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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 19??-1917 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1917)
r iP ' "T* . TODAY, APRIL 1«, i*lT_ AS PUCES IDS _ COST r ; • HITS THE HA :> *■ “ ^iSffitttWR h Crippled Ur river hgi by W .l ^ j d tha loo-1 to bo well r ebe ,- . - ) m * D aljaf Pnmne Cana «www »Iwslwf VwWW You Want the Flieslto Catch their eyes. Here are the*kinds we have: Strili Bonds Miv Bi Issmd M i T im M m so L wVWM fcKBL. All 10 c each «££r EM IS ES HP, RITES DO' Royal Crachmaa USt"*" • 1V> invaatmanta so far an te M- • total of f 100,000 o f which between <12^00 and $1*0M ha* been peid oat in cote. Thoy include tbo por- diaoo of the property owned by tbo PeMkea Mining Co., a local coneorn, . are realrk-ted by legislation. was atrtk lady deet-rlbed by Jolloa Krutt» boltt. Ctulrmao of the Executive Committee of tbo Sontbern Pact be Company, la bia teattmony during the paat few day» beta« the lotort Congressional G oa mlttee oa 1 nt.ratals Commerce, arblob Is omklng a study of the question of railroad regulation. Mr. KruilacbnJtt urged the committee to re»-om mend a plan of regulation which will canter raepooalbUlty for ragntetloa aad Its results la the federal government, to that condition* «ffectlng both axpeuaea aad revenue» may be made subject to a uniform policy Instead of the waste ful aad eftaa conflicting polldea In voiced ta the system of combined state aad federal regulation. — M arrying Justice Busy. Our “Marrying Justice” J. J. Stan ley reports tha following cases of ec nubial happiness to which ho has re- oantly contributed in his eA ckl en- W in L a i n ______ ______________ 10c Senate Gut L e a d e n ..------ --------- 16c and 30c Oregon S pinner----------- 80c Queen o f W aters Spinner_____ __________ .2 0 c Salmon E g g s ------------- 1 ---------------- ---------25c Colontd Spinner, assorted----------------- — 20c Kirby hooks, per dosen--------------------------- -5 c R eels----------------------------------------------- 26c and up Rods ________________ ____ $1.25 and up Methodist Episcopal. Want A Sunday School at 10 a. Ik. Mrs. Georgia Richmond, superintendent; (tea Cate I H. O. Anderson, musical director. , The church service at. 11 a. ml Loot $86.00 in bills Thursday after The Epworth League at 6:80 p. m. noon in business mu I liai of Coquille. The topic is “ How God Guides,” Mrs. Kinder notify- Mrs. Lauri WMkta,' H. L. Johnson is the leader. The evening service at 7:80 p. m. Both morning and evening Prof. John Gary will be the' preachur The second quarterly conference will he held on Tuesday, April 17th, at 7:80 p. m. The Bov. Jamas Moore, District Superintendent will be pres ent. All members of the Quarterly Conference are requested to bo pros- $660 PIANO, oos o f the vary Mr. Kruttarbnltt's testimony also bad a bearing na tbs reasons for tbe appil cat km o f rba roeda to the fateretate Commerce Commies Ion far a general ad react in freight rates Ha »bowed that while tbe price of transportation has declined la recent year» the cue* uf producing transports i Ion. Ilka the oat o f almost everything else, baa rap idly advanced. This he Illustrated by showing that If freight and passenger rales had I acres sod dating the past twenty years la the same proportion at average commodity prices tbe railroad, of tbe Halted flutes would bare re- i-M rad more for Iran* j high as $16.00. White building the oortatlon In 1915 than they did receive This saving to tbo public was effect Pairvtow road and while on tbo city I $1.00 per doz. ST H. 0. ANDERSON Why Reads Need Mere Money. Mng the hydraulic plant for aererai months fk i coming summer sad ar- peets to employ between 86 and 40 man. W. B. Carteton, of the-company la exp» in May. Tha Pelikea proparty is located eleven miles up the river from the Sixoo bridge on tbe main Curry road. It is planned to build a good road to tha placa. Tha foreot service is tun telephone line te the property, the wires haring already Black Gaat limits I used to vote in Coquilte. Thoy hare put uo in the Cunningham pre cinct We hare to go through Co quilte towards Myrtle Point this Mde a Httte way to vote, and K mahaa me t t i M l g . But "Why Should tha Spirit of Mortal . Bo Proud 7” It la all in a life time. I am an Old Sol dier, am patriotic and go in for uni versal training and »white I am a black Republican, I stand for Wilson ada Goo. E. Chamberlain, our U. & senator. Now can’t the city give us a street or the county a read, is the prayer of ynwr humble servant I would like te ssa Coquilte progress, but God only helps those who help them selves. The front streets are pared In good shape but the outside is ss God made it, or the whole of I this coast, which has never been lev elled down.—John H. Aker. TO TRADE—Automobile for tattle or bora—. G. A. Colvin, Coquilte. sbl# to curs in all Its s l a m , and that Is Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Cure Is tbs only positive curs now known to the medics, fraternity. Catarrh being s constitutions disease, requires a constitutional Went- «nent. Hall s Catarrh Cure Is tahsn la tsffiatly, act Ins directly upon tha bleed and murons surface« o f the system, there by destroy Ins the foun.latlon of the dts ense. and giving the p.-rtlent strength by building up the constitution and assisting n a m rsla doing Its work. The proprietors To Build Mahy Boats. pacity : Saturday, March >1, ha pronounced tha words that united Harry McAd ams and Bose 'Prey, both of Powers. The bride is om o f the teachers in tee Of $1,300,000 Muny O rer Seventy-Flre. Mr. D. P. Strang furnlahos tbe Sentine! thè followiiqr Hat of Coquilte people who bave paassd their seventy- Ufte birthday—86 o f them. This Is an unusual n um ber to be found tat a placa no largar tesa Coquille: Mre. Elisabeth Lenava, 91; Henry Wal terra ire, 86; Francia A. Kelley, 88*: J. H. Aker, 81; D. P. Strang. 82; Mm. Ella A. Rena, • !• ; J. & McEwen, 81; David Faltes, 81; Mm. John Kronaoburg, 80; Mre. N. J. Masoar, 80; J. P. Masoar, 89; J. B. Hill, 80; Mary Wilson, 81; A. J. Wilson, 7»; Martbn Prntt. 79«; Mary A. Goodman, 79*; Matt Karrignn, 80; B. H. Has- kia, 7$; Jane Magill, 79*; W. A. Cut ter, 77; 8. D. Gulliford, 77; George Stevenson. 77; Mre. M. J. Shock. 7$; T. N. Johnson, 78; M n. Elten Church, 76*. Fire average freight rale had reduced the cat rev sour'of the reads from each ton hauled. If the operating coats of the railroads, lad ad lag the prices o f seal, labor sad material, ecotlaus to ad- renee at the pressai rate a lot of rail roads trill be la tbe beads of receivers by 191$ unless some relief le efferded. Mr. Kruttacbnltt told the committee. "Owing to the (tee of commodity price».'' he said, "the purchasing power of tee donar baa talea 66 per cent aad Acrident Clean, Wholesome, Appetizing, P CORN L ogger Violently Insane. Run Bruner, a logger at Crane’s untouched by hands, electrically popped on a Butter- kist Machine. IN 5 cent and 10 cant BAGS. Get the Popcorn habit Fresh Roasted Peanuts CANDY Our well selected stock of penny goods makes an irrnsistabie r to e Nutritious and appetizing FJm ■ appeal to the youngster. Nothing over n cent apiece. RACKET STORE MRS. BONNIE W ALKER, Prop. ■up, I te Life a ,.*. W ÊM a m p a t i S 1! I Ü H