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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1917)
’’V y PACK TWO ' Cafe. far I The problem of keeping a complete supply of feed lilf jiand is a difficult one at the present time doing our best to keep the line complete: man on earth The electric motor has freed the modem farmer from the . C - I « • ■ o ' - ch in a machines, feed cutters and all dairymachinery- , O R E G O N P O W E R C O . >hene 71 Mrs. Claud E. Clark o f Myrtle Point, Oregon, H olstein Dairy F eed, per sacC - _ $ A lbers’ Scratch Feed, per sack - R ecleaned R olled B arley, per sack Shorts, per sack - Bran, per sack - - • M iddlings, per sack - ' ■ R olled O ats, per sack W heat, per sack - - Cocoanut M eal, per sack - • SPECIAL PRICES IN TON LOTS is representing The “VOGUE” of Sen Francisco, CaL, the new store with all new stock THE LATEST STYLES IN W om en’s Outer W earing Apparel, Coats, Suits, Dresses and Skirts Too fet-Quality, Service and Lowest Prices ~ O RDER NOW We have a car of New Crop Oat and Vetch Hay on the way; should arrive by the first of the week. Busy Comer Grocery Front and C Streets Coquille, Oregon Phones 691 and 541 E. J. Michael ta now stocking his wood yard with dry wood for the SEND T H E S E N T IN E L -L TO YOUR i • F R IE N D S IN T H E EA ST ♦ ITS# WEEKLY VISITS — ARE BOUND TO INTEREST THEM IN THIS COUNTRY SHOW T H E PA PER TO YOUR FR IEN D S W HO A R E NOT TAKING IT . T H EY W ILL BECOM E IN T E R E ST E D IN IT TOO. THE P A PK R T H A T IS IT IS D IF F E R E N T . THE SENTINEL, COQUILLE, ORE. Does Yoar Subscription Date Need Changing? A new shingle mill 4s in operation on Catching crook on the B. B artlett ranch. D. D. Pierce, of Coqaille, is the operator. It is about three miles from Myrtls Point. There are a let ef good workers on the ground doing the preliminary work to the building of our new bridge, mooing earth for the piers and building « mwshias and teal home. Mike Wytand is an the Job with the “beet" team and get an L W. W. in the hunch. James Cavern is Conrad Hammerlof, of Gravel Ford, away Thursday morning while a t breakfast, agad 8* years. He was on of the pioneers of the North Fork valley. He was born in Sweden and a firm friand and good neighbor. Ralph Winningham also goes to Or lando, California, to a hotter country, which soma of us are trying to avoid. Many interesting looking people are passing through town going to Ban- don and to tho Bay. They are all glad they roach M yrtle Point from Roseburg. Professor G ary, who will handle ir gram m ar school, arrives this week and will reside in the Cooley residence a t earner of Spruce and A streets. George Ruth and wife, of lows, who a visiting with Thomas Bark- low several weeks have started on the homeward way. They ware neighbors and fanners in Iowa. .Unde Tom did not come from Missouri. Mac Arnold’s brother-in-law with hS wife has returned to their home in Pueblo, Colorado, after a delightful riait. Mac and his-wife are good en tertainer* though we have not per sonal proof- Mr. and Mrs. Kant, of Gold Beach, •n hers, the gueets of Mr. and Mrs Frank Langlois and Dr. and Mrs. Pem- berton. They are on their return home from a trip to Portland and other interior towns where they have bean to the interest of educaUonal m atters. Mr. Kent to superintendent of schools far Curry county. - Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pape were here Wednesday this week driving a car as *M te as tbs flour ho sells, the “Drifted Snow." J. W. Hall with his' wife and mo- thsr, Mrs. Lyons, of Portland, went down to tho see in an auto Tuesday to rsmato for a few days a t Band on. 8am Johnson Jr„ of North Yakima, is hors this wash, Re ft* will » in visit the on South Fork where "* P * * ®P cad wont to school. He » te r taught school and kept store TU todies ef the M. E. Church will hoM a lawn social a t E. E. Fraeder- Wt • raeidanee-the old 8keela’ place - th is evening. Ice cream and cake »«1 he served and there will be pien te * music, « to w b . - I ------- a