. 1 1 M . .1 1 1 1 -raftn . imapi i ii i 1 1 i lTlIZlnrRw.i, ;.- ws.vwski?i I JUT UL. IKiTZL wwrvifwi It " "Oh. I don't suppose you will bo satis fied till you know It all." growled Smol lett. "That lock of hair was- " "Yes?" said Charlie, with Interest. "Was Lydla'e. Uer hair has grown a World's 1Mb IlontA, The English marine publication, the c,.,.,... s-ivs: "Wo British ptlde our selves that the aggregate t British ships npproxlm merchant toinia ma world, but matter where a nations places us In a position other than first. It nppears we have only eleven vessels of over 10,000 gross tons headed by the Oceanic, with her 17, 000 tons. But Germany has twenty three vessels In that category. The Urjfted States Is the only other nation with vessels above 10,000 tons, nnd she has four. The biggest ship owned by France Is 8,803 tons, while Norway's greatest ship is of 3,277 tons gross. In speed Great Hrltnln Is right nhead of her competitors, having thirty-one ves sels with a speed of twenty knots or more; Helgium has six, the United Stntea four, Germany and nollnnd threo each, France two and Thus In speed the Hrltlsh flag excela tho world, while tho disparity between Germany nnd this country, so far a size Is concerned, will soon be lessened, ns several big vessels are nearlug com pletion In Hrltlsh yards." N titro's M ml' ry. One of tho most curious examples of Nature's mimicries Is tho substance jowelers call odoreta leto. Tho ordi nary observer wouiu can tins lovely stono puro turquoise. But It Is really nothing of tho kind. It Is simply the fossil teeth of long extinct nnlmnls which havo been become tinged with various mineral salts. It Is much softer thnn tho truo turquoise. All the best turquolsqj comes from Khornssan. in Persia. Every scheme that works ia soon overdono. The Plennntest, Most Powerful and Effective Keverfaillng Remedy for La Grippe, Catarrh, Rheumatism. u,.. Will cure any ache or pain known in the human body. Send for trial bottle, 2.'c. This offer tafts no duvs only. Large bottle (300 doses of 5 DHOPH each) Jl.OOor 3 lor T2M. SWANSON RHEUflftATIC CURE CO IQ7 and 169 Dearborn St.. Chicago. JIM Misfortune. Teacher Try to remember this: Milton, .he jioet.Vns blind. Do you think you can remember it? Hobby Smart Yes. lKa'am. "Now, what was Hilton's great mlsiortunef" I "Ho was a State Journal Ca? Bronx b favor of district counci April. Ihey work-day, $11 noutiay una You should. . SOLI! AGENCY Worthington Steam Pumps and Water Meters. Pumping Plants ot Any Capacity TATUM & HO WEN 30 to 35 First Street, rorttnnd, Or. Machinery All Kinds. and Magic Lantern Bargain List No. 15 now reudy for mailing T. I. ANDREWS, f09 Montgomery St., Ran Francisco. 0 WOMAN'S BLESSING PREVENTINE, the greatest antifcptic and germicide known. Will cure all female trou bles. Positively cafe and certain. No woman safe without it Mall orders promptly filled. 1 a box. Agents wanted. Dig money made. KENAl'D DRUG CO., A 1C1 La Ealle street, Chicago, 111. Horrid Rheumatic Pains Are caused by the impurities in the.blood. You will be relieved of the pain quickly, your blood will be made pure by JYIoore's Revealed Remedy. Easy and pleasant to take. One bottle gives relief. 1.00 per bottle at your druggist's. DR. MARTEL'S BOOK, elief for Women" &entr(mpuun,oasJAUenTeiopo. write twJny for this lionk.conUlnliijr Prtien Iatb and TuKUnoniali cf DR. French Femata Pii Pralnxl br thotuantta of Mtinf.ed Mf , alwTi rollfcblo and without & Pom hTall drurclflraln rtif-tnl ijoi In Bine. White and Hed. Tain no ot km rcuaut.) ctow to, . I ED iiuuriiRuefiAtf"v- 1 -rd one hm&mmmimimh.f rtr- 'W )..a .'.A Z'.., i. 7 r : i'v iC 4?'.'- - . r in New holif work day. 44 A Miss Good If you are not entW ; Kvj ' ' , juntas w 17 r jrrm.t ,. 1 &xxm he blood. 4 tr- to bume. Nature's corrective 1?gmemb& 1 hCV' -yTT J blood is 'y's taw. o for 1900 Sei ItV A , Mloh. SoMapwift SURE CURE FOR PILES ITOH INO PIIm proince moisture tod ei'e itchini& Jhls form, us well aa Ulind, Uleeding or Protruding YOUNG Plica urn rnr-1 hv fir nnannlAi. dii o ! Stop, itching .ndWeeTlS?. AbTorT,. tim"n. SSl Jirat drugginUura9nt liyinall. Trettlae Iree. Write me about jour cm, Dlt. BOSANKO, Philada., Pa, ta 018 2i5y,I?fl!clne "I'lch will cure each and everr caw. NO CASE inora It baa evor failed to cure, no matter how aerloua or cC how long Banding. Heaulta from Its nso will astonUh you. It ia atwolutcly aafo. prerenta etrletnre. and can foe taken without inoonre nlenre and detention from Imalnrm. ritlCE. JS.00. For le hv all reliable dmgorlrta, or aent prepaid br expreas. , 1'AHST CIllSlICAL CO., Chicago, III. Crcular mailed on request. trfdSPFGW CURE YOURSELF I ueo lilg4 for unna Jural diachargea.lnilamuianous. Ooitiaitixi u Irritations or ulcerations not u, atriotnr. of mucous membranea. Pr,tui. CouurioD. 1'alulesu, aud not aetrln. .THEtr3CHEUICIlCo. Kent or poltouous. Solrt by DrnntltU, or sent In plain wraoner. it.TJ?xf"ea'.' Prepaid, for 1.00, or 3 bottles, 2.Vi. Circular sent on rcqueat. Q IMPROVED W LIVER ONE FOR A DOSE. Cure Sick Hcadaohc mndnJ,;?,,l.a'"U0Te "mples and Purify thi ..m!?i-?,or Hlc,k,,nvToconTlnco rou.wewlll mull . jample free, or full box for 2Sc. I)K. il((SANKO ' CO., p lillu.ln., aVcuun. Bold by Druggiats. N. P. N. V. WHEN wrltlnc; to udvortlsers pleuso niontiou tills paper. c3 rfSfR 1 smm Sit flllSfCS BtOT for S2I.4I. Bare the ltetallera'l'rotit-eavctho Wholeaalers I'ronc. xaKeRdTaacaeo ot our contract purchnie. Others hare adranced their KUlII.Bt3iIIUWmC umuiulscmnoi ft A ALareeBtora cttAn youn ff LAND aim fl7Fr im. vni prices of Parlor Stores, but our eontraot vrltntba maauraotnrors compola them , yi TiTl I f wo can aell JStpziy Tj. LZ n, n.uiwi Hiuu,a,cM.u. iui .uu . uod venlclza .YOU would be prouj of either C-8tOTesandRangOB. p-Aericulturat Implaroenta. f thew parlor atovea. The pictures E Babr Carrlaeea. F Drugs and Patent ifodiolues. Bend 15 eta and our Large tiupplr Cataloxuo contain. them nt a amail profit at flu. U, f 21. and $27.77. YOU would be proaii ot either tneo panor stoves, una pictures n uaoruarrlaeea, f Drugs and Pat lut a faint idea of thelreleganos, Q Musical Inatrnmenta. H Organ, to. O.I). on reoelptof B7o, ronto Machines. I lilcrcles. j OunsnndBi balance to ronr banker or freight K Ladies' and Ueota' Furnlahlnn Q itonarriTBlatrourdepot. Goods. M-lteadr-made OlothlnB f or J l'heffreatoatbantalnaaveroffered. tsUoots and Shoes. O Ladle'0ui epsiuei man asmaiionozor llculB UAnd lfirta anrf our ld.M Hunn T IUVIalnzc ia'nl.,:n',a.Sl5?.wASn,T V.'S.' InBOTerlOuOpaeesandoveronebundreUthbusandVaw vuviiUiAuu jaiAiAium, 1 i.i. irt ana pricenwiu uesuniejpreaspaia. rl-lrffftlM and Havtrtn j Ouna nnd Sporting Oooda. T, M. BOI1EBTS' BUPPLX HOUSE, MLHNEAI'OLIH, MINK, 1 h.n kvn.Kr an. rLAr ,a llost Couch Syrup. Tastes Good. TJso f D-J in time. Sold by druetrlsta. l treated soien. tlflcally and confidential, ly. CorriiDocitnci 0. II. W00DARD & CO., tOB Second St., Portland, PILLS '00. leuso FREE i NO, 51 Catalogues for n !iflnf- Il-Jl&rnsvei and Vehlclef Rupture 1 'i - 1