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About Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1911)
10 ____ y 10 (C n tta n ? ( 6 n i u r f a t t o i PAGES VO LU M I P A G E S VI COTTAGI C R O V L . O K I GON, I KIDAY (X 'lO B L K 30, I'MI NUMBER 4 PRESIDENT GRAY INVITED . .. . THE SENTINEL INAUGURATES GREAT BARGAIN SUBSCRIPTION CAMPAIGN; ONE YEAR FOR $1.00 mm (>< CURSA! K. A. W H I M . Kit HOMI IN S I L K C R E E K . TO luut Young Silk Crcek People Unii rii in lini v H u i t d l ' o f M il I I l l u n i V Su mi a v I nni pi-ople m II w i t «- I XHHHI A l t r i m unì. ktu• wli Sili. I ri ek ^nlliil’ |nirti<' 1 1 ni 11 1 m in ii |.r•• 11\ iIlHllli' weikllng w liH li tnnk piar«- Siili- • In S II firm ili III ut tlir I . A. W h riA r r draws mi, t rowds . or(jep ] q Place the Paper in Every Home in “ » nnksota society proposed M unv ;o'o'iiKihu l !m'I‘show 'H,n**'1 eI T I m * W illm nctl* V i i l l c y y e x h i b i •» t '*.•.“ •” j ut'riuling utli ntion ut llu tlinuhu l.uiul tinnir In Si Ik 1 m k. nhuw, * III thr tirsi iluy of thr show I Tlir coni riu-l log imflii H wrrt; Frank ululili .Vili cullili ut thr "W illu ln rttr I v li Whrrler Mini Mi l u v r I ti-urdui II, Vali«') Kxhihlt” huuth tu tuIk uvrr thi* A Un 1 1 Whei-lrr unii Mini Klvdii M1 ir. Wllluinrtlr valli-) wilh tlu r<• |• - I tir Kriitlrmrn uIr uu ut Mr. unii tativrn unii rr rr ivr lllrrutlirr trulli tlir, Immigrants From the Gopher State May Organize. th* Community the Price Is deduced One-Third for Twelve Hays. t a l l i i ) ilr r o r u lr il fnr Un n e ra ,im i w ilh ttuwrr* nf ilit tT rr n t k in d s. l'In- young |u*o|»lc "tinnì ii|> muli r ii liriiii1 1 fiiI M i ni ONE THOUSAND NEW NAMES WANTED tuli. I Mark <, i » iii «* i pi rín n n n l thi* nrPHiDiiv. Alnnit Mxty live Ljtn I h , i i i u p I I x r* I- ulive»*, vo ri' preg ni. A mhhi ^ Unire fluii! i lilMltle were ll.'tllillt « »li Vratrh, t*f |{ iiw K i w i .imi V lOuiuviih ami finn it> **l MyrtU» t reek. Little Girl Die». uiMjurity • ■ f Inlki» visiling nudi u lumi Imw i unir trulli t tir turni uml urr luuk- Ing fur Munir 11 I m < r wrbi-re Ihry culi , « Tit** tulluw Intuì urrU|mtluti uml nut liuvt* hotn«* in tu MUlfTr fruin thr climutt rumlitiurm. piiltlishcrs o f T he S e n t i n e l want a tin* city and Hurroiiiiding country. ult-enl»«-.- ni « » v e r y In ord**r to secnri' thin circulation a /n at redaction uhscrip- Mr. E recmaii, whu n in i-hurge uf thr rxhihit. i k rrritiri timi thry will ili, u tioll campaign will ho I>ut on for twolvo days, hoginning tomorrow, «reut a. ,i oi gui'.i for t tu vu i ley und Saluniuy. Octohor ¿1st, and continuing until Nmi-mlior Ut e , . A. . . , , get u large numi» r of familier here Tin* prico of subscription during that |*orio«l will ho roducod f rum all part a oí the i - il -I. from $l.nO to tl.INi, g organize a,ut ] meet in the park on the same day, each .state having a separate booth amia ; banner done in the state colors, : Kellt'on l>,at al1 op|M»rtunity to g«tt tin- host weekly puh- Officials of Oregon Electric Company Expected to Come and Look Local Situation Over. Head officials o f th*; Oregon L In', trie railway arr expected to be in the city at an early date to look over the loral situation with a view of reporting au to whether they think thin city has the business ar.ti resources t o j u r l i f y 1 he, Hire trie in extending its line t>. tin city. The « ’. ommereial club, at It» meeting Mon,lay night, instructed business importance as to warsant another railway. Co-operation oi all citizens will be asked in this effort and a public mars m e t i n g will probably be calieri. I'ositivoly no suhscriptions taken at that! DEPOT EXHIBIT BUILDING. . . ; I Ins f is r . your . . . . goldon . MEET WITH COMMFRCIAL CLUB AT EARLY DATE. Thr incressing number o f citizen» of t ottage firove who formerly claimed Minn«-,otu u- their home, hut sug- ge-ted to I'Vrru . former «¡opherites ttu ult u uf forming u MinnrHota soci- ety. with semi-annual -essiona. There are enough eigihlea to form quite a re- ■|>ertable as-nriatiori, A rail f,.r a r.-tary Anderson to invite Mr. «¡ra\ ami meeting hau not yet been issued, but associates to meet with the club at an probably will he some time in the near early date, it is learned from a relia future. ble source that Mr. t.ray will take the I here is already a Karman society first available op|>ortunity to accept here, ami several other »tate* are rep- the invitation. It will be the aim of resented in sufficient number« tu make the Commercial club to show Mr. (iray societies feasible. that the city and country through Mm. li A. M hri'lri unii tlir voung 11M. i • •.i retto...............»unti« i IIIS Is the D i g e s t Genuine Weekly Newspaper Bargain T ver Offered Imlim urr mi II kimwii in thè Silk Ircek All wliu t « Ik tuttir • ' hnontcr ** w m i Residents of the Willamette V a l l e y . - B i t ^ e s t and Best for ili Inrl. tu hr unirti intrrrHlnl in thi» country | Thr Whn-lrr hmnr »un |.r« ttil> .uni •imi un imxlous tu l'uiur uul bere. I hr the l.easl M o n e y . - O f f e r Open twelve Days Only. ItrV. vj PROMINENT FARMER DIES Services Attract Attention. The special services at the M. E. church Sunday attracted large audi COITAGE GROVE PRODUCTS FOR 1 IM T C| , " ’n I’ * ,,l<‘ s,at<‘ ov,’r tJl1' -'»mpl** copy, RESIDENT OF VALLEY SINCE ences. Fully 300 attended the evening Tu.MciLiuTc TO GAZE iiiinM i ou I u<-k now li*«|g«‘ t hat \ «»it can t I n i i : i itali', pru'f. 11 ion do 1880 PASSES AWAY TRANSIENTS UPON. service and listened to Pastor Sut not hesitate a moment t«» tak«- immediate advantage o f this unusual! ___ cliffe’ s discourse on “'('ourting by Proxy, beautiful ol W i No f e . ” Avail - C o . ay m ' " v,'r lwve “ l » 1"- ' enainly you will „e v e or r Isaac's Irip t„ Mount.m, Commercial Club Making Prepara have a more attractive o n e. ,,, . . „ „ Sixty members o f the Oddfellows and tions lor Glass Exhibit Building W. McCoy Succumbs to Lin- Kehekahs attended in a oody. A t this 1 h i : S e n t i n e l is now the ln gg«*st. n e w s ie s t a nd h«*st p r i n t e d at S. P. Depot. gering Illness. service the MesdameS Beager and • aid w e e k l y newspaper in this part o f the c o u n t r y a nd it in t e n d s , n o t 1 well rendered a beautiful duet. A large A giu ,* x In tut tun hiing tu display | onlj to maintain that | >* »s i 1 1 « mii , hut to n *lv a n c e h«*v«»n*l lite |«ossihle i (leu. w McCoy died last Friday at attendance w h .- als«i present at thr thè t>ru»lurts uf thè « uttuge Grovt ; r«‘.ich «tf c«»n ipetÌtiof) his home in Gowdyville. after a linger- morning service, when the pastor took country fur thè «liucutiun uml É»ln-.t• B.*tt.*r get your dollar in at on«*«*. T h » t welv«* «lavs will I k - UD| *Mr* McCo> h-d n" ‘ » « " as his subject, “ Choked (¡rain .” litui uf visiturs uml pass ng< r» thut , . , r i • ' ' fee-ing well fur a year or more and Mr. Sutclitfe's discourses were well ha(J returne(| l)Ut a few lUy, hig prepared and ably delivered. • tight fruin Iruins wlnh' stopping ut almost before you realize it. thi' ilcput, wnt tuie proposti imi bruughl R e l i e v i n g ill s t i c k i n g b y *»l«l fri«*n«ls, pr«*sent lh'Crih«*rs w ill death from a trip east of tba Caacades, Irefure thr ('»inini ri ial club ut its rrg- lie allowed to take mlvantage « i f thi- offer by bringing their sub- rra'lt‘ in an attemi t to recuperate his I ulur meeting Mumlay eveni« g. Mcriptions up to «late an«i paying a year in aiivance. ! health. The mountain air did Thr fumuiih Kalix Currin exhibil unti [ not give him the relief expected and ttVIR MI I.I.It(N (ìAl.I.ONS OF 1 ut ber prisiui'ts rrprm<cntuti\r uf tliis ....... ................ .......... the end was not unexpected. Old age YELLOW STUFF CATCHING ON WATER RhCKIVKI» DAILY. ^ liurtirulur M ctiun uf thè vnlley wuuhl PLATES AT CHAMPION. and heart trouble were the primary lie plucrd in thr r rmim in such s causes uf death. Volume ol Pure, Cl Vst.ll Mountain inunuri m* to uUract attention, both Mr. McCoy was 7«l years o f age, and RAY BAKER DRAFTED BY PHIL IMPROVEMENT CLUB C U R IN G had lived in the valley since lsidi. He Bohemia Mining District Giving In W atrr Suffi, lent fui Cu V of from in-idr und <iutsnlr thr dr|*ot. dications of the Big Future ADELPHIA AMERICANS. had seen ami been a part o f the won 10,0«HJ People. I » hr cost of such a building im rsti- . - C V I C INSOMNIA. runted to hr uls>ut tJ'xi, and as Mieli un that is Before It. derful growth of the valley. He owned exhibit is considered one id tin* most \ ipiunlitv of water »utheient lo »up- Former Local Twirlcr Is Rapidly Lively Social Session Held Tuesday a fine place at Gowdyville at the profitable wuya uf advertisin g, it is time o f his .fe-ath ami had faith in the Fourteen thousand dollars in gold in- |dv Ihe lieeiln of u citv of lo, inni |H*opl. Advancing to the E'ront in Great Evening in Club Parlors and nut thought thut much trouble will be I Willamette soil. ♦id days is what has been caught on the is re. rivrd dinl\ ut « ottsge i.r o v e ’s American Game. encountered in securing »ultirient du Enthusiasm Runs High. The funeral was held Saturday after- plates at the Champion mill in the Bo- Wuler reservoir. r. fr.. |u*u |de. ! nations. riuon at 1 from Veatch’s chape hernia district, according to informa- ex n i ailloiig resnlelils Iif Ihe n i . , have The first difficulty to be overcome is Huy Baker, formerly u resident of Rev. J. Mark Comer, officiating Inter- tion that comes from a soucre o f infor- That the Civic Improvement club rrallzed thr Vuiuilie ni thè city n Witter the securing of u suitable position at I this city, has been drafted from the will light to the last ditch for a beau ■lii ■ I was made in the A. F. .V A. M. «nation that is reliable, aupply. in exnct ligure», thè nrnouiil , the S. I*, depot for such a building. Raymond, Wash., t.-um h. the I’hila- tiful city was atdv demonstrated at the and I. O .O . F. cemetery. This seems like a big bunch o f the r.-ceivad d 'i l y 1 « 1 . : . 000 gallona, Agent King "luted at the (Hub meeting j delphia Americana. The deceased leaves a wife, three yellow stuff, and it is, but there is social meeting Tuesday evening. Civic The smirce nf thè water suppl. IS that tin- d.-pol now sits out in Main Huy Baker is a son o f J. H. Baker, insomnia is to be root.-d out, trie things sons and two daughters. The children nothing fabulous about it. It will not l.uyiig crrek, which ih Iwenty milea street several feet, ami tbat an exhlb- and 11 well known here because o f his that tend to mar th. . it) - iieaut) *rc are J. V\ McCoy, L. I*. McCoy, Henry • even pay very large dividends on the east nf bere in thè foresi rescrve. The 1 it b iildirig at thut end, which would ’ fast work with the local team t w o ' to he removed and the things that will A. Mc< oy, Mrs. Mary A. Willett and amount o f money invested, after ex- soiircr will ulwii.s he free frnm con- he the most conspicuous location, is years ago, when he was a favorite tend to improve its appearance are to be Maggie A. Seales. A ll live in this v i penses are deduct«?d. It doe», however, Iumiliatimi uml thè «-reek ih fed with impossible at present. Securing a sat- with the fans. j secured. The workers in the club are cinity with the exception o f Henry A. indicate in a way the things that are nolhiug hut thè puri st. crystul munii- isfuctory position for the building may Baker pitched for Ihe Eugene trail, women, and what they purftuse that McCoy, who makes his home at St. going on in the great Bohemia district. 1 1:111 water. The water IH brought to Helens. del < v it* erection. last year, uml was drafted by 'h e I* hi I- they perform. It encourages Cottage Grovers in the l e city in lZ-inch maina To nui'|dy A bubble foil-1Hin for Ihe use of the »delphia team because of his fast work About tkl people were present. May belief that the district is some day go Ihe n i . Ihere are ahout twenty miles traveling and ge- ,-ral public, with a ! this year with Kaym ml, where he whs or Abrams wclcommi the club in a few ing to be the scene o f some o f the nf inuins riinnerted wilh thè resi rvoir. tablet setting forth facts about t 'ullage 1 known as their crack twirler. remarks. 1 ben (). M. K *■ m woke 'em j largest oi»erations in the cojntry. It Gr'ive’s water system, was suggest, d Baker is only 1!« years o f age, hut up in a stirring t«i.\. H« particular!) TENDERFEET gives an indication of steady and in c o m m i t t e e ’ s u b m i t s i . a w ; . WELCOMED BY as an adjunct to th«- building.( J possesses a phenomenal amount o f referred to blackberry bushes, etc creasing development, all o f which H i II n Providc for l-.vcry Counly (»et- METHODIST CONGREGATION. l l is linderst oil thut the S. I*. peuple “ peed, j that are allowed to grow over side- I means more business for Cottage promised tu build a new depot us soon It is likely that lie w ill be farmed > walks and through fences. "Some of | tlllg Benefit ut Its Own Money. Grove, the source o f supplies anti out- I ' mler thè pruvisioiiH of tlir gnml as Main street was graded. The com-'nut hy Philadelphia next season, but them” he said,‘ ‘ belong to the city, for ■ Another Get-Together Affair Proves let fo r the products o f the mine«. Be- sides many residents o f the city arc ruads bilia propimed hv Gov, W.'st's imny so far has given no intimation | he is headt-d toward» fast company they art- growing up through the side Successful.— Large Audience heavily inerested in property in thi- highwuy l'.iinmillri for siiliiniNsion li thut it intends to make good on that 1 and his friends here expect that he w ill walks." at E'estivities. district, and good returns from other thè initlativr, «'very county .vili r r r n . e proposition, li, may he thut an effort attract notice even in the big U-agiles 1 Judge Shinn also made a hit on properties are indications of what they "VAhat the Women Can Do.” He left from thè stale ai utili-li mone, us il up will he made to get the railway to ful before long. A royal welcome was extended t«) may expect some «¡ay. fill ils agreement betöre anything per nothing to add, and gave th«1 women proprintrs fnr giiisl ripudi. Th...... Sentinel Sent to China. I newcomer at the Methodist church many deserved compliments. homling art will permil euuntira tu manent is doin' with the exhibit build A copy o f the Sentinel will hereaft«-r ing. plrdgr thrir credit to grt Ihe money H. O. Thompson was among those : Wednesday evening. The tenderfeet Find Mountain Road Very Good. be s«-nl to China. The Sentinel this who brought out (Mints o f interest. were present in large numbers, but County Commissioners Hemphill and nercasury. Thr gov.-riior, secrelury of E'irsl Tiain Into Tillamook. week received a subscription for the Nearly every man 1 rise t had some- there w«-re plenty of the pioneers to Price returned last night from a two »tute uml siiti.- Ireusiirt 1 are tu he, hy Last week marked the beginning of I paper which will I k - mailed to the j thing to sa) and t te meeting was en- keep everyone feeling aci|uainted. days’ trip to the Vesuvius mine in the thè prrsent pian, thè siale highway an important epoch in the history of Orient. Rev. J. W. Gardner acted as master Bohemia ilistrict, where they examint-il Th. recipient is an American. , thusiaatic from la g ., i, g t „ end. All fumi liourd uml are to direct all rxpeu- nilainiHik county, the lirsi through lm w «)«r. pladged theii •.... t . co- «ratio« with of ceremonies. Frank Phillips spoke the road leading up to it from ( ittai ■ ditures. on behalf of the men o f the church, Grove, recently built by Supervisor train from Portland arriving at T illa Mm,) eopii - of the Set Urn are lent thl Copie* ni Illese ItiII m bave la-en inuiled mook * it\ on that day. taking up the work they had done anil Hard. They found it to be a v e t ) gui d each week to foriegn countries, and a lo «- h «-I i ineniber nf thè state high- Among the t l i - g - which the club 1 telling o f the work planned to be done. mountain A large crowd o f Tillamookers, with still larger number are sent to east road. Eugene Regis’ or, way eonnnitte«- uppninted hy «¡overnor declared it hoped to achieve arr a pub- () 13th. West. V\ Itti elicli set of liills is u lei the hand, greeted the ineoming train erners who have subscribed because lie bubble fountain at the depot bear- | t- proved an entertaining speaker. Miss Jessie Berg spoke on behalf of nnd regardless of the heavy downpour they are interested in this country, or ter fmm Presi«lent ('. T. l ’ rull, of thi- ing the legend ” Pu.t- Mountain Water,” the ladies and pleaded for the ladies to Ranch Brings $45,000. of rain everyone was exceedingly are sent to them by friends who w ish siale gmid rollìi unsrH'iutioil, eulling ni lighting of the eit) | -irk and every happy. get together for file year to come. The E. Renshaw property, better them to become interested. Many tentimi tu Ihe differeir-e lietween thè thing else tending towafils a giiieral S. L. Mackin tolil o f first impressions known as the Pruitt ranch, three miles The visitors were entertn int-il for a more local people will probably take beautifying o f the city. new and Ilo- old Icgialulioli, and (he of the newcomer in an interesting anil northeast of Medford on the li advantage o f the Sentinel’s bargain half hour hy the I ’oniinerrial elub, a f siigli! rhanges thut have lieen inaile III Miss Grace Lily rertdereu « well-re- able manner. • Point road, has been sold to G. W. and thè Ioli lo udupt theiii tu iuitiutive ter which they departed on the return offer to supply their eastern friends oievod solo. She was ably accompanied witn news from this rich and fertile A human interest recitation was de- ^ - . T . Hubbard, o f I rbana. 111., for vote, silice tilt- stute committee met trip to Portland. hv Mrs. Jordan Lawson on the guitar. country. The ranch embodies forty Mrs. ( ora Compton gave a humorous livered by Mis* Mildred Pringle a n d! **5,00°. ami upprovv«l thr- ineaaiirea in l'ortland. was much enjoyed. Later Miss Pringle acres in al*. twenty acres in New The siate limidiiig art provnlmg is represented by its good roads com- reading, “ Too Progressive for Her,” Planning for Poultry Show. $Z,iNMl,lMNi a yeur for teli yenrs will lnke mil termini, i-xerpt Multnomah, which An enthusiastic meeting o f tlu- Lane which made a hit bt-cuus«- of its pecu gave an account of the work of the towns, eleven years old, and the lu»l- young ladies’ societies of the church. ance y ° unK trees. Medford Sun. thè piare nf tlu- prnpnseil 1.1! mills tuX has live. Each committeeman will be County Poultry association was held liar adaptability to the occasion. Lloyd Stratton sang a loudly a p-) which wa» to have supplirti fi,nini,non usked, therefore, to oversr-e th*- wnrk Monday evening at Eugene, when de Light refreshments were served. Pears Bring $3.15. u yeur to a slitte highwiy fumi. <>f getting signature» tu thè initiutivi- tails o f th<- annual poultry show, which The Improvement club wishes to (•lauded solo, aceompanitsi by Mrs. Sut-! cliffe. Howell pears, comprising a carload Ali unieiidinent to thè stai«- constitu messore» in hi» i-oiinty. The Work in is to la- held December I8-J;t, wered's- make an appeal for attendance at its Very fine music was remiere.1 h y ' 9hiDPt‘‘ l b-V tht’ Rogue River Valley- 1 1011 will I h * suhniitted peruntling thy Multiiomuli county limi l ’ortlnml will ciisscd, and a number uf commiltea regular meetings the first and third quartette and orchestra. The quartette f'ruit * nd Produce company, Augut H. state to issile highwuy honds. Il n he dirorted |tersomilly hy thè ollic.-rs were appoint«»! to further the enter Tuestlay afternoons of every month. was compos«»! of Mesiiames Conner and car I,r,‘ught a record prn i ln-t now provtded thut thè stale ma) not of thè goml roatl» assia-iation. In llu- prise. Every indication points t«> a Trout Fry E ’ or Mosby Creek. I Brund and Messrs. Harris and Hum- F r »«l»y. when the fancy's brought Hie loan money or inrtir imleliterliiess in niutter uf cxpcmliturc for gotsl roada most successful show this winter. M imh Vlniet I ew li, (htutfhtcr nf Mr. i»ml Mrn. Krmiklyn T. Lewis, nf Ih*-tnli, tin ti Mnmlnv »»t Un- Thnin|**nii hot« I nf enii^u-hl infi nf thè In aili. \\ In il Uie (uireiit» h urneil Imw (M*rinu*ly ili Uie llltle Int w *»*■ they hmuplit |if*r ilnwn frnin 1 ha*l<iii a few <iu\ lieforr lier il*’UI f) III nriler In he » lu^i-r In ine«l n al iitlemlitiiei*. The Imhy wun mie >e»n nf ape limi WH* *iek il nhnrt tifile. I he fu ne r u I wh In hi lui «li» y9 Kev. A S Mimnii uffteiulinp. limi ini* r liiinle ili thè |, II. U |-. limi A E litui \ M eeiin lery. r GROVES WATER SUPPI.Y GETTING OUT MUCH GOLD HE JOINS FAST COMPANY A WAKE-'EM-UP MEETING RALLY FOR NEWCOMERS t-xcess o f $A0,lldU t-xcept to repel invìi- it is unii! that thè Uregun gnml muti» limi or put tlown iiisurrection. The progriim nnw confcmplatea tlu- use of homi» will he Itti yeur fi per cent gold $2,00tl,lki0 a year ili building rnatls Immls, ami it is pmvidcd timi Ihey may ' where now llu- loss from Inni rouds i» I h * iaaiieti hy thè legislature if for un) $U,000,00H a ycHr. There will be, a«-- reusoii thè meaaure is unsueeexsfiil in ■ eording to thè present pian, no state iuitiutive vote. highway eommiasion, bui Ilio highway In initiating Uie highway Itili» Ilo- eommissioner ami thè state highway state wirle committee appointed by departnu-nt will have supervisinn of Govcrnor West will Ile usked to cn-np roatl building under Hit- terni» uf thè erate, it is said, Kaeh Oregon county | propused state law». I'here were several chick«-n fanciers over Iron» Springtield to attend the meeting. The association has been assure«! that William F. Brace, of Victor, New York, a chicken expert o f nati<o-n| r«-p- utalion, will be In Eugene to act as judge of the birds exhibit«-«!. On the sanu- trip he will judge shows in Los Angeles, Seattle and Clar.tsion, Wash ington. Mushy creek w ill be the trout tisher- ; Phre>* Th* orchestra was composed of and man's paradise. Henry Veatch and j Mesdames Sutcliffe an«l Bisby Messrs. Woodram ami Scoville. John Palmer, two o f the most anient Pastor Sutcliffe made some very ap- di-ciples o f Issak Walton, have ar ranged w ith the state game warden for propriate remarks during the evening. All newcomers expressed themselves Jli.tkKi trout fry, which will be planted in that stream. The fry will I k - ship- as more thsn pleased with the hearty ptsl from thes'a te hatchery on the 28th welcome extemied them by their new and will I k - taken to the creek by- neighbors of the west. notch price of the se»«or Medford Sun. *,ox ( ' L. Dirt Will Fly. It is the R«-gister’s prediction that dirt will Hv on the Southern P:.< die out of Eugene towards the coast with in the next ten days. Enough »ight- of-way has been secured to warrant going ahead with a contract on tin* Messrs. Veatch and Palmer al their Easley Bros., of near Saginaw, are first twenty-five miles. - Eugene R e g own ex(iense. still hauling hay to the city. ister.