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About Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1899)
BOHEMIA NUGGET. C. J. HOWARD EDITOR. Hulinrrhitlnn price, Wl.50, In ndvnnrc. AiUortUliiR ntn nmdn known upon nppllnitluu. Friday, Jan 201899. to Tin: run. Lie. We have just dropped down among you in n quiet sort of way, but we wish to assure you that, if a fair opportunity is given us, and we have no reason to think that it will not be given us, we have come to stay. For a number of years our eye has been cast this way with the view of some day conducting a newspaper here, and now we are realizing our dream of many months. We do not come to you with a view of turning the world upside down by way of great literary pro ductions, and long winded edi torials. We have taken up bur abode among you with the view cf making a decent living, and, with economic management, hope to gather together a few of the world's goods that we may be comfortably fed and sheltered in the rainy season of life. Our politics are, have been, and, always will be, republican and this paper shall attempt to be useful to its party at such times as its ser vices are needed. However, we are firm in the belief that every man even newspaper men have a perfect .right to their political preferences, and we-detest personal views. . We do not believe that because we have a hat full of Long Primer type and a Washington hand press that we are a little god, and that it is our mission in the newspaper field to advise and tell our law makers and administration how to Hurra for Hurra. Let's get in and work. Governor Gcer, the top-'o, the mornin' .to ye. It's one town now by the eonseii of all the people, and the compli ments of the Oregon legislature. For thcbcncfit of all strangers, and neighboring towns we wish to state that this is Cottage Grove. Some one has said that nature never makes a mistake. If so, how about the natural born fool with his unloaded gun. Ok Announceme n Governor Geer has started out on the right lead, and in the lan guage of the footballist, he will score a touch down every once-in-a while. He also plays good in terference. Play ball Governor, play ball. So Ton. lOwto That -ir '' Through IiwoMiigt Well, we are"""5 and we Hud that we have too much stock nud tlmt it must he , Greatly Reduced Hint wo mnv make room for our immense stock of spring 00ds now'.ou'Ihc'rond; ' " F .30 Days For (lie 'JSTexl; TMr(;y Bays . I. 1 We will sell goods at puces tlmt win asiomsu yoiu 1 30 Day In vour conversation, from now on don't ever 'mention the "other. side;" lay that phrase on the shelf for all time: don't ever mention it 1 in a joke. Because people will! wonder what you are aluding to;.. . H ... . sake don't repeat I ....,..., i A movement is now under way in this city to organize n library association. It is a wis and good move. No city of the size and importance of Cottage -Grove ' can nfibrd to be without such an or ganization. Every citizen in Cot tage Grove should become inter ested in. this luonosition. as, no in their repeat I ,i VIU1M ; ,.1Hi ml ?t on the old, old story. Remember, that 1 ... rm.(,, BlltU loc to the city, and is, next to the great and for goodness sake henceforth there is no dividing line. public school system in out land, the greatest educator within the reach of all. The younger classes Nearly every stranger who ar rives here when asked for his oDinion of our town inveriably re-i marks "Your town is alright, but Income interested, and in so doing, your streets are the worst I ever find it one of the greatest benefits, saw." That's alright Mr. Strnwrcr. i'-'.ucatioimlly and morally. If you You can throw "mud" at us this j open the doors of a well organized year; but when vou come this way and stlected library to the young novf season we will throw crushed I boys and girls, you aid in turning their thoughts into the right channel, and in place of racing the streets of evenings you will find rock and gravel at you. The Bohemia Nugget is in re run this government. If don't know more than we they about governmental affairs they ought to, and they are supposed to, and we are perfectly willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. They draw the pay, and so let them go, if they want our advice we want the pay. However we think things are going about right at present. It. shall be our aim to get out a trood local paper, devoted to the growing interests of this city and vicinity; and from our way of think ing, if we do that we will fill the bill satisfactory to the majority of our people We earnestly solicit the support of every republican who is desirous that a republican paper shall live here; the support of every citizen who is anxious that a wide-awake local paper shall be published here; of every business man desirous of assisting a paper, that will furnish good reading matter to subscribers who are likewise good patrons of business houses and readers ofad- vertisements. Remember that a paper cannot live on wind and promises. The business man tells us that it takes money to buy gpods; it also takes money to buy paper, and it takes patronage to make a newspaper a successful one and one calculated to wield influence. To. those who have so kindly offered us advice and given their friendly support we extend our thanks. We should bc6pleased at any and all times to receiye calls from one and all. We shall endeavor to treat you right, and shall appre ciate any interest you take in us. Respectfully, Editor. r- . t r 1 r . l . . ceiptoiuieoaiemDiamaucw thcm themselves j the veareciuion. u is a nugmurcm currcnt iitcnilure of the day and number, showing the unexcelled .. decp i(Uo forgolt0I1 lore enterprise of the management of.. ... csoecial business that paper as well as the rustling j . . ... . sUcccMt capabilities of its corps of editors! and reporters. In a mechanical 1 ,vhv silolli(i ot Cottatre Grove bright future? Many a sense is coast. not excelled on the Pacific Cottage Grove has every natural advantage, and there is nothing to hinder her in coming rapidly to the front as a prosperous commercial town. The advantages are here. It only remains for her citizens to get into harness, pull together and lift her into the front rank of prosperity. Let's .keep the wagon of enterprise a tolling. FOE FAIR BARGAINS, G O TO TI-I J5 j New York Racket Where you .wi'l find a nice line or presents suitable lor uirisunas, ns well ns n large and select stock of Dulles at Gents Turnisbibs Goods OT.OTT I L(J. J BOOTS & KHOIOir -Ot.r Prires ari Reasonable and Bound to Please You.. WALL ft eilTLH, Prop's. 'IMje 'Fnsliioi) Stufoles, W. S. Chrisninn & Son, Props. I,riirli'lir nf till- llullt'llllll mill llliiik Unit.) s:jot M 11 1 11 have a bright future? town, long ago grown into promi nence, hasn't half the natural ad vantages. We h ive, to commence with, an enterprising class of people; 1 an unexcelled farming commu'iity; magnificent timbsr landi; larg? saw mills; splendid flouring mills; , (ft and last but not least, the coining gold minesof Oregon. Stnit, Colliiiie Urovr, tl -rr l The 1899 annual number of the Oregonian has made its appearance. It is not necessary that the country editor should eulogize this mag nificent number of one of the greatest if not the greatest paper published west of the Rocky moun tains. Few of us can find words with which to express our praise regarding it. However it is an assured fact that it is the pride of every Uretjon newspaper man s heart. It shows that the printing business lives and flourishes out West; that Oregon is a great state; that. Portland is a business center of the Pacific coast worthy of much consideration; that the Oregonian is a great paper. Attorney Geo. Kinsey of Eu gene, who stood trial hist week l2 fore the U. S. supreme court, Port land, charged with conspiracy in unlawfully landing Moy Quoy, a Chinese laborer, has been acquitted. However it was just by a scratch, and the legal gentleman will tlo well to keep out of such mixtures in the future. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. When you discover that your boy or girl has a talent in some particular line, encourage them and give them every opportunity to im prove iu that line. Don't try to whip or argue your children into some other line of thought just be cause you haven't a liking for the occupation they show a desire to follow. Give them a chance and all the encouragement you can, and nine times out of ten you will be proud of them in your old age, whereas if' you work them into some other line, foreign to their liking, you will in after years be under the painful necessity of ad nutting that they arc a "failure." All subscription accounts due the Messenger, are te be paid to Mr C J Ilownrd, and all subscribers who have paid in advance will re- ..SClIy first (lilSS. $ to n GO TO J. P. CURBIN, For Anything and Everything in the ittlst's Cine, mall Paper, Paints, Oils, Varnish Etc. Willi f-tncl - CottHfo Ororc, (Junli'dllfi l.tu-nlvil. Mvit All TiuiIiih. Boh emm ceive the paper until the end of the time, up to which they have paid. HouACJt Mann. Xotl:. Ah I inn now located and oxpeut to reiiitiin in Cottiif?" Cirovo, 11111 jiifpiirdl to givu lotwoMH in Voij:o Cultiiro, 11 1 bo In Singing. TIioho riosirinij innlriiution, ploatio cull nt my homo on Tuuxilayg or L'riduyfj. Mat). Ku,a B1u.11.01. 12-10 rt- V I 1 1 . 1 P. . f 1 i 1 uuueruie painiui necessity 01 au J. A, fceuia fll t. x .. . 1 . I milliner flint lli(v nm n ('ffii1,it-n " ti. ...nt . . I rlvVl f LdULUtHV. ' ...... ....j ...v ...iiiiiv. H , KllllllJIPei'K, 1 IIllllllTH Tal( Nollci'l Wo tlio nndoiBiKiicd proj)orty ovvnorM, do from tliia Onto forbid any purnon or porsons from hunting, orotliorwiuo trH paseing upon ourpromlsoa. 'Any poison or persona found guilty of thoBamo, will bo progouuted to tliu full oxtuut of tlio law. ( Dated thin 28rd day of Dec, 1808. . Goo. W. WhiUott, J. A, Keaia, V. G. Killinl)ci'k. UK ADQUARTK RS FOR TRAVELING MEN. SAM I Kate From .fll. to $2. J'tw Do 11. Siu-clat llati H For Yn'i A nit Ha 77o H'trA. Hotel, in& Sing. P'l iN. jt PUJ ROOMS FRli Main Street,! 1 Cot tune Grar,0 CITY MEAT MARKi P'. W. RHODES, Prop. Is the place to meats, laid, etc. go to buy your fresh and Everything in the shop is firs FISIB ARB GAJNL13 m Insure KfrJkcd Mans. I OJV. Your Px'operty In The old Reliable ftiircd States Tnsurawe go. II. Mann, Agent. i