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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1917)
■ ti : >■ - - ri . _ . - J . ' . , J . .... . it . ▼ALLST I m r to buy m it . PO LLY PRIM Polish and Self-Feeding - Mops— Adjustable Handle. THIS SCHOOL, although located in a small town, has been so fortunate as to assem ble a faculty of trained teachers that its success has been re markable. Our students are learning to DO som ething. Each o f them have som e DEFINITE purpose in view when they attend this SCHOOL. Head- marks, crédite or honorary grades have no value to them today. Ane cottage. J. S. Barton, of Co quille, waa there Friday aad Bade ar rangements with Wat. Mast for the cobs traction of a cottage staila« to that of the Camp Fire Girl«,’ to be occupied by Mr. Barton’s mother, Mrs. K. V. B. NickUa, of Coquille. A site next to th at of the Camp Fire Girls has been purchased and the work com menced Monday. The building will be 18x30.—World. .......................... ........................... .............. . M m - M - H M They realize that a column of figures added jap must be either 100 per cent Right or 100 per cent W rong/ j Not partly right and partly wrong, but all wrong or all right And so it is with the remainder of their studies. They must be able to DO something correctly. Isn't it tim e tor your boy or girl to com e to this decision? Today the Gov ernment and Commercial houses are calling for help. Let us train your son or daughter to become independent of any adversity that m ight befall YOU. Every day of delay means a delay in their earning capacity. - W e have just received a big shipment of POLLY PRIM self-feeding mops and polish. The manufacturers have au thorized us to offer FREE at their expense a $ 1 .0 0 can of POLLY PRIM Polish with a purchase of a POLLY PRIM self-feeding mop. W e were allotted but 12 free cans which will be presented to the first twelve purchasers o f POLLY PRIM Mops To* will like the POLLY PR1M- Tell your I I nan m ended him to the Commie 's of Cess County because of his css in dealing with the contrac ted his ability to gat fl rat-class in the fans of roaoidershlo diffl- Mr. Murdoch's ability aad in- y cannot be qusstisasd ta d he is H. 0. A N D E R S O N Furniture and Hardware Pacific D ru g Co. B ran ch es O u t. N ight1 Last week the Pacific Drug Co, of Myrtle Point took pooseoioa of the Bod Cress store of North Bend owned by Mr. J. L. Brown, of Marshfield, and will conduct the business under the firm name. Mr. D. W. Snyder will hare charge of this branch while Mr. W. H. Feamley, the other part ner, will look after the businesc in Myrtle Point LOST Wed needs y a pup four months old. Last seen a£ Farmers Store. Black shepherd with grey or white ■pocks on his herd. 910 reward for his return. Jap Yoaksea. 27t2 MAN AND WIFE WANTED to work on ranch. Good pay. Inquire a t this ofilcs. Carricos next Sunday a t 11:00 a. m. Subject "Life.” Wednesday erecting meeting a t- 8 MAN WANTED to cut broak, 92.25 par day and board. Inquire a t this o’clock. Sunday school a t 9:90 a. m. Free public reading room opan ev ery day, except Sundays and holidays, TWO OR THREE GIRLS who are to be students in the Business College frem 2 to 4 p. m. would like to find placet to work Corner Third and Hall streets. foe their board. See Mr. Anderson if Interested. Christian Science Society. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS SEND FOR CATALOGUE ANDERSONS’ BUSINESS COLLEGE Coquille, Oregon “ LEARN IT RIGHT” •¡m* • long as they am Ugh < the necessary drainage. Mr. Murdock it a i probably insist upon ■ LOST OR STRAYED from paature a t Johnson« Mill, a email bay hone. Gone since last of May. Finder please notify F. E. Summers, Co quille. - 2612 July 19—Wilbur F. Aber aad Alma Myrtle Pointer, of Coquille. July 14—W elter T. Phillips end Gladys A, Canterbury, of Baadon. July 18—Mathew D. Coy end Gene vieve Louise Brown, of Baadon. FOR SALE—GOOD MATCHED SORREL TEAM I960 lb. Address M. E. Church South. ANCL* Ml tR FILMO. FIGHTING FOR FRANCE feature, with 2-reel comedy, o f actual, authentic war scenes on the field o f battle. Come and aee the horrors o f modern warfare next Monday night, July 23, at Scenic Theatre The morning service a t |1 a. as. Sermon by the pastor; subject, T o y ing the Coat of Spiritual Power.” Epworth League with the M. E. Church Young People. The evening service at 9:00 p. m in the M. E. Church by the pastor of the M. E. Church, South. Subject, “The Crucifixion of phrtot.” Prayer sendee Wednesday a t 8 p. m. in the M. E. Church South. Everyone urged to be present. H. Marvin Law. Pastor. reno which wo published last week to “use wood when you can got K.” Tho Mg huToaeo In coal prices kora last winter of coure, had lots more to do with it then Mr. Hoover's advice, but all the earns most of our dtisone aro accumule ting woodpflm during the summer. Mr. Maned] informa us that he deUverad 997 leads la June aad to MW 900 loads behind with Mi orders. N ew B oom C om pany O rganized. 4L Jan»es Episcopal Church 7th Su eday after Trinity. Holy Communion a t 8 a. m. Morning Prayer and sermon a t 11 m gM | g Prayer end earmoi1 a t 8 p. W Y . J Frederick G. Jeaninga. Vicar. Presbyterian Church. Christian Church. The government buckst dredge, which for somo time has bea« operat ing in the upper river near Myrtle Point for the Port ef Coquille River, was. taken to Baadon by Engineer Roy R o o d to, who Is in charge, this w ert aad to being put in shape to be towed to Ceos Bay- T** hyam will take the craft over as seaa H I H H h H H m H BK m I Bible Schael a t 10 a. m. Y. P. & C. E. a t 840 p. m. WANTED—Second hand furniture. Highest prices paid. Coquille Fur niture Co. tltf A ccid en t “Sterno” Canned Heat is just the thing to take camping. -The stove folds up into a flat package, convenient for carrying. The heat comes in 10c cans, and is instantly availabe for use. Thera to a “Sterno” device for use with Canned Heet for every purpose of Instent Cooking or H eating.' For warming Baby’s milk or Father’s shaving w ater; for the quick Incheon or suppor, for the doli done smack • ’motoring or boating or camping; for any other occasion where heat to required on the moment. Single Burner $1.75 Double Burner 2.50 Sew them at the R A C K E T ST O R E MRS. BONNIE WALKER, Prop.