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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1899)
U'o Oi'(arlxe a Lthmi'ij. Litfl Momluy iivoning it niuiibur of Indies iiiid gentlemen of thin city mul In n tliu frim reading room ov.ur Mr. J'lpur'a hnidwaro atom lo (llmiimti witya mul moans whoroby u library iiaso dallon could bo organized, l'rofuaaor Ilollaiiil wiih uIiohuii chairman of tbo temporary organization mul Mr. Camper Lee, Noari'lary. Aftor homo dlMiiimdou a committee of 111 i co connoting of Mcmhih. .1. K. Voiiiik, V. It Phillip,' mul diaper l.w worn appointed by tliu cliuir to ilraft a conctltiitloii ami by lawn, Hiihl couiinitto to report at tho nuxt meeting, which wiih tliuu an nounced to bo on Monday evening at tliu rending room, liy motion (bu chair wiih lnHtruut cmI to wild anotlinr member to tbli committee, an. I om nowerllto act iih a committee on In vltation, with tlio view that they take special pallia to inttiroiit each and every , citizen to bo pronunt noxl Monday evening at which time, It in Imped a permanent library association will bo organized. J'liuiHiint liitfei'talmiiontr Tho young people of Cottage Oroya gave a pleiiHiul ontOi'taliimiuit at the Jti i it tn i 1 1 u hull liiHt Saturday evening. Tho bourn worn only too quickly howmI in tho participation of various game, and tho Untuning to of a short but ex cellent pmgruin consisting of liialrn ineiital and vocal iiiiihIo. ltefreahmeiiU worn nerved and thinrij who had tho honor of being piownt cxpHwd them iiolvca km highly pleased with the even ing's pastime. Thoo present were: MIhccm Dora ami Initio Watch, Sina and Ada Urrell, Daisy and Ida TIioiiihk, (traco llituionway, Mary ('nrriii, Dora Wanner, Kthel Knowitnn, ICthel Nokitu, Utlii'l Wooloy, Nfva l'otkinx, I,ou Me Kinney, Katlio Dennett, Alma Maitiu. MeittfrH. J. U'iloy. I'rod Jonw, Hoy Knox, Koy Ilomi'iiway. Almoti llomen way, Damiiml .Shfrwoial, C'urtiH Vt'attdi, Kllnirt Vuatch, (ior) Harry, Cr Ja'c, Haiti Itennett, Wyn Dnnclt, I' 1'hillipH, W. D. Cutburth, I'-d, Mc K ibid n, C. J. Howard. Star Tnlmrro Mini. Tin' Star lolwivo man iiiadt liic rogu lareall at thi several plaein of JhtilnO'K in thin idly Iact Patiiiday, dinliilaitliiK fiiiuploH of tho famoiiH tolmewi a well liamlHomo lit)raphf, for advartiHinic piirp ox, incliidinjj a vary neatly gotten tipom', tlio pi ineljib: feature of which ia a likt ncHM of Admiral Deway, and a fao imilc of the tt Iterant" unit tlio gtoat naval man, by the inuiiofautiiiorM of the Star tobacco, upon tin coimiKiiment of Milt) pouudri of tobacco to Ih distrib uted ai a free ft to tho moil com piiniiiK Dcwcv'h Htiadrui. A fnc Hi mile of (he letter of acknowledgment of tlio itceipt of tho connijtnnient, written by Dewey h a I no printed on tliu card. Sohl. The record pulilinlied at Huxoiiu by V. V. Moore, a competent newspaper loan and a lift cIuk. printer, waa taild thia week to Ahum & Sou, pulili.iliers of the llroad-Axe. Mr. Moore ftill rutatiia Ilia Job olllco and will hetoaftor confiiiu Ilia work lo that department. During Mr. MooreV iuaiiiij.'cuiciu of tho Kucotd lie liaa Hiiccocdod in buihlin up a ajilendid aiiluriptlou lint, and gavu Ida patroiiH a good papur for tint money. Wo regret to cee Mr. Mooru loavo tho 'neWapaper Held. ' Surjn-lsa J'at'tu. WedueHday ovouiiiK, at the rofIleueu f Mra. l'itchor, a Hiirprifv party was given in honor of MuHirx. Green l'ftchei and TliomiiH Hunt. The evening waa de liglitfully Hjient in conveyalioii, in atrnmuiital and vocal niiiwic, nmde more enjoyable by the corvine, of a (lolluioim lunch. The iucnta were: Mr. and MrH. I). T. Aubrey, Mr. and Mrt. II. Callifon, Mra. Mary Ilawloy, Mr. 1'hillipH, Mr McFarhmd, Miiwea Olhudia Carper, Minnie Spoil),', (iertrudu South worth, Irene Condon, Klla Wljjte,- Ollio Willard, I lattio Thompson, Kthul Cottle, Jharlottio White. Hitttetl. ?)wnz to a lack of cpnee, and tho iichs of tho hour, Hovoral ituma of in ''wt arc omitted from thia weuk'a if'eW Uoheiula Nugut, promiiiuii t I'lij them beinu oxtractH front a lottor i Henry 1-unilosa now nurving liiu ry at Manila. "Will LixiHttd. BpriiiKlleld Haw mill has been II. A. Skella of IviiikhIoii, iHl'10 l)l'LWIlt cujiacUy of thia 11 iout 2-1,000 feet and it ia remit ' .... ' lint tho new operator will in crclTapacity to about -10,000 feet LuhcI Mr. A. h. Whoolornnil Frank Uonnott of Man- tauiii; knto, M tlio una i, arrived noro ana nro iilild Mr. I. II. Voateh. HOIUUMM accidknt. Artlittr Anderson S. P. Fireman Mangled Untlur the Wlteolu. Arthur Aniloron, a Kiigene boy, in the employ of tho Southern Pacific fn tin capacity of fireman, had tbo iiil' fortune to lone hla left arm last Friday night at Hieo Hill, Douglas county. Arthur wan standing ovor tho coupling between the onglno ami tender when the coupling broku, causing u separation of engine and lender, he falling bu- twecn. Hit) arm waa Hovered near the Hlionldor and hglocoived olhor bruits ofa more or less neriuiis natuic. Ho WMa Inkdii Id Itfltofliilrt' ivliiirii liia '.wound worn looked after by tho com- puny aurgcon at that place, and thon traiiNporlud U rortlaud wheie he will i wad v IhalHrntof caro at the hospital at tho eouiainy'a oxiteii'o. Arthur inn good, af.wly, tiidfiMi'toua Imy, and ho hn tho alncere nympalhyof him many frluildn in hixaad nilliclion. IATkh. Word rHiichwl tho IlohcmiM Xujettet ..IH.... .1.... ...!.. II... I i uuminv inni .ill. jllHlurtH llieil at the lionpital in I'ortland tltat morn inj at 1 o'eliK'k. Tho renmliM weie brought to Eugene, hi former home, where Ihej; were biiriod. ' 11 &H)til Voil. 1. X. Green returned to Ktiyeno on Kritlay'a freight. C. II. Alexander of Kugeiie wm in the city 'I'lietalay. (ieo. CuinmltiK hne rctitnioil from a visit to California. Win. Orr and wife wore regiatored nl the Sherwood Ttietday. Attorney Voiiiik train-acted IokhI busi iichm in KtiKeue Thurnilay. ThurMlay'H north bound local was well loaded with paemnKeii. Mi Kvaliue Thomas returned to ltowlnny I'Viday afternoon. Hert Lake of Ilarrifburx was a visitor in College Grove Thumlay. Mr. I. II. Veatch, was a caller al tho Itoheiuia N'tiKKft olllco lant Tuoliiy. I'. I). Gilbert tho popular wholesale traveling man did the town Wcdneaday. ItepicfcntHtivtn Mi Queen and Gray of Itue Hjieut Saturday ami Sunday at home. Al Churchill, the old time tyK, was a valuable atudtitaiit in the Xuet oflice Thuiinlay. Charley Van Vraiiken of .liinetion City, apent Wednesday night in Cot taije Grove. iiev. M. j. Itnae, paator of tho l'iit Chriatian church at Ktiguuu waa in Creawell Monday. W. W. Shortridno, tho old time pioneer was in Cotfnge Grove over lust Thurmlay night. Mr. mul M re. Ilornee Mann have re turiiod home from a few dayti visit at Stuyton and Salem. Dr. Snapp, niadtMt ptofoMional vinit to Saginaw Monday morn i roturniiij,' on tho afternoon local. The ICuenB Citiard annouucee the re turn of Mr. Mil Hanson from a recent trip to San Irraucico. Kev. I,. Pray bliki, of the Catholic church of Kotfcuc, waa in Cottagu Grove Monday afternoon iind Tuesday. H. I.. Pickard, recently with M. S Marker of ICugcno, and formerly a retii dent of Cottage Giovu is doing tho city Dr. Oglosby of Junction, arrived j here Monday morning and wont to Wildwood in reapoimo to a profeional call from T. K.Tnuehutto, who i lying ... .... . ! very 111 at lua liome tuere. Kugeno Corbua, of Dallas, who ha boon identified with Southern Oregon mining interest for a number of year, and who formerly resided at liugene, waa a northbound paunger on Mon day morning's overland. C. J. Howard, editor of the Hohemia Xuggut, Cottage Grove, waa In Uugono today returning .homo by tho '2:10 local Mr. and Mr. L. X. Money returned from JJonwoll Springs thia morning. Mr. Konuty is much im proved in health.- Monday's Guard. jWVfj'WtHf. Al tho M. K. parsomigo, Cottago Grove, Ore., Jan., 18th 1800 by Kev. M. 0. Mrinlc, Mr. Ernest Purvaneo. to Miss Xolllo 12. Gurrin. Tho happy couplo are among Cottago Grove's moat esteemed young people, and havo the congratulations of a host of friend as they launch out on the voyage of life to- gelliei. Shako TTiindi. 6iring woathor. IJbbitt oap al Oumiiifiig & Jlu ton'.' Syrup at 05 ut. per pull at Kukln A Jirltow'. Wanted, toum one who uau toll tin the name of tho street. Salt Cheap at dimming t Iltisloii'a", Car load jmt received. For tho choicest Juiceat mduti call on tho City Moat Market. A nlco lino of canned goods ami priced i rfght at F. II. I'hll!i. J)j you av yon wanted lo subscribe 1 f,,r il.J Jhihomia tfuiwct? no " JSacon and I-ui il at the City Meat Mar ket. We keep only tho iikht. Item ember Dr. 1. 1 Hcofleld, DentiHt when you want dental work done. A full line of I.adieo and Genta Kur bdiinj? CoikIh at the Itacket Store. l.ixteu to the merry warbling of the ' blooming fioH, thuiie warm niuhtu. Don't bo afraid of hurtint? our feeliiia v imyiii in advance for the Nugget. ' ' ' ' " If you want any farm machinery go and je V. . I'hillipi, The Orocory- IIIHII. A turkey ahoot al Snxinaw deiuandwl the attention of a number of Cottage Grove bora lt Salurday. Xew line of tinting l'lannels jugt re ceived at the Xew York Itaeket Store. Golden Gale Jinking Powder at Kiikin & Hrietow's for 40 cent per in., chsIi. ituy your Ingredient for Mince Meata of Kakin t Itriittow. They keep the K--t. GHXU IN'li Oliver Chill and Steel 1'lown and Kxtraa at Kakiu t ItriMtow'n. When you want job work, call at the Nugget job room. Wo will do you good. Cranberriof, Orangea, Lemona, Sweet PotaUe and Hulk 1'icklea at CuiumingH & Huston. The crotwwnlk lietweoii Hristow A Kakin'a Iwuk and II ins ton A dimming' flora received some much needed re lating thia week. I take paiticuiar pain to keep the lioM and fre-liet rolleil ontn, Grandma' iihihIi, Guriuea, morning meal, fresh corn meal and buckwheat Hour. K. H.' I'hillipd. Seven narrow guage cars formerly of the Weal Side line went through on Thurwlay'a freight bound for Oakland, California, whore they will be put in he rv ice. Mr. Cy1 Miller, in having somo sub Ptautial impiovement done in front of 1 a its residence, on the street running north from the bridge. A new side walk and fence is being built. Wietar Hawthorne, miii of 1'iof. It. J. Hawlhoiiio of the University of Oregon, wdio waa a mem bur of Co C, now at Manila, died recently, his paiouta receiving the cad news Monday. A groat many improvement are now being talked of by the property owner in Cottage Grove. When winter break, the ound of tho ham mer and saw will be hoard on every street. Junius Hart and Jack Walsh bado their many friend good bye at the depot Tuesday morning a the north hound local came in and departed for Portland from which place they will go to Maker City w here they will work in tho mine adjacent. Come and get your Photij, Medium largo or Hinall Artist J X Hoyd will Surely please you all. Artisto I'latino Photo, oh 1 Who may compare With those in tho gallery. II 1 . II..! I ... ! Of Handsome Maiden fair. 1)1 IS I). Friday morning at Drain Mr. V. It Moore an old and highly ro pec ted eitixen of that place died suddenly. Ill son, Frank, wife and daughtor, and hrothor-iii-laws, Messrs. L. M, and J T. Howland, of Kugeno, passed through this city on Friday afternoon's local to be in attendance upon tho funeral. Tho lit tlo babe of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jordan died at tho family rosidonco Sunday morning, aged 2 mouths and 25 days. Tho littluouo had boon Buffering for Kovoral weeks, and atliist passed out of this troubled world, to bo wafted abovo on angel wings. Tho funeral Vtts hold at tho house Mev. MoGco olllciating, and tlio inter mont took place at tho Shield gravo yard. Camming & Huston. A LONG NEEDED WANT SUPPLIED, By W. W. TREAT, Dealer in With the attrcliincnt of a ... Sheet jU'OBB, Tin stairi grsrv All kinds of Sheet Iron work done to order, light'or heavy; Hydraulic pipe for placer mines; smoke stacks for engines, and all kinds of repairs; Copper and Tin Smith work a specialty: I will save my. customers freight on all heavy goods, es pecially on Hydraulic Pipe and Smoke Stacks, either from Port land or'San Francisco. A large and well selected stock of Mining goods, including Picks, Shovels, Axes, Gass and Water Pipe; Steam Fittings, fcr mills and hoisting works; Iron and" Steel Nails, Bar Iron, Wagon tires, House Furnishing Hardware, Farm Implements, Wagon Trimmings, Wooden Ware, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Clothes Lines, Wire and Rope, Churns and Dairy Outfits. STOVES AND RANGES " Tin and Granite Ware in an endless variety; Mill Brooms, especially heavy, for mill work only; Candles and Mining Candle Sticks. 'V "W. "W". Treat, - Cottage GrrovC Or. Cy. Tlil!ei General Blacksmithing. Two Doors North of Kakin k Bristow's Cottage Grove, Oregon. Dr. tfw. V. a&ttpp, Physician it Surgeon, Cottago Grove, - - Oregon. GO TO Mrs. Pet Ssmfford's, -vow- Main Street, Cottago Grovo, Or. I.H UrliniuSiioeoswfuUy TriMttml. ''I havo just recovered from tho second attaok of la grippe this year," says Mr. James A. Jones, publisher of the Leador, M.e.xiu, Texas. "In tho lattor case I used Ohaniborlain's Cough Uoniedy, and I think with oonaidorablo success, only being in bed a little ovor two days aginst ten days for tho former attack. The second attack I am stitislled would havo boon equally as bad as tho first but for tho nso of this remedy as I had to go to bed in about six hours aftor bo ing 'struck' with it, while in tho Urst place I was able to attend to business about two davs before getting 'down.' " For sale by tho llensou Drug Co., Cottago Uimo and Joe J-y.uL oi Ve.i'm, It is reserved .f6r .Copper Smith's tfJsimifsictory! t Clearance Sale! In order to dispose of my stock Goods, I will, during the month of January, sell all good in my line at greatly reduced prices. I have also a nice assort ment of ribhons, ornaments, etc. Call and get our prices. Aflna'Heirjriclj, Storo ono door south of tho Now York Racket Store. , Cottage Guovk, - - Onu. Wanted ! Reliable man for Manager of Branch Office I wish to open in this vicinity. If your record is O. K., here is a good opening. Kindly mention this paper when writing. A, T, Morris, Cincinnati, O. Illuottated catalogue 4et postage. Ore