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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1917)
County Good Roads Association Goes oi Record for Having the Finances and the Engineering Checked Up by Experts. “We got some of your strikers there.? “No you didn't; we never had any strikers.” . .The first remark w u nude by A. N. Christianson, one of the North Slough W. H. Lycos and Fey W. Jen dissolved the partnership that 1 iated between them for the p years. WIU is now sois pro for ths first time since he we huahuas hete in 1M6 id ths member of the fina of Land * Mr. Jones expect* to remain h of Sheriff Oft«*, Dr. Richmond and Mr. Beysrm. Their first cu e u n t yesterday, when C. & Harris, who w u registered end drafted in Hem- boidt county, California, cane in for examination. Physical defects caused his rejection. Today another nun drafted from the same county, Carl Svensen, is Jo cone before the board. Coquille Com dal Club Refuses to Put Up Any Money Ip Investigate Road- master and Road Work. An unusually large attendance at the Commercial Club Wednesday ev ening w u present to discuss the pro position put up to it by the Good Ronds Association that day—the ap pointment of a committeeman to in- weetigate road matters in the county. President Norton reported the re sult of the association masting, u told elsewhere, and called for sug gestions u to whom should be sp- This started a two hours’ discussion u to ths wisdom and advisability of ths Commercial Qub going te the ex- penes contingent on carrying out the Road Association plans to employ an expert accountant and an engineer to make a thorough investigation. Ths Association figured that the -investi gation could be mads for «600 but the Commercial Club members were al most unanimously of ths opinion that n thorough chocking up- of ell road times that amount, which it is pro posed to apportion amoung the six county commercial clubs—Powers, Myrtle Point, Bandon, Coquille, North Bond and Marshfield. That ««00 would tion was ridiculed. In order to get the matter before the meeting C. A. Howard moved that it w u the sense of the Coquille Com mercial Club that a committeeman should bo appointed to participate in tfeio investigation of the 'roadmaster’s office and the expenditure of road thing found u satisfactory u thou present thought was the case, there w u nothing to prevent an investiga tion every th ru months u long u the road work continues. Everyone w u agreed that a thor ough investigation of nil road matters would be the b u t thing possible for all concerned—the roadmastar's office, the county court and the people—but they were opposed to the Commercial Club’s standing for a $60 to ««00 bill for the expense of making it. M. O. Hawkins told of ths afternoon meeting of ¿he county court at which Judge Watson Mid the court would welcome e complete end thorough in vestigation of road affairs, but not a garbled and incomplete travesty for the sole purpose of “getting” some body. Another point made by the judge was that «6,000,000 w u not going to pave all the roads in the state and that if Com county w u not randy to pnve, the money would pro bably be spent where the roads were graded, with no funds available when C o m county announced herself as pro perly prepared. ' An amendment to Mr. Howard’s motion w u offered by P. B. Philips that the investigating committee be authorised to-draw on Coquille Com mercial Club for not to exceed «66 for This amendment w u curled by n small majority but when the amended motion w u put there w u net n single vets in ita favor. what they were talking about nor whether the work., w u coating toe much or not. if the expense of an investigation eoald be bene by the do not want you to think that our people wanted it, let them go stolen privileges were due or possible ahead; who but he on account of say carelessness of our borne by a few. objected to Ha being keepers. Per be H from such. Ths Jack Lamb remarked that if this fact of the matter is that there isn’t m investigation w u made end every- cell or a combination of calls bars that will hold us, If we ere determined to get out We had no help from the “outside” or “inside.” We had no tools or materials other than the equipment which is permissible for the use of the inmates, neither did we That the “croakers” who know hit little about the truth of the storiea they repeat, would bear none of the investigation expense, while those who ere better posted end find no fault with road affairs would have to etand the exponas, w u ths point most frequently mads by ths many man present who expressed themselves. ' Boy Brooks Bio Ana. Last Tuesday Le Nome Pownder, Sheriff Gage’s nine year old grand son, who has been Hvtng with him for the p u t two years, while up at Bridge broke the inner bone of bis left fore arm nasr the wrist and at the. same time put one of the wrist bones on Before Breaking Jail Raky and Weidner Write a Letter Telling Sheriff Gage all About It and Promise to Be Back. n mavo m assm fsunsakls ■ w in « m ore ib t o t ip ii , dhi id on, confidently believing h succeeding week would into court end end this aw- me. We have left the Jail No More New Work to Be Begun—Wag This Question Fully Discussed at Meeting prior to conviction' and knowing that innocent of e crim them. We would regret ft if the es Will Not Be Raised—Some Help of Good Roads Association, Timbermen we inal ere act absolutely or Intent—the injustice of our county were to g* to gnp expense to behind prison bars looms recapture us, u we solemnly swear for Road to Sunset Bay and Others Wednesday Morning. confinement up larger from day to day. On top of that when our trial is called we will One of the objects for which Pres ident Hell celled n meeting of the County Good Roads Association acre Wednesday morning was to consider the criticism which has been recently directed so strongly towards 4j»e road work in this county and the Roedn,as- ter’s office in particular. In bringing the matter before the meeting Mr. Hall said that regardless of the question whether there was any merit in those criticisms or not ft waa our duty to make an investigation end see how the «600,000 or «400,000 of road money derived from the rale of the bonds is being expended. G. E. Tonney, of Myrtle Point, raid is was estimated that ft would take «800 to make this investigation. The proposal had been made by the Com mercial Chib of Myrtle Point,’to the other clubs of the county that they should unite in making this investiga tion and/ that the Good Roads Associ ation should ask for representation conscience.” There had been lots of rumors about the tripe the roe dm as ter had tnade to Portland and having the expenses of the tripe charged to the county end about hia having overrun Ms allow ance. l i e reeponsiblity wee on the be-here ani you will not suffer any embarrassment whatsoever. We ere going to try awfully hard to jected to a thousand indignities. Also get *way, so we can attend to certain have been exposed to sypMllis end dis tesinees matters which have been too ease while here. In fact this place has degenerate! into ’ n " veritable “Chamber of Horrors.” Why must we endure ell this, inahmuch as we have duration. Wo will not resist arrest not been convJetetTof n crime? We We ere not looking for trouble end di have appealed for an interview with not care to be tanned “Desperate the powers that be, with the view of Criminals Abroad.” We shall only use discussing the situation axis ting, ear wits. When we realise that our and to find out whether or not some chaneM of a clean and gentlemanly thing could be done te somewhat al get-a-wsy are doubtful, we shell re leviate our distress. All ear appeals turn to Coquille at once end coma in for some unknown reason ere utterly as quietly as we cále out. Trusting ignored. It is enough to drive one you will appreciate our situation and mad end our subsequent departure for net Judge us too harshly, we beg to manity. The incongruity of the law, relative to Justice is unfair to the man Commissioner Armstrong rays that eo far at its present meeting the county court has* done less, then be fore in seven years, in the seme length of time. Visiting delegations ten tion of the court. Wedneadey afternoon the men who attended the Good Roads Association meeting in the morning made the same talks over again to the court, with slight variations. One of these was the strong indorsement or ap proval that A. H. Powers gave Road- master Murdock. He emphatically stated that he is the right men in the right piece. A full report of the talks made wee taken by the court stenographer, Mrs. Scott After listening to everything the visitors had to any both for end against continuing the road work in this county, the court went on record to the following effect: No new projects wilL be undertak en this year; the wages now paid for work on the roads will not be in creased; there will be no change in the work now being done on force ac count; no mere time will be given, the yesterday asking that the road from North Bend to Sunset Boy be mac adamised. Grading work is now in progress on that road, and the court ordered that a sandy stretch of two miles, the worst part of the project, should be macadamised, and will ad vertise for bids for that work* On the present Perham contract the plans calls for the retention and maintenance of half a mile in length of the China camp bridge and also of the long bridge at Coaledo. - It was also decided to use gravel and macadam on some of the fills The widows’ pension end indigent cases stil remain to be considered end the auditing of bilis is not yet com pleted. precaution yesterday in burning nil the dry gram and vegetation between the Prosit street buildings and the railroad. There ere many other place» in the city where similar precautions should be token.. It in new the time of the year to cut all dry grass and weeda about residencM and in vacant lots. Everything has get so dry that a little fire might very easily grow to be a big one.