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About Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1911)
10 (Uhr (iïnitag? (Bnmr io n iu m .E u X il û m PA GE S ( on VOLUMI. VI ELECTRIC MAY COME HERF. VALLEY E X H IB IT IN OMAHA. Willamette** Products Will Advrr tine Fertile Oregon. IIUSTL1NG ON RART OF CI'l IZF NS The W illiim rtlr Valley exhlhit I ihh urrived in Omaha. Thr exhibit left Tori land Saturday iu u baggage cur uttachrjl to a mail train and made a quirk trip. is IIKDKD AGI GROVK, (JHI.GON. I RIDAY. (X TOBI R I i. 1911 FAMOUS TAFT SMILE HERE FIVE MINUTES New Road Muy I m * Sciured fur Giove If Coiidltiuub are Show» l o " I Hiippn»r if is n i|ucNtio*t between etiming and the crowds turned nut. The exhibit m u good representative you people of w It it-li is tin- hotter, heav Congressman Hawley introduced the He Favoritole. diapluy of Vullry priMluet*. it m- en or the W illam ette,’ ’ with a slight president, who thanked the people for e liid r N lluHlling Oli a Hplrndid exhibit of araina und thè laaning towards the Willamette, su'd liulili' Holiri'n (Imi if d ir pinpnaltinn in a g ita t ili unii n gc nuoie • Muri limili' In delooliNtrate diut C otta ge firn ve I ihk dii' reattori'«'» lo inake il un indurement fur dii* noni lo limili hi , timi d ir Ore gon K l r r I r l i ' l ‘n, w ili rniiHlder d ir prop i in 1 1 li ni ut mirti, unii il | m ir i inliiiiutiuii liuti uurli un at tem p i w i d b r rimile « i l i Ninni u rr|irenrut ulivi*, iiimmlily Presi tirili l i m y 1 11 in mi * I f , lo look d i r n 1 1 liti limi iiver. Tln* rnud in nlrrinly Iniilil ina mio F!ugt*lle, unii wlll il itili Mi I ■ t i*«l ly, Iniilil die tu i n d u r i ' future, liut liruve limi Ninne tinu* in futuri* run, no yruru In t>ia diNpluv of vegetable* and pruserv- rd friutu. A note worthy part of the exhibit iu a culluedoli of Nplriaiid pumpkin» und »ipm»heN und ina vege- t u ld r N o f other kind» from the Junc tion City Pumpkin »how. A large por tion o f da- Marion County und Benton County cxhihiU ut the State Fair ia included io tin- diNpiuy, The men wlio went to Omuhu in barge of the exhibit ure 0 . C. Free man, of Ktigcne ; W. F‘. (Irovea, ol Cor vallis, and .1. C. liollirook of Albany. “ Long on Crops uud Short on Sense.” The above »object WHM talked iijmiii at tin- MethiNliHt cliun h lu»t Sunday iiy |iro|»rr Work un III.' puri o f *huiM* iiiout Pualor Sutelilfe. The brother umde a lo lo* l»rt letti liti li) d ir building o f thè a....I talk and ciin I no iiiNtiiuutionx at riuoi. the farm er». I have no fuult to find l'In Si'iitiliel umlrratuniU limi olir will) tlie diucourue, liut it would »i-em d raw b ac k lo d ir rnad’» ru rl y building to the ordinary layman limt the church I n d ir euliorliltunl p rir r timi in u n u u II) ronaidcm the funner in uliout the Name un ki*ii f o r n r i g h l - o f - w a y . If u n p M liuhl a» other organizations. ilut I o f wuv run tu* tìerurril ni u reumni- waul to »ay riaht lie re timl tlie time utili' p rirr unii II ih Iliade to uppi'ur limi in not far dlNtunl when tin- farmer will lllorr i n ti aoml l'Iiunrr tu puy diviilriulN make up in number wimt in- in laekiiiK un thr UivrHtturni, d ir rumi in h pii»»!- III Nt-like. The he'idmx ih true pro- hilily. vided one word iiad been »pellcd riaht, T h r l omini'rriul rluh I iiin lirrn in e-e-li-t-N, IliHteud of Nt-iiNe. And thut funiiril ul thr ni I u h I ioii uiul Botile ile all com«* about iiy the farmers riot Hut tliey un a whole veUipineiitN ari' rxpeetcd in d ir nrur taing organized. future. are lieainuina to realize their |M>»i*ton. Hut it M en u a» Ihouah tin-re I n un W u rd e n tu K u fo rce C hin a B h r jb u u t clement in thin town Hint in not oiut-ii in fuvor of tlie farm er» ami laiNirt-r» Luw. In ni HMrr tu thr i|Ur*tioli wliieh I iiin aettuiK lt»ae*lher lor tlu-ir mill .til ben Imen rumeil ili rtgurd lo w r u n n r of efit, mn they cun not « f t toaetber with ImlN Irilllllinl Wllll fruthrrN ot dir out being dl»turiH*d In Nome manner I titilli plietiNuiit, Stilli* diluii* Wurden At one of tlie aranat- ineetma» not Iona W iliiulti I.. T ulle) I iiin rimili' d ir follow- * a ° u«>me drunken «nluli- fenced up the hull with a board anil wun found tur «lulein ent : liatenina at the nnti-riM>m door. Ami " T h r ilu lir» uf uur ufHce urr to (ire v rn l dir illegal killing uf irunn* nnd in at the luNt mretina of tin* arunae Home thut wc will ilo e v e r jt ln n g luumililr lo buy» a<’t loaether in tlie city tin 11 ami rurry out d i r luw. I tu' luw in regard lilured their horn» at the ope-n window» 10 d i r l'hiuu pheUNiintN in v r r y Ntnet until called dowu Iiy the mauler of the •imi if interpreti-li correetly woulil pre- Xraiiue. And not Iona »litre tlie farm- Vrnl tln* weMUIig or huvilig 111 punire*- . era und luborern «ot toac-ther ut the NImi o f uuy f r u llim i, tuli Olir elfurtu ■iruud to liNti-n to a mail talk tliat call will In- dirrcletl olii) aglina t tlioNr (lav ed hiriiNelf a ScH-ialiat, and ilurina near ina in thclr pn*Ni-NHimi frulhrru of thr ly the whole of tlie tnik there wun a Commotion and peculiar iioioe» over Ini.I h Nilleil Olirli,« d ir eluseli ni - unuii . " I n r i a r i i tu d i r u-e o f tln- fru thrrN head in the hull above, very much to 011 Imi» w r will prmu'i'Ute uny mie who the annoyance of the »pcakcr and hi» l.ut d ir in fur Nulr, l'Ut untone (lavina iiutanera. The partiea that were there ieulherN ni Iheir puN»e»Niun or wruri ua are known, but it in not known wheth thein whieh w er e luken frolli liiril» er the diNturhunre waa intentional or kiilril wlirn thè ne li uon w u» npi'ii or not. Nevertheleaa it wan there and the who ( ihn frutliiTN luken troni u pliumieil ccuaionwiil nut lie foraotten iiy them Inni, timi in u Inni ruiHnl in euptivily, | tliut liHteiied to it. nri'd noi ir ur pruareutiun ut our band». And 1 would uuy further tliut mime If lite luw «vere in t r r p r e l n l .-trictl) of the»f people thut think thut the tliiiHe wlioar bave Ntulfeil turili in their funner ¡» »hurt tin uenue could not do houli*» would In* liiihle lo proHeeulloli. oiie-tiulf hn wed on tin- farm un the *'.\ Idimiah I Iiuvr hei'li ipiolrd in 'hi meet »enueleuu farmer thut we liuve. pu»l u n Miiyma timi I would arre-l uny . Siam s A H A S HF.KN F A R M K R . ■ In tiri, lo* riMlueml Nrvrrul McREYNOLDS VICE-PRESIDENT. ROAD IS was elected second vice-president of the I.ane County Veterans’ association Bids Ordered for Auother Hose Cart at the 13th annual convention which and Accepts Donation of Ground ended at Springfield Saturday. and Lumber. Following is a complete list o f the j,orticera elected for the coming year: v* j.- l.alhrop, Eugene, p residen t;C . No more ugly sheds or foul-smelling M. Iiority, Springfield, first vice-presi barns built on the city streets. No dent; G. W. Me Reynolds, Cottage more large signs overhanging aide- Grove, second vice-president; S. A. walks and obstructing the view. Or- McKay, of Creswell, third vice-presi- di.unices providing these things were dent; H. E. (.rum, Eugene, treasurer ; 1 ordered drawn at the meeting of the E. F . Chapman. F.ugene, secretary ; city council Monday night and will lie kev. J. W. Perkins, Springfield, chap- up for consideration at the next meet- DEVELOPING REFERENDUM ADJOURNED I Fdght Years of Existence. ing is Postponed. TO PROHIBIT EYESORES Local Veteran Honored by Recent Meeting of Association. C ITY COUNCIL ORDERS SE VKRAL (i. W. M'-Keynolds, of Pottage Grove ORDINANCES DRAWN. their cordial welcome. Pointing out a baby in the crowd, he likened it to the his five-minute »top here yesterday on beautiful and luscious fruit of the hia western trip. valley, and said it was a pleasure to The Southern I'aeilir yards were see such babies. crowdisl with citizens and those who As the train pulled out he answered had come in from tlie »urrouiidina the cheers with his famous smile and Country to see the nation's chief execu waved good bye. tive uh tin- Taft special pulled in at Tin- Misses Flora Phillips and M ar *a ' n- 2 In p. in. Whistle» and bell» hud been guerite Johnson presented the presi The convention paaaed resolutions fa- blown us a Nignu1 that the special was dent with a lieautiful basket of runes. voring the passage o f the -Sherwood pension bill with amendments suggest ed by the National encampment G. A. k ., and expressing opinion in favor of the Sulloway hill if practicable. The program o f the three days’ ses 0. & S. F-.'S ANNUAL REPORT OCTOBER 24th SET AS DATE FOR sion was good and the manner in which SHOWS HEALTHY GROWTH. RESUMPTION. it was carried out was perfect. The next annual convention of the Groks Earning* of Road Have In With Very Little Real Progres8 Lane County Veterans’ association will creased 500 Per Cent During , Having Been Made Hear be held in Eugene. puri ni llH Cltl/I'IIH aruNar», ineludina grains iu aluN»i n , 10 President William Howard 'I aft duriog luuy ini'Mii un ••leclrlc rnud fot Cottage hoxt-N o f u p p ir » , 10 lioxeu of pearu, a liru v e in tln' iwitr futuri', The Senti nel li un rrritivi’d inforiiiul lini frinii u rr NUMBER 3 Those registered from here were L. B. Woodard, G. W. Me key no Ids, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gardner and Mrs. Mary Dickey. ing. Another ordinance was ordered drawn providing tor the vacation o f five feet on each side of Fiait 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th streets from the first alley south of Main street south to Tennes see avenue. There are many jogs in the property lines in these streets, which it is aimed to do aw ay with. Tne vacation provided for will allow 10-foot sidewalks and ¡50-foot streets. An ordinance was also ordered drawn providing for the changing of the names of some of the streets and or- dering all houses numbered. The way some of the streets are named at present makes it difficult for even an old timer to know where he is at. It is aimed to make it easy for those not acquainted to find any location in the city. Sign boards on street corners are also to lie provided in the ordinance. These four ordinances are in line with the spirit of civic progress!veness which is adding much to the beauty o f the city and were brought up by a spec ial committee from the Commercial club. Bids were ordered for 500 feet o f fire hose and a hose cart. This will give the city 1500 feet ot hose. The coun cil also accepted the offer of the O. & S. E. to donate the use of land between the O. & d. E. round house and the Brown Lumber Co’s, mill for a hose cart building, also the donation of lum ber for the building by the Brow n Lumber Co. Five hundred feet of hose will be kept in the new building as protection for that part of the city. Tlie annual rc|»»rt made by the O re i.i-uving tlie case and ultimate out gon tii Southeastern of this city to the come very much up iu the air the uni- ruilway commission »how» that ilevcl- v*-r-ity referendum case was adjourned Jim Hill Drives Golden Spike of ipini-nt along its twenty liiilt-N of road Saturday to October 24'h, when the New Railroad. in keeping abreast of the times. F'rom le-itimony will he resumed at Salem. Portland, Ore., Oct. 10—James J. $7,653.19 gross earning» in 1903 to $¡¡9,- Meantime, the bulky petition will re Hill helped make Oregon history the | 129.52 in I9H is a fairly good showing main in Portland in the custody of the , past week when he drove the golden anti an indication of tin- way this coun county clerk for the pur|iose of having spike making the completion of the try i* developing, for this company has a comparison made between the signa .Oregon Trunk Railway to Bend. That nothing but its short road up the Row tures appearing on the petition and j it’ w l l be the final terminus of the line River valley to draw business from. those on the Multnomah county regis is not exnected, but the event was A perusal uf the company’s annual tration books. This comparison was notable because it celebrated the com rr|Mirl to tin- railway rommlislon shows urged by Attorney General Crawford ing of a new era in the interior, and gri - n earning» and operating expenses anil C. Fi. S. Wood, who are defending | the railroad will be the greatest devel ibout un follows : the referendum. They said they de oper I he country could have. G pinh Operating sired this comparison to be made so "G o to work and build up the coun FJarinngN F.xpenaea the court may have the iienefit of what try. for the cities would starve to 89111.56 i such a comparison may show. The $7*153.19 1903 death if it were not for the country,” ___ 13983.41 1904 15976.41 work is to be done by (Jounty Clerk »aid Mr. Hill at the spike driving. 15066 20 12210.14 F’ields and two of his registration dep 1905 "N atio n s that have neglected the |91 a; 12917.12 1 ute s. who, it is expected, will then be 233(19 70 ! cultivation of the soil have faded from 15771.30 called as experts on the ottier side. 34253.42 1907 ' the face of the earth. There is no rea 16791.02 1908 25084.68 With the ease of the university clos son why Central Oregon should not ¡(08**1.35 21387.22 ed except for a few witnesses to close 1909 produce enormous wealth. W e have ¡«1453.62 up rugged ends, it is apparent that the 1910 .. 36218.62 , .. , ..., . , a goml deal of faith in it. W e believe 850,000 Pi unds of Prunes. 24421.28 att tek on the referendum willl be has- .. ¡19129.62 , , , , ... 1911 . ... | 1 1 this soil is properly cared ’ or, if it When the prune-drying season ended The drop in earnings for 1907-1908 ed or two principal lines, one the ques- 1 is properly understood and fair justice at the Eugene F'ruit G row ers’ asmeia- tion o f fact as to fraud, combined with wun due to tlie llnaiu'iai panic . done to it, it will make a happy home tion cannery Tuesday a total of 850,000 'ts legal effect, ami the other the pure for thousands and millions of people, pounds of green prunes had been re- Congestion of School Relieved. ly legal question as to whether the pe-( I wish you all God speed and every ceived and, as the drying process us- Congestion of the 7th grade of the tition was tiled in p-o;« r form. , particle o f luck and prosperity that ually reduces the weight two-thirds, West Side sc h fjl was relived by the On the question o f fraud, it will be " can come to you. the total output of the evaporating school board this week. The second contended that certain circulator* have plant is in the neighborhood of 28.3.UOO and third grade have lieon combined neeii s<< deiscredited that the court will A Joke on F. J. Hard. pounds, which is several thousand with tlie first ami lifth and the former be justified in stamping a presumption j The joke on Congressman Hawley , pounds greater than the output of the . i teacher of the second and third has of fraud against all the names they se- j published last week reminded F. J. plant , « t J. O. Holt, manager been given part of the seventh. A cured, and should throw out .11 of the j Hard of the following that once hap- of tbe pUnt> 8aid the crop this ie a r teacher hud been hired for part of the names they nave verified. It if declar- i pencil to him : Seventh, but she failed to rtqairt for ed by the other side that the attack ! Mr. Hard usually has a large crew of was good, better he thinks, than last year, and the prunes that came in at duty, making some other arrangement upon the circulators will be a failure, men working for him in his . ’-les in the last of the season were in better necessary. ex.-ept as to three or four, and as to : the Bohemia district, so when Hawley shape than they were aiong toward the The present solution of the difficulty these it w ill be contended that only wanted to get on the ticket for con- last a year ago, notwithstanding the is in one way more satisfactory than it such names as have been shown had gress, he sent Mr. Hard a petition fac* that there has been much more would have been to have hud another can be thrown out, ! blank to be signed up. Mr. Hard is a rain this fall than last. The growers teacher, as that would have necessi On the other question, upon which j good worker for a friend, so he got the will receive a higher price for their tated taking part of the seventh grade the final fate of the referendum may blank pretty well signed. Two of his olir wlioin I found oli dir alrrrt wrur- , prunes this year than last, says Mr. out of the school building, which would hinge, it is arguetl that 5000 names »re j men, however, were doing some devel- ma ihr fruthrr*. I wu» mlaquuled. I Apportionment of School Funds. Holt, and taken all around, this has have been inconvenient and more e x defrcti'’i' because copies of the peti- opment work way up on a side hill, and dui »tuli*, howrvrr, lim i 1 would urrcHt The treasurer of the Cottage (»rove pensive. been a much better season than a year tion, the warning clause and the bill as they might not be into headquarters iinyone uttrinptina lo urli thr frutherH NrhiMil district huu received a cheek of ago. New pupils continue to register»al- itself weie not attached to each sheet j for some time, Mr. Hard started out or i k l Hit, nnd I inir mi tu prmteeille all $2.4fifi.HH a» thin district's »hurt* ot the most daily and ail teacher.» have about The work of (tacking the dried prunes N itrii offender*. »tale and county fumia. The new as many pupils as they cun hundle ad of the petition, ( ’rad ically the same ■ to climb up to them. A fte r getting up will continue for a few days yet. objection is made to other thousands of ( about 2,000 feet he played out, but county superintendent, II. C. Bangh- vantageously. Thirty-five women and girls are indus names, in which the petition was in ! managed to make the men hear and get $¿3,1X10 F i r e ut N as citu ra . mun, wiiM well initiated into office, as triously at work placing the dried pro different form. them to come down. Then he tound Fin* thut hrokr out ut 11 o'cloek Sun the liaurina of tliiw apportionment iu a Stiff Sentence for Selling Liquor. duct in small boxes which are shipped Several days evidence was devoted that one was a democrat and the other to the California F’ruit G row ing asso F’ iiics aggregating $850 and a ¡50-day day uiaht ut Kotìrhura tolully dealroy- complex one under the stute law » ami rd l’ ilkinatmi & S oi T n eoiiihinrd garage one of the iiurtle»t tasks o f the super ja'I sentence for violating the local to proving that about 2000 names on ! a socialist, so were disqualified from ciation, but the outside of the boxes option law were received by Brown the petitions were bad. As there are signing a republican petition. unti liluekNiiiith und inuehiur Hhop», intendent's office. contain the label, "L a u re l Brand, Ore corner II oiik I us unti Rune «trenta, rii- The check* for tlie entire county were Hansard, of Springfield, Monday after more than 2000 names more than are gon Prunes,” and this state will get Change Proposed for Granges. tuilltiK lo»»»'.» naareautiiiK u Intuì of niuiled Tuesday. Tlie largest ones noon. He appeared before Judge lla r- needed filed with the secretary of state Referendum is now being taken in 1 some advertising from it, but FJugene i ris, of the circuit court, and entered on these |>etitions, the efforts of the $23,585, with inauruner nniountmg to were as follows : the subordinate granges in Oregon in will get none, as the local association $11,640. T w e l v e othrr peruoim hun - District County State pleas o f guilty to two indictments. On prosecution to date haven’t been con the matter of electing delegates to the is not mentioned. The association gets tuiiird InHueu liy rriiNtin o f thr conila- No. 4 FJlIgelic . $4268.5(1 $6435.68 { the first charge he was given a fine of clusive. State Grange anti on the question of a better price for the prunes by selling grillimi, ninr of thr»«* lirina thr iiwntTH No. 19 Springfield 16&2.3h i #350 ami on the second a fine o f $500 1312.00 Oregon’s Initiative and Referendum raising due«. The present method of them to the California association. o f un in uny iiutomohilrH thut w r r r No. IS Cot. Grove 1'33.00 1322. OS and a jail sentence of thirty days. The electing delegates is by county conven- Medford Miss Missing. Law in Highest Court. Nlorrd in thr liuildina. Theae iiiueliinea No. 69 June. City 710.40 law provides for a jail term in case of 655.00 T )„ , . . „ , , , tion. and the proposed plan is for every , N ora Darling, a pretty miss of 19 runaril Hthcr in vniur or netunl eout No. 43 (¡t>burg 544.(10 566.32 a second indictment. Hansard has de- I The task or attempting to put an end grange to elect its delegates to the summers, who had been employed fur fruiti $ UNI to $2,176 und only thrre uf No. 97 - Mareola 545.00 570.24 posited with the court $500 and will ! to all initiative anti referendum legis state grange. sometime as a domestic at Medford, d in a w r r r iimured. probably raise the remainder o f the | 264.96 307.00 No. 97 Florence. lation in this country began last week The Cottage Grove grange took this has disappeared and all efforts to lo- line, but he will be compelled to serve | in the Supreme Court of the United proposition up at the meeting Satur- cate ber have failed. Her mother. Assessment Roll Over $34,000. | the thirty days. States. Train Service Disrupted. day, but did not bring them to a vote, Mrs. Darling, who resides at Medford, The total HNHi'Hsrti valuation o f prop- I’uNNcnacr and freiabt service locally Counsel for the Pacific Telephone A ll the granges in the state are ex failing to find the girl through hur own Wouldn’ t Go Back. r rly in l.ane county, outuidr of thr { I ihh been areally interferred with bc- anti Telegraph Company tiled a brief pected to vote on the subjects and efforts, appealed to the newspapers A. Hoscrud anti J. 1’. Kippen, who j attacking the taxing law of Oregon be ruilruadu and other public nervier cor euuae of the strike of S. I*, shopmen. leave the decision to the officers of the and police a few days ago for aid. poration», according to liaurru compiled Several days some of the paasenaors ; have ranches two anti a half miles j cause it was enacted under an initia state grange at the next session of Miss Darling has not been seen since by Assessor H. F. Keeney for thr 1910 have been hours behind, other days south of here were in the city last ( tive clause of the state constitution, that bi»i>. Monday morning of last week, when Friday. They came here last year lux roll, iu $34,236,170. The value of they hnvo been nearly all tin time. which is alleged to be in violation of Battleship Oregon to Sea October 24 she left her mother’s home to return the prn|H*rty of thr public Nervier c u r- 1 Frc'ght service has suffered the most from Wisconsin and assured the Senti the Federal constitution. For the first time in six years the I to her place of employment. She left luirutluna iu »rverul million dollar», and severely, every effort apparently being nel that nothing could induce them to ' It is urged that the failure of the die total valuation, when thin iu count made to keep mail trains as nearly on move hack. Mr. Huaerud report* much company to have a hearing before the battleship Oregon has been ordered without extra clothes, without money ed in, will I h ' over $¡17,000,00(1, Laid time as possible, to the detriment of success with grape raising ami has raising of its taxes by the initiative made ready for sea, orders received at and without a word as to her inten some white Tokays o f a line quality on method placed it at a disadvantage the I’uget Sound Navy Yard at Seattle tions. y ru r’u roll uhowetl a total value of $34,- frigid trailie. a few days ago directing that the fa 7 *r.,ri»0 exeluaive of the corporation*. The strikers claim round houses are Ida vines. with others taxed after being heard by Bloodhound Has Arrived. mous old warship and the cruiser St. full of dead engines and that the road the State Legislature. In this way it Cottage Grove now boasts a man- Mamoth Radish. Louis be made ready for a cruise by The Cowboy, Indian und the Lady. will soon hiive to give In, while the win claimed equal protection of the A garden radish nine inches in di October 24. The Oregon was recently trailing blood-hound named "T r a c t ,” ThiH powerful comedy drama of life mad claims the inconvenience to pat* laws was denied. ameter is nut the usual thing even for put in commission as a part of the Pa which arrived this week. The animsl in thr Mouthweat huu made a remark- i roiia is only temporary and that every the fertile Willamette soil, hut such a cific reserve squadron, after having is owned privately and is in charge of Winter Strawberries. utile appeal to thr »how goer*. It | thing will soon be moving smoothly. radish is growing on the John Nukes’ j been rebuilt at a cost of more than Marshal Snodgrass who anticipates touche» with force the romantic »pirit Strawberries in October, large red that the hound w ill add laurels to his place and shows no signs of being dis | $1,000,000. _ in everyone. It* character» are well | Interesting Document Filed. luscious ripe strawberries fresh from present reputation as a man-catcher. couraged as yet. Each day adds a little drawn und rlrv rrly contrusted and the An interesting document liletl for th< vines is the ¡novation introduced Real Estate Transfers. to its bulk. The length of the vege entire performance term » with life | record in the county clerk's office last hy Wm. W . Baker of !H?1 B street. Bank of Cottage Grove to John Pres- Store Burned at Divide. table, which is of the common white from atari to flni*h. The peculiar i week is a (latent for government land Two crops a year has become a fixed , chern, lots 1, 2, in block 8; lota 1, 2, 7- The R. C. Ostander store at Divide variety, is not known, but about twelve building of thr play i* a distinct nov signed hy President Andrew Johnson habit with Mr. B aker’s vines, and the 8, in block 9 of Cooper <fc Randall’s was completely destroyed by fire last inches show above the ground. elty in iturlf. A ll the acenea are laid on August 1, 1866. The patent is for specimens he is now showing are as addition to Cottage Grove, $600. week. Cause uf the tire ia unknown. The postal savings banks will never fine large berries as could be desired. to make thr utory real. It will be here 14.23 acres taken up by Oliver 11. Mit W . B. Cooper to J. S. Milne, tfact There was no insurance and the loss be a dead letter. chell. Thur*duy, Oct. 19th. — Corvallis Republican. jin Cottage Grove, $82.15. is a severe one to Mr. Ostrander.