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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1899)
"SHENANDOAH" IX PORTLAND Th production of Bronson Howard's Croat dranm of the late Civil War, "Shenandoah,'1 which Jacob Lilt will present at tho Mnrquam Grand in Port land Christmas week, is the same which Mr. Litt used at tho Broadway Theatre, New York City, laBt May, which was said at that time to be tho handsomest production that had ever been given on tho stngo of n Now York. theatre. Tho great feature of the Litt production is the battle scene which comes at the end of the third act. It is bo real that it becomes actual. Tho Union troops aro in" full rotreat, drivon back by the Confederates; tho day ueonm lost. Suddenly in tho distunco nro heard shouts. "Sheridan is com ing," iHthe cry and in a moment defeat ia changed into victory. Squadron after Equadron of cavalry and company after company of infantry dash across the stage, followed by tho heavy artillery. It ia a wonderful pieco of stage mechunism and realistic to a do greo. Tho compang includes fifty horses and over two hundred people. DIVIDE ITEMS. For tho last few days tho railroad company has had a man at the rock quary to watch for a threatened rock Blido and a gang of men work on tho .side, track here. A feNx gentlemen from hero went fish- inn on the Siuslaw creek last week re turning with the usual fish tales, but few fish . Mrs. Veatch was reported as being ill last week. Report says that brother of Will McCoy intends to bring a steam wood sawing outfit up here this winter and saw several hundred cords of wood. Tho first snow of the season here fell Thursday Dec. 14, about one inch. Mr. Kennaday had the misfortune to lose a horso upon his return from Eugene. SCHOOL NOTES. Some Points of Superiority. Rotary Hook continuous Rotary Mo tion. Runs 50 per cent lighter and one third faster.than any shuttle macnine. Perfectly noiseless. No breaking or snarling of thread if the wheel is volved in the wrong direction. re- Automatic tousion releases .patent1 spool holder; no breaking of needles. Continuous Rotary Motion aujd Ball Bearing, rendering it tho lightest running and most rapid lock I stitch machine in the world. i Aman intending to purchase farm aery will first decide which, ia tho running and best adaptnl fi Iwork. Ho wants the b" lice, yet now olton jkman r . . .Aim ... IE a sewing raaclnl''akiii noo.M 3. Lena Frtderickson and Lossio New comb woro absent this week on account of sickness. llurBhol Allison occupied a cornor of tho room Tuesday, Thoro were threo tardy marks this week. Miss Loa and Miss Lomon visited tho school this week. Josh Brown, Charlio Garkoll and Abigal Lac wero abaont Tuesday aftcr noou. Prof Kcstor from Junction visited tho achool this woek. nooxi4. Edna Hambrick and Edna Wallace aro back to school this week. Chas. Hambrick returned to school this woek. Prof. Kaster of Jefferson visited room 4 Monday. Miss Ethel Walters lato from Minne sota entered our achool Tuesday. Lulu Kiser and Leta Sanford were out of school Monday on account of lickncss also Blane Jackson. About one-half of the 8th gr do wero successful in history examination. Misses Lea and Lemon visited our school Tuesday aftcrnoo n. The scholars of room 4 are very sorry to learn that on Saturday Arta Bennett had the misfortune while climbing a fence to have his hand badly shot by a shot gun going off accidently and is not able to attend school this week. Mr. Boyd took the pictures of our room Wednesday. Anna Van Riper was a visitor at aBtembly Monday. Robie Baker wa out of school Wednesday afternoon. Tho 9th grade had an examination in arithmetic Tuesday. We have not learned the results yet. Mr. Boyd took the picture of the school Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Alma Martin returned to school after ti few days sickness. room 5. "We were visited by Misses Lea and Lemon Tuesday. A new instrument of flageration was purchased yesterday. Chris Emerson was absent from school Tuesday. The 10 B grade had an ex.imin.itio n in grammer and most of them were successful. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ,Land Office nt Roseburg, Jregon, i November 23, 1899. Notice is , hereby given that' tho follow- inlr-named settler has lilod notice of his intention to i of has claim maul beffl I NOTICE FOR 1TB1.1CAT10N. Land Ofllco at ItoHcburg, Oregon, November in, 18M). Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-n ined settler haw filed nolle.) of his intention to make final proof in Humiort ofhip claim, and that mud proof will be Hindu before the ltegicter fc Keceiver V, S. Land Olllce at Hofoburg, Oregon, on January 0, 1000, viz: William A. Mc B.ieon'H.E. No. 7853 for the Lot'-', SW 1-4 NE 1-4, W 1-2 SE 1-4, sec. 12, T. 123 S R.8W. lid mimi'M tliu followinir witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis.: J. B. Rouse, II. B. McBeo, T. M. Grubbs, Reuben Stinnet, of Amos, Oregon. J. T. BlMDOKH, Register. R. A. SANDERS, l'HOl'HIETOIl OK BOHEMIA i SALOON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LandOfiico at Roneburg, Oregon, November 15, 1891). Notice 1h hereby given that the follow ing-niuned aottler has (lied notice of his intention to make final p oof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register it Reoeiver, U . S. Land Office nt Roseburg. Oregon, on January G, 1900, viz: Thiiddeus M. Grubbs on II. E. No. 7888 for the Lot 4, SW 1-4 NW 1-4, W 1-2 SW 1-4, Sec. 12, T. 23 S., R. 3 W. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W. A. Mo Bee, Reuben Stinnet, II. B McBee, J. B . Rouko, of Amos, Oregon. J. T. Bkukip.s, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Choice Brands. A Favorite Resort. COTTAGK GROVE, OREGON. GLASS United States Land Office, Rosoburg, Ore., October 4, 1899. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lauds in tho States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," Dell J. Estabrook of Washburn, County of Bay field, State of Wisconsin, ban this day tiled in this office his sworn statement No. 722, for the purchase of tho S E S E 14, N M S E , S E yx N E 4, being lots 7, 10, 9, 10 of Section No. 20, in Township No 21 S Range No. 1 W., and will offer proof to show that the laud sought is moro valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to ostablinh his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg, Oregon, on Thursday the 14 day of December, 1899. He names as witnessess: H. F. Hollenbeck of Eugene, Oregon, Austin Hoot nf Springfield, Oregon, Lewis Bierl of Albany, Oregon, J.C. Olsen of Eu gene. Oregon. Auv and all persons clniming ad versely the above-described lands aro requested to file their claims in this office on or before said 14 day of De cember, 1899. J. T. Bunions, Register. BROS. PROPRIETORS OF Cottage Grove Plank Mill! We are now prepared to furnish all kinds of Brackets, Mouldings, Cornice, Sash and Doors, Door and Window frames, Screen Doors, Windows, Pickets, etc. Woodwork of nil kinds made and repaired. We will also work Floor ing, Rustic, Siding, Ceiling, or size Studding, etc. PRICES REASONABLE SHOP NKAR S. P. DEPOT Bon Ton MEAT MARKET! NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. mlfjHon JnilKun NSl 1 1 .tlnal nroot in sumior fsaid nroof will be Ire, U. S. Com-H pne, Uregonbn HTh o maajfob n - NW 1-4 c any ,v 2.g witnesses to JSjresidenco upon U. viz: join, Joseph ot waiKcr, lOOKH. Register... M3ITURE and nil Parties O li not. awAMHHByse groin, ulIleremvSpKit) thevarioua machines. TlicVJwul Whoeler & Wilson sews one thirJJarastnr than other machines and throlfdi the adoption of ball hearings ia by bar the lightest running. J. W. Kays, Gen. Agt. J. W. Bounds, Local Traveling Agt. rifled that vA have tk.nnd money on Aa a euro for rheumatism Chanbor Iain's Pain Balm is gaining a wide reputation. D. B. Johnston of Rich mond, Ind., has been troubled with that ailment since 1802. In speaking of it lie aays: "I never found anything that would relievo mo until I used Chambor lain's Pain Balm. It acta liko magic with mo. My foot was ewollen and paining mo vory much, but ono good application of Paid Balm relieved mo. For aalo by Benson Drug Co., Cottago Grovo; Lyonb & Aimi.eqate, Drain, Druggists. . a. n- low Attorney-at-law Real Estate. DRAIN - - - OREGON. i.- .i -3K. hect4 mlninV?ffi district in Lan "Tho Climax" m order to hold said prcmMHBIptho provisions of Section 32fHts vised Statute); of tho United States, being the amount required to hold the said claim, for the ("years 1895, 1896, 1807, 1898, 1899, respectively j and if within ninety days aftoy tho completion of tho . publi cation of this notice, you fail, neglect or refuso to contribute your portion or portions ofsaid expenditures as co owners your interest or interests in said claim will becomo tho property of tho subscribers, under said Section 2324. 'Dated this Third day of November, 1899. Signed J . B. Morgan, J. W. Baker, W. W. McFakland, ' Charles MoFarland. Thomas Richardson. Land Office at Roneburg, Oregon, November 29, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the follow- inc-nnmed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in suppr-rt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register & Receiver, U. S. Land Office nt Roseburg, Oregon, on January 0, 1900, viz: WilJinm Lively on H. E. No. 9090 for the N U SW K,"SW K SW, eec. 8 T. 23 S R. 3 W. Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: E. Geer, H. C. Combs, of Amos, Oregon, W. A. McBeo, of Harris, Oregon, P. Mc Martin of Amqt, Oregon. v J. T. Bridges. Register. Main Street Cottage Grove, Oregon, Supply hoase for Cottage Grove and Bohemia. FRANK G ODVS . . . .Proprietor of The Popular Cigar and CofffR Fancy Canned Zunchti Dealer in Cigars of Low and Hi el Grade and Prices to suit the fj Main Street, Cottage Grove, Jri Ealdi) Bristol BANKERS. TraiusocKi ocncixKii ri(ii liuslncss la all Us Branches! CnlUjn Urora, OrS E LITL' SHAVING PARll O. K. Griffith, 1'rl Call on. B. L Picliird & Son -FOR- IIousc Pa in tin or, Paper' Ilaiiii Sifirn Work, Carriage Paintii Work (luurantertl COTTAGE GROVU, OR1 Cy. flillerl General Blacksmithii Two Doors North of Eakin A Briit Cottayc Grove, Oregon. DEPUTY U. S. Mineral Survey Send your orders by Tclephotte. W. H. Beagle, M'g'r. These Illustratrated Publications. Lan i 7EF NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Office at Roseburg. Oregon, rovemoer li, 1HUU. lven that the follow d notice of Will iik hknt hy tub Noktiikkn Pacific Railway Co., to any aiiiikkhs upon keckipt, in htami'h, ok othkit- WJHK, OF Till! AMOUNTS NAMKU WONDERLAND An annual publication of about100 pnges, gotten up in most attmctjfTHtvIo mid lieaiitifullvJttnstFHtedHll Ifillfohe. The contents (jf each nuinboraro varied and ditretKnt from its nredacessor. Tho a in suoport proof will bo Our fee returned if we fall. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patentability of same. "How to Obtain a ratent" sent upon request, ratents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Fateuts taken out throurih us receive special notice, without charcre. In The Patent Up.ponn. nn Illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and' Investors. oenaior sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & CO. Patent Attorneys,) Evans Building, WASHINGTON, D. C. r & Receiver. U. S. Land OfWeiltitoseburg, Oregon, on January 0, 1000, viz Georgo F. Ritchoy on H. E. No. 7857 for tho lot 1, SE 1-4 NE 1-4, E 1-2 SE 1-4, uec. 12, T. 23 S., R. 8 W. Ho names tho following witnesses to prove tiiu continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J. B. Rouso, W. A. McBeo, Roubon Stinnet, T. M, Grubbs, of Amos, Oregon. J. T. Unmans, Register. bj&j-iiOimiKiiN Pacikio has becomo noted for tins ptinucation. tub x-ineht in Railway I TKitATimK. Sond nix cents Special attention given to Mil Claims and procuring of Patent Grants Pass, Okhgoi s J. S. MEDLEY", Attorney At Law, Oltlre On Main Utrt, Cottage (trove, Oregon.! Wm. RENSHAW -THE EXCHANGE 1 ALH WALKER - DKAMR IK FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGAKS Main Street, Cottage Groee, rl. 1 CALL FOR COUNTY WARR'Kj NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oflico nt Roso,SK Orogon, Novom?3fn5, 1899. Notice ia hereby givon thfWSfhofollow-ing-nnmed settler has filed notico of his intention to make fin d proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be niado beforo tho Register & Receiver, TJ. S. Land Olllce, at Rosoburg. Oregon . on January 0, 1900, viz: Reuben Stinnet on II. E. No. 7243 for tho lot 1, SE 1-4 NE 1-4, N Yi SE 1-4, sec. 10, T. 23 S., R. 3 W. Ho names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: W. A. McBeo, J. B, Rouse, II. B. McBeo, T. M. McGrubbs, of Amos, Ore gon. J. T. BltlDGEH, Register. YELLOWSTONE PARK MAP A relief map of Yellowstone Park. Printed on firm paper, and Biiitnblo for mounting or framing nud for uso in schools, class rooms, etc. Tho liest map of tho Park that !h publicly distributed. Mailed in pasthoaru tubes. Send lOcts. MAZAMA PAMPHLET A nicoly illustrated pamphlet, descrip tive of Mount Ranier, Washington, the grandest i co-covered peak in tho United btates. bend two cents. KOOTENAI FOLDER An illustrated folder and relief map of tho Kootenai Region in BritishColunibin. nortn ot bpoKtinc. bend two cents. ARMY AND NAVY BOOK Tells about both the U. S. nnd Spanish armies and navies nt beginning of Spanish-American war. Map of Cuba and adjacent, islunds. A vest pocket history well worth preserving lor reference. Send ten cents. In sonding for these write tho nddrcss carefully, and state where- advertisement was scon. Chun. S. FKK, Gen. I'lMHtingtir Aront. ST. 1'AUL, MINN. Sol Davidson received his stock of iewelery this week and now has a very nice display. Notico is hcroby givon that thol lr.t..tnr u.n..nii(. .tll a naifl ntl IttB lun 111 t..i.iiin it... .... v. sUntation at my office on nnd aftorlQ tobor 14, 1891). Interest onYfniofl ceaso October 14. 1800: vilt Elm count warrnhtfi from registered J 6805 to 6090, both inclusive. D.ited, Eugcno, October 12, 1899. j A. 8 . PATTEnSOHjJ County Treasurers f. c. corset; MAKE American Bcautu Latest Models on lUcb : KALAMAZOO CORSET M SOLE MANUFACTURERS; SOLD 0Y Hemenway A Burkholderj