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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1921)
Wedneadnjr, September 21, 1021 " ASHLAND WEKKIT IDCfOI -V MM TURrK LOCAL AND PERSONAL MONDAY'S) J.F.WS Calilorui Arrival Mr. aod Mm. Bert Row, of Vat lojo, Calif., arrived in Ashland Sat urday evening and at present ar guest of Mrs. Rowe's brother, E. E. Gall. They have been touring the country' (or several Weeks and hate visited all of Mr. Rone's relatives who live In different section of Washington, and all of Mrs. Rowe's Oregon relatives. 1'ortiiuiil Visitor Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newman and daughter, Eleanor, of Portland, are visiting nt the home of Mrs. New- mun's mother, Mm. Leah Caldwell Laurel street.. Trlgonlu Reaming L'oniluilitl Iteaming the Trlgonla well was conclude!) Saturday, and work of setting the casing commenced today. As rcumliig and hailing approached the bottom, there was a most grati fying showing of oil. Friday there were u number of visitors at the well, Including an oil man from Ok lahoma. All were enthusiastic over the showing the well made. Visiting; I'rofrKsor Lenv Prof. Peter Spencer and family returned today to Eugene where the professor is principal of the prac tice school connected with the uni verslty. lU'tui'iw to Eugene Miss .Mary Poley has returned to Eugene for her Junior year at the University of Oregon. MIiotiuiy Society to Meet The Presbyterian women's mis sionary society will meet with Mrs. llattie Siluby, on Hargadlue street, Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. MrH. Curry will lead the home study on mountain work. Mrs. Van Sant, the foreign work, on India. Mrs. Ross, president of the society, will conduct the devotional study. Yreka Visitor Mrs. Calra Russell, of Yreka, Calif, who was an Ashland visitor during the reunion of the Southern Oregon Pioneer association, is the guest of Mrs. A. If. Russell, on North Main street. l'ioin- lU't urns- .Mrs. Mary Duun, who has been visiting in Portland, is again at home with her daughter, Mrs. E. J. Van Sant. Move to Talent Mr. and Mrs. Horace Badger and little Helen Joyce moved to Talent Saturday, where Mr. Badger Is cash ier in the hank. They have purchased the Ailnmson house for their new home. Portland Visitor Mrs. William Clyde is enjoying i visit from her friend, Mrs. L. Jami son, of Portland Her nephew, Ar chie Leggett, is expected today for a Hhort visit. He will arrive from Portland also. Christian Workers' Rami The Christian Workers' band held a service yesterday nt the Green Springs school house. The band from Talent accompanied the Ash land group. l,cnve for Albany Mrs. Ira Leslie and daughter, flrace, left last night for Albany, where Miss Grace will enter college us a freshman. Mrs. Leslie will re turn In a few days. FoniM-r Resident Visits J. 0. Holt, a former resident of Talent and well known in this vicin ity, was In the cltySaturday visit ing old time friends before contin uing his auto trip to Eugene, where he haa been engaged In cannery work for several years. Mr. Holt is re- MEDFORD Sat. Sept Mat. at 2 Kvc at Htreet Parade nt 11 A. M. zoo izwtvpb ELEPHANT AfCD THE CREATE aT"" CUWK RIPER W tACTrl L- u 1 turning to Eugene af tour of California. Return to Medford Mrs. J. C. Clark, . who has been making her home in Ashland for the past several weeks, returned to Med ford yesterday. Mrs. Clark ex pressed herself as In love with Asb land, and expects to return later. Edison Marshall Return Edison Marshall, the local abort story writer, returned Friday from a five weeks trip to the wilds of Aluska where be secured a grizzly bear. . He brought back the hide as a trophy of bis bunt. Rush Presbyterian Church . Work Work on the Presbyterian church annex is being rushed with an idea of completing the structure before winter. The foundations have been laid and the frame i work is now golug up. Repainting of the main building will begin soon. IUk Fruit Crop S. B. Stoner reports a large crop of pears and apples on bis fifty acre ranch In Sams Valley. He states tbat 1000 boxes of peurs and 5000 boxes of apples are expected to be taken from the orchard this year. ItiuielierN Return William Wehrli aud family, who have been spending the past three weeks at their ranch In Gilliam county, looking utter business, re turned home Saturday. Modento, Calif., Visitoi John M. Scott, of Modesto, Calif., who was an Ashland visitor for a few weeks this summer, returned Saturday from Minnesota. He wll' spend a short visit with friends here. Aviator Returns A. B. MacKenzie, local aviator, who engaged in stunt flying and pas senger carrying over Ashland during the summer months, returned Sat urday from Portland, where he has!'"' the J- It- MacCracken ranch been for the past several weeks, by Judy, member of the executive Aviator MacKenzie suffered a.badMboard of the farm bureau, with the fall while flying a company plane j Intention of starting a twelve head near Portland recently. The plane herA The Poyer and Carl Vender was completely wrecked and Mac-Ulellen ranches have joined the covj Kenzie sustained two broken ribs 'testing association, and a few bruises. Mr. MacKenzie' ' made a trin to Crater Lake Satur-i day for the purpose of looking over available landing sites, with the Idea of a nossihle nassenter carrvina ser- vice between Crater Lake, Ashland and Klamath Falls. Honeymoonera Return Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Crandall, new lyweds, who were married in Ash lund Thursday of last week, re turned yesterday from Crater Lake. Mrs. Crandall, late of Ellnnsburg, Wash., is also a doctor and will prac tice in Ashtand with her husband tinder the firm name of Crandall & Crandall. VlKit at Medford Mr. and Mrs. Fitzwater were bus iness visitors in Medford Saturday. Move to Fresno, Calif. , "Lad" Mann and family have re moved to Fresno, Calif., whare they expect to reside permanently. j Talent Vlaitor L. E. Snook, ot Talent, was tin Ashland business visitor yesterday. Leltb Abbott Retuma Lelth Abbott, formerly city edi tor of the Tidings, hue returned from j Pendleton, where ne waa empioyeoj as telegraph editor of the Pendleton I Tribune, and la visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott. 108 All- da street. Makes Fust California Trip , Bert R. Oreer, editor -of the Tiff Ings, arrived yesterday from Bur bank, Calif., making the trip of 74? miles from Los Angeles in twenty-1 seven and a half hours driving time, Mr. Oreer left the southern metrop-jday oils Friday morning at 6 o'clock andj arrived in Ashland at noon Sunday. : C. H. Ling, uncle of Harvey Ling, day. If any one desires to attend former Ashland and Medford resl- nn this day and are unable because dent, accompanied Mr. Oreer to.0f the distance, they should phone Yreka, Calif., where he will visit 1 his brother, W. J. Ling, who recently j underwent a serious operation. ' , 1 first Rainfall ' Ashland residents were given the i first hint of fall last night when the Mtv hi tuiiah hv thA ft rut rain of 1 the season during the early morning I hours. Louia Dodge, local weather compiler, states that the rainfall was; .11 of an Inch. 1 To Visit Grandmother 1 Miss Marita Frizzle arrived this morning from Snoqualime Falls, j Wash. Miss Frlzzelln will spend the 1 winter monthe with her grandmoth er, Mrs. J. W. Mills. i I Here on Shopping Trip Mrs. 1'. S. Ragland, of Siskiyou Calif., was in tbe city Saturday shop jplng among the local business' move is on foot to bave Col. Sargent j tbe piano with rare skill and xpree 1 houses. Mrs. Ragland and children I set as mediator in the settlement of sloa. Those present were Mr. aad have recently returned from a two the Jacksonville echool row, Med' weeks visit with friends and rU-1 ford Mall Tribune. tlves In the northern part of this) ttate. i Love Hospital j" C. T. Morris, who with his wife Return to Trail, Ore. jand daughter, was injured in an eu- Mrs. a. M. Hayes, of Trail, who to acoident south of the city on the has been visiting her mother, Mr, j Paolflc highway Saturday evening, L. A. Bentley, returned yesterday left a local hospital yesterday. Miss eveulng to ber home. jjule Morris is still confined to the - ; sick room. Mrs. Morris was able to Fuiully Reunion The home of Mrs. L. A. Bentley, 20? East Third street, was the seen of a pleasant family reunion yester day. Those present were: Mr. andilocal eMW " 0 Prelent to Mr- Mor- Mrs. W. E. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. H.lris t0 cover rot ot daaaBes. I Jim. Betcuell Hurold was entri- B. Bentley and son, Mr. and Mrs. I 'tallied at a farewell party given yes- Stacy Hayes, of Trull, Mr. and Mrs. I Kpwurth League Teams to Mix terday afternoon at the home of her James Pool, and Sidney, Frank and: The Epworth Leaguers of thejslster, Mrs. Clarence Morris, Skld Ollrla Bentley, making a complete Methodist Episcopal ohurch are do-'more street, by twenty friends. Mrs. family reunion. The day was much'ln heavy practice work for a com-' Harold will leave soon for Corval enjoyed by all. ' ;Ing basket ball and volley ball con-ills. The afternoon was passed with ! teat with the Grants Pass Epworth ( fancy' work und the playing of Entertain nt Dinner Party League which has challenged the lo-! games. MeKdamcs Fred Gussaway, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Snyder were entertained at a dinner nam yes - terday evening by Mr. and Mrs. DavePIan to lnil ln ,he ba,,ket ba" con-! Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sny der were recently married ln Cali fornia and have move dto ranch near Talent where they will make their home. I ntiDAY'9 ?ncv?a Dinner I'urty Entertainment Mr. und Mrs. I. C. Williams, m , it . . Talent, gave a farewell dinner party. recently in honor of Mrs. E. R. AoV, ,. amson aud her two daughters, the ,, . , . vii . Misses Marjorle aud Mary. Mlaaea, Helen Adamsou and Lucille Hold I ridge will attend the Oregon Agri cultural college at Corvallls. Hunters Return Aftor hnpptnff n Haap tn thp vlcln itv of Little Rock. Messrs. Tyler. Dell Williams and C. G. Feebler re - turned Wednesday after a hunting trip. Farm Bureau Member liuys Cow A flue cow has been purchased "f- - Wilmer Poley Is treating bis resl- del,ce' on Gresham Md AUll,on streels' wlth a new coat of alnt and ls "moving the old accumulation otirivic dub to Give Luncheon dust and paint. Mr. Poley intenrfc: . . ... ........ , , - . , viceahle piece of work. lu ti ti h k v ui LiaLiii an r"i i mm ar i - Entertain at Kits' Club Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vaupel enter tained Mrs. H. O. Frobach of Med ford, as their dinner guest ut the Elks' club yesterday. Returns from Portland Charles R. Day has returned from a wek-end trip to Portland, and will iub a Dagguge ruu iruui asuiuuu w San Francisco for the Southern Pa cific company. Will Arrive with Bride Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Pauly, ot the East Stdu market, are rejolelng In the fact that tbelr son, Jack, la re turning to them with his bride to locate here permanently. When they i wrote asking him if he would like I his old place in the market again, ; he wired Immediately, "I'll be there ' ready for work Monday morning." In losing a son they have gained a daughter, They are to be congrat uIate(i Convalescent from I line Among the recent cases of illness -,re n. A. Annlenate and Walter Ev-! erto.,. They are both convalescing, Plan lllble School Rally The Christian Bible school Is planning big things for September 25 on Rally day. They expect to have i 250 or more in attendance on that and are arranging a special pro- gram. It is said there are surprises n store in connection with Rally 1 24 and a car will be provided. Supervisor MncOaniels Returns Supervisor E. H. MacDanJela haa returned from his Inspection trip through the Siskiyou forest. He vis- lted Brookings, Powers. Gold Bechi and other points while out. He states that there is quite a bit of activity in railroad construction De tween Smith River and Brookings, the Brookngs Lumber company , building the road according to South- em Pacific specifications. A ninety foot bridge is beng put across the Chetco by the railroad. Other places along the coast are aald to be rather quiet. Grants Pass Courier. May Settle School Row Colonel H. H. Sargent, of Jackson ville, attended , to business matter in the city Wednesday afternoon. A leave the hospital two days after the accident. The Caliofrnla tour ist, J. Cooper, who collided with the Morris car, left his machine at a cal ball tossers. The girls will clash! 1 m tBe T01le' oa" me- u0 the 60y Itest. .Medford Visitor Mrs. O. B. Abbott, uf was in Ashland yesterday friends. Mrs. .Abbott, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Lucille Ab bott, who left Medford yesterday o tor the University of California at Beraeier, as jar s Asuianu. , . Paul .Main HI , ... , paul Mar o( Overland shoe . . , . .. . , auui, ill m us uvuit VI uia IU1- enta, Mr. and Mrs. Third street. J. D. Mars. 61 Antelope Valley Visitor Andrew GriBBom, rancher from I Antelope Valley, was an Ashland lv8llor yesterday on buslnem Ht-out Hike Rand Report ThA fnllnwltlff rannrf nn thA Ttnv. o . . . . . .. j Scout budget for the encampment! f t .w. v -ota. .ki. . i... been made by Rev. C. V. Koebler. scoutmaster: Received from scouts, intrested parties and miscellaneous sources '. . . $209.20 Paid for food 146.84 Paid for drayage 46.00 Total paid out 190.84 Balance 18.36 Pail to treasurer troop 1. . . 9.18 Paid to treasurer troop t . . . 9.18' ThA ntn Tmnrnvomont rinh is . " . n anninw n nnAM umaiianii rnw vian. " """" tember 20. according to Miss Grace Chamberlain, president. The affair., typewrltng ,t ,hB bigh school, win oe a uuicn trea w.m .ix,are cozly ensconced for the winter cent tlckeu for sale at the Pompa--ln a,)artmenU of the Bergner doml - A... .Ml, a., kul -uuu. m.u.rA. .H..US. u...t Miss Chamberlain. Play Tennis Before Breakfast icuuh mi u.unui tun; murw ,Bg .ppetlter for J. H. McGee, H. T.j E,more. p. S. Engle and S. A. Pet- erSl who nave been early riserrs for the past week, playing tennis as a rushing start for a day's work. Returns from Berkeley Mrs. J. R. Lilly baa returned to her Ashland home after an extended visit with her son. Kenneth, ln Ber keley, Calif. Remodel Vendorae Apailnieuls The Vendome apartment building near the Standard Oil service sta tion la being remodeled by a force of men under the direction ot Con tractor Wilson. The building wil! be repainted with paint supplied by Dtckerson A Son. I"" Criminal Buaine , There will be a heavy criminal business at the October term of the circuit court. So far there are ttalr- y cases to cine up at that term., The grand jury convenes the third, Monday iu October, and court con venes a short time later. There are eighteen or nineteen prisoners now confined ln the county Jail, the cases of a number ot whom will be before the coming grand) jury session. Christian Worker Picnic The Christian Workers bands Ofi Talent and Ashland are planning to j j y. Wright and family and Mm. hold a eervlce at the school bouse .foH?pliiit Chample and family were on Green Springs mountain where! dinner guests ut the I). N. Davis Mlsa Ena Davis la teaching, on Sun-lhome ,, ne Boulevard Sunday. ( day afternoon. September 18. Since j , this la a rather long trip, the young) Located al Berkeley people have decided to have a picnic The (1. T. Salsbury fumlly, whoj dinner. The party will meet lm- formerly liven in Ashland, on Grant mediately after church at 12:30 at' street, write to Ashland friends the city library. All young people! stating that they are comfortably lo-j are Invited to make thla trip and at-iCated In Berkeley, Calif. They send tend tbe meeting. Anyone who did j kindest regards to all inquiring not attend the busineaa meeting last j friends. Monday evening should see Miss! Pauline Plummer who Is chairman ot tbe "Eats committee," and learn what they are to bring. Committee Musical Evraing ' Last evening Miss Berna Halght Kirkpatrlck home on Leonard street by playing a number ot selections on Mrs, Hoag, Dorothy and Katharine; through the C, B. Lamkln realty listers, Mrs. J, T. Ooetler, of Klam Mr, and Mrs. Forbes and Jack; Mrs. j agency. This sale marks the second ath Falls, and Mrs. 0. C. Brlgge, o( Hamaker, Mr. Elmore, Mr. and ranch purchase made by Mr. Wild Oakland, Calif., at their old home Mrs. Klrkrwtrlck, and 0. h. Barn-! In this vicinity during the past few in Falrvlew, Kan. Othsr places vis hill. The latter t'..fff.3 to leave to- weeks. , lted were Kansas City, Mo Topeka morrow morning for Corvallls, stop-! and Pratt, Kan., El Paso, Tx., Los plhgeta route at Medford and Orautai Return from Klamath Fall .Angeles, alia: Oakland, Calif., Klam Pass. Mrs. L. Hilty has returnedf romj8"1 VMt- ' 1 " I Klumuth Falls, whero she has beeuj Leaves for Druin ( renewing the acquaintance of hev Sister . William Hedrlck, of B street, liu husbuml. who has been dver there; Mrs. E. Huschke has received word left for Drain where he will visit hls;tao past few months. They are un-!o( the recen' duth of her slater in old home aud son, Ray Hedrlck ant) decided if Mr. Hilty will return here! Houstou' T"- Mr- ant' Mrs- Hu9" fumUy, while In Douglas county. !for the winter, or if the family wlllcnke had "Pected to visit the sister Farewell Party- Frank Ward and William Holmes served rerresuments. Mot or Through California .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson are en joying a motor trip through Califor Medford,! uia at present. C. W. N'lius is tak vlaitlng InK .Mr. Wilson's' place iu the Ideal grocery. Ijfnves for O. A. C Raymond Hadger left this morn ing for Corvallis, where he will at-' tend the Oregon State Agricultural college. Returns to Ihinmnuii ' Mrs. Walter James has returned to Dunsmuir, Calif., after spending the; 'summer months in Ashland at the Rose apartments ou East Main street. Entertained at Medford Mr. and Mrs. John H. Fuller and Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Reed were re cently entertained at a Medford din- ner party given by Mr. and Mrs. L. ,,, . P- A'"ei of thut city. Miss Ames will uttend the University of Minnesota this year. I SATl'RDArS HXWB ( , K, fink, Charley Brady eays to Heury Hub bard, "Ever hear the story of the little tiu box?" Heury says "No." Charley sayB. "There -wasn't any thing in It." Teachers Take ApsatinetU Miss Teuney E. Frakea, who came here from Lake county to teach the third " grade nt the Hawthorne tlilra graae ai m . n.isi. . school, and Miss Amy Mine, oi u - ... , i.,,-,- r hnnkkmoinei 1 iuiik. iti.i i no wi vtv. w . v. . - c ou AnUo street. I Concrete Poured for Dam , CoI1Crete was being poured today ... ,h. last section of me navage (lum that portion in the by l9vlvnnjll an Mug tnB ony nnconstructed, wn(ir Hhl, , pass being me ouiy uti)iiBi.W,Pri, hi, i,art been visiting friends part of the dam. Rapid headway was made in the placing of the forms and In getting the concrete started. Although no high water is expected uutil late In the fall, no chances are to be taken, and two more weeks will see Its completion. Grunts Pass Courier. WiUicm Swluuung Test The Scout council met at Nat this morning to witness the the swimming tests ot a number of Boy Scouts who are trying for merit badges In swimming. Hpend Jolly Evening j A number of Christian Endeavor , young people of the local societies, and a few from Medfurd drove out to the liiist'itahle home of Mr. and L mKh ,a9l ,, ,0 HM,.1H ' ;, ,;', the Southern p.c,n; J()y evellug wil Uoyi) C..rrick,J,om)11Iiy. (hem of th stllt9 confer; enee at Columbia Beach. Frnleys l'uve Mrs. Gertrude Fraley and children1 left for California last week. Mm. Frnlr will ioin her husband, Earl ! Fruley, who is one of California's j most successful teachers. Painting House Bert Turner Is lmprovlifc the ap pearance of his home on Sfttb street with several cans of pain tpurchased from Dickerson Son. J, Wbytock sold his nine acre ranch on Bellevlew lune thla week to J. B. Wild, a new arrival from mils, Colo. The deal was made move there to reside permanently. W. O. Dirkeiwou Improving W. 0. Dlckernou, 111 Bush street, who suffered a paralytic stroke re-wftek b. llDe39 , rfcoverln! frf)11 cently. la reported as improving wlthjlpr llckMM , w bff favorable chances for recovery, ac cording to the attendlug physician. Iifiivii for Iowa Mrs. Murray Murphy and diiugh- ter, Mury Louise, left Tuesday for Gland Rapids, la., where they will visit Mrs. Murphy's parents. They will villain at Grand llaplds for the next six weeks. Al Lake O' Woods The (i. W. Glasgow family i spending a few weeks vacation Luke O' Woods before the end camping days this year. "Johnson I'ruirle" E. C. Bartlett business visitor Prairie" yesterday. Visitor was au Ashlaud,; from "Johnson Hill Visitor W. II. Morris, of Hilt. Calif., was in Ashland yesterday on business. Return from Portland ' Mrs. Murcia Mitchell and daughter Carol, 128 Laurel street, have re turned from Portland where they have been visiting Mrs. Mitchell's son. Los Aiuelr.i Visitors I being that by mating a nominal Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conkey. and cuar " vei'y large crow would ul Mr. und .Mrs. Carter Jacobs, all of' ',,nrt- and. that the First company I.os Angeles, Calif., and former resi dents near Siskiyou, passed through Ashland yesterduy by auto en route to Portland. While here they made a b! hurt visit with Benjamin Hciwe"''anl,1tlon. and need the support of llio Plaza market. Visiting Parents Harry Morgan, of Corvallls, is viRitlng his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. M, Morgan, on Mountain avenue. Hilt Visitor- A1,. Fav 1.0(t,.r- whn iivei) on a Mrs. Fay Potter, ,. .,,, .,,. HjU ulir nM been . ... j viciiiiii iiiip nirnnig. mr anil iwr.w. K(;,B1. , ast few dayg be. roro thfilr aeparUre for CorVttl,g, 1 wj wi u Kel(,r wi aHend ,h 0 Agricultural college. , j ui,,.,,, !,,,, Keturns , AlsH uiunehe Hicks, librarian, iti- ........h Thomilav aveiiliie frnm Psnn. d other eastern states, ,lu lelll(,t,s during the past fewj t)l(lltlld. j Mams Valley Visitor Mr. and Mrs. Willaiu Kddlugton nail daughter, .Miss Mary, of Sums Valley, were Ashland visitors Thurs- ilny. While local doctor. I here they consulted a Central Point. Visitor County Commissioner Victor Bur sell and family, from near Central! Point, stopped over for a picnic din-! ner in the park, ou their way home from Yreka. Calif. t vul, Here 'j jMr und Urn j 3 Angwlu, of; (.uklunl. Calif., are visiting their , son, J. E. Angwlu, :i Bush street, Dr. ItertJia Sawyer Returns Dr. ilerthu E. Sawyer returned yesterday from a three months vaca tion trip, spent in company with her Do More Than Live Enjoy Lile! The enjoyment which comes from eliminating worry, from being abl to plan and carry through . thoa plans, belongs almost exclusively to those who save. Open a thrift account here. Start with only a dollar, If you will, but start. Do more thaa live enjoy -life! 4 m The Citizens Bank Ashland, Oregon i within the uext few weeks. (unfilled by Illness -Mrs. E. Huschke, who has beei, I confined to her home for thu nut again. Return from Drain, Or, Mrs. Andrew Redlfer has returned tn Ashland after several weeks of visiting with relatives lu Drain. Visitor at Medford .Mrs. l.urctta Hedrick was u ford visitor Wednesday. Returns from Poillaud Med- Move lo Houlevard The Wilmot family, recent arrivals from Eugene, have moved from All da street to the Boulevard. FAMUl'S VIOLINIST WlLh PLAY HKKK SOON AT AKUORY By WM. URI008 ttk'ovgsurd, the noted Danish vio linist, is to be at the Armory Sep tember 29. This is one of the big gebt features lu the musical history of Ashlaud. After much consideration it was decided by the committee from the First rompHuy, lu charge of the af- , fair, that only a nominal charge bj inndn for the performance, the plan would profit more by the volume ot attendance, rather than by the price. The First company has labored long and hard for the welfare of the of every true and loyal ABhlnnder. It is. at best, a very wearisome task for every member to give an even ing a week to military drill and en deavor, and certainly those people of the city who are not so giving their time, should help support them to the limit. Churches and schools have Iwn asked to announce the coming of this wonderful musician, in order thut Ashland may be there with a tremendous nudlenco. The Armory Is capable of seating 3000 people, and the boys want every seat taken. Seats for this splendid event ;ir now ou sale at Rose Brother. Jars with Lids Sizes One Gallon to Twenty Eggs Are Cheap Now. Waterglass Your Winter Supply. Provost Bros. The Ueider Tractor and P.&0. Disc Plow will do your plowing riicht now In your hard, sticky soil. Bargain In unrd senuig uwolilue; also a new cm-load of White Hew ing machine Just in, at Peil's Corner