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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1899)
Devoted to the Mining, dumber and farming Interests of this Community, to Cood Government, and Hustling for a Living. VOL. I .Cottage Grove, Oregon, JPviday, Jan. 27, 1899. Kfn o GOTOi Griffin For All HAED WAKE, Stoves, Tinware; Ropes, Pumps, Pipes, and Plumbing Goods; Plain and Barbed Wire; Coal, Iron and Steel; Garden Tools, Plows, Axes and Amunition. Mining IBYill Stock of We Meet Eugene Prices. Griffin & Veatclf Jur(lVare GonIP"y, llnw to I'mvrnt rnrMiiintilH. Yon uro perhaps uwaru that pucunio- ilu always results from a cold or from an Htmtk of lu grippe. During tlmciiideni- !e of lajgrippo nfow yearH ago when ho iiuny cases resulted In pnoumonia, it was observed that the attack wan never (followed y that disease when Chaiubor- in'H Cough Remedy whh used. It counteracts any tendency of a cold or 1 grippe to remilt in that dangerous din- anso. It is the bent remedy in tlio vorld for bad colds and In grippe. Jwery bottle warranted. For Halo bv Itho Benson Drug Co., Cottago Grove and Uoo J,yons of Drain. ATTENTION. All pcrsoiiH interested in a itulillo jibrary are invited to meet in the read ing room over 6. It. Piper's Htoro on Monday ovoning Jumiary 23 at half Nstsovon for the nurnoso of ori?indz- ')g u library association. COMMITTKK. FOR SALE, A first class, three seated hack. for ilo cheap, Call at this; ofllco, Eakin & Bristow's $ And so do the bargains we arc offering you in Dry OooclK, Ircw,s CJomis, Furnishing' ftoiMlH, Clothing, Itoots, Shoes anI Ktih- J lier Gooritt, muke your money Co Farther Than Ever Before. A & Yeatcli, Kinds Of Supplies, Waoroii Material. C.Jf. YANDENB UliQ, Manager. Collage drove. Oregon. Acllvc Solicitors Wanted Everywhere For "The Story of the Philippines" by Murnt Ilalstcad, eommlssionod by tho (ioverninout as Oircial Historian to tho War Department. The book was Writ ten ti nrtiiv fiimmu nt Kim lVitlifIifn fin ! the Paciflu with Gen. Merritt, in the hospital at Honolulu, iu'IIong Kong, in tho American trenches at Manila, in tho insurgentcaiup with Aguiuuldo, on tho deck of tho Olynipin with Dowoy, and in tho roar of tho battle at tho fall of Manila. Bonanza for agents, Brimful of original pictures taken by govern ment photographers on tho spot. Large Imok j low prices. Bigprollts. Freight until. Orodit. elven. I)mi nil ItiihIiv unofiioial war books. Outilt free. A(- dress, F. T. Barber, Seo'y., Star Insur auce Bldg,, Chicago. Tutho Putillo. W.i nrrt nntlinrtvfwl tn irllnrn titnn nvnrv bottle of Chainberlain'R Cough Remedy and If not satisfactory to refund tho money to the purchaser. Thero is no better inedicinomado for la grippo, colds and whooping cough. Prico 25 and 50o por bottle. Try ' it. For salo by tho Benson Drug Co., CottagcGrovo and Joe Lyous of Drain. QUI papers for sale at this office, OF INTEREST TO MINERS. I The Law Goverening and Relating to Mining Claims. (Of Intureit to miner ami mine owners con. tinned from lat week' Uat:c. A cut or crosscut, or tunnel, which cuts the lode at-a depth of ten feet, or an open cut at least six feet deep, four feet wide, and ten feet in length along the lode from the point where the same may be in any manner dissovered, is equivalent to such discovery shaft. Such work shall not be deemed a part ol the assessment work re quired by the revised statutes of the United States. Section 4. Abandoned claims shall be deemed unappropriated mineral lauds and titles thereto shall be obtained as in this act specified without reference to any work previously done thereon. Section 5. Mining claims so located shall thereafter be deemed real estate, and the owner of the possessory right thereto shall have a legal estate therein, within the meaning of Section 316 of Hill's Code. Section 6. Prior to obtaining of patent from the general govern ment of the United States to such claim the same shall be exempt from taxation except as to the im provements, machinery and build ings thereon. Section 7. All conveyances of mininjr claims, or of interests therein, eithet quartz or placer, shall be subject to the provisions governing transfers and mortgages of other realty as to execution, recordation, foreclosure, execution sale and redemption thereunder, but such redemption, by the judg ment debtor, must take place with in sixty days from date of con firmation or such right is lost. Section 8. In case of redemp tion from sale under judgment or decree the redemptioner shall pay such suru or sums as are now re quired by law for redemption u dcr execution r.ale and such ad ditional sum as may have been ex pended upon the property so re deemed by the purchaser under execution or his assigns in order to keep alive the possessory right thereto after such execution sale, not exceeding the sum of one hun dred dollars for each claim, with ten per centum interest thereon from date of such expenditure or expenditures. section 9. Ditches and mining flumes, permanently affixed to the soil, are hereby declared to be real estate; provided that whenever any person, company, or corporation, being the owner of any such ditch, flume, and the water right ap purtenant thereto, shall cease to operate or exercise ownership over said ditch, flume, or water right, for a period of five years, and every person, company, or corpo ration who shall remove from this state with the intent or purpose to change his or its residence, and shall remain absent one year with out using or exercising ownership over such ditch, flume, or water right, shall be deemed to have lost all title, claim and interest there in. Section 10. Any and, all loca tions or attempted locations of quartz mining claims within this state subsequent to the thirty-first day of December, 1808, that shal not comply and be in accordance with the provisions of this act shall be null and void. Section 11. That all contracts of mining co-partnership commonly known as grub-stakincr shall be in writing and filed for record with the Recorder of Conveyances of the county wherein locations there under are made; such contracts must contain, first, the names of the parties thereto, and, second, the duration thereof. Otherwise, such contracts snail be null and void. Section 12. That chapter XIII of the code of civil and crimina procedure in" justices courts, and sections 3827, 3830, 3831, 383a, 3833. 2834, 3835 and 3836 of Chap ter LX, Hill's Annotated Laws of Oregon, be and the same are here by repealed. Section 13. Whereas, under existing laws there is great un certainty as to mining titles, and the abuse of rights to locate there under is detrimental to the mining industry of this state this act shall be in force and take effect 011 and after the first day of January, 1899. Passed by the Senate Oct. io, 1898. Joseph Simon, President of the Senate. Passed by the House, Oct. 12, 1898. E. U. Carter, Speaker of the House. Hauler Take Notice! Wo tho undorsigned property ownors do from this dato forbid any porron or porsons from hunting, orothorwiso tres passing upon our promises. I Any person or persons found guilty of tho same, will bo prosecuted to tho full extent of tho law. Datod this 23rd day of Dec., 1898. Goo. W. Whitaett, J. A. Sears, ' W. G. Killingbook. Home. ' Loris Johnson, son of tho lato Pro fessor Johnson, of tho U. of 0., who was a member of Co. 0 at Manila, has been honorably discharged a,nd arrived homo Friday tho 20 inst, a i walker items. Wm. Hrtwley of Row Itfvur wan doing business in this vicinity one day last week. Quite a number of young people of this place attended the revival meetings at Crcswoll Sunday night. Miss Edith Tozier of Creswell wan visiting with Misa Etta Weeks hint week. Miotics Pearl Smith and Nora Wright weio visiting in the Grove ona day lat-t wct-k. s Rev, Wm. Gardner preached at tho church Sundav morning. It is rumored hero that Mr. Gcorgo Walker will commence tho erection of a new store building just west of M. C, Smith's store at once and will open up with a stock of dry goods and groceries as soon as possible. A most pleasant and unique affair was given by Misses Bertha Tait and Jessie Wright at tho residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Tait Wednesday evening Jan. 1899. The first part of tho evening was spent in musio and later came the bundle party, which was very exciting, Mr. Fred Robinett received tho first prize and Miss Jlyres tho booby prize. When through with this they were in. vited into the dining room where q delicious lunch was served. CEDAR CREEK NEWS, J. E. Chandler and son Charlie paid, tho Grove a visit Thursday. Mr. and .Mrs. G. W. Kelley went to Royal Monday to vlbit with their daughter Mrs. II. M. Damewood, Arthur Chandler, is working nt tho Booth-Kelley mill. A. A. Kelley, who is working for J, B. Rouso of Amos, visited at homo San day. J. E. Chandler mado atrip, ta Amoa Saturday returning Sunday, W. L. Edwards made a trip, to. Cot tago Grovo Monday, Misses Mablo and Myrtlo Whltbrk visited with tho Misses Edwards Sun day. GlP3EXv ' A ao-MILI, TAX The Tax Levy Two and One-Half; Higher Than Last Year. Wo are indebted to the. Register for tho following: ' Tho county court mado tho 1898 tax levy yesterday. Tho levy is 20 mills, 2)6 mills higher than last year, and divided as follows : .. ' Stato , J. 5 740 County 8 School ' fi Couft House 1 3-10 Total 20 The raiso is caused in tho state tax. which is nearly throo mills higher than last year. Last yoar'a tax levy was 17J mills. tnOrlpiio Successfully Treated, 'I havo iust recovered from tho second attack of la grippe this year," ays Mr, James A. Jonos, publisher of the Leader, Moxia, Texas. "In tho latter case I used Chnmborlain's Couch Remedy, and I think with considerable success, only being in bed a little over two days aginst ten days for tho former attack. Tho second attack I am atisflod would have been equally as bad as tho first but for tho use of this remedy as I had to go to bed in about six hours' after be- ing 'struck' with it, while in tho first place I was able to attend to business about ,two days before getting 'down.' " Forsalo by the Benson Drug Co., Cottago Grovo and Joo Lyons ot Drain, Snow Is vory deep in tho mountains. Last woeks rain served to settlq it down soiuo four or flvo feet. I take nartioular nains to keen tho beat and freshest tolled oats, Grandma's mush. Gcruiea, morning meal, fresh corn meal and buckwheat flour. F B, Phillips. .f.