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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1917)
.v -< ^ m m % Next W« AUGUST 8. MIT. * ~ PA0B THWSB - . W. G T. U. *f Coon Cotmty. County Age The W eaua’s Christian A meeting w u sallad July U . by an ea Untea ef C om count B. A. Ward, E. Merten, dmlrmaa of ti Myrtle Point Tuesday and Croce Driva, a t ths ef this meek. Delegatee from A Red Oro* would he willing to do Ito part. W hat North Bend and Coquille wen ever It ia decided to de bare today, i from over the eouaty-'’ The first day will call a mestiag to take the amtf dinner w h served piemie style to Vies i “P . . . . Grove. Forty-five were A. H. Powers laid K m e a matt enjoyed a fine Spread. of common understanding that the The afternoon erosion w u given to good mads work waa to ho done by ports ef idHoara ano superintends! contract. Powers voted five to e of the various departments and a very ia favor of both bond issues. He hi interostjpg paper w h read by Mrs. heard a great deal af criticism hot Mary Campbell on "Thé Work of the kndw nothing about it. No men of the Good Roads committee i over, those surveys to see wkel they worn properly located. He knew that la Ids own buaii they were paying |2 for every dollar’s worth of work they got, end he of the Military thought that the county must be do ing the same. If we are, them >ht not be very much kicking, because the aia. Then carne thè silvor médal con labor condition in the county ia bad tee!. Mra. Henry, of Bandon, tra . a t this time. The commercial bodies Incalía, M iu Carter, Mlaa Drake and should pay for aa engineer end ac Mra. Caaipbell, ef Myrtle Paint, epoke countant - to am whether' the road and all did eo arali that thè credine of money is properly expended. thè judeea area very eloee. Miao Car Peter Loggia, of North Bond, laid tornad frena San Francisco. Auxil ter w u aararded thè meda! by thè wo had boon hearing a lot of nunors. iary headquartera arili be eatahliehed eouaty preeident, Mra. Bianche It w h charged that Mr. Murdock w u arbore the arork will be done ondar the F anida. doing too much for the north end of of throe each day. The Wedneeday eeeaione arare civen the county and too little for Myrtle soperviaion It ia to be hoçcd that everyone will at Coquille City Hall. Aluminum Preferring Kettle Point Than is criticism of the county court and it la saU that the road mon ey ia not spent efficiently. This ia the first time competent engineers have been secured for road work. The county court ia working along the A useful article the year round. Get yours NOW. right lines to get roods built sow. . It cost North Bend 81800 to 82000 to make an Investigation and find that Aa a aort of prolofue to the draaia, her engineer woe right. Than was the arrival of the first carpo of alavee the’ same criticism them against the ia presented with historic fidelity. city engineer there u them ia against Prom this the scene chancee to ante the county roadmeater now. bellom days, depietinc the condition The Intermediate classes of the They wanted to i n i continuous of the nacro in the sooth a t that tiase. Sunday School of the M. E. Ckueh road from Eugene down the Siuslaw Than comes the turmoil of war, an4, South, with their teachers, Mrs. L. and around to Romburg. Thin would finally, the rule ef black over white B. Woodruff and Mias Mildred Norton, make a loop so that tourists eaa come with a mulatto lieutenant coventor in enjoyed a pleasant picnic on the banks in hero without going beck the same the CapHol of South Carolina and the' of Cunnincham creek last Tuesday sv w*7- Prom Eugene to Romburg is Ku Klux Plan riding throucb the enine. The central feature of the oc on Wednesday to 'th e M. E. Church 76 mil as. Around by'Com Bay it ia country-eida^and to reeeue their wo casion was a doc roast, which sur South. Glenn Rehskopf is the leader. 214 miles, and oae earn n graft vari men and preeervs their traditions. passed all previous attempts. Sine- A cordial welcome is extended to ety of scenery, the rivers, the forests, Lincoln signing the Emancipation tac, Comes, and a cenerai cood time all. and the ocean, as well as the lumber, Oto Cmt a Veto lach I were indulced in and every one all the coal, the dairy and the fishing in T. H. Downs, Pastor. oyed themselves to capacity. dustries. Much of that 214 miles of WANTED to road ia already built. If It were all S t James Episcopal Church Phone 11». built it would do more for the county There will be no Servicee during the and every city in it than anything man or boy to help month of August. They will be re WANTED—Either aim that couMLbe done. He thought on dairy ranch. Light work. Ad sumed on Sunday, September 2nd. an investigation w h wfcs. If the Box 198, Coquille, or phone Notice will be civen tlirouch the lo dress work ia properly conducted, we want 711 for particulars. 29tl cal preas. to know, and the n a e if R is ae. Rev. Frederick G. Jennings, Vicar. POR SALE—8-ear old filly. Call Let’s have an investigation by good square fellows. As to ths isyinse, Mr. Ed Gillespie, Fat Elk. 2 Christian Church. Logiie would have to consult the peo FOR RENT—Seven room house, elec ple at home before ho could my what Bible School a t 10 a. m. tric lights, furniture and stoves in they would do. Preaching services a t 11 a. m. house. Close in. J. E. Quick. Phone Mr. Topping mid that it had reach Y. P. S. C. E. at 7:00 p. m. 46. ‘ 29tf ed e point where an investigation w u Preaching services at 8 p. m. necessary and the people wanted a Prayer meeting Wedneeday evening HOUSE FOR RENT close in. thorough and impartial one. Tltoy a t 8 p. m. wanted one that would go into the Victor P. Morris, minister. m atter fully for the benefit of the CANARY and cage for county and the road interests. And, New Cues in Circuit Court C. A. Pendleton. Presbyterian Church. he added, “We would stand our por July 27—Almira Linnt vs. John W. tion of that expense." v WANTED—Chittam Bark 1917 Pool. Lintt. Suit for divercU. President Hell suggested that the, Wool * Mohair. Goo. T. Moulton. believe that office is one of the real July 27— J. A. Reuter add Fred V. county court might share the expanse, burdens of the county. Investigation Thompson, doiac business ea Reuter Christian Science Society. WANTED—Second hand furniture. but there w h opposition to uking R; however, that the entire ex 4 Thompson, vs. Fred Clark and Services next Sunday at 11:00 a. m. Highest prices paid. Coquille Fur and he pledged Marshfield to pay her Now H ostal Already Fall reveals, panse of the Roedmastar’s office foe Katheryn M. Clark. C Subject, -Love." 21ti portion, making himself personally When Dr. V/ L. Hamilton fitted up the first jAx months of this year ia Wedneeday evening meeting at 8 niture Co. July 80—Scrolls Conks is vs. F. M. responsible for its payment. 84,770.1«. The expense of the County o’clock, .vf Cooksie. Suit for divefhe. FOR SALE—18 acraa, ad bottom, one rooms for wurde at the Coquille Mr. Topping suggested that the four Surveyor’s office for the same time mile from Coquille poetoffioe; city Aug. 1—Geo. H. Johnson vm. C. B. Sunday school at 9:80 a. m. Hospital he though! he had qiade suf- county court should be included in the and the exact number of days is |6,- water. Inquire John Hickam. Otf. Free public reading room open ev Zeak and M. J. Zeek. investigation if necesary. He moved 660.71 or 8890.66 in excess of the ex ery day. except Sundays and holidays, Aug. 2—Myrtle V Grant va. tn , that the president of the Good Roe&i thto week every room hqg beon occu- ponas of theTtoidaiaetkr*» office. We gene L. Grant. Suit for divorcq, WANTED—Half ton Oregon Grape 2 to 4 p. m. Association ha authorised to set a pied and ha inteivU to immediatoly believe that in justice to Mr. Mur Aug. 8—A. H. Stutsman and Emma from root Gee. T. Moulton. Corner Third,and Hell streets time and call the committe together prepare additional quartere for tbe re dock they should ha dearly stated F. Stutsman, partners doing business for this taivoatigatioB—a commi ceptivo of patiente. Stutsman A Co., vs. Dunaaa Mc of one from each of the six cities eg Mre. E. A. Brenner babeen inetall- In additioa to tito above ato testent as Intyre. the county. North Bend, Marshfield, ed aa nurse afM le nofrettonding to which was published in the Coos Bey Bandon, Coquille, Myrtle Point end her duties there. last weak, Roadmaster Mur M. E. Church South. Powers—the members to be selected The painting of the outaide of the Harbor dock wishes to state that the Ford Promptly at 16 a. m. Sunday 8 by the commercial bodies. .The whole building a puré wkite makee a won ear which was ua pfarehased for his office situation both, from a financial ami derful improvement in the appSarance this spring had not bean charged to engineering standpoint, and every of that comer of the block and ran hie office at the time these figures thing in connection with road matters the, hospital a very attractive were compiled. The machine cost to be investigated by an accountant dera which, added to the above fig spot to and an engineer to be selected by the fering. the eye aa well aa to the euf- 8604 ures, still leaves a margin of 8886.66 Epworth League service at 7 p. m. proposed committee, in favor of Ua oAce. at the M. E. Church with the League ’H iough no formal vote w h taken That Law Lacks Teeth. of that church. this w h unanimodtly agreed to by The evening service at 1:00 p. m the meeting end President Hall prom Justice Stanley informs ua that the Small Claims Court Act, to which we will be a union service in the M. E. iaed quick action. autos reference last week, leeks the eharoh. Rev. 8. M. Cheek wiU preach. end clews to make it affective. Prayer service Wedneeday a t 8 p. Scad Magazines to Sammies. teeth Iadeed, the set creating K, provides m. ia the M. E. Church, South, Rev. See our window display of new Unwrapped m agninaa will be for that no attachment, execution or T. H. Down ia charge. warded by the United States poet of garnishee shell issue in that depart fice deportment for one coat each ment of the court, eo ualeee the debt to the soldiers and sailors in the ex or pays the award made by the court peditionary forces ia Europe. The voluntarily, there will be nothing do MethofHft Episcopal. m aguines should not bo addrea A court or department of a court Magasinee to be accepted for mailing ing. without authority to enforce its da- They are beauties and in three sizes must have printed in the upper left ereaa can do little more than advise hand comer of the front cover following: "Notice to » coder:—When debtors to pay whatever it fiads they you have finished reading tide mi 'sine, place a one-cent stamp on this .50, .70, .95, 1.00 Fern Dishes notice, hand it to acme postal amp and R will bo placed la the hands of Hanging Flower 1.75 our soldiers or sailors at ths front. rom 20c to 1.00 No wrapping; no address.” Jardinterres, Canning Necessity I ¡¿Si UisMÌMrd>7 ' ‘ K K jü a rt, $ P Fruit Jars Jelly Glasses H.O. ANDERSON Furniture and Hardware Want Ads Fire .Life Accident Pottery Vases 50, 70 and 85 cents Mixing Bowls, 5 rises • 15c to 65c —•titRACKET STORE win •»«M l MfcS. BONNIE WALKER, Prop.