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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 15, 1917)
tiâ PAGE TWO » , Picnic v £ ‘r A] ?A Will find a splendid assortment here of “just the things” to take for dinner. Note the tempting list ot canned goods. No dan ger of dirt or dust > .i i, m Roque ford Cheese................ B e can Tru-Blu Coookies.................. ttc lb. Fine assort’t of sweet and sour Pickles in bottles. L Y O N S ft J O N E S . . * quill« V «U «y Sentinel for • year. The Pacific D ru» Go. saysatari SentinqJ, too. It ia inteneted ir • *■"' '*■ • *' { r£-'',4 cji4 .' uft - . av • With present high prices for butter fat you cannot afford to use a machine that is not doing satisfactory work. ready for Wc lkftY« machines on First National Bank Building inspection and delivery Come in and let our salesman shew tne advantages of this latest im provement in separators. We are always pleased to show the machine whether you buy or not We also carry a stock of De Laval Separator O il and a stock fit ertra parte for omckkies Remember the New Improved De Laval is the latest, most up-to-date separator on the market Don’t lose the price of new machine during the next few months by using an unsatisfactory separator. V.■- ■ f .... , -•. "T W *. >"* * X • - •. ; /.£.i S, LET US SHOW YOU “I wish they’d hed Electricity when I way • hey” 1 waa (Merer turning the grindstone, churning, or tawing kindling when 1 wanted w an swimming or Munq—newer had a chance to feet always aril king, cutting feed or grinding corn.’* -v E lectricity has taken the drud gery out o f farm labor. Alm ost every routine taak on the farm , in the dairy or about* the house can now be done by a G -E m otor in a fraction of the tim e form erly re quired and w ithout physical exer- Coquille, Oregon Phones 691 and 641 Powers-Myrtle Point 'r~'" *' 7 ;; ......' r v. ~ c , v __ oar Grammar school wilj be married in the very near future. Albert Bright, of North Fork, the man who can -play Yankee Doodle on a myrtle loaf, led a raft o f ship knees, shoot a carload for Georg« Mullen, down the river by hia gasoline launch Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Spins have token a few weeks lea n for tham- eehree and will enjoy the time with their two^aons at Powers. One of them will boon return to school, the . Culver’s Confect’ry Guerin Hotel POWERS M YRTLE PO INT 7:0« A. M. l#ri# A. M. lri# F. M. 4^# P. M. 7 ri# 10:00 tri# 4 ri# An over Sunday visitor at P o w m report. «0 drunk, in righ t 8. 8. Reed, o f Smith Fork, as ye they a n too busy filling riloa to talk. They help each other. The Ailing now is grass and clover. a CZ f0tHi Lo" to * ■ “ . *th Ca C. A. C. Albany, come over to see hia parents before, he goes to the Front Bo has a medal fa t excellency in rMe practice. Hia parents a n Mr. and Mn. Ed. Jonas, living ban. Ha will train 10 day* at Albany before leav e r Ho loft Monday. M n. Mahal Drrisbaeh, o f San ,^ eoL * •*■*•*■ °* Mrs. E. B. Lane “ *? W- B. Lundy, wfll arrive here C. w. GARDNER. Manager LEAVE Mrs. Sam Hoff, a daughter o f M n. Carver, arrived Wednesday to remain with her mother, trim ia not well. Delia end Dolly, both happy and i«lly , arrived this week from Ran dolph on the lower river, w hen they are* engaged to tench a third term o f school. A t the does o f school a dance waa managed at which fifty dollars were realised which will be tried for school furnishings which are started R. Evans, o f Bakersfield, is latest arrival and is pleased with oar gmen country. Ho says ho is ban for a dmnge o f cMmato and ho has i t Wiltin D. Giles, dentist left this wash for tan Francisco and w ill en joy a virit with Ms brother, Clarke, •Miff to that *T~*m** ------ v Auto Stage LEAVE uatee. They then win Wait with rel- atives in Washington before return ing home. Mias Nellie will be one of the teaching fores in opr grammar school next term. John Otto sold Us little boms hare this weak to “ Dod” Buell. The sale was brought about by E. B. Lene. Mr. Otto will go to his daughter in A. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. Charter Trips Anywhere, Any Time We are here to accomodate You; command U# * . Phone Calls; * - M YRTLE POINT. 1161 / COQUILLB, 411 POWBB8, Cnbrer’s CeafectkStery, Probate Court Notes. A petition in the gutter of Roby F. Shull was tied is the Probate coort June 11. B, C. Shull, of Myrtle Point tended at the birth of a girl baby for Mr. and Mre. C. E. Downs; also dress ed the fingers of a lady, who in cut ting meat kapt right on cutting after getting through the ham meat and nearly severed two o f her fingers; al so was called to treat Mr. A. H. Pence for neuralgia of neck and head. L. F. R. Heller, of McKinley, was in this weak with Mrs. Heller in their Meta car. Ha says the roads are good. Ha ia a rancher and carpenter and he will .build a 10x32 silo for E. P. Mast at McKinley. • The amount of liberty bonds sub scribed for here is $860.50. Nearly all the subscribers live in Myrtle Point. A. B. Willoughby sad wife, of Hall’s creek, were in yesterday buying liberally as they are, very busy with their farming and do not come often. Lawrence Machado, second son of his father, ¡a now employed in the Smith-Powers logging camp serving aa donkey man. That he goes u shows the man in him. George H. Guerin, whose passing was honored this week by many friends «from Myrtle Point and Co quille at the interment in the Lang lois cemetery, was one of the early poneers o f the North Fork valley. He was born in Mobile, Alabama, and at 18 years o f ago went to Mauchehunk, Penn, and was amployed there as a secretary b y a railroad company. He Was married there at the age of 24 to Priscilla Dobinson. He moved from there to Buffalo; N. Y „ where he held the position o f yardmaster. The next move of Mr. and Mrs. Guerin was to Ibis coast, landing at Port Orford pith their fam ily of nine boys and one daughter, crossing over to Eckley on the upper Six«# where they acquired large tract o f land and did much gold mining. They founded the Guer in Hotel hare ia 1897 and it has al ga bean a popular place for all travellers. Mr. Guerin was a Free far 4# years and Mr. and Mrs. Guerin celebrated their Golden Wed- Oakland in 1916 where op he paased away. Card at Thanks. The Guerin fam ily appreciate the sympathy express i d by all friends and Masons for their loss of a hus band and father and hereby return their thanks. Mrs. CUla Guerin, Harry Guerin, Thoe. D. GueriRpGeo. H. Guerin, Jas. T. Guerin, W. C. Guerin, C. V. Guerin, M n . Ann!« Deyoe, and E. C. Guerin. * ; -ÆÆ * J c é i V , . a <4- * ».f.