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About Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 21, 1921)
Wednesday, September 91, 1M1 . -k . . mn,,th ifh hr mother, mot- Ashland: recording secretary. Mrs. cago. III.: B. J. McNaugbton, Leo Texas, about a mm ne ownea in me LOCAL AND PERSONAL TUESDAY'S NEWS Los Angeles Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Roy Steves aad lit tle daughter, Mrs. C. Farrar and Ed ward Ingram, who have been mak ing an Oregon auto tour, motoring to Crater Lake and fishing In the Kogue river, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. I'. G. Coleman. To Leave for Corvallls Miss Myra Cunter will leave for Corvallis this week, where she will teach In the public school of that city. Return from Motor Trip Mr. and Mrs. William Dodge re turned yesterday afternoon from Eastern Oregon In the vicinity of La Pine and Twin Lakes, where they were visiting relatives of Mrs. Dodge as part of a week's motoring trip. Motor to Alaska Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ilose left yesterday on an extended motoring trip that will Include the Northwest, points in Canada and Alaska. Mr. Rose Is said to have decided to tour Alaska after listening to a colorful tale of the travels of George Kramer, Southern Pacific station agent, In the northern clime. Takes Position at Orres' Grant Selby, high school student, has taken a position as part time clerk at L. J. Orres' tailoring estab lishment. Leave for V. of O. Meredith Beaver, Harold Simpson' and CheBter MacCracken left Sunday for Eugene, where they will attend the University of Oregon. Will Attend Stanford Donald Frailer will leave for Palo Alto, Calif., this coming Monday, where he will attend the Stanford university. I'. of (. Students to Leave With the opening of the Unlver; slty of Oregon, many Aahiand stu dents are planning to leave for Eu gene this week. The following will leave Friday: John Anderson, Verne Blue, Melvln Kaegl, and Dwight Gregg. Misses Laura Wenner and Wtlma Cbattln plan to leave Sat urday. Siskiyou Visitor Mrs. A. J. Craig, who la teachiug In the Siskiyou school, was an Ash land visitor Sunday. Visits at Hornbrook L. J. Orres returned yesterday from Hornbrook, Calif., where he had been on a short business trip. Heturu from Canada Mr. und Mrs. F. B. Byers have re turned from Canada, where they have been for the past two months. Mr. Byers was a delegate to a con tention of railroad men held In Can ada. Drain Lumberman Visits Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Claus, who have been viBlting Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Selby, 06 Third street, returned to Drain yesterday, where Mr. Claus Is connected with a lumber company of tbat place. Motorist Return E. J. Herbst and family have re turned to their home here after a month's motoring trip to Canadian points. Teaches at Klamath Falls Miss Maud York is at Klamath Falls, where she will teach school. Miss York's school is about five. miles from Klamath Falls. Ki'turn from PrlnevUle S. A. Prose and wife have returned from Prinevllle where they have been visiting, combining business with pleasure. Overheard at the Elk' Club- Don Whitney had just come In off a helper, and was dozing In a chair. His brother Frank came up and nays. "Don, loan me four bits. I'm hungry." Don snooxed on. Frank shook him and says, "Wake up, I want to borrow a dollar. Don roused and said, "Ob, I heard you the first time." To Visit NlMfT-la-Law M rs W. L. Menaugh, of Washing ton, D. C, arrived this morning on No. 12, for an extended visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. H. H. Pal mer on Allison street. Oa Dm Hunt- Ben Howe, of the Plaza market, and Mr! Sperry. Mountain avenue, left yesterday afternoon on a deer hunting expedition in the vicinity of Josephine Caves near Grants Pas. Gnat Fa Visitor Mrs. Whitney, of Grunts Pass with ber two daughters. Miss Ruth and Mrs. Mont Brlgga, of San Fran cisco, the latter of which is spend ing a month with her mother, mot ored over to Ashland and picnicked in the park Sunday, and expect to come again today. w Tailor at Paulserud's J. J. Kubilus, of San Francisco, arrived in Ashlund yesterday, and has accepted a position as tailor at Paulaernd's. 'Frisco Arrival A. Horn, a recent urrival from San Francisco, has taken a position at L. J. Or res' ag tailor. Mrs. U. S. Duller 111 Mrs. G. S. Butler is reported as confined to her home by illness to-. day. Entertain ut D'nuer Mr. aud Mil. V. V. Mills enter talned guests Saturday evening at a dinner party given at the Hotel Ash land. SupH-r Entertainment Dr. and Mrs. George O. Jarvls en tertained guests at the Sunday even ing supper party given at the Hotel Ashland. Sacramento Visitor Mrs. Ernest Jeffrey and baby ar rived this morning for a short visit with her mother and grandmother, Mrs. Iren Euan and Mrs. B. H. Hatch, 217 Granite street. Eentertain at Elks' Club H. C. Hansen, of Medford, enter tained as dinner guests at the Elks' club Sunday evening, Miss Marie Faldlne, Mrs. J. Z. Wing and mother, Mrs. Whalley. Burglar Is Foiled "Too much light" radiating from a flash light In the hand of M. E. Horr, put an ambitious burglar to flight lust night at 9.30 o'clock, after an attempt to break in the back door of the Elkhorn gun store. The would-be burglar had succeeded In breaking in a light screen door and was starting operations on the heavy panel door, when Mr. Horr, aroused from sleep, turned the flash light on the intrduer and) put him to flight. Espee Officials Visit Agent Kramer and District Freight Agent SparkB were showing the sights of Ashland today to It. E. Kelly, representative of the execu tive department, and K. C. Ingram, editor of the Bulletin of tbe South ern Pacific company. The gentlemenj are on a trip of inspection and of getting acquainted with conditions and patrons of the road. Bible School Rally Day- Sunday at the Christian church the Bible School rooms were lined with Rally Day posters which were made by the different classes In prep aration, for next Sundays Rally Day program. Some of the posters were unusually well done and amusing In the extreme as well as unique In style. A number of cars are in read iness to take anyone who is in need of their service, phone 124 If you want a ride next Sunday morning to the Christlun Bible School Contrib uted. Duck Hunter Return "Shy" Plerson and Ben Bowers, who have been intrepid duck hunt ers in Klamath county during the past week, returned yesterday with "the limit." Hilt Visitor- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marshall, of Hilt, Calif., were Ashland business visitors Saturday. New Sunday Softool Officers New officers were elected 8unday for tbe Christian Bible School aa follow; Supt, Frank Patterson; As sistant Supt., Mrs. F. E. Wllmot; Sec-Treas., J. A. Pratman; Pianist, Alma Short; Assistant Pianist. Vera Cbample; Cholrster, Mrs. J. V Wright; Librarian, May Benedict The retiring officers were given a rising vote of thanks for their faith ful and efficient scervlce during a very hard year in the history ol the Bible School. Mad Coyote Killed A mad coyote afflicted with the rabies was killed September 13 near Pilot Rock by Rile Kennedy, who lives in that vicinity. The coyote was wandering around the bouse dls turbine the does and when Mr. Ken nedy opened the door he tried to enter the house but was killed before Injuring anyone. Hrrnir ArtUt KKunn . Frank Patterson the well known scenic artist, has returned home af ter some time spent In the vklnlty of Portland. W. C. T. V. Officers The following county W. C. T. V. officers were elected at the recent meeting in Medford: President, Mrs. Alice Jlllson, Ashland; correspond ing secretary, Mrs. Stella Leavttt Ashland; recording secretary, Mrs. Lydla Howell, Medford; treasurer, Mrs. Zina Canaday, Medford. Mrs. Mary Lozler, of Medford, and Mrs. Jlllson and Mrs. Leavttt, of Ashland, were chosen as delegates to the state convention. U. A. C. Student Visits Harry Morgan has returned from Corvallis where he has been In at tendance at the Agricultural college for a number of months. Mr. Mor gan returned this week to Corvallis to finish his work. Dunsmulr Visitor Edward Wolte(rs, who oVmerly lived in Ashland but is now living in Dunsmulr, Calif., was in town last week. He states tbat he sold his car to JanieB Beagle of this city. Medford Visitor George Smith, an automobile sup ply man from Medford, was an Ash land visitor yesterday, and lunched ut the Elks' club. Visits Eugene Friends Mrs. U. S. Ragland, of Siskiyou, passed through Ashland yesterday on her way to visit friends in Eugene for a few days. Former Resident Dies Word was received here this morning of the death of Mrs. F. W. Pinkerton, a former Ashland resi dent, on East Main street, at Spo kane, Wash., September 11. The funeral was held September 13. Mrs, Pinkerton left Ashland about a year ago with her husband, who survive her, for Spokane where she planned an extended! visit with her son In that, city. Mrs. Pinkerton attended the Christian Science church here. Returns from World Tour Hubert Prescott, who has been touring 'the world for the past year as a seaman on ocean liners and freighters, has returned to Ashland and is at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Prescott, 571 Chestnut street. Hubert will leave for Eugene the latter part of this week to attend the University of Oregon. Leaves for Corvallis Edward Moore left for Corvallis Sunday. Visit nt Rogue River Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Heer and Mrs. L, Stevens and daughter, Mildred spent Sunday at Rogue River, where they visited at the M. L. Johnson home. THURSDAY'S MCWb Held to Grand Jury Vord Chamberlain, one of the men accused of being implicated In tbe thui't of property from the armory of separate company A, was held to the grand Jury Monday afternoon by Justice Taylor in bond of $1000. George Shaffer and William Brown, two others implicated, were turned over to juvenile court, us their par ents claim they are only eighteen years of age. The case of Carl Gregg comes up in court Wednesday. Cap tain Canaday recovered more stol en property Monday which was con cealed under the approach to the rear part of the Korlnek building, consisting of beltB, blankets, trous ers and leggings to the value of $50. Medford Mall Tribune. Ah! The Plot Thicken! A warm shotgun reception await the man who several time at night recently has entered a West Tenth street kitchen, the door of which had been left open until tbe men folks arrived home, and turned on the electric switch which, unknown to him, turns the lights on all over the house. In addition, if caf ght, a. penitentiary sentence awaits him. The bouse is now guarded nightly. Medford Mail Trlbuue. Disposal of Timber Slashing Methods of co-operation for the disposal of slashings In Oregon tim ber will be discussed at a confer ence participated In by the state bourd of forestry, logging operators and timber land owners, in Port land, September 17, at the office of George H. Cecil, district forester In the postotflce building. The stat board hopes to enlist tbe assistance and co-operation of logging opera tors and other owners of slashings In complying with the requirements of tbe state law. Letters are being sent out to all operator and also to owners of adjoining timber lands, asking them to attend th meeting. Rogue River Visitors John McClaren and J. H. Priest, of Rogue River, were Ashland visit ors on Tuesday. Arrivals at Hot4 Ashland H. B. Symes, San Francisco; G. E. Klbby, W. F. Sergeant, C. W. Fuller ton. 8. J. Grimes, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bartlett. Berkeley, Calif.; Z. M. Agee, Portland; J. LIndqulst, Lwtston, Ida.; O. Rossensteln, Chl- cago, 111.; E. J. McNaughton, Leo Jannlngs, Los Angeles, Calif.; H. N. Norton, Portland; J. A. Thomasen, Dusmuir, Calif.; Geo. E. Patten, Eu gene; Mrs. J. H. Roth and party, Cottonwood, Calif.; .0. F. Hoag and family, Seattle, Wash.; B. D. West fall, Portland. Leave for Klamath Falls William Allen, Ashland postal employe, left this morning for Klam ath Falls, where be will spend the week-end visiting friends. On Hunting Trip Arthur Troutfether, proprietor of the Plaza confectionary, and Frank Barntbouse, left yesterday for Klam ath Falls and Lakevlew, where they will bunt for the next week or ten days." Edward Butler has assumed charge of the confectionary store during Mr. Troutfether's absence. Dr. Mattie -Shaw Returns Dr. Mattie Shaw and son, Marvin, have returned to Ashland from Port land, and are now occupying the family home at 108 Pioneer avenue, where Dr. Shaw will again open an office. Dr. H. M. Shaw and son, Victor, will arrive later from the Shaw ranch In Coos county. Ladles' Art Club Meets The Ladles' Art club, formerly the Ladles' Auxiliary club, held Its first meeting of tbe season Monday even ing, September 12, at which time the following officers were elected: President, Mrs. Selma Gray; vice president, Mrs. Anna Briggs; secre tary, Mrs. Marian E. Thornton; treasurer, Mrs. Elizabeth Bush. Mrs. Will Myer and Mrs. W. H. McNalr are tbe appointed house committee for the coming year. Mcdool Visitor Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Field Rise, of Mcdoel, Cali fornia, are visiting' Mrs. Franke West, Beach avenue, ' after a motoring trip that Included Crescent City, Calif., and Grants Pass. Eugene Visitor Mm. A. C. Dlxson and daughter, of Eugene, are visiting Mrs. ' DIx- son's brother, Fred W. Herrln. Visit Father Hi Dr. and Mr. Lane Briscoe, of Seattle, Wash., are visiting Dr. Bris coe's parents, Prof, and Mrs. G. A. Briscoe. Dr. Briscoe was a. guest at a re-ent Chamber of Commerce luncheon. 1 Return from Washington Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Cavln have returned from an extended visit at Ellensburg, Wash. Outing Trip ' Irving Flnley, George Eubanks, J. W. Brnner and O. F. Billing re turned yesterday evening from Scotts valley, where they had been on a two days outing trip. Return from Crescent City Bill Paul, locally known as an ex alted fisherman, returned yesterday from a camping trip of several days In California, as far south of Cres tent City. Rut urn from California Miss Marjorle Edson, of Gazelle, Calif., has returned to Ashland to take up ber work as a senior In the high school. Return from Grants Pass- Miss Mildred Culy, who has spent tbe summer at Grants Pass, with her sister, is back for her lft year in nign school. Miss Klizaoetn Len nox, class of '21, is taking post graduate work In the teacher train ing department of the high school. Lime Plant Closed The state lime plant at Gold Hill baa closed, due to the lack of orders from farmers for limestone. The storage capacity of the plant for tbe finished product Is 600 tons, and the plant will not resume until this Is exhausted and th fall orders from the farmers are received in sufficient quantities to permit a steady run. ' WKDXKHDArs raws To Spend Winter Hero Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Simmons are new arrivals at th auto camp grounds from a ranch north of Med ford. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons will locate here for the winter months. Baby Daughter Arrive Word baa been received her of rthe birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Creison, at Dunsmulr. Mrs. Creasoa was formerly Miss Caidys Good, of Ashland. A Question of Jack Feebler and wife and two children have returned from a hunt ing trip up at th Green Spring mountain. Their shooting prowess brought them a good sized deer, of which the children were a proud as the parent, saying "W killed a dear." Jack wired to Ban Antonio, Texas, about a mill he owned In the region of the flood district, and this is tbe answer he received: "Your dam is here by the mill-site, but your mill Isp't her by a dam-sit." To Attend O. A. O Jack Brady and Ted Qe Buer left yesterday for Corvallis, where they will enter tbe Oregon Agricultural college as sophomores. They will be room mates, share all th joy pack ages from home together, and are members of the same fraternity. Among others who are attending the O. A. C. are Burton Wynu, James Porter, Darrel Mlnkler and Isaac Porter. Leave for Ourvnllls The Kellar family left for Cor vallis today, where Mrs. Kellar will keep house for ber son and daugh ter, Robert and Ivern, who are at tending Oregon Agricultural college The Kellurs will be gone the eutlre school year, having rented their home on Allison street to the Cor nelius family. Leave for CorvalUs rr, Mr. Bechtels, who has been clerk ing in the White House grocery, left today for Corvallis where be will attend the Oregon Agricultural college. Mrs. Bechtel will leave for Corvallis the first of next week. Locla Girl Marries Miss Mildred Brunk was married to Adolph Greenbaum at Salem, Aug ust 27. Tbe bride Is an Ashlund girl, ber father having at one time been postmaster here. The groom Is' a graduate of Yale college, and Is now a junior partner of Green baum's cfepartment store in Salem. They will make their home In Salem. To Attend V. of O. Miss Wilma Chattin has left to at tend the University of Oregon at Eu gene this year, where she will take up physical education. She spent two years at Willamette university at Salein majoring in journalism. Miss May Poley will also attend the University of Oregon agfln this year. Burdlck Family Returns R. L. Burdick und family have re turned from an extended outing trip at Crater Lake and Lake O' Woods. To 'Frisco Hospital M. J. Lore will leave this evening for a San Francisco hospital where he may undergo an operation. Visit Rogue River Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Walker, daugh ter. Janle, and Mrs. Walker's sister, Mrs. Grace Dreys, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McClaren, on their ranch near Rogue River. Return from Lake O' Woods "Johnnie" Ruger returned with Prof. Vlnlng and Ralph Vlning lust week from Lake O' Woods. Return from Crater Lake Misses Georgia , Coffee and Lois Rhodes, J. Floyd Place and Glenn Rhodes, brother of Miss Rhodes, re turned yesterday after a three days trip to Crater Lake and Lake O' Woods. They report the weather in the vicinity of Crater Lake aa ex tremely chilly. Leave for Oakland Mr. and Mrs. Ralph T. Vlning left yesterday by auto for Oakland, Calif. They expect to return in the near future. Rogue River Visitor J. H. Priest, of Rogue River, was an Ashland visitor yesterday. D. A. R. to Meet Mount Ashland chapter, D. A. R., will hold the first meeting for the year 1921-22 at the home of Mrs. J. P. Dodge, 690 Boulevard, on Friday, September K, at 2:30 o'clock. Seattle V fad tor Walker M. Thorn and Robert M. Llndsey, of Seattle, Wash., are vis itors nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. H, Johnson. Mr. Thorne Is a son of Mrs. Johnson. . -' Return to Oakland Paul R. Winter and Charles E. Bourn, son and son-in-law of Mrs. O. Winter, left Saturday for Oak land. Calif. The party are travel ing by auto. Mrs. Bourn will re main for an extended visit with ber mother. Auto Tire Stolen One extra tire and tire from the two front wheels of a car owned by William Sams were stolen Monday night while the machine was parked In front of the Roy Hosier home on! Third street. The tire-stripped auto was found a block from the Hosier1 home, police state. Garage Burglar A heavy blanket was stolen from the M. C. Llnlnger automobile Mon day night by a burglar who forced bis entrance to th Llnlnger gang,1 American Legion Kplum By DONALD SPENCER Ashland post No. 14, American Legion, had a regular session again last Tuesday night. Tbey have es tablished a regular club room to gether with tbe G. A. R., In the Ar mory. It is planned to redecorate tbe room und make It a really com fortable meeting room for all vet erans. The meeting was alive und full of Interest for all concerned. Muuy committees reported their activities and have shown work well done. Henry Puce leans heavily to en tertainment und anything that la for the best Interests of the Legion In general, so he beads a committee which will arrange for a whaling big get-together meeting of all ex service men und their relatives to be held ut tbe Armory September 27. It's to be a regular old-fashioned party style, the kind that we never get tired of. They will select a la dies' committee from tbe Auxiliary and other relatives, to co-operate with them in the final preparations in order tbat it might be the most complete success. Tbe affair Is for all ex-service men and their rela tives, so don't overlook any bets, but plan to be there. ,Tbe stute aid is of paramount lu te rest for all ex-service men, so it necessarily brought out a lot of dis cussion. Arrangements were mad for a bonus meeting to be held at the Armory for Thursday night, when the committee will be ready to handle any kind of questions that will be asked, und fill out all tbe ap plications possible. Don Dlckerson and his crew of chefs will band out a bit or eats on the side lines while tbe scrimmage is in progress. If you seek Information on bonus or loan lines, be theie. We are most agreeably surprised at the number of fellows who are taking out loans. They don't want the bonus. The loan really means something to them ,and to ABbland in general. Many of them like the Idea that they have $3000 credit with the stute that they can draw on any time in years to come, while the bonus only laBts over night. If our national government could realize just what the ex-service men ; are doing with the bonuses which! they receive from the various states, they would not hesitate a moment to' 296 Helman street. Chief Hatcher admits that the robbery is a sure sign of a hard winter. .1. P. Dodge lioturns : J. P. Dodge, local furnitrua deal-1 er, returned yesterday from Port-l land, where be has been for the past! two weeks attending to business mutters. Returns from Prospect Clam Clurk has returned from Prospect, where he was working during the summer months, to tend school here. Return from Summer Lake Mrs. Cnrolton und sons, "Bo" and, Roy Carolton, have returned from the Carolton ranch in eastern Ore gon, near Summer lake, accompanied by Alrt Guthrie and Leslie Herr. MASTER ItERT WRIGHT CELEBRATES EIGHTH BIRTHDAY, HOMJB PARTY, Master Bert Wright, son of Mr.; and Mrs. J. V. Wright of Mountain Avenue, celebrated his eighth birth day on Saturday with a party at tended by several school friends. Tbe afternoon was passed with lively out-1 door games, and refreshments served ! consisting of pink lemonade and cake to which tbe youngsters did full jus tice. Those present were: Donald and Dorothy Ginsinger, Gerald Head ley, Tlngley Chample, Paul Jones, NOW IS Plaza Market IS THE PLACE New Nebraska Corn Meal, per sack : .."!" Graham Flour, per sack 42 Soft Wheat Flour, per sack, 49 lbs $1.58 and $1.72 All Hard Wheat Flour $-'.45 .Maple Cane Syrup, quarts 45c; half gals, 80c; gals. $1.45 Vou will always save money on your meat and groceries if ymi trade at the Plaza Market fil NORTH MAIN STREET, pass that adjusted compensation bill. Th boys are NOT squanderers, but are home builders, and sound citizens, who want to take up th threads where they were broken, and pull ahead. It will be Interesting to watch th results of the Oregon state aid mea sure. It just tickles tbe members of Ashland post some to learn of Ger ald Gunter's wedding with (used to was) Miss Huzel Powell. You bet cha they did It Wednesday ufternoon und then beat It out of town In their little Ford bug. They are coming back, though, und have purchased a dandy little bungalow near the Chautauqua building. We'll venture a guess what Gerald will do with his chance at tbe state aid measure. That's substantial progress, and not squandering. Ashland post has been greatly In" need of good orutors and spellbind ers, but we were very pleasantly suprlsed when Chet Smith budded out Into a most enthusiastic dis course ut the lust meeting. He could not even wait for bis turn to come, but pulled tbe other fellows down so that his turn would come sooner It's good stuff. Chet, we want you to come again. Ashland post has two mighty good entertainers that we ure mighty proud of, and they are John O. Rigg and Rev. W. L. Evans, who put th Legion up to full glory with the G. A. R. and W. R. C. at their reunion. They have the lasting appreciation of the post for tbelr splendid spirit with which they responded to our call for help. The more we see of our lyceum course the better we like It. Our committee has worked It over pretty carefully ami announce the first event to be tbe La Salle quartet for October 1. These entertainers are very well known to many people. We feel particularly glad to have them because they are all ex-service men with us, and they are some regular entertainers. Remember tbe bouus meeting, and then the Old-fashioned Party, fel lows. After that we will have some more good stuff. and John Bradley Wllmot, Bert and Vera Wright. Muster Bert received quite a number of nice presents from different friends. MICH FETED VISITOR FORMER ASIILAM) WOMAN, LEA IfCS FOR WASH. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ward who have been visiting here for the past ten days will leave tomorrow evening for their home at Burlington, Wash ington. Mrs. Ward will be remem bered here as Mrs. Francis Hockett and numbers her friends here as legion. They have had a buHy time since their arrival having been glor iously entertained by Mrs. Ward's many friends. Mrs. Ward likes Bur lington, because her home is there, but she says good old Asland, with Its mineral waters and wealth of wonderful fruit still looks good to her. BAITIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY TO MKKT WEDNESDAY P. M. The Baptist missionary society will meet at the church September 21 at 2:30 o'clock, when the fol lowing program will bo given: Piano solo Mrs. S. A. Peters. Jr. Reading Mrs. O. F. Carson. Piano solo Mrs. Allen Denton. Reading Dr. Mattie Shaw. Missionary talks will be given by Mrs. Walter Evans and Mrs. C. A. Brown. THE TIME ASHLAND, OREGON f i