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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 20, 1917)
The Sentinel Motorists and Mechanics to over 1 *7,000 can. 1 Motor company U now rat factory profit at 921 a Other thing* may help or binder but our conclusion la that the war ia going to be fought to a.flniah on the western line. There ia where our American troop* could make them- aelvee tremendoualy felt. And inatead of doing everything to help them get there quickly Congre** dilliee and of thia whiskey are taking it eat of bond and paying the taxae on it at the boose makers end the food spec the rate of a million gallon* a day, ulator*’ profit*. Whether they intend ton million gallon* having been taken it or not the obstructive congressmen out in the poet ten days. Of course, are playing the Kaiser1* game. Hur the wholesale and retail liquor eellera ry up the draft, give us a war tax aft hoping in thi* way to got enough without any regard far King Booae; boos# to etavo off the coming drouth pass the aeroplane bill. A ll thi* ought for a year or two longer. to havo been dona weeks ego. Every ABQUT LIVING LONG. day it is delayed moans harder fight ing to make the world safe for de- Henry HOI Watson, who at the aft of 102.haa come to Oregon to spend hi* declining years, say* that “ right On# mani a day of rye broad will living” t* the eecret of hie vigor *t •ara 160,000,000 bushels of wheat a the remarkable ago he he* attained, gear is America. It i* wall worth hot to most p*re*ne thee* two words trying. Good rye brand is not so very will not mean much. They embrace, hard to like.—Oregonian. of course, temperance In the uae ef Why oat all that ryo broad our food, add healthful exercise in the selves? Dont lot1* be selfish. Send half of it at least to the ellies. We According to the estimate* mad* by the Wár Department in figuring out our ratio for the draft, Coos county has a population of 22,072. Douglas county ia credited with 17,210 and Curry w ith S j2 8 ¡L ^ ^ ^ ' of the cause, and no doubt it is vary wholesome, though as wo havo not tasted it for half a century our recol lection is not very distinct. Again wo doubt very much whether there is ryo enough raised in the Unit ed States to givo everybody a meal a day or a meal every other day. In the world at large, though, then ia al- With the Oregon wheat crop to be cut short one-half by dry weather in Juno and July there is all the more reason why we should have w bee tiesa normal occupation for tb* mind, If on# would live not only long but happily. It Is almost a sine qua nan to have a life-giving hobby. In the esse ef the venerable Mr. Watson this was the reading e f scientific end religions books end study of the world’s beet literature. It aright havo boon bee keeping, at rending of the book of the grant outdoors, with equal value. The point lira in the enthusiasm created. takiag him; while he retains capacity to kindle witk an inward fire he can rely on it that he ia still young. The mental attitude toward life is every ROAD WORK SHOULD NOT STOP. thing. The county court of Coos county ia exchangee accuse* the Sentinel of being importuned to stop the work in “grabbling.” Of course wo don’t progress on our highways so that know just what tRat moans, but it is evidently something pretty bad or the editor would not havo mentioned it. Our thanks are' due to Secretary of Stato Bon W. Olcott for compioto copies of all the laws of Oregon relat ing to Roads, Highways, Bridges, and Ferries and also of the election laws, each including the new laws of 1217. A iwirtiHy «ffecthre dn u l t **P jw t aswogh grit to carry U m chaaaiaf propertica deep First National Bank Building THE HOME DEFENSE FORCE. Adjutant Gonoral White, at Pert- land on Saturday, stated that Spanbh- American war veterans end others who enlist in the First Separate Betel- Hon, Oregon Homo Defense Force, soon to bo organised with the approv al of Governor Withycombe and the Tho purpose of the physical exami nation is not so much to reject men who are not in the beet at physical trim es K is to have a*full record of their physical condition at time of on- passible pension claims in the futura. Of coarse, men found to bo absolutely disqualified physically for service will ho rejected, but the standard will not ba nearly so rigid aa that of the army. Though the enlistment is to be for the period of the war, the Home Defense Force will net be rant outside the state, and will be called out for tar rico in the state oaly in cara of un- COQUILLE THE DOUBLY PROVEN build roads. I f wo don’t keep the work rushing now, when Will it be doneT If the short sighted but long wind'd congressmen have their way in «May ing the entry of our mm into the war the .conflict will Inst through another year and in addition to the million mm wo are preparing to got randy The Germans nr* fighting in France with the energy of desperation, hoping to win a victory before the tUmmU. reach the front. And Congress talks FRIEND Wisconsin Silo Cuquillo Readers Cea Ne Laager Denkt the F i Menus This grateful dtisen testified long ego. Told at quick relief—of undoubted benefit. The J a cu lara now confirmad, evidence conclusive. DAIRYMAN’S a enl*Flste thn mrmssaLfnS Sta, Eugene, Ore, says: “ Last winter ed next year. Tbm it will be difficult if not impossible to continue oUr road work in this county and moebraf our Csar Nicholas to in prison. King bond money will bo eaten up in inter Constantino, of Greece, is an extreme act before we can spend it on our ly private dtisen in e Swiss health re sort. The kings of Serbia end Mon tenegro era in exile. Albert, of Bel gium, is driven to hold hie court in Franco.. Ferdinand, at Roumanie, is clinging precariously to a remnant -of THREB CENT POSTAGE AGAIN. The senate has agreed upon the pro visions of the war revenue bill, one &f which raises letter postage fifty per cent and will, if adopted, resurrect three cent letter stamp w* were using about fifty years ago. Even if the house approves the terms of the sen ate bill it is probable that soma weeks will pass before H goes into effect. But there are lots of folks, as we arc informed by the postofffce people here, who are so firmly convinced that the rira haa already gone into effect that they are (ticking a on* cent stamp in addition to a two center on their letters. The people who have got ahead of time ia this way, though, a n probably only a drop ia the buck et to those who wont know it or who will forget it after the throe cent rato gora into effect. And the mm whs handle the mail* a n beginning to fig ure on how many hundreds and thou sands of letters will bo mailed with only two em u «tamps then. Every- OREGON a big differ- to anything. My back was so weak *»d tamo that I could hardly move without pain. I didn’t got a bit of benefit from the medicine I used until I began taking Doan’s Kidney Pills. The pain and weakness ¡eft sml my kidneys wars strengthened and I be came well." (Statement given Febru ary 8,190«. DOAN’S ALW AYS RELIABLE On March 29, 191«, Mrs. Abbott said: “ I still hold as high an opinion Lumber/ Dry Finish Rustic, Mouldings, Boxes ««isrsS-js and Crates e twice publicly rae- ier-MUburn Company, YES. ANO ITk HELD ITS. REPUTATION F<5 r 85 YEARS muevc billy W STE», THAT NEW POOCH IS A REACH . n Î «4 „ / * ■