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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1917)
SEAT NEW S = $ L fe TMB THAR. . r*» in i a * *8.» i*. 1 » »; • } f t ^ . . . r ilÉ «lé W W K*i OVER SUBSCRIBE THE UttRTY KM lÉ É B É t o s Ä s a it fa Ä / c THE P M ) OISE 1 HERMGBE contract for furnishing tho now Ham- &SKS The Total Registration Ti toys 2055— 182 Aliens and 14 AUei 8 ■ 8' SS 10 Templeton t 1 North Slough 14 I f 8 12 Haynes Slough 11 r 18 to Allegany Kentuck Slough 1 • 6 Wiltanch Slough 4 11 12 Empire 18 IS North Bond $ 21 28 North Bead 8 46 72 North Bond 4 22 42 North Bead 2 28 82 North Bead Pony Slough 12 26 ‘ t- 7 s Eastaide” . ' 12 21 Marshfield 17 28 1 4 71 180 1 4« Marshfield 88 74 1 i Marshfield 4 28 41 Marshfield 2 84 48 Marshfield 8 21 61 Marshfield 14 41 Sooth Slough 1 11 18 Newport 22 68 88 Bunker Hill 20 Catching 8toughl6 t 26 88 Coon River » 12 Burton 12 26 Sumner 8 14 26 Coos City 14 1- t Coatodo 7 11 i t Beaver Hill Cunningham 27 38 -S 7 18 Fat Elk 18 1 7 Dare 17 11 M ìm iw i I ’ __ 8 I t ■ t : * ■ 87 Las 1 t 8 4 $ 8 7 8 8 18 11 12 1$ 14 16 18 17 18 18 20 21 22 2$ 24 26 28 27 22 28 80 81 82 S3 84 16 2 Ä , “ which is going to mean a groat deal (or Coquille, will be o f the beet qual ity. la apeaking of hie contract, Mr. Hanson says that the furniture which has to be shipped in w ill be here in a week or ton days. Some of H be has in stock at present, but he ex pects to bare it all installed within two weeks. • • Mr. Hartson also .has the contract in the attic for the operation famishing the court house annex it was neooso ry to cut a hole __the w.u 0f Becorda—with its cosa tile roof of the building. Mr. piement of .chairs* sottese, typewriter ly i he will hare those eleva- ^ dr> and those are ox- ly *• taetoll in a mask, j 1 poctod to arrivo for installing by the ract has been made with the 16th. The floor covering contract *ower Co. to furnish the juice was awarded to Going A Harvey, of tone new elevators, and Meo-, Marshfield, but everything Mae in the ill also be applied to the In- furnishing line is to be provided by list by which milk is taken Mr. Hartson. He was able to give THE RED C R O S S , NEXT TUESDAY The Myrtle Point flsidge. i - The wore two bidders here, the bids including the approaches and a ew ar sis viaduct over the railroad, ft la what M known as the Sprues atom* bridge. Pur » wo »den bridge the bids were as follows: Portland Bridge Co, $18,800. ROAD BONDS W IN BY 973 C»», -■ -r- D « * a Tha following is in substance the decree filed Wednesday by Judge Coke in tho First street paving cane that has bean s bone of contention for tho past four or five years in this d ty: That the total cost of tho improve ment o f First street in Elliott’s Addi tion to Coquilto City and Notley’s Ad dition was and* is tho sum of $10,118^1 and which is properly ohargsabto to tho property beneflttod by each im provement and described in Ordinance No. 108 levying tho assessment and passed Nov. 24, 1818. That, the dis pute as to $400 hold back by the d ty should bo determined by the Common Council of the dty o f Coquilto as pro vided to Section 6« of tho charter of said dty, upon a hearing at which the property owners and the contractor* should bo given n chance to bo hear^ and such portion thereof as to the council may seam equitable should bo paid to the contractors and the bal ms should bo repaid to tho property mors whoa paid in tha manner and as provided in Section 84 of tho char- r amendment of the d ty o f Coquilto o f May 12th, A. D. 1818. That Mid assessment of $10,11181 should be prorated among tho proper ty owners in tho same manner and to like proportion as ths origins! assess e d o f $12,068.76 was prorated to em by Ordinance No. 108, sad when prorated ths same shall be a lisa on tbs property beneflttod sad ths own- s of ths respective tracts shell pay the asms to tan annual installments «amend ng with the time it was or iginally doe with interest from that ns at 8 per cent ns upon tha original Coquille Coqaille Coquille Coquille Riverton and 12,620 pounds of eheeoe made at th^Craamery during the fractional month o f May, and on Mondny checks for $11,390 wert mniled to the Pa amendment. Yes, 1368; No, 868. That the plaintiffs, defendant City trons, these payments being at ths Requiring eity elections to bo hold o { Coquille and defendants E. Elltag- rate of 89 eents per pound for butter on the same day as stats electing*Ison and A. F. Bergen pay one-third of and providing for city elections only ¡ g * milea„ e and wltne„ fees of the osato par pound <gr buttar fa t in tho every second year. Yen, 1748; No, 680. witness F. E. Hobson, sad each pay milk made into eheeoe. A subsequent Providing n $400,000 tog for n now iu other coats end disbursements, payment of $874.78 since then has penitentiary at Salem. Yen, 782; No, That the temporary Injunction is- brought tho che too payment up to $1 1737‘ sued herein should be end the some is ' F o r ths $8,000,000 road bond issue, vacated and get Mk)a and ^ 1 ^ 1886; No, 822. Majority for tho dty J t Coquill. may uke 2 * b o n * m> for the collection of said assessments. 4 ’ “ corrected in compliance with this de- The total paymeats for milk and A o b o tt Wan Fined >15. eras, m is provided by Jaw fa- the cream for the month thus aggre “ I can treat, boys.” ¿barter provisions of the said city of gate $11,787.78, an amount which will This was ths remark made by Roy Coquille. be thrown far in tho shade by tho Abbott, of Powers, at the Baxter ho- -------------- ; ...... 61 Norway 86 22 4 J 68 Pour Mito 17 20 61 Catching Crook 1» M 8 64 Myrtle Point 22 S« t 66 Myrtle Point 20 27 64 Sugar Loaf 22 88 67 Bridge 21 24 68 rewow 1 « «0 0 - i t Totals 110« 186« 4 182 14 Total registered, 2,066. The first thing that attracts atten tion hero is ths fact that out of n total of about 1880 who might bo subject td draft, 1108 or just 80 per cent ore Coquilto warrant for Abbott, and the who to conductor on a loggin on tha lino through here, a| before Justice Stanley Wednest paid tho 8no o f $16 imposed -- .... .y , »■ , > ■.■Stia .* - v S