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About Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1911)
% V O L U M I. VI MARRIED FIFTY NUMBER 2 C O T T A G I ('»ROVI.. O R I GON. I mi JAY. (X.TO BI R 6. 191 YEARS RECORD SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Enrollment so Large that Another PIONEERS CELEBRATE GOLDEN Teacher is Required. WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Tlie public aehools have entered upon their (bird week with un iittelidunen of ■185, un iueri-usu of lit over the enroll ment for the first duy. The number belonging in (lie high school is PHI. This is the largest utlendanee on record of Die high school and the total school enrollment Is much greater thun it lias ever been during the first month h i uuy year and is only 13 short o f the highest enrollment in Die history of the school. The teueher's institute is over and the sclimd work should con tinue uninterrupted except for two holidays, Columbus Day and Thanks giving, until the C hristm uM vacation. Tlie hoard of education met Monday evening and in addition to other husi- n»-sa voted to hire another teacher for the seventh grade. The tirst grade on the west side will, for the present, m- transferr»-<l to the linrary room in that building and the seventh grade will occupy the rimm heretofore used for primary work. A plan Involving the combining o f several o f the lower grudes was considered at some length, hut the hoard finally decided that in Die interest of best school results a new teacher should la- employed, even though the ex|a-nse of ho doing he somewhat greater thun would la- incur red otherwise. Recount Muiiy Tales of the Hunger* of Trials of Kurly SeJtlets in the Great West. “GET-TOGETHER” FEELING PREVAILS AT CLUB FEAST Spirit at Commercial Club Banquet One of Optimism and .Good LINE b e in g i m p r o v e d . Telephone Company Inaugurates Work on Monday. On M ,relay morning laat a crew of workmen began the contemplated im provement tc the Pacific Telephone Company's system, beginning simul- taneouly at Cottage Grove, Eugene, Albany and K'meburg. The improve ments consist* of ari additional toll cir- cult between Eugene ami Cottage Grove and an additional copper circuit between Rose burg ami Oakland and also between Halsey and Albany. These improvements are not imper atively needed for ordinary business, hut will be of incalcuable value in times of a rush husiness or when an accident or other sudden demand re quires immediate service. Moreover owing to the growth of business of the 'company they will soon be in the Hat- , ure of practical necessities. Changes iri the system will also be made be tween Rosehurg and Medford ami lie tween Albany and Portlami so that the efficiency ami promptness o f the entire service will be assured in any possible emergency. As there were more sup plies shipped to Cottage (»rove than to Eugene, the heaviest part o f the work will he from this point. The company has been collecting material at the four lioints named above for the pa9t six weeks. The improvements will cost in the neighborhood o f $75,000. AN AUTO CLAIMED VICTIM MARSHAL SNODGRASS OVER HAULS RECKLESS DRIVER. Man Who Killed Another at Eu gene Quickly Run Down by Local Officer. Fellowship-Harmony Prevails: Much Good Expected The gulden wedding o f two of the Raul Thompson, who killed a man by oldest mim ! most ri*s|»eet«d pioneers of to Follow this Social Gathering. running into him with a stolen auto at this section was re lehrs ted in this rlty Eugene laat Friday, was captured by hui Sunduy. The |»rii»**i|»uI m lire Jos Marshal Snodgrass at Divide the same eph II, Usroulle slid lliiltie Henson day. Snodgrass received a telephone Garoutte, who have lived in Oregon Congressman Hawley. Railroad Commissioner Campbell. County message F’ riday forenoon telling him sines '68. They lioth are 7« yeuis old of the killing of the man and was in mid were married In lows Se|*t. 21, Assessor Keeney. D. C. Freeman and F. J. Hard formed that Thompson waa on hia way lull. Mrs. Garnulte'a maiden name Guests of Honor at Festive Board. toward* Cottage Grove. The marshal wum 11 stile IteiiMon, In tlie spring of found that the machine had passed IM2 they lagan their journey across through the city a few minutes before. llie plains thul tiMik five niontliM and He took another machine and over nine days to complete. There were hauled the thief-murderer at Divide one huialred and eleven wagon* In the Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah for Cottage (»rove, while he was fixing his chains. Snod train and all drawn hy ox teams. Mr. Hurrah! Hurrah! She is sure the best town. grass took the prisoner and machine Caruiille ran tell some very thrilling I'.ealen to a frazzle, all her rival» hack down. hack to Eugene and turned them over e\ pern-nee* they had with the Indiana B«<oxt our town to ten thousand. to the officers. J. F\ Hickey, the auto while enroule. (Ins time limy were man. accompanied Snodgrass to drive Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah for Cottage Grove. nltarked and eighteen of their numher the machine. Hurrah! Hurrah! Join in our gladsome song, were killed and they were compelled The prisoner is a traveling man for Elevate your voices, make if good and strong, to Iniry them in one grave. Mr. Gar- a Portland firm. Thursday afternoon Boost her to ten thousand. oullv haa a acur on hia right cheek hy at Eugene, while driving at a high which lie ran always rememher the ( 'ninjiosed hy D. C. Freeman, o f the Eugene Commercial Club. rate o f speed, he ran down and fatally rialakina. They landed at I'aidi creek, injured Peter Hebert, aged 75, a res t'allf., near Woodland, where they liv Cottage Grove ix one o f the few western cities that have doubled their ident of Hazeldell. ed one year and then rim e to llotiglaa population within the past ten years. We need the man who will develop Thompson stopped his car immediate county, Oregon, and settled near Oak the country, and the forest reserve offers an op|M>rtunity for the man with ly, the injured man was placed in it land, where they liqg'l until they came out money. Congressman Hawley. Possibilities of this Section. the city by stating that it is but four and rushed to the hospital, where he lo ('.ullage tirove, M iam i 21 yeara ago. Cottage Grove has shown as rapid progress as ar:y city on the coast. W'hul land is doing In older settled and a half years since he left here, yet died two hours later of a fractured The day of the anniversary was Sept. Railroad Commissioner Campliell. portions of this section, will some dsy half of the faces he now sees upon the skull. 'JV, which waa also Mrs. GsruUtle s he done here. Here are two items Development o f the !and around our cities is what we n**ed. County street are unfamiliar to him. He gave Immediately after taking Hebert to hirlhdsy, hut in order to convenience Assessor Keeney. from the Medford Mail Tribune which some rerniniscenses o f the establish the hospital Thompson left Eugene. the guests, the uay wus celebrated show the possibilities of the Cottage ment of the Commercial club and spoke Wheat can be, and will he, raisisl here, that will yield from so to l<si As he had told the clerk at the Oct. I. This day waa also >hc 38th Grove country : of the wonderful advances o f real es Smeede Hotel that he was going to bushels to the acre. Felix Currin. birthday o f Mrs. W. F. Hurt, who ia a R. W. Eldrii, of Illinois, has purchas tate values since the time that he can | Cottage Grove, Sheriff Down telephon Roost the Booster. Community advertising does pay. D. C. Freeman. sister of Mr. Garoutte. The Iwu oc- ed the I. J Hanson ranch of list acres, remember when anv land along the ed to Marshal Snodgrass asking him to eaanina were cclehraled luge liter. north of Central Point, for which he valley could have been purchased at 110 be on the lookout for the man, and he Toe I. O. tl. F. hall waa »ecured ami psld 925. (MSI. The greut»-l part o f the an acre. “ Cottage Grove has shown was captured as stated. heuutifiilly decorated, ami the gurala laud is seeded to alfalfa. as rapid progress as any on the coast,” Suspecting fro m the man's eagerness assemble»! at Id o'elock in I he morning The viury -rds on the hills slaive he declared. He also called to memory . to get out o f town that something was and »pent the day. The latdca, which Jackson and Griffin creeks are now the time when a movement was on foot wrong, the sheriff made inquiries a wire a beautiful sight to la- old with yielding their numiul harvest of luscious to purchase <* large acreage near the the hotel, where he found that the man their dainty decorations, were spread grap»-s. Many of these vineyards were city to be given to industrial and man- had registered under the name of F. for <11 guenta ami laden with the great plunted away hack in the titties when ulacturing establishments that would Jensen, said to be a representative of ••»l variety o f catahlea. So plentiful gold mining attracted the tirst settlers establish themselves thereon. That a Portland implement house. Instead were the liixiitlc» that a second dinner into the Rogue River valley. Long d e l fell through, but Mr. Campbell of taking his car to a garage, he hau wa» enjoyed at six o'clock. before ronunericul orchards were noted saui he thought something of the sort left it in the alley behind the hotel Junt a» the dinner was ready a march for their productiveness and for the could still be carried out with great over night, saying that his employers wua formed with Dr. Kline ami Mrs. loseioiisness of their fruit. Copies o f i profit to the community. would not allow garage charges. A Arthur» III the lead. A» the liriile and magazines of the time, such as the County Assessor B. F. Keeney re I telephone message to the office o f the groom stepped under the la-ll they were West Shore sound the p'alses of the ferred to the friendly feeling always Secretary o f State disclosed the fact halted hy Dr. Kimc, who surprised Jackson county vineyards. These held for Cottage Grove and thanked that no car was registered under the them with a comic ceremony, after vineyards, though some of them ure j the citizen for their loyalty to him in name o f F. Jensen. which all were seated at * hi* table» M in i unkept, are still yielding bins of the past. He stated that promotion The sheriff then telephoned the po partook of Ita bounties. At the close gru|»'s each year. work o f the Commercial clubs o f this lice authorities at Portland, giving the o f the meal, while the bride ami groom western country should spread out to engine number and manufacturer’s were still sealed. Dr. and Mrs. Kltne Kestruins Street Paving. the taking in of ranchers and farmers number o f the car and received the runic up brhind them with presents. and a greater exploitation o f the wealth answer that the car in question was The paving of East Ninth street has Dr. Kimc, with a few well chosen PRESIDENT F. 1). WHEELER SECRETARY LEW A. CATES o f the soil, and also made an appeal for , one that had been stolen from Dr. Ho been stopped by an injunction secured words, placed a golden-headed ebony Who delivered address of welcome Who acted as toastmaster 1 putting to the front in the develop mer Keeney, and asking that the man hy eight tax payers. Among other al cane Into the groom's hand and a gold legations, it is alleged that the Clark- ment o f this country the idea of bet be held until Portland officers could en handled umbrella inlu the bride’s. She was a humdinger! That is the the sacrifices that* must be and have tering our fellow man, losing sight, in come for him, or if his offense here Henry company is without authority to Other gift" were presented by the only expression that will at all faith been made by members o f the club, es great portion, at least, o f the merce was more serious, to hold him for trial guests. Some of these gift» were sent transact business in Oregon on account fully and fitly describe the Commercial pecially in the giving o f their time to nary motive. “ We want more men here. of its failure to lile their declara by absent relatives. Then they pro carry on the work. club banquet last Friday. like Felix Currin," he stated, and also When taken back to Eugene, he said ceeded lo the chairs where Mrs. W. K. tion and pay the regular fees fur for Optimism and a “ get-together“ made an appeal for the laying aside of that his real name was Paul Thompson. eign corporations und no certificate 1 After speaking of the productiveness Ilarl was »rated and presented her feeling predominated. Everyone came of the soil, Mr. Hawley called atten differences, and spoke o f the folly of He denied having stolen the automobile with a beautiful chocolate set and from the secretary o f sti le has been prepured to enjoy a good time, ami tion to the fact that 16 millions of editorial dings between communities. from Dr. Keeney and said that he had issued to them. otiier gifts from guests. there were none who went away disap acres o f Oregon land is in forest re It ia also ulleged that the contract i« Felix Currin, whose exhibit at the bought it trom Leavitt & Company, in The afternoon was spent in singing, pointed or dissatisfied. illegal Hnd invalid because hy the terms County fair was declared by a Hill Portland. He said that he had recently serves and other holdings which kee|w reeiling amt social chats. A fter the of the contract they are to receive gen Congressman Hawley graced the one-third of the entire area of the state representative to have been the great married ami that hia home is in Esta evening meal all wished them God's eral fond warrants foi 80 per cent o f function with his person and ura'.ed exempt from taxation and out o f ben est thing o f its kind that the world cada. blessing ami many returns of the Imp- ; the work done each month, whereas well and entertainingly. Railroad Com eficial use, also stating that he did not has ever seen, made a short talk, and At the coroner’s inquest the jury re py dsy. the city bus already exceeded its limit missioner Campbell, 1>. C. Freeman, believe that one-sixth of the land of had an exhibit showing how in his turned a verdict to the effect that Those present were a» follow s: J. of indebtedness. manager of the promotion department the state is in the possession o f indi time in the valley he has developed death was the result o f careless and II. (»aroutte ami wife, C. F. ; of the Eugene Commercial club, and viduals, laying stress on how this is re- corn from a nubbin to an ear that rapid driving. Garoutte, wife ami aons, Everett, Turns Over Conscience Money. County Assessor Keeney und F’. J. tarding the natural development of the even the com countries would be Mr. Thompson has been charged Johnie and (»aline; M. I,. Garoutte and proud of. He also showed the small with manslaughter. His bond has been Hard, one of the moving spirits of the slate. Hoxehurg, Or., Sept. 27. Confessing w ife ; W. T. Garoutte; M. I*. Garoutte, Bohemia district, also a resident of Mr. Hawley quoted the statement of heads of other grains that are being fixed at (3,000, which he has not been wife and aons, Willie and Earle; A. E. that she had told a train ticket agent Eugene, were there. her child was under five years o f age, a Hill representative that values in raised, when it is possible to raise able to furnish. Garoutte; K. K. Garoutte, wife and when in fact she wus over six years Mr. Freeman, did all 'n his power to this section would in ten years rise to wheat that will run from 80 to 100 soiia, Ralph and Derril; Mrs. Jane BAUGHMAN SCHOOL HEAD old, and under such pretense succeeded make the feeling between this city #500 an acre, which led him on to an bushels to the acre. He had the latter Sherwood: Mrs. Gustii Swank; M rs.1 grain on exhibition. He declared this in securing free transportation for her, and Eugene a friendly “ get-together” exploitation o f the forest reserve as Stella Arthurs; Clayton Howell, wife country to be the greatest on God’s New Superintendent of Lane County and daughter, Delhertu; Alex Kirk a woman ap|a>ured at the local South one. He composed the Cottage Grove a means whereby the poor man can he green footstool. ern Pacific ticket office this morning brought to this state and given an op- chorus given above, and, at the ban and wife, and two children, Henry and Public Schools Appointed. D. C. Freeman, manager ot the pio- Marie; J. It. Gross, Guss I). Gross,wife ! hiii I tendered to the agent $■'!. She said quet proposed and lead three rousing portunity to get a home at a very mod Professor H. C. Baughman, superin erate cost, under the United States land motion department of the Eugene Com uial daughter, Gludya; Dr. A. W. Kime, the incident occurred about three years cheers for Cottage Grove. tendent o f Springfield’s public school mercial club, spoke of the importance In the neighborhood o f 150 attended la>»’s. “ We need the man who will wife and children, Mamie, Claude and Hgn, ami that she had since been troub for the psat two years was on Monday of being there with the glad hand for led hy her conscience. the function, and it is felt by members develop the natural resources, and we Geneva; Isaac Land and w ife; Frank appointed by the (fciunty Court as sup " I did not think I could right myself of the club that considerable good will must arrange things so that the man new settlers, not only upon their ar Kelly, wife and daughters Vervu and erintendent of county schools to suc of practically no means can establish a rival, but until they become thorough Reta,Mrs. W. K. Hart and children Othu with God until I liiol paid the debt,” result from thy gathering. ceed Walter B. Dillard, who had ac ly acquainted. He spoke for a doing declared the woman, as she hastened The Commercial club rooms were home. The forest reserve gives this ami Opal; Walter S cott, wife and ehild- away with jealousies. He spoke o f the cepted the position of assistant to State tuslily decorated und embellished with opportunity,” said Mr. Hawley. Then ren, Harold uml Merle ; Alf Powell, wife from the ticket office. The woman refused b> give her flowers and wives o f the members and he followed with an explanation that benefits of the advertising done by the Superintendent L. K. Alderman at Sa und m o d , V irgil; Mrs Calistu Brown lem and has been acting in that capa name. Southern Pacific officials here guests. the government promises to every man Commercial club and made an appeal and bake; Dock Puwell and w ife; Mrs. ( city for the past month and a half, em for h boosting o f the booster. He said The banquet proper was held in the who will take land belonging to the Lydia Stuufler; Alice Counts; Arthur declare thnt today's donation Is the ploying a deputy in the office. results of advertising do not stop with first “ conscience ' money ever receiv Hotel Oregon dining room and Man government, not now being used, and Ferguson, Electa Thorenhurg and Jep- Professor Baughman is a native o f the discontinuance of the advertising, ed at this office. ager Kartell was highly complimented establish thereon a home, make im thu Hart. hut emphasized the necessity o f a con this county and has been engaged in upon both the quality o f the “ feed” provements, and develop the land in tinuance o f the work, .saying that it teaching for the past ten years or Old Soldiers Reunion. Kates Up on Claim Freight to Coast. and the service. The banquet tables such a way as to indicate his intention should never he dropped. He spoke of more. He was the unanimous choice W. J. Gardner, of this city, responded were stretched the entire length o f the of making it his permanent residence, Managers o f transcontinental rail the prosperity and benefits that follow of the members of the commissioners' roads huve announced a general in- to the address of welcome ill the Old room and were decorated with fiowers. a clear title to such land under the the railroads and mentioned the railroad court,although there were several other Springfield, F. B. Phillips presided as master of usual land laws, it making no differ crease In nil class freight rates frum Soldiers' Reunion Ht * development that is coming to Lane applications. Eastern. poinU lu the Pacific (must, in which opened yesterday. The reunion ceremonies at the meeting in the club ence whether this I hiu I has been declar • » ed open to settlement or not. He also County. He said that after 15 months line with plmis formulated at the time lasts for three days, closing with a rooms. Medford Wants Militia. referred to the time when the land of writing about this country he could public campfire tomorrow evening. A President Wheeler, o f the Commer o f the hearing uf the Interstate Com E. C. Gaddis and H. L. Wilson, both still fill a magazine every month for merce Commission of the inter moun long nml Interesting program has been cial cluh, extended a most hearty and office exposures caused a general tight four years without exhausting the fund o f them military enthusiasts, are en ening upon land open to settlement, arranged for the “ lloys in B lue." cordial welcome to the guests. tain rates cases. The new rales are of truthful things still to be said. He deavoring to organize a militia com Several comrade* from this vicinity arc Congressman Hawley w h s then call but said the pendulum that has swung effective November 1. spoke of the necessity of getting ranch pany in Medford. ed upon. He complimented the ’ city too far one way is now swinging back The Increase will not affect commod in attendance. Colonel Yoran o f Eugene has written ers and fruit growers interested in pro wards. and will soon reach its proper upon its wonderful progress of the pust ity rates, under which the greater part the boys here asking them to get busy motion work o f the Commercial clubs. Pumpkin Show h Success. few years and iqion the evidences of position. of the freight husiness is handled. ami perfect a local organization, and Several orchestra numbers were in -’ The Junction City Bumpkin show sidid prosperity appearing upon all Railroad Commissioner Campbell, \ Class-rule shipments amount to almut terspersed through the program, and the gentlemen mentioned above are came to a must successful termination sides, nml called attention to the fart first president o f the Cottage Grove 5 per cent o f the total traffic. there were two solos, with encores, by doing their utmost to that end, but Saturday. The day was a busy one for that Cottage Grove is ore o f the few Commercial cldb, and whose legal res they are, as yet, unable to secure offi The Epworth League o f the Metho the judges who were completing (heir western cities that have doubled their idence still is here, was next called up Mrs. J. N. Waterhouse and Lloyd cer timber for the company. There is Stratton, the former accompanied on dist ehurch will give a pay aociul Sat work, and was made doubly interesting imputation within the past ten years. on and was accorded a hearty greeting plenty of good timber here but to get urday evening at Phillipa hull. A good by reason of the huhy show which was He gave the Commercial club much from hia former neighbors. He com the piano by her husband and the lat- an acceptance o f the position is a diff program is being prepared. held in the afternoon. credit for this condition and s|mke of mented upon the wonderful growth of Continued on page 10. erent task.—Mail Tribune. j j I