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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1917)
FRIDAY. J u n i IS. ltlT. F A G «' e the Dollars Our W ay and They W ill Roll Back To You Business men of Coquille who have what you want and when you want it 3 • ,7 5 '■ - a'1 im Shoes We bought Florsheim Shoes before the last price advance« W e sell th ee m uch low er than they, can be se cured elsewhere* Fall line of Dry Goods, Shoe«, Clothing, etc. H. LO REN Z The Store o f S M U ie tiM . MHXER BR0 s 9 H | Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry, Fish, e tc — Phone 4 M P. M. V DelirerU DO YOU PREFER to knew what yen are bnyi kerns fram as yea net only get aa mash far year yen alto Bad everything seid exactly aa '8 . KNOWLTON. Do Your Trading at Home and more money will stay in your home bank, and mofe of it will be available for home use. The dollar that goes away hardly ever comes back. FIR ST N A T I O N A L B A N K The ,•* , . Chronic Catalogue Buyer -f' Opened His Eyes Roll Your Dollars This Way F ifth Story. The R olling D ollar dropped w ith a satisfied sigh into the gro cer'» till. "G lad I ’m aafeiy back from that trip,” he said to the other dollars there assembled. “ That was a risky stroke o f Fate that led me o ff to Marahdale. M y wings alm ost shook o ff th eir eagle feathers in an ague o f faar that I would never get back. W h y? Because Marshdale folks trade w ith Chicago m ail order houses, and what chance has one little dol lar to g e t back when about the only adventures possible are in th e poetofflee cash box or the box o f the express company between here and Chicago.” “ W ell, did somebody steal you hack?” “ N o, air, but a farm er had a change o f heart. I was present at his confession. A ll I know about It is that he laid me on the table beside a b ig mail order cat alo g; and a fte r he had looked at me and at the catalog he w rote a le tte r which h eje a d to his w ife. H is letter i about like ik U : “ 'Marshdale, Mich., January 15, 1914. Gentle men— Yours o f recent date at hand, also catalogs and circulars offerin g premiums fo r distributing same among m y neighbors. A s you say, it would be a favor ; I doubt i f it would be to m y friends. I have \ you fo r some y e a n m yself, and I have re ceived no favors. I paid fo r ah I g o t; in the same length o f tim e 1 would have gained standing and credit in a home store. You think I am a steady comer, and send me any old goods that are handy on my orders. “ ‘Y o u r catalogs seem to offer some great bar gains, but let us see i f there are not some things very necessary to the people o f our section that are not men tioned in your b ig book. ' > “ 1 don’t see any reference to paying cash or ex goods fo r wheat, oats, corn, beans, butter, r or hay. How much win you pay fo r cattle, sheep and hogs, f o. b. Marshdale? * *We have to have a m arket and we can’t expect To sell to the home merchants i f we buy in “ ’ H ow much w ill you pay to support our sch ool»* How much fo r building our roads and bridges? F or supporting our poor ? F or the general public expense 7 Tw o stores and a brush factory went out o f business here last summer, and my taxes are higher th is year those concerns are not here to share up the fixed expenses o f local governm ent and public utilities. You go t our money and kept it, so those who would have given it back had to q u it “ ’H ow much do you give our churches? How much credit w ill you give me when tim es are hard? I think I ’D trade at home a while. I f the home merchant is trick y I can have it out w ith him face to face, and settle any misunderstanding in h alf an hour. 1 have been a ll w in ter gettin g my money hack on th at deal w ith you, and now I get only a credit card, which one o f your clerks w ith studied carelessness has mislaid. ’ 'Return the amount without fu rth er dickering or I «h all take it out in advertising you and your method» among the folks around here. Yours truly, C A R L SC H U LTZ.’ ’ ’ “ T o d » he drove down to C enterville and spent me on a b ill o f goods hare because there isn’t a decent grocery store le ft in Marshdale.” Copyright, 1914. ’W' ty,T / • • Rod get values you couldn't get a thousand miles away. % i *. , • _ f V Your interest is our interest—our stock is large and complete. BOUGHT EIGHT and we only ask a fa ir p ro fit W e serve you prom ptly and are alw ays here to see that you are satisfied. K eep your money in your own community and it w ill re turn to you quicker. TH E B U S Y C O R N E R - t--' t 7 . • A • ^ ■> > , * - i \,> • Now is the time to buy a John Deere How or Harrow . Pric«e will eeen advance. Take advantage of preaent prieea. C o »« In and let aa skew ye m ear ateek. LAMB & VON PEGERTflHftj Hardware and Inc THE KEYNOTE Success in medicine relies solely on tta power to relieve illness, according to the demands of its purpose. The keynote of auerem in tbs use a t any medicine compounded by us, is in the fact that every drug used la selected with the knowledge o f Its purity and potency, and compounded according to most scientific methods by effl- cwoi pnannacwti. Your doctor knows the value of our work and the results obtained from medicine compounded kero and both ha add the patient obtain the results desired through its use. F U H R M A N ’S P H A R M A C Y The Raxall Store. FRUIT Coquille, Oregon. • JAR The Canning Season is about here. It’s lime to stock up on fruit jars. We sell the Economy, wide mouth self-sealing ma son ja r ,. Jelly glasses etc. LYONS & JONES Fine Groceries Coquille, Oregon m2 •j yflP BROCCOLI PLANTS for u lt. Place your order now with Geo. Battey. WANTED— Second hand furniture. Higheet prices paid. Coquille For- Bat trhen they entered the dininr roans their sorrow seen disappeared, and whoa Jack lighted the candles on the Birthday cake a chorus of plsassd “Oh's" and "A h 's" arose. ing by Misses Nellie Johnson and Ha- sol Bean. Those prsssnt ware Hanel Johnson, Ted Myers, Mabel McNair, Leona Carter, Haas! Myers, Ethel Mc Nair. Dona Ellingsen, Donald Ms- Gilvery, Clara Bedn, Denton Elling sen, Jessie Johnson, Gladys Myers, Clarence Bean, Paul Dottleeon, Merle Miller, Kenneth Jacobs sn. Irmin Kims, Norma W illard,' Lola Miller, Inherits s L args Fort one. Frank B. Waite, the holder of the first mortgage on the Kinney tract, who loft Ceos Bay for bis boose at Sutherlin Tuesday, received word while here that his next door neigh bor, Paxton Ridgeway, had just in herited the big estate of Sir Alvoo Paxton, an unde. He is of English descent and his inheritance is estim ated at an income of 360,000 per year. {W AN TED —A woman or girl at the laundry. A. T. MerrlaoiC MAN AND W IFE wanted to work on ranch. Good wares will be paid. Apply to F. B. Phillips or at the FARM HAND and cook wanted at the county farm. Steady job for the right parties. Inquire of N. E. Landreth, or phone 434. |400 or lees to let. Inquire at Sen tinel for particulars. 22t4 BUGGY FOR CASH OR TRADE— Nearly new split Hickory Boggy for slashing or for yearlings. For a good trade see C. A. Pendleton, Coquille. 22t2 The Lucky Blue Bird brings Good Lock Dishes arc certainly the niftiest of all patterns in dishes. Method* EpiacopaL Sunday School at 10 a. m. Mrs. | Georgia tlito iia il. cupwlri ■ < ■ > ; H. O. Anderson, musical director. A t 11 a. m. the Sunday Scheel will Services next Sunday at l l r i a. m. preaent a “ Children’» Day” Subject, ‘Mod, «ha Frmerver of | A geed program la bring »raring m ariin« r i Cl BLU E BIRD DISHES are appropriate gifts for all occasions. BLUE BIRD DISHES are carried in full stock at the Racket ^ BLUE BIRD DISHES by the whole set, small set • or single piece. R ACK ET STO R E MRS. BONNIE W ALKER, Prop.